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Operational Suitability Data (OSD) for flight crew (FC)

What is the content and purpose of the EASA type rating and licence endorsement lists?

Why do the EASA type rating and licence endorsement lists not contain references to the latest applicable version of an OSD FC document?

Are ODR tables available as part of the operational suitability data (OSD) for flight crew (FC) document?

When should changes to OSD FC provisions be implemented by users to take into account any revised mandatory elements included in a revision?

What is the status of non-mandatory items in the OSD FC? How should users proceed if deviating from non-mandatory items in the OSD FC?

What aspects should be considered when substituting a training level or device described in the OSD FC by another training level or device?

How can I get access to OSD FC documents?


What is the difference between the terms FCL (Flight Crew Licensing) and Aircrew?

Following the introduction of a new variant to an existing type rating, how do pilots attain the privileges to operate the new variant?

How should the new class and type rating list for aeroplanes which is published on the Agency’s website be understood?

How can a third country (non-EU) licence be converted into a Part-FCL licence?

To whom can an appeal against the examination/test/check results be sent?

Could the European Central Question Bank be published?

How can a military licence be converted to a civilian one?

Which licence do I have to hold to become a TRI on a multi pilot aeroplane (MPA)?

Can a co-pilot apply for a TRI rating on a multi pilot aeroplane (MPA)?

Upset Prevention and Recovery Training

Which pilots need to undergo what kind of UPRT?

To which extent flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) can be used for upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT)?

Is UPRT also be mandatory for the LAPL and the PPL?

What is UPRT?

Performance-based Navigation applicability

How does my national authority endorse the PBN privileges to my IR?

Cabin Crew

Definition of ‘cabin crew’

What is the definition of ‘cabin crew member’?

Does the definition of ‘aircrew’ include cabin crew members?

Medical fitness

Is Cabin Crew Member required to carry his/her medical certificate when on duty?

Decrease of medical fitness and an ‘unfit’ medical report.

Where can I find the EU medical requirements for Cabin Crew?

Practical ‘raft’ training

Why does Initial training under Part-CC require practical ‘raft’ training even if the operator’s aircraft is not equipped with slide rafts or life rafts?

Instructor and Examiner being the same person – conflict of interest

Instructor who provided any topic of the Initial training should not act as Examiner to avoid conflict of interest. What about small operators / cabin crew training organisations employing only one ground Instructor, for example to cover dangerous goods or aero-medical aspects and first aid?

Cabin Crew Attestation

My Cabin Crew Attestation was issued in EU Member State A. I would like to join an operator in EU Member State B. Is my Cabin Crew Attestation recognised in EU Member State B?

My cabin crew qualification document was issued in a country that is not a member of the European Union and is not an EASA Member State either. Is my cabin crew qualification document recognised in the European Union?

Fire and smoke training

What are the requirements for cabin crew fire/smoke training?

What is the content of fire and smoke training during the Initial training ?

Language proficiency

Is there any requirement on cabin crew member(s) communication with passengers in a certain language?

Do cabin crew members have to be able to speak English to obtain their Cabin Crew Attestation?

Aircraft type training

Do I have to undergo Aircraft type specific training and operator conversion training with every new operator I join if I am already qualified on that aircraft type?

Can a cabin crew training organisation (CCTO) provide Aircraft type specific training and operator conversion training?

Reduction of cabin crew during ground operations

Do the evacuation procedures with a reduced number of required cabin crew during ground operations or in unforeseen circumstances require prior endorsement?

Minimum required cabin crew

Determination of the minimum required number of cabin crew on an aircraft

Working for multiple operators

I work for Operator A and have short/long-term contract(s) with Operator B. What training do I require when I return back to Operator A after the completion of my short/long-term contract with Operator B?

What credit can I get as regards Subject 090 Communications for my IR, CPL or ATPL(H)/VFR?

I have successfully passed the CB-IR theoretical knowledge examinations – what instrument rating can I use this for?

On which learning objectives will my theoretical knowledge training and exam for the ATPL, CPL or instrument rating be based?


Where can the aero-medical requirements for ATCOs be found?

Who can perform the Class 1 aero-medical examination?

Who can perform the Class 3 aero-medical examination?

Who can perform the Class 2 and LAPL aero-medical examination?

Who can perform the Cabin crew aero-medical assessment?

Do you have a list of certified AeMCs and AMEs in Europe?

Is there any AeMC available outside Europe?

Where can the aero-medical requirements for Pilots and Cabin Crew be found?

May I exercise the privileges of my PPL licence if I have a Class 1 medical certificate?

May I exercise the privileges of my PPL licence if I have a Class 3 medical certificate?

If I undertake my aero-medical examination in another Member State than the state that issued my licence do I need to validate resulting medical certificate with my licensing authority?

Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs)

CS- FSTD(A) Issue 2 - UPRT Compliance of current qualified FSTD

Where can I find more information about Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs)?


Where can I find guidance on the use of ‘shall’, ‘must’, ‘should’ and ‘may’ in the Agency’s rulemaking publications and generally in EU legislation?

What is the difference between European Community (EC) and European Union (EU) in the regulation reference?

Why has the numbering of the EU regulations changed as of 2015?

What is the definition of an IR, AMC and CS and GM and what differences can be proposed?

Implementing Rules are available in all of the national languages of the EASA Member States. How is the quality of these translations assured? Who is responsible for the translations?

What is the progress of a regulation towards publication?

What is the legal status of documents published during the EASA Rulemaking process such as Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA), Comment Response Document (CRD) or an Opinion? Can they be used if there is no EU rule available?

What is the comitology procedure?

What does 'Cover’ Regulation mean?

Can the information provided in EASA's FAQ be considered legally binding?

Continuing Airworthiness

In case the answer you were looking for in this FAQ section is not available, you are invited to contact first your competent authority (here for EASA member states).  For further assistance, you might submit your enquiry, together with the description of your authority’s position,  here.

Easy Access Rules for Continuing Airworthiness (Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014), covering covering Part-M, Part-145, Part-66, Part-147 and Part-T.

