Approved Training Organisations (ATOs)

The Agency has been given a number of new tasks with regard to Pilot Training Organisations (PTOs) and Aero-Medical Centres (AeMCs) located outside the territory of the Member States (ref. Basic Regulation Articles 20, 21 and 78).

In particular the Agency shall:

  • Conduct, itself or through National Aviation Authorities or Qualified Entities, investigations and audits of the organisations it certifies;
  • Issue and renew the certificates of Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical Centres located outside the territory of the Member States and, where relevant, their personnel;
  • Amend, limit, suspend or revoke the relevant certificate when the conditions according to which it was issued by it are no longer fulfilled, or if the legal or natural person holding the certificate fails to fulfil the obligations imposed on it by this Regulation or its implementing rules.

The EASA Flight Crew Licencing Organisation Approval (FCLOA) Section is responsible for:

  1. The management of all applications for approval of Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical Centres for which the Agency is the competent authority in accordance with Article 21(1)(b) of the Basic Regulation;
  2. the tasks related to their certification and continued surveillance.

Relevant legislation

Application forms

All available application forms for an EASA approval can be found in the Application Forms page The application forms for Pilot Training Organisations (PTOs) and Aero-Medical Centres (AeMCs) can also be found under “Downloads” on the right of this page.

If your organisation is ready to apply for an EASA approval, please proceed as explained in the guidance material provided for applicants.

This Application and the additional document should be sent by fax, e-mail or regular mail to the Agency as indicated in the form.

Please do not sent the application in a different way as this may delay its processing.

Fees & Charges

In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2153, the Agency levies fees and charges for all its certification and approvals activities.

For more information, please refer to the above-mentioned Fees & Charges Regulation or consult the Fees & Charges page.

Contacts for Part-ORA certified training organisations and Aero-medical centres 

Please submit your queries related to Part-ORA certified training organisations and Aero-medical centres through “contact us”.

Letters and paper documents/records should be sent to:

European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Flight Crew Training Oversight Section
P.O. Box 10 12 53
D-50452 Cologne, Germany