Instructor who provided any topic of the Initial training should not act as Examiner to avoid conflict of interest. What about small operators / cabin crew training organisations employing only one ground Instructor, for example to cover dangerous goods o

Instructor who provided any topic of the Initial training should not act as Examiner to avoid conflict of interest. What about small operators / cabin crew training organisations employing only one ground Instructor, for example to cover dangerous goods or aero-medical aspects and first aid?


Reference: Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 Aircrew and ED Decision 2012/006/R are available on EASA website.

ED Decision 2012/006/R, AMC1 ARA.CC.200(b)(2) clarifies that in such cases, the operator/training organisation establishes procedures to avoid situations that could lead to a conflict of interest, e.g. where an Instructor has to check/evaluate the proficiency of the trainee he/she has trained.
The qualifications of Instructors/Trainers, as well as of Examiners, are not defined at EU level, and remain to be defined by each Member State. Therefore, only the Competent Authorities may assess, when approving the training and checking programmes of the operator/training organisation, if the procedures can ensure that the objective of the rule is met. 
AMC1 ARA.CC.200(b)(2) Approval of organisations to provide cabin crew training or to issue cabin crew attestations 
For any element being examined for the issue of a cabin crew attestation as required in Part CC, the person who delivered the associated training or instruction should not also conduct the examination. However, if the organisation has appropriate procedures in place to avoid conflict of interest regarding the conduct of the examination and/or the results, this restriction need not apply.
Last updated

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