COVID-19 - Continuing Airworthiness

What is the flexibility allowed to the person or organisation responsible for the aircraft continuing airworthiness when it comes to the planning of Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP) scheduled maintenance tasks with intervals expressed in calendar time?

Under the present rules, is the person responsible for the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft (owner, CAO or CAMO) allowed to split the customised maintenance checks?

Under the present rules, how can a maintenance organisation extend the use of the privileges specified in 145.A.75(c) of line maintenance performed away from an approved location?

Under the present rules, how can a production or maintenance organisation continue to use tools or equipment even if their calibration/periodical check cannot be carried out before the due date?

Under the present rules, can a maintenance organisation continue to keep a supplier on the approved list even if full compliance with its evaluation of suppliers’ procedure cannot be ensured?

Is there any possibility to temporary extend the validity of NDT personnel certification due to coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis?

Interpretation and policy papers

What is the EASA policy on Certificates of Release to Service for aircraft maintenance? With respect to such maintenance, what are the responsibilities of maintenance organisations and CAMO?

What practice is accepted by EASA to release maintenance on aircraft not covered by the Basic Regulation?

What is the view of EASA on the transition of existing continuing airworthiness organisations to the new Part-CAO and Part-CAMO organisations?

Regulation (EU) 2021/1963 introduces SMS requirements to Part-145. What is the view of EASA on the transition of these maintenance organisation to the new requirements?

What are the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in aircraft line and base maintenance?

What is the view of EASA on ‘paperless maintenance’ and on the use of electronic documents, records, and signatures?

Continuing airworthiness - General

Concerning the approval of the continuing airworthiness organisations, what is the sharing of responsibilities between EASA and the national competent authorities of the EASA Member States? How to get the lists of the approved continuing airworthiness organisations?

Where can I find the continuing airworthiness requirements for third-country registered aircraft used by EU operator/owner?

How to use information and communication technologies for performing remote audits on to DOA, LoA/POA, AMO, CAMO, CAO and AMTO holders*?

Can a Pilot-Owner or Flight Crew accomplish an inspection required by an AD?


Part-M: General

Continuing airworthiness management for each type of operator/ aircraft

Can an independent certifying staff maintain non-complex motor-powered aircraft used by commercial ATO or commercial DTO?

Which are the correct statements to be written in block 11 of EASA Form 1 after maintenance?

Can a licenced pilot without a valid medical certificate perform pilot-owner maintenance?

What are the responsibilities relevant to pre-flight inspection?

Do declared training organisations (DTO) need a CAMO/CAO and approved maintenance organisations?

Airworthiness review

Can an airworthiness review certificate (ARC)/recommendation be issued after an airworthiness review with open findings?

Can the extension of an ARC be anticipated more than 30 days?

Can an Airworthiness Review Staff (ARS) perform an airworthiness review on an aircraft in which he/ she had released some maintenance as Certifying Staff (CS)?

Can the airworthiness review certificate (ARC) of the Part-M aircraft be extended during the extensive maintenance/long term storage?

Is an aircraft considered to be in controlled environment at the end of the ARC validity when that aircraft was received by the CA(M)O during the 90/30 days anticipation of the ARC issue/extension performed by the preceding CA(M)O?

Are EASA Forms 1 required during the import in the EU of an aircraft subject to Part-M?

Technical records

Is there any European requirement to maintain the back-to-birth traceability for any component fitted to an European aircraft?

What does the term “detailed maintenance records” mean?

Is there an obligation to keep the EASA Form 1 for on-condition components?

AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Programme)

What are the main principles governing the development of the AMP under Part-ML?

When does the calendar interval for the next aircraft or component maintenance task start?

When should I revise my Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP)?

Can a competent authority require the owner/CAMO/CAO to include national requirements in the Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP), based on M.A.302(d)(1)?

How is it possible to escalate AMP task intervals?

What kind of alternative (other than escalation) or additional instructions can be introduced in the AMP?

CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation)

Are deputies to nominated persons required in CAMO or CAO?

Under which condition can a CAMO or CAO use the indirect approval procedure to amend AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Programme) task(s) under Part-M?

Does the CAMO or CAO compliance monitoring/quality system need to be subject to internal audit?

The requirement to establish a procedure to assess non-mandatory modifications/inspections pursuant to CAMO.A.315(b)(4) refers to the “use of the organisation’s safety risk management process”. What does this mean?


Part-145: General

Is Part-M applicable to approved Part-145 organisations?

What does the term ‘occasional’ mean in 145.A.75(c)?

How to easily update the “EASA Form 1 – MF/145 Issue 2” to “EASA Form 1 – MF/CAO/145 Issue 3”?

How did you install a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) equipment without EASA form-1? How do you arrange Part-145 side actually?

We are a maintenance organisation approved for component maintenance (B/C-rated Part-145 organisation, or Part-CAO with class “component”). Can we issue a “removed serviceable” EASA Form 1 for a component removed from an engine/component off-aircraft in our organisation?

Quality system

Does the Part-145 or Part-CAO quality system need to be subject to monitoring?

Certification of maintenance

With respect to blend out repairs, is it required to record the depth and area dimensions of material removed during a blend out repair or is it sufficient to simply record that the damage has been repaired as per the SRM?

Can the subcontractor of a Part-145 or Part-CAO organisation release maintenance?

Release to service of NDT tasks by Part-145 or Part-CAO organisations

Maintenance data

Shall the maintenance data be available and controlled at all times, even if there is no maintenance work going, or shall it be available only during the performance of maintenance?

Personnel requirements

Can a certification maintenance requirement (CMR) be performed by the Flight Crew before flight?

What is the meaning of the Protected Rights in the Appendix IV to Part-145?

What are the training requirements for personnel within a Part-145 organisation, other than those contained in Part-66?


Get a Part-66 licence

What are the Part-66 licence categories?

How to get an EASA Part-66 Licence (Category B1 or B2)?

How can I apply for an EASA Part-66 licence? What is required at the time of the application?

