ED Decision 2020/001/R
(a) Each flight control system must operate with the ease, smoothness, and positiveness appropriate to its function. In addition, the flight control system shall be designed to continue to operate, respond appropriately to commands, and must not hinder aeroplane recovery, when the aeroplane is in any attitude or experiencing any flight dynamics parameter that could occur due to operating or environmental conditions.
(b) Each element of each flight control system must be designed to minimise the probability of incorrect assembly that could result in the failure or malfunctioning of the system. Distinctive and permanent marking may be used where design means are impractical, taking into consideration the potential consequence of incorrect assembly.
(c) The aeroplane must be shown by analysis, test, or both, to be capable of continued safe flight and landing after any of the following failures or jams in the flight control system within the normal flight envelope. In addition, it must be shown that the pilot can readily counteract the effects of any probable failure.
(1) Any single failure, excluding failures of the type defined in CS 25.671(c)(3);
(2) Any combination of failures not shown to be extremely improbable, excluding failures of the type defined in CS 25.671(c)(3); and
(3) Any failure or event that results in a jam of a flight control surface or pilot control that is fixed in position due to a physical interference. The jam must be evaluated as follows:
(i) The jam must be considered at any normally encountered position of the control surface, or pilot controls;
(ii) The jam must be assumed to occur anywhere within the normal flight envelope and during any flight phase from take-off to landing; and
In the presence of a jam considered under this sub-paragraph, any additional failure conditions that could prevent continued safe flight and landing shall have a combined probability of 1/1 000 or less.
(d) The aeroplane must be designed so that, if all engines fail at any time of the flight:
(1) it is controllable in flight;
(2) an approach can be made;
(3) a flare to a landing, and a flare to a ditching can be achieved; and
(4) during the ground phase, the aeroplane can be stopped.
(e) The aeroplane must be designed to indicate to the flight crew whenever the primary control means is near the limit of control authority.
(f) If the flight control system has multiple modes of operation, appropriate flight crew alerting must be provided whenever the aeroplane enters any mode that significantly changes or degrades the normal handling or operational characteristics of the aeroplane.
[Amdt 25/18]
[Amdt 25/24]
AMC 25.671 Control Systems — General
ED Decision 2021/015/R
This AMC provides an acceptable means, but not the only means, to demonstrate compliance with the control system requirements of CS 25.671.
a. Advisory Circulars, Acceptable Means of Compliance.
(1) FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 25-7D, dated 4 May 2018, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes.
(2) AMC 25.1309 System Design and Analysis.
b. Standards.
(1) EUROCAE document ED-79A, Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems, issued in December 2010, or the equivalent SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) 4754A.
(2) SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) 4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment, issued in December 1996.
CS 25.671 applies to all flight control system installations (including primary, secondary, trim, lift, drag, feel, and stability augmentation systems (refer to CS 25.672)) regardless of implementation technique (manual, powered, fly-by-wire, or other means).
While CS 25.671 applies to flight control systems, CS 25.671(d) does apply to all control systems required to provide control, including deceleration, for the phases specified.
The following definitions apply to CS 25.671 and this AMC. Unless otherwise stated, they should not be assumed to apply to the same or similar terms used in other rules or AMC.
a. At-Risk Time. The period of time during which an item must fail to cause the failure effect in question. This is usually associated with the final fault in a fault sequence leading to a specific failure condition. See also SAE ARP4761.
b. Catastrophic Failure Condition. Refer to AMC 25.1309 (Paragraph 7 FAILURE CONDITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND PROBABILITY TERMS).
c. Continued Safe Flight and Landing. The capability for continued controlled flight and landing at an aerodrome without requiring exceptional piloting skill or strength.
d. Landing. The phase following final approach and starting with the landing flare. It includes the ground phase on the runway and ends when the aeroplane comes to a complete stop on the runway.
e. Latent Failure. Refer to AMC 25.1309 (Paragraph 5 DEFINITIONS).
f. Error. Refer to AMC 25.1309 (Paragraph 5 DEFINITIONS).
g. Event. Refer to AMC 25.1309 (Paragraph 5 DEFINITIONS).
h. Exposure Time. The period of time between the time when an item was last known to be operating properly and the time when it will be known to be operating properly again. See also SAE ARP4761.
i. Extremely Improbable. Refer to AMC 25.1309 (Paragraph 7 FAILURE CONDITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND PROBABILITY TERMS).
j. Failure. Refer to AMC 25.1309 (Paragraph 5 DEFINITIONS).
