It remains essential for the ATM industry to maintain and even strengthen its commitment to contribute to the achievement of the European Green Deal goals and a more sustainable future of the aviation. The RP4 Unionwide performance targets
reflect the ambition of enhancing environmental performance and sustainability while building up resilience and strengthening capacity as well as reducing costs. It should also be noted that PRB has developed a Traffic Light System to assess Member States environmental performance
The PRB advice to the European Commission regarding the performance indicators for RP4 placed a focus on improving the ATM environmental performance by prioritising actions which enable airspace users to fly the most fuel-efficient trajectories, and thus reduce the fuel burn gate to gate
. In the interest of better flight efficiency in European airspace, all efforts need to be made by ANSPs and the Network Manager to support fuel-efficient trajectories, avoiding detours and delays due capacity hotspots.
Given the interdependency between the environment and capacity KPAs, it is crucial to address the long-term capacity shortages faced by certain ANSPs in order to enable the required environmental performance improvements. Such capacity issues have been observed since the second SES Reference Period (2015-2019), and they have reemerged during the recovery from the COVID crisis due to insufficient Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) in the core area of Europe to adequately meet traffic demand.
Recognising the forecasted traffic growth during RP4, which may impact the complexity of operations, and the continued consequences of the war in Ukraine, the future RP4 environmental targets improve following a step-wise approach with KEA targets reducing from 2.80% for 2025 to 2.66% for 2029. Progress has also been made in the development of new and revised performance monitoring indicators (PIs), including within the environmental area, that draw on the results of a study conducted by the Commission. These are currently being discussed by the Single Sky Committee with a view to their possible use during RP4.