Who is allowed to issue EASA Part-66 licences? Can I apply for a Part-66 licence to EASA?

I want to work in an organisation located within the EU. Do I need a Part-66 licence?

I am a colour-blind. Does this prevent me from getting a Part-66 licence or exercising my licence privileges?

Does EASA plan to propose changes to the implementing regulation to establish specific adaptations applicable to persons with learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity,…) who wish to undertake aircraft maintenance training in a Part-147 approved training organisation as required to apply for Part-66 licenses?

How can I get a Part-66 licence valid in the EU by conversion?

Basic Part-66 licence (without type rating)

For personnel studying a qualification at a University or a degree in a country outside of the EU: I am studying aeronautics and I wish to obtain an EASA Part-66 licence? May I get a credit or may I get a licence based on my degree?

Which documentation is required to support the application demonstrating compliance with the experience requirements?

I work as a mechanic in the military field on aircraft being also certified for civil operations. In order to obtain the Part-66 licence, why do I need additional experience of civil aircraft maintenance as required by 66.A.30(e) on top of my experience in the military field?

I have completed my EASA Part-66 modules for B1 and I have passed all the exams, but I still lack experience to get my licence. Is there a time limit to get the licence ? Will the certificate expire in a few years if I do not get the experience?

Categories of a Part-66 licence

I hold a Category A1 Part-66 licence. What are the requirements to extend my licence to Category B1.1?

I already hold a Part-66 licence and I would like to include an additional basic (sub)category? Which additional (sub)modules are required to be passed for the addition of that new (sub)category?

Type ratings of a Part-66 licence

What is a difference between examination and assessment? Why are there two different examination standards, respectively in Part-66 Appendix III, points 4 and 5?

I have attended a type training, may I immediately ask my authority to endorse it on my licence?

I hold a licence with a type rating and I wish to add the rating of a similar aircraft of the same manufacturer. For example: I have a type rating on Airbus A320 Series, and I wish to add the rating on A330 Series. Do I need a complete course?

I just got an empty Part-66 licence. I plan now to get type ratings. Are 2 weeks practical training sufficient?

The Appendix III of Part-66 states that a type training course shall be started and finished within 3 years before the application for a type rating, is this still valid if I started the course before 1 August 2012?

Is it mandatory to go to a Part-147 approved training organisation to get type training? Can we do this training in a Part-145 approved organisation or at the aircraft manufacturer?

I have passed the aircraft type rating training (TRT) in an approved EASA Part-147 organisation, although I have not completed the basic knowledge training. Is this TRT valid for life? Would it be possible to endorse it on my Part-66 licence as soon as I get one?

OJT (On the Job Training) for a Part-66 licence

What is the intention of the requirement regarding the assessment of the OJT. What is the nature of the assessment for an OJT? What are the differences between practical assessment and OJT assessment? What are the objectives of the OJT assessment?

(OJT) What is the meaning of the following statement in Part-66 Appendix III, Section 6: “The final assessment of the completed OJT is mandatory and…”?

Tasks listed in Appendix II of Part-66 for an OJT are not suited to large aircraft. Shall we select the OJT tasks only from this list?

How tasks for OJT shall be selected for different licences?

Since the OJT is intended for the first aircraft type endorsement within a given licence (sub)category, does this mean that it can be performed on different aircraft types typical for that (sub)category?

What should be the content of the OJT procedure in MOE chapter 3.15?

I work in a maintenance organisation approved by the competent authority of a country different from the one who issued my Part-66 licence. An OJT programme via MOE chapter 3.15 has been approved by the competent authority of my maintenance organisation. However, my licensing authority refuses to accept the OJT from the organisation I’m working for. Why? What shall I do?

How can I carry out my OJT in a Part-145 approved maintenance organisation (AMO) whose principal place of business is located outside the EASA Member States?

Privileges of a Part-66 licence

I am the holder of a B1.2 licence (i.e “aeroplane piston”). Can I exercise my privileges for piston-engine non-pressurised aeroplanes1 of 2000 kg MTOM and below (i.e. category B3)?

Can I have endorsed in my Part-66 licence aircraft types for which the Basic Regulation is not applicable?

Point 66.A.20(b)(2) requires in the preceding 2 years, 6 months of experience or to meet the provisions for the issue of the appropriate privileges. What does it mean? Does it affect the validity of the Part-66 licence?

As a category A certifying staff at line, can my authority allow me to carry out more tasks than those specified in AMC 145.A.30(g)?


Basic training

Is it possible to grant a Part-147 approval to a training organisation which intend to conduct only training on one or only several modules?

I have completed a part of my basic training course (including some module examinations) in an approved Part-147 organisation. I’m moving to another country and would like to continue my basic training in a Part-147 organisation located in the country where I move in. Is this possible? What will happen with my certificates? Can I get the maximum reduction of the experience required for the Part-66 licence?

Is it possible to grant a Part-147 approval to a training organisation which intend to conduct only basic knowledge examinations?

Is it possible to grant a Part-147 approval to an organisation applying only for basic knowledge training?

Part-147 approved organisations have the privilege to carry out basic examinations on behalf of the competent authority. Does this imply that the said authority has to supply or approve examination questions?

Type training

Is it possible to perform aircraft type training in two different organisations? Can I do my practical portion of the type training in a Part-145 organisation?

How should the 50% of tasks required for practical training be selected? Should it be 50% of tasks as per glossary (e.g. LOC, FOT, SGH, R/I, etc.)?

What is the minimum duration of the practical element of the aircraft type training?


Can an examination be limited to some modules only, or one module only or part of a module only?

Should examiners be specialists in the subjects, or can they be responsible for the proper conduct of the examination without being responsible for the content?

What is the maximum number of students attending the examination?


Shall a Part-147 approved organisation have a mandatory occurrence reporting system according to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014?

Part-147 approved organisations can also give courses outside the scope of Part-66. Can these courses be certified? (e.g. continuation training for the purpose of the certifying staff privileges as required by M.A.607, 145.A.35 or CAO.A.040, task training, NDT, engine run, HF, SMS, etc.)

