The objective of the proposals put forward in this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA), considering the technical, scientific and operational needs, is to maintain a high level of safety and to provide for cost-efficient requirements in the field of ATM/ANS systems and ATM/ANS constituents — i.e. ATM/ANS equipment. Furthermore, the objective is to meet the relevant security, performance, and interoperability objectives that would allow the proper functioning of the European Air Traffic Management network (EATMN).
This NPA proposes a regulatory framework for the certification of certain ATM/ANS equipment (i.e. ATM/ANS systems and ATM/ANS constituents) as well as of organisations involved in its design and/or production once it has been found to comply with the applicable essential requirements of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.
The proposed regulatory framework aims to reduce the fragmentation of the ATM/ANS (ground) equipment market and facilitate industry cooperation at European level. As a result, the application of the proposed provisions would facilitate the development and implementation of new technologies and speed up the introduction of new operational concepts that are required in order to increase the capacity of the ATM system and improve its performance.
ATM/ANS equipment manufacturers would need to apply for and be granted an organisation approval with the necessary privileges as well as hold ATM/ANS equipment certificates for certain ATM/ANS equipment they design and/or produce. This would provide for long-term benefits in terms of specifications harmonisation and a more efficient and flexible use of resources. ATM/ANS providers and similarly their competent authorities will also benefit from the attestation of certain ATM/ANS equipment by the organisations involved in its design and/or production, and their responsibilities will be focused on the operational integration of already attested ATM/ANS equipment.
The proposed new implementing and delegated acts and the amending implementing act are expected to maintain safety or even marginally increase it through the enhanced commonality and interoperability of the EATMN while reducing the regulatory burden, increasing cost-effectiveness, and improving harmonisation among the regulated entities.