The objective of this Decision is to maintain a high level of safety for the certification of aircraft that conduct all-weather operations (AWOs) through the provision of improved certification specifications that will enable efficiency gains based on the latest technological advancements. In addition, it is possible that there could be an overall improvement in safety by reducing the number of go-arounds due to the increased likelihood of aircraft being able to land in low-visibility runway conditions.
This Decision amends CS-AWO Issue 1 that was issued in 2003, and provides significant updates for the certification of the following:
- head-up displays (HUDs) and landing systems;
- enhanced flight vision systems (EFVSs);
- synthetic vision guidance systems (SVGSs);
- combined vision systems (CVSs);
- special authorisation Category I (SA CAT I) landings.
In addition, this Decision also updates the certification specifications related to Category II and Category III landings and automatic landing systems (ALSs).
There are distinct economic advantages that can be gained from the ability of an aircraft to operate and land in adverse weather conditions. This significant amendment of CS-AWO enables applicants to easily determine what is required and also provides a more performance-based approach to the certification of these systems.