How can I become an EASA aircraft maintenance instructor?

Should the Part-147 organisation’s quality system be audited?

Air Operations

In case the answer you were looking for in this FAQ section is not available: you might submit your enquiry here

Air Operations - General

In the definition of ‘commercial operation’ published in Art. 2 of Regulation (EU) 965/2012 (introduced by the amending Reg. (EU) 2018/1975), what is the meaning of the term “control”?

Would there be a restriction that requires baby bassinets to be removed and stowed during in-flight turbulent weather conditions? Where is it documented?

What are the essential requirements?

What do 'grandfathering', 'transition measure' and 'opt-out' mean?

What is the difference between 'entry into force' and 'date of applicability' in the Cover Regulations?

When will the new rules on air operations be applicable?

What is the comitology procedure?

Why can't I find EU-OPS on the EASA website?

What is the status of 'Implementing Rules', 'Acceptable Means of Compliance' (AMC), ‘Certification Specifications’ (CS), Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMOC), 'Guidance Material' (GM), ‘Special Conditions’ and 'Frequently Asked Questions'(FAQ)?

Does Reg. (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations also apply to non-commercial operations?

I am not familiar with the Air ops rules’ structure. Which parts apply to which operators?

How can I find out where a rule from EU-OPS / JAR-OPS 3 has been transposed in the new Regulation (EU) 965/2012 on Air Operations and its amendments, as well as its associated EASA Decisions, and if any changes have been introduced?

Which operational requirements (EU/EASA Parts) apply to flight activities carried out by an aircraft designer or aircraft manufacturer?

Where can I find a list of alternative means of compliance that have been adopted by operators and NAAs in the EU?


What are critical phases of flight?

What are 'Sterile Flight Deck Procedures'?

What is the difference between 'commercial operation' and 'commercial air transport (CAT) operation'?


AMC2 ARO.GEN.305(c) Oversight programme (c) stipulates that audits should include at least one on-site audit within each oversight planning cycle. What is meant by an 'on-site audit' in this sentence? Could it be so that every audit undertaken by an NAA could be performed while sitting in the NAA's office and reviewing operator's documents and procedures and only one of those audits should be undertaken in a way that NAA inspectors actually visit an operator on-site?

How do the provisions on wet-leasing articulate with Regulation (EU) No 452/2014 on Third Country Operators (TCO)?

Must the competent authority check and approve the content of the operator's Safety Management Manual?

How do the provisions on code-sharing articulate with the Regulation applying to Third Country Operators (Part TCO)?



ORO.GEN.110 (a): “The operator is responsible for the operation of the aircraft in accordance with Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008”. Is this requirement met when an Operator follows the Implementing Rules (965/2012)?

What are the responsibilities of the AOC holder required to implement a management system in accordance with ORO.GEN.200 in regards to continuing airworthiness management and contracted maintenance?

Is there a difference between safety risk management (SRM) and SMS?

Why do the EASA Air Operations rules use the term ‘management system’ (ORO.GEN.200) and not ‘safety management system’ (SMS), like in ICAO Annex 19? Is there a difference between the two concepts?

If an operator is considered complex , may a person hold the position as a Safety Manager and at the same time be one (or more) of the nominated persons as described in ORO.GEN.210(b), taken into account the size and complexity of the operator?

I am looking for the acceptance of post holders, particularly the Safety manager. In the AMC we agreed on the functions of the Safety manager, but did we agree on his or her acceptance?

Regarding ORO.GEN.200, could a commercial operator of complex motor powered aircraft, such as the Cessna Citation Bravo that operates within Europe and with no SPAs, be considered non-complex?


How should an operator use external material in relation with its operations manual (OM)?


Status of the EASA FAQ: What is the legal status of the EASA FAQ? My own understanding of this document is that it has no legal standing at all, insofar as it is neither an Implementing Rule (IR), Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoc) nor even Guidance Material (GM).

Applicability of FTL requirements of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012: Why should we comply with the FTL requirements of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, since we have a policy in our company that says otherwise?

Applicability of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012: What is the meaning of "applicable national flight time limitation legislation" in Article 8 (4) of Regulation 965/2012?

Collective Labour Agreements (CLA) - Regulation (EU) No 83/2014: Our company has a Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) and an approved IFTSS. Both contain rules about FPD’s, DP’s and rostering. Which one is leading?

Applicability of Subpart FTL (see also ORO.AOC.125): Does Subpart FTL apply in relation to non-revenue flights (ferry flights)?

Acclimatisation ORO.FTL.105(1): How should we determine the state of crew member acclimatisation in complex rotations?

Accommodation ORO.FTL.105 (3): Can the airport crew lounge be considered as “accommodation” for the purpose of standby or split duty? Can a hotel room for several crew members of the same gender be considered as “accommodation” for the purpose of standby and split duty?

Disruptive schedule ORO.FTL.105(8): Which criteria should be applied to determine a duty as disruptive if there is a time zone difference between the reporting point and the place where the duty finishes?

Definition of duty and duty period, ORO.FTL.105 (10), ORO FTL 105 (11): Must the time for self-preparation (e.g. preparing for the checks associated with initial or recurrent training) be entered in the schedule of the crew members and recorded?

Single day free of duty ORO FTL 105 (23): A ‘single day free of duty’ consists of one day and two local nights. Does the last day of several consecutive days free of duty need to contain at least one day and two nights?

Sector ORO.FTL.105 (24), (see also ORO.FTL.205 (f)(6)): In an abnormal or emergency situation a take-off might not be executed meaning that a sector was not completed. Such situation is likely to increase flight crew workload and fatigue. How could this be mitigated?

Changes to a published roster: Is it possible to make changes to a published roster?

Change of FDP after reporting: Can a rostered FDP be changed (re-planned) after crew members have reported?

Roster publication, (see also AMC1 ORO.FTL.110(a) and ORO.GEN.120): Are airline operators allowed to publish monthly rosters in less than 14 days in advance?