The following types of failures should be considered when demonstrating compliance with CS 25.671(c). Since the type of failure and the effect of the failure depend on the system architecture, this list is not exhaustive, but serves as a general guideline.
(1) Jam. Refer to the definition provided below.
(2) Loss of Control of Surface. A failure that results in a surface not responding to commands. Failure sources can include mechanical disconnection, control cable disconnection, actuator disconnection, loss of hydraulic power, or loss of control commands due to computers, data path or actuator electronics failures. In these conditions, the position of the surface(s) or controls can be determined by analysing the system architecture and aeroplane aerodynamic characteristics; common positions include surface-centred (0°) or zero hinge-moment position (surface float).
(3) Oscillatory Failure. A failure that results in undue surface oscillation. Failure sources include control loop destabilisation, oscillatory sensor failure, oscillatory computer or actuator electronics failure. The duration of the oscillation, its frequency, and amplitude depend on the control loop, monitors, limiters, and other system features.
(4) Restricted Control. A failure that results in the achievable surface deflection being limited. Failure sources include foreign object interference, malfunction of a travel limiter, and malfunction of an envelope protection. This type of failure is considered under CS 25.671(c)(1) and CS 25.671(c)(2), as the system/surface can still be operated.
(5) Runaway or Hardover. A failure that results in uncommanded control surface movement. Failure sources include servo valve jams, computer or actuator electronics malfunctioning. The speed of the runaway, the duration of the runaway (permanent or transient), and the resulting surface position (full or partial deflection) depend on the available monitoring, limiters, and other system features. This type of failure is addressed under CS 25.671(c)(1) and (c)(2).
Runaways that are caused by external events, such as loose or foreign objects, control system icing, or any other environmental or external source are addressed in CS 25.671(c)(2).
(6) Stiff or Binding Controls. A failure that results in a significant increase in control forces. Failure sources include failures of artificial feel systems, corroded bearings, jammed pulleys, and failures causing high friction. This type of failure is considered under CS 25.671(c)(1) and CS 25.671(c)(2), as the system/surface can still be operated. In some architectures, higher friction may result in reduced centring of the controls.
k. Failure Conditions. As used in CS 25.671(c), this term refers to the sum of all failures and failure combinations contributing to a hazard, apart from the single failure (flight control system jam) being considered.
l. Flight Control System. Flight control system refers to the following: primary flight controls from the pilot’s controllers to the primary control surfaces, trim systems from the pilot’s trim input devices to the trim surfaces (including stabiliser trim), speed brake/spoiler systems from the pilot’s control lever to the brake/spoiler panels or other drag/lift-dumping devices, high-lift systems from the pilot’s controls to the high-lift surfaces, feel systems, and stability augmentation systems. Supporting systems (i.e. hydraulic systems, electrical power systems, avionics, etc.) should also be included if failures in these systems have an impact on the function of the flight control system.
Examples of elements to be evaluated under CS 25.671 include, but are not limited to:
— linkages,
— hinges,
— cables,
— pulleys,
— quadrants,
— valves,
— actuators (including actuator components),
— flap/slat tracks (including track rollers and movable tracks),
— bearings, axles and pins,
— control surfaces (jam and runaway only),
— attachment fittings.
m. In-flight is the time period from the time when the aeroplane is at 10 m (35 ft) above aerodrome level (AAL) following a take-off, up to the time when the aeroplane reaches 15 m (50 ft) AAL prior to landing, including climb, cruise, normal turns, descent, and approach.
n. Jam. A failure or event that results in either a control surface, a pilot control, or a component being fixed in one position.
