Part of this of this Notice of proposed Amendment (NPA) is a joint proposal by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to amend in harmonisation both the EASA AMC-20 and FAA AC-20 documents, by creating a new EASA AMC 20-193 and a new FAA AC 20-193 on the use of multi-core processors (MCPs).
In addition, this NPA proposes the amendment of:
- EASA AMC 20-136 on aircraft electrical and electronic system lightning protection; and
- EASA AMC 20-158 on aircraft electrical and electronic system high-intensity radiated fields (HIRF) protection.
The objective of this proposal is to update AMC-20 and AC-20 in order to reflect the current state of the art.
Overall, the proposed documents would provide economic benefit by streamlining the certification process, would have no safety, social or environmental impact, and would incorporate in A(M)C 20-193 the already harmonised MCP guidance for use on all types of aircraft, instead of each authority issuing separate project related guidance.