Reporting times ORO.FTL.110(c), (see also ORO.FTL.205(c)): Can the pre-flight reporting time for non-augmented flight crew members reporting for the same FDP be different?

Operational robustness ORO.FTL.110(j): How should operational robustness be assessed?

Flying activities outside an AOC (see also ORO.FC.100): How will activities as an instructor or an examiner performed by an operating crew member in their free time be considered for the purpose of duty time and rest periods?

Deviation from the applicable CS ORO.FTL.125 (c) (see also ARO.OPS.235): What does a deviation from the applicable CS mean or derogation from an implementing rule?

Flight time specification scheme for air taxi operations, (see also Articles 2 (6) and 8(2) of Regulation (EU) no 965/2012): An air taxi operator has both an aeroplane with less than 19 seats and one aeroplane with more than 20 seats. What FTL regulation shall the crew who is flying both types follow?

Approval of Individual Flight Time Specification Schemes (IFTSS), (see also ARO.OPS.235):

Unknown state of acclimatisation GM1 ORO.FTL.205(b)(1): If the crew member is in an unknown state of acclimatisation, what is the reference time?

Unknown state of acclimatisation ORO.FTL.205(b)(3): What are the daily FDP limits when crew members are in an unknown state of acclimatisation under fatigue risk management (FRM)?

Mixing FDPs extended without in-flight rest and FDP’s extended due to in-flight rest ORO.FTL.205 (d) ORO.FTL.205 (e): Is it possible to roster two extended FDPs without in-flight rest and one extended FDP with in-flight rest in 7 consecutive days?

Planned FDP extensions ORO.FTL.205(d): Must planned extensions be included in the operator’s roster?

Planned FDP extensions ORO.FTL.205(d) (see also ORO.FTL.105(1)): Can a crew member acclimatised to the local time of the departure time zone (‘B’ state), but not acclimatised to the local time where he/she starts the next duty (‘D’ state), be assigned a planned extended flight?

Commander’s discretion ORO.FTL.205(f): Do we need to use Commander’s discretion if actual FDP is going to last more than planned but less than the maximum daily FDP allowed?

Commander’s discretion ORO.FTL.205(f): When should commander’s discretion be used?

Commander’s discretion ORO.FTL.205(f), (see also ORO.FTL.205 (d)): 1. What is the maximum FDP extension allowed under commander’s discretion? 2. How would commander’s discretion apply when the FDP of a non-augmented crew has already been extended in accordance with ORO.FTL.205 (d))?

Commander’s discretion ORO.FTL.205(f): Referring to commander’s discretion, do I need to consider the reporting time and number of sectors?

Conversion/line checks Post flight duty ORO.FTL.210: How should briefings and debriefings during conversion/line checks be accounted for?

Post-flight duty AMC1 ORO.FTL.210(c): What should the operator do if the actual post flight duty time is longer than the established time in the OM?

Positioning for purposes other than operating ORO.FTL.215 (b): How should time spent to travel from the place of rest or home base to a simulator (when outside the base) be taken into account?

Positioning ORO.FTL.215: Does positioning begin when the crew member arrives at the airport/train station or when the aeroplane/train leaves?

Positioning ORO.FTL.215: Shall a positioning between active sectors count as a sector for a pilot or cabin crew?

Split duty ORO.FTL. 220: Is it possible to have more than one split duty within one FDP?

Standby ORO.FTL.225(a) (see also CS FTL.1.225 and GM1 CS FTL.1.225(a)): Can a standby be finished before the planned “end time notified in advance”, after a notification during the standby (saying that there will be no assignment) and the rest period be initiated at the time of the notification of the new standby end?

Reserve ORO.FTL.230: Can a reserve, during which no flight was assigned, be considered as a day off afterwards?

Rest prior to an FDP ORO.FTL.235 (a): If a crew member with office duties spends one day in the office, what should be the duration of the rest before his/her reporting for an FDP?

Rest prior to a duty other than FDP ORO.FTL.235 (a): What is the duration of the rest period prior to a duty without FDP?

Reduction of recurrent extended recovery rest by commander’s discretion ORO.FTL.235(d) (see also ORO.FTL.205(f)): Can the extended recovery rest period be reduced with commander’s discretion?

Increase of interval between two recurrent extended recovery rest periods by commander’s discretion ORO.FTL.235(d) (see also ORO.FTL.205(f)): May the crew member exercise his/her discretion to finish back at home base exceeding the 168 hours’ time between two extended recovery rest periods? For example, a crew member is planned to finish his last FDP flying back to home base, two hours prior to reaching 168 hours. There is a departure delay which occurred after reporting. As a result, the crew member would exceed the 168 hours by 1 hour.

Increase of interval between two recurrent extended recovery rest periods ORO.FTL.235(d): Can the 168h limit between two extended recovery rest periods be extended? For example, a crew member reports at Paris on Monday at 7am and ends a series of flights in Singapore, on Sunday, at 8 pm; he/she should be given his/her extended recovery rest period in Singapore, but might be willing to come back to his/her base, hence infringing the 168h limit through positioning.

Re-planning of recurrent extended recovery rest period ORO.FTL.235 (d): Is re-planning of a recurrent extended recovery rest period allowed and when?

Record keeping ORO.FTL.245: Do records required in ORO.FTL.245 have to reflect planned or actual FDP, DP and rest?

Home base change CS FTL.1.200(b): Is it correct to understand that if a crew member is asked to report for an FDP at a reporting point other than his/her home base without extension of his/her recurrent extended recovery to 72h incl. 3 local nights, immediately prior to that FDP, the home base has not been changed for the purpose of Subpart FTL?

Consecutive night duties CS FTL.1.205(a)(1): What does ‘consecutive’ mean in the context of the requirements and limits of CS FTL.1.205?

Night duties CS FTL.1.205(a)(2), (see also GM1 CS FTL1.205 (a)(2)): Is it necessary to have an ‘approved’ FRM to operate long night duties (FDP over 10hrs)?

In-flight rest CS FTL.1.205(c) : Is it possible to extend the FDP, if not all pilots get an in-flight rest?

