Figures and Tables

Figure 6.1.

Balanced Approach to airport noise management

Balanced Approach to airport noise management
Figure 6.2.

Single landing 60 dB Lnight noise contours for aircraft flying a baseline 3 degree glide slope and an increased 4.5 degree glide slope

Single landing 60 dB Lnight noise contours for aircraft flying a baseline 3 degree glide slope and an increased 4.5 degree glide slope
Figure 6.3.

Share of operations by cumulative margin to Chapter 3 limits at EU27+EFTA airports

Share of operations by cumulative margin to Chapter 3 limits at EU27+EFTA airports
Figure 6.4.

European airports participating in the ACA programme

European airports participating in the ACA programme
Figure 6.5.

Increasing number of accredited European airports and decreasing CO2 emissions per passenger (as of mid 2021)

Increasing number of accredited European airports and decreasing CO2 emissions per passenger (as of mid 2021)
Figure 6.6.

Reductions in airport Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions

Reductions in airport Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions