Which aircraft should be notified in the TCO Web Interface as part of our TCO application?
You should only notify aircraft listed in Operations Specifications associated to your AOC that are intended to be used for commercial air transport to EU territories. These aircraft must be authorised by your Civil Aviation Authority for flights to EU territories. To give an example, if you were an airline operating a regional turboprop fleet and a long-haul fleet, and you only intended to use your long-haul fleet to the EU, then only enter your long-haul fleet in the TCO web-interface. If your long-haul fleet consisted of sister aircraft A, B and C and you only intend to use aircraft A and B for flights to EU territories, do not notify aircraft C.
Aircraft planned to be added to your fleet in the future should not be notified to us, until they are endorsed in the Operations Specifications of your AOC. Aircraft withdrawn from operations to the EU and/or withdrawn from your fleet should be deleted in the TCO web-interface without undue delay.
You can amend the aircraft list in your Basic Operator Data (BOD) questionnaire in the TCO web-interface any time. It is important that the aircraft list is kept up to date at all times to avoid potential problems, e.g., during ramp inspections.