Maximum daily FDP with the use of extensions due to in flight rest CS FTL.1.205(c)(2): Why does the ‘maximum daily FDP with the use of extensions due to in flight rest’ not take into account the start of FDP at reference time?

Delayed reporting CS FTL.1.205(d)(1): Is it possible to inform crew members of a delay without giving the new reporting time?

Delayed reporting CS FTL.1.205(d)(1)(iii): Why does delayed reporting with a delay of less than 4 hours not account for the WOCL? Is there any scientific evidence for this?

Split duty (see also ORO.FTL.205 (b)(2) and ORO.FTL.220): Can split duty be scheduled when crew members are in an unknown state of acclimatisation?

Split duty CS FTL.1.220 (b): Are the 30 minutes for post and pre-flight duties as well as travelling counted in total or 30 min for post flight duties, 30 min for travelling after post flight duties, 30 min for travelling before pre-flight duties and 30 min for pre-flight duties?

Split duty CS FTL.1.220(d): Should suitable accommodation be provided for a split duty?

Rest after airport standby or other-standby CS FTL.1.225 (a)(1)& CS FTL.1.225 (b)(4): What is the basis for rest calculation after a standby followed by an FDP? Is it the reporting time for standby or the “actual reporting time” for the assigned FDP?

Airport standby CS FTL.1.225 (a)(2)(ii): Why does CS FTL.1.225 (a)(2)(ii) not stipulate the maximum duration of airport standby?

Airport standby CS FTL 1.225(a)(2)(ii), (see also ORO.FTL.205 (b)&(d); CS FTL 1.205 (a) (2)): We understand that the limit of 16 hours is not applicable when airport standby is followed by a FDP with in-flight rest. Does that mean that there is no limit for that kind of situation?

Other-standby followed by an FDP CS FTL.1.225(b)(2): How shall an operator expect a crew member to use whole or part of a standby for sleep when there are disturbance factors like difficulty to fall asleep, disturbed sleep due to sick children, waking-up by external noise, etc.?

Awake time CS FTL 1 225 (b)(2): Who is responsible for making sure that the 18h are not exceeded? The crew member or the operator? Can the operator fully transfer the responsibility to the crew member?

Other-standby CS FTL.1.225(b)(2), (see also CAT.OP.MPA.210(a)(3)): Would using a controlled rest procedure while the flight crew member is at his/her assigned station break the 18-hour awake time?

Other-standby CS FTL.1.225(b)(3): How is the time spent on other-standby before an assignment accounted for?

Other-standby CS FTL.1.225 (b), (see also ORO.FTL.105 (25)): Is it possible during other-standby to assign an FDP with a reporting time after the rostered end of that standby period has elapsed?

Other-standby modified to airport standby CS FTL.1.225, (see also ORO.FTL.105 (25)): Can other-standby be modified to airport standby during the standby? For example, can a pilot on home standby be required to go to the airport to continue on airport standby? What limits must be used?

Reserve and other-standby CS FTL.1.230: While a crew member is on reserve, can his/her assignment be changed and continue as a home standby?

Reserve CS FTL 1.230(b): Is there any rest requirement after a reserve period, if there is no assignment of duty period during the reserve?

Reserve CS FTL.1.230 (d): Is it necessary to have an FRM to protect an 8-hour sleep opportunity during reserve?

Reserve CS FTL 1.230(d): Should the period of 8 hours run consecutively or is it possible to break it in two different periods?

Rest between disruptive schedules CS FTL.1.235(a)(1), (see also ORO.FTL.105(8)): The rule for transition between late finish/night duty and early start says that the rest between the FDPs needs to include a local night. Does this mean that the rule only applies if the late finish/night duty and the early duty are FDP’s?

Rest compensation for time zone differences CS FTL.1.235(b)(3)(i): How should we count the time elapsed (h) since reporting for the first FDP in a rotation involving at least 4 hour time difference to the reference time?

Reduced rest CS FTL.1.235(b)(3)(ii), (see also ORO.FTL.235 (c) and (e)): Is it possible to reduce the 14h rest away from home base following an FDP involving a 4-hour time difference or more?

Rest to compensate for time zone differences CS FTL.1.235(b)(4): What does Eastward-Westward or Westward-Eastward transition mean?

Monitoring Time Zone Differences CS FTL.1.235(b)(5): Does the requirement to monitor combinations of rotations require FRM in accordance with ORO.FTL.120?

Reduced rest CS FTL.1.235(c)(5): Is it possible to apply reduced rest to two consecutive rest periods?

Nutrition ORO.FTL.240: Are nutrition provisions subject to a specific NAA's approval and can they be documented elsewhere in the OM-A, not necessarily Chapter 7.

Fatigue management training ORO.FTL.250 AMC1 ORO.FTL.250: What should be the minimum requirements for a fatigue management instructor? Is a CRMi course enough? Is a safety manager ready and without other training to deliver a course? Can someone that has received a few hours course in accordance with AMC1 ORO.FTL.250 repeat the course to others?

Reporting point ORO.FTL.105 (2): The global COVID-19 pandemic necessitated, on a number of occasions, a change to the typical aircrew reporting point. How should the operators address this change?

Individual crew members’ records of flight time and duty periods ORO.FTL.245, (see also ORO.FTL.105):

Must the time for all training at the behest of the operator be entered in the schedule of the crew members and recorded?

Passenger Safety

Use of baby bassinets on board

Use of baby bassinets on board

Use of Child Seats on Board

Can I use a child seat on board for my baby/child? What about a rear-facing child seat?

Passenger safety briefing

Is there any requirement on what language(s) should be used for information provided to passengers via safety briefings and announcements?


Are there any requirements for loadmasters?

Referring to Annex II - AMC 20-6 rev.2, on ETOPS Applicability, is an ETOPS operational approval required or not for aircraft with a seating configuration of 19 or less and not exceeding 180 minutes at the approved one-engine-inoperative (OEI) speed (in still air) from an adequate aerodrome?

