European policy on noise and air quality
In 2021, the European Union (EU) adopted the Zero Pollution Action Plan
that set out a vision to reduce air, water and soil pollution to levels no longer considered harmful to health and natural ecosystems by 2050. Key intermediate 2030 targets, compared to 2017 levels, have also been identified to: (1) reduce pollution at source, including the reduction of the share of people chronically disturbed by transport noise by 30% and (2) improve air quality to reduce the number of premature deaths caused by air pollution by 55%. Subsequent Zero Pollution Monitoring Assessments have been published in 2022 and 2025 to monitor progress towards these targets.The Environmental Noise Directive
and the Balanced Approach Regulation are the EU legislation under which environmental noise is monitored, communicated to the public and actions subsequently taken by Member States to reduce noise exposure in cities and near major transport infrastructure. EU air pollution legislation is implemented through air quality standards that were updated in 2024 , and source-based mitigation controls (e.g. engine emissions and fuel quality standards). Binding national limits for emissions of the most important pollutants have also been established in the EU, but not all aviation activities are included .
European policy on climate change
In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal
, which aims at improving the well- being of people and making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. The 2021 European Climate Law incorporated this goal into legislation, such that EU institutions and Member States are bound to take the necessary measures at EU and national level to meet the target, taking into account the importance of promoting fairness and solidarity among Member States.The 2021 Climate Law includes:
- a legal objective for the Union to reach climate neutrality by 2050; and
- an ambitious 2030 climate target of at least 55% reduction of net emissions of greenhouse gases as compared to 1990.
In 2024, the European Commission presented its assessment for a 2040 climate target and recommended reducing the EU’s net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040 relative to 1990
in order to:- put Europe on course towards climate neutrality by 2050, thereby building a healthier and safer future;
- ensure predictability for citizens, businesses and investors, by making sure that resources invested now and in the upcoming decades are compatible with the EU’s pathway to climate neutrality, thereby avoiding wasted investments in the fossil fuel economy;
- boost the competitiveness of Europe’s businesses, create stable and future-proof jobs, and enable the EU to lead in developing the clean technology markets of the future;
- and make Europe more resilient and strengthen its strategic autonomy.
The European Green Deal includes a goal to reduce emissions from the transport sector by 90% in 2050 compared to 1990 levels. Specific objectives on mobility and transport were subsequently presented in 2020 within the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
together with an Action Plan of 82 initiatives. This strategy laid the foundation for how a smart, competitive, safe, accessible and affordable EU transport system can achieve its green and digital transformation and become more resilient to future crises. All transport modes need to become more sustainable, with concrete milestones to keep the green transition on track.
In 2021, the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative proposals
were published, setting out the ways in which the Commission will reach its updated 2030 target in real terms. It covers a wide range of policy areas, some of which effected the aviation industry (revision of the EU Emission Trading System Directive concerning aviation, ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative, revision to the Renewable Energy Directive and revision to the Energy Taxation Directive). Final agreements in these policy areas were adopted in 2023, apart from the revision to the Energy Taxation Directive, and are summarized in the relevant Chapters of this report
In February 2024, the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement on the Net-Zero Industry Act
. This initiative from the Green Deal Industrial Plan aims to scale up the manufacturing of technologies in the EU that support the clean energy transition by simplifying the regulatory framework and increasing the competitiveness of European industry. The aim is that the Union’s overall strategic net-zero technologies manufacturing capacity is about 40% of annual deployment needs by 2030. The Act addresses key strategic technologies that will make a significant contribution to decarbonisation, including Sustainable Aviation Fuels. A report on the future of European competitiveness , published in September 2024, has estimated that the investment needs to decarbonize the aviation sector lies in the region of €61 billion a year from 2031 to 2050.
ICAO State Action Plans on CO2 Emissions Reductions
ICAO encourages all States to submit a voluntary State Action Plan (SAP) for CO2 emissions reduction from international aviation every 3 years, in order that ICAO can continue to compile the quantified information in relation to achieving the agreed global aspirational goals
. For the SAP due in 2024, it was agreed that input for the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) / European Union (EU) SAP Common Section be developed in cooperation with the EASA European Aviation and Environment Report (EAER) process. This has facilitated an efficient cooperation of European States and organisations and helped to promote a consistent message at both European and ICAO level.