
The provisions regarding the medical certification of Aircrew and Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs)  are part of several European Regulations (published in the Official Journal of the European Union) and associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) (published on the Agency website).

European Regulations (published in the Official Journal of the European Union)

The European Regulations mentioned above are:

Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) (published on the Agency website)

In order to support the implementation of the above mentioned Regulations EASA has developed and published Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for all the implementing rules described in the Annexes to the Aircrew Regulation and ATCO Regulation. The medically relevant AMC/GM  have been adopted by the Agency as Executive Director’s Decisions and published on the Agency’s webpage as follows:

Please consult the FAQs. In addition:

  • Medical certificate/report holders: For questions related to your medical certificate or CC medical report, please contact the NAA that issued it.
  • Aero-medical centres (AeMC):
    • located in the EU - please consult your NAA.
    • located in a third country - further information is available here.
    • have the obligation to send the documents resulting from the aero-medical examination and assessment to the medical assessor of the licensing authority of the applicant. The contact details and list of 'Medical assessors of the NAAs' can be found under 'Downloads'.
  • Aero-medical examiners (AMEs):
    • located in the EU - please consult your NAA.
    • have the obligation to send the documents resulting from the aero-medical examination and assessment to the medical assessor of the licensing authority of the applicant. The contact details and list of 'Medical assessors of the NAAs' can be found under 'Downloads'.
  • National Aviation Authorities
    • The Agency provides training on the Aircrew and ATCO regulations (and on other regulations).
    • NAAs are required to notify the Agency of alternative means of compliance approved within their State. Information on how can alternative means of compliance to the AMC published by the Agency be used by NAAs is available here.
    • Member States have the flexibility to derogate from the Implementing Rules of the Basic Regulation (as set out in Article 71 of the Basic Regulation - Regulation (EU) 2018/1139). Further information is available here.

Transfer of medical file

Licence holders may request the transfer of their licence to another Member State in accordance with FCL.015(d). The transfer of licence also involves a transfer of medical file. For this purpose you should submit a request to your licensing authority.

Third-country Aero-Medical Centres (AeMCs)

The Agency, in accordance with Article 78(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, is responsible for the tasks related to certification, oversight, and enforcement with respect to the approvals of, and the declarations made by, the aero-medical centres, where those centres are located outside the territories of the Member States.

Additional details as well as all available application forms may be found on the dedicated page on Approved Training Organisations (ATOs).