NPAs CDFA-SA with IAP instrument approach procedure expressing minima as a "DA/H" should have an "ADD-ON" or not? Am I allowed to go a little bellow the "DA/H" while performing a missed approach/going around?

What is the meaning of ‘where applicable’ in relation to the data link recording requirements in CAT.IDE.A.195, CAT.IDE.H.195, NCC.IDE.A.170, NCC.IDE.H.170, SPO.IDE.A.150 and SPO.IDE.H.150?

AMC1 (a) to CAT.IDE.A.280 says, “Batteries used in the ELTs should be replaced (or recharged, if the battery is rechargeable) when the equipment has been in use for more than 1 cumulative hour”. What should be understood by “in use for more than 1 cumulative hour”?

Does the operator need an exemption to CAT.OP.MPA.160 to use the passenger cabin as a cargo compartment?

Is there any regulatory statement by which it is required for all European aeroplanes to carry a defibrillator on board?

What are the obligations when carrying AED’s (Automated Emergency Defibrillators) on board as per CAT.IDE.A.220 and CAT.IDE.A.225?


SPA.HEMS.110 Equipment requirements for HEMS operations specifies: "The installation of all helicopter dedicated medical equipment and any subsequent modifications and, where appropriate, its operation shall be approved in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003". Does it mean that even a defibrillator or an oxylog has to be approved in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1702/2003 or (EU) 748/2012? Or does it mean that only the fix installed medical equipment, such as a stretcher or a fix provision, has to be approved?

Dangerous Goods

Is there a European regulation on dangerous goods training requirements or should each European country follow its own national regulations?

Q2: What are the rules concerning the carriage of portable air concentrators (POC) on board? Can they be used during the whole flight?

Q1: What are the rules for passengers using bottled oxygen on board an aircraft?

Which operators have to establish and maintain dangerous goods training programmes? Which training programmes should be approved by the authority?


Are there differences between the European Air Ops rules for NCC and ICAO SARPs?

Do NCC operators with non-EU registered aircraft need to maintain two different Operations Manuals?

My operations manual (OM) uses a template provided by a recognised industry standard. Is this sufficient for me to be compliant with the rules?

What is the intent of the declaration?

How can an NCC operator establish if its organisation is complex or non-complex?

Is the European State of the Operator principle for NCC operations in contradiction to the Chicago Convention?

Is a CAMO required for a European NCC operator using a third-country registered aircraft?

Why are non-commercial operations treated in two Parts, i.e. Part NCC (non-commercial with complex motor-powered aircraft and a Part NCO (non-commercial with other-than-complex motor-powered-aircraft)?

Which requirements does an ATO need to follow? Is Part ORO applicable?

What is the meaning of the term NCC?

Which is the competent authority responsible for the oversight of the NCC operations in Europe?

Which Annexes of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 are applicable to NCC operations?

May a European NCC or NCO operator use third-country registered aircraft?

Which pilot licence is required for flying a third-country registered aircraft in the EU?

Why do European rules require a list of specific approvals?

Do the European rules recognise if an operator conforms to European industry standards?

How should I start building my SMS if I have a very small organisation (up to 2-3 persons) and I operate a complex aeroplane or helicopter?

We are an aero-club authorised by Member State X to perform skydiving operations. We operate a non-complex aircraft dry-leased from an operator registered in Member State Y. Our skydivers and the tandem passengers are registered members of the aero-club; there is no profit distributed outside our organisation. Which Parts of Regulation (EU) 965/2012 apply to us? Which is our competent authority?

Does an NCO operator established in an EU Member State and operating an aircraft registered in a third country need to comply with the Airworthiness Directives (AD) issued by EASA, in addition to the ADs issued by the State of Registry?


How to distinguish between a ‘commercial’ SPO operator and a ‘non-commercial’ SPO operator?

Are we a ‘complex’ or ‘non-complex’ operator considering the fact that we have five FTEs and four types of non-complex helicopters?

Can I use third-country registered aircraft for my SPO operations?

We operate a helicopter that is Annex II aircraft according to the Basic Regulation. How should we continue to conduct SPO now? Do we need any exemption?

Why may a SPO operator not carry on board passengers on an aerobatic flight?

Now, thanks to Art. 6 (8) of Reg. (EU) 965/2012, I operate non-commercially a twin turbo-propeller aircraft below 5.7 t MCTOM in accordance with Part-NCO. May I also carry out non-commercial specialised operations with the same aircraft under Part-NCO?

Is it permissible for me to determine myself whether the operations I conduct are eligible for the alleviation of SPO.GEN.005 (c)?

What do the terms ‘marginal activity’, ‘direct cost’, ‘annual cost’ and ‘organisation created with the aim of promoting aerial sport or leisure aviation’ mean?

Are we high-risk or non-high-risk commercial specialised operator?

Do I need two authorisations, if the lists of high-risk commercial SPO of different Member States differ?

What is the meaning of "applicable national flight time limitation legislation" in Article 8 (4) of regulation 965/2012?

My SPO operations fall under Part-SPO. What type of certification shall I expect from my competent authority – AOC or other type?

Who must submit a declaration?

Is the skydiving activity itself under the scope of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012?

Can I fly an aeroplane for commercial parachute dropping operation with my PPL (A)?

Is 'MOPSC' (Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration') applicable in case of parachute dropping, where only task specialists are carried?

How is a ramp inspector supposed to know the nature of a particular SPO flight (commercial or non-commercial)?

If I hold an AOC and want to perform SPO activities (commercial and non-commercial) with the same aircraft registered on my AOC, do I have to submit a declaration too?

Must an operator holding specific approvals (SPAs) for its CAT operations apply for the same SPAs when it also conducts specialised operations?

Is it allowed to perform specialised operations with a permit-to-fly or is a CofA mandatory at all times?

Can we integrate the processes for a permission under Part-SERA and with high-risk authorisation (HRA) under Part-ARO?

Can we integrate the processes for a permission under Part-SERA and with high-risk authorisation (HRA) under Part-ARO?

