Article 7(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 reads: ‘The Agency shall submit an Opinion to the Commission including proposals for a simple and proportionate system for the licensing of certifying staff involved in the maintenance of ELA1 aeroplanes as well as aircraft other than aeroplanes and helicopters’.
In addition thereto, it was requested by industry to simplify the Part-66 avionics licence by adapting it to the lower complexity of light aircraft.
Both subjects are presented in this Opinion in the form of:
- a progressive B2L licence for the licensing of personnel involved in the maintenance of avionics and electrical systems for aircraft other than those in the group of complex aircraft. This B2L licence has the particularity of being created with the concept of ‘avionics systems ratings’; and
- an L licence for the licensing of personnel involved in the maintenance of ELA1 aeroplanes, as well as aircraft other than aeroplanes and helicopters, who are currently qualified following national rules.
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