Can I carry out ‘limited operations’ with aircraft having FC/PtF for NCO ?

Does Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 also apply to third-country operators that conduct specialised operations in an EU Member State?

Helicopter operations

Do additional equipment for HEC (ropes, harnesses) now require an airworthiness approval?

How do I train the pilots if I plan to operate HEC with a video camera and no mirrors / bubble window?

Which standards are applicable to Helicopter terrain awareness systems (HTAWS)?

Special Categories of Passengers (SCPs)

Who is an SCP?

I am tall or have other circumstances. Do I belong to the group of SCPs?

Level of Involvement (LOI)

What is the expected timeframe for the introduction of the level of involvement concept at the Agency?

Airspace Usage requirements

Airspace Usage requirement (ACAS II v7.1)

What does the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1332/2011 require by 01 December 2015?

Is it possible to be exempt from the requirement to be equipped with collision avoidance logic version 7.1 ( ACAS II V7.1) for a limited period of time, for only one flight, for the execution of a ferry flight per maintenance purposes, for the execution of a non-commercial air transport flight (i.e. general aviation flight) or for a State flight? And what if I have technical difficulties to upgrade my aircraft before 01/12/2015?

I voluntarily installed ACAS II V7.0 on my aircraft even it was not required to. Do I have to upgrade to ACAS II V7.1?

Airspace requirements – SPI (Surveillance performance and interoperability)

Where do I find a copy of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011 laying down requirements for the performance and the interoperability of surveillance for the Single European Sky (SES) which is known as the SPI IR?

Are there any acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to the SPI IR?

What is the scope of the SPI IR with regards to airspace users?

What is the deadline to equip my aircraft with a Mode S transponder?

Does the SPI IR mandate only ADS-B out capability?

Is the SPI IR equipage requirements mandatory only for EU operators?

How do I demonstrate my aircraft is in compliance with the SPI IR?

Does the SPI IR allow operators to postpone implementation?

Does the SPI IR allow for any exemptions from the mandatory equipage requirements?

Do I need to submit my retrofit programme to EASA or my competent authority for approval?

Do I need to notify EASA that my aircraft benefits from retrofit programme implementation deferral or is ‘exempt’?

How should I reflect in the flight plan the status of my aircraft that are benefiting from the transitional arrangements?

If I have a transponder function, which is temporarily inoperative, may I continue to operate?

Is there any more information on MEL for the SPI IR?

Who should I ask if I have further questions on the SPI IR?

Airspace Usage Requirements - PBN (Performance-based navigation)

What is the geographical scope of the PBN IR? In what airspace does the Regulation apply?

Can conventional navigation procedures be used after 6 June 2030?

Is EGNOS the only SBAS to be considered for the implementation of RNP APCH procedures down to LPV minima?

Does the PBN IR require the publication of SBAS approach procedures down to CAT I minima (LPV-200)? Are higher LPV minima acceptable?

Are CAT I approach procedures to be based solely on SBAS as from 6 June 2030? Can landing systems (ILS/GLS) still be used to enable CAT I approach operations after the deadline?

Are helicopter-only procedures required at heliports?

Are specific approach procedures for helicopters (CAT H approach procedures) required by the PBN IR?

How does the repeal of COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 716/2014 impact the implementation of PBN in the single European sky?

Third Country Operators (TCO)

In case the answer you were looking for in this FAQ section is not available: you might submit your enquiry here.


Third Country Operators - General

Are approvals obtained in the field of aviation security (e.g., ACC3) considered in the TCO authorisation process?

How long should we expect the process to take for the initial TCO authorisation?

How is the economic aspect of the approval (commercial traffic rights - air services agreement) split from the EASA Safety oversight element?

Does EASA collect any fees or charges to operators under Part-TCO?

Applications for TCO a Authorisation

Who has access to the EASA TCO web-interface?

What is the responsibility of the operator’s focal point the so-called TCO Master User?

How do we get our EASA TCO authorisation document when the authorisation process is completed?

Where can I find the TCO technical specifications associated with my TCO authorisation?

What is the "TCO authorisation number" mentioned on the TCO authorisation?

What are the technical requirements needed to access the EASA TCO web interface?

Will Member States or EASA be responsible for the authorisation of special approvals, e.g. for Low Visibility Operations (LVO)?

Is there any effect on an operator who applies for a TCO authorisation if an EASA Member State is not ICAO compliant with a specific ICAO standard?

Are EU Member States involved in related processes?

How can we obtain operating permits for commercial operations to EASA Member States?

Which aircraft should be notified in the TCO Web Interface as part of our TCO application?

We have applied for an EASA TCO Authorisation, but it has not yet been granted. Can we operate to the EU before we have received an EASA TCO authorisation?

What is the difference between the EASA TCO Authorisation and an operating permit issued by an EASA member State?

Which information must an air operator provide during the administrative TCO application?

Where do I find the TCO application form?

How do I submit my technical data?

How do I get access to the EASA TCO web-interface?

Can you explain the steps involved in the TCO application process, beginning with how the carrier should initiate contact to apply, through to the issuance of the TCO authorisation?

How much in advance should an application for TCO authorisation be submitted before the intended starting date of our EU operations?

How can I submit my application form?


Is a TCO authorisation issued by EASA required to perform commercial air transport operations to the United Kingdom?

We run a helicopter operation and are contracted for aerial work in the EU. Do I have to apply for a TCO Authorisation?

Our operation is currently subject to an operating ban in accordance with the EU Air Safety List (Reg. (EC) No 2111/2005). Can we nevertheless apply for a TCO authorisation?

We are a non-EU AOC holder with no plans to fly commercially to the EU. However, our maintenance facility is located in the EU. Do I need a TCO authorisation when flying there?

How will the provisions on code-sharing that are laid down in the EU Rules for Air Operations interact with Part-TCO?

Leasing scenario 1. We plan to wet lease-out one of our aircraft to an EU operator. The operations will be performed under our own AOC, with our crew and under our full operational responsibility. Do we need a TCO authorisation?