(i) Control surfaces and pilot controls fixed in one position due to a physical interference are addressed under CS 25.671(c)(3). Causes may include corroded bearings, interference with a foreign or loose object, control system icing, seizure of an actuator, or disconnection that results in a jam by creating interference. Normally encountered positions are defined in paragraph 7.b of this AMC.
(ii) All other failures or events that result in either a control surface, a pilot control, or a component being fixed in one position are addressed under CS 25.671(c)(1) and 25.671(c)(2) as appropriate. Depending on the system architecture and the location of the failure or the event, some failures or events that cause a jam may not always result in a fixed surface or pilot control; for example, a jammed valve could result in a surface runaway.
o. Landing is the time period from the time when the aeroplane is at 15 m (50 ft) AAL prior to landing, up to the complete stop of the aeroplane on the runway.
p. Probability versus Failure Rate. Failure rate is typically expressed in terms of average probability of occurrence per flight hour. In cases where the failure condition is associated with a certain flight condition that occurs only once per flight, the failure rate is typically expressed as average probability of occurrence per flight (or per take-off, or per landing). Failure rates are usually the ‘root’ numbers used in a fault tree analysis prior to factoring in latency periods, exposure time, or at-risk time. Probability is non-dimensional and expresses the likelihood of encountering or being in a failed state. Probability is obtained by multiplying a failure rate by the appropriate exposure time.
q. Take-off is the time period from the brake release up to the time when the aeroplane reaches 10 m (35 ft) AAL.
a. General.
Flight control systems should be designed such that when a movement to one position has been selected, a different position can be selected without waiting for the completion of the initially selected movement, and the system should arrive at the finally selected position without further attention. The movements that follow and the time taken by the system to allow the required sequence of selection should not adversely affect the controllability of the aeroplane.
b. Abnormal Attitude.
Compliance should be demonstrated by evaluation of the closed-loop flight control system. This evaluation is intended to ensure that there are no features or unique characteristics (including numerical singularities) which would restrict the pilot’s ability to recover from any attitude.
Open-loop flight control systems should also be evaluated, if applicable.
For aeroplanes that are equipped with a flight control envelope protection, the attitudes of the aeroplane to be considered should include cases outside the protected envelope.
c. Parameters to be considered
The following relevant flight dynamic parameters should be considered by the applicant (non-exhaustive list):
— Pitch, Roll or Yaw rate
— Vertical load factor
— Airspeed
— Angle of attack
d. Operating and Environmental Conditions
The parameters in paragraph 5.c. above should be considered within the limit flight envelope, which is the flight envelope that is associated with the aeroplane design limits or the flight control system protection limits.
The intent of CS 25.671(b) is to minimise the risk by design that the elements of the flight control system are incorrectly assembled, such that this leads to significant safety effects. The intent is not to address configuration control (refer to CS 25.1301(a)(2)).
The applicant should take adequate precautions during the design process and provide adequate procedures in the instructions for continued airworthiness to minimise the risk of incorrect assembly (i.e. installation, connection, or adjustment) of elements of the flight control system during production and maintenance. The following steps should be used:
(1) assess the potential effects of potential incorrect assemblies of flight control systems elements and determine a classification of the severity of the associated failure conditions;
(2) when a failure condition is classified as catastrophic, hazardous, or major, EASA normally only accepts physical prevention means in the design of the elements to prevent an incorrect assembly. If, exceptionally, the applicant considers that providing such design prevention means is impractical, this should be presented to EASA. If agreed by EASA, the applicant may then use a distinctive and permanent marking of the involved elements.
(3) failure conditions that are classified either as minor or with no safety effect are not considered to have a significant safety effect.
Examples of significant safety effects:
(1) an out-of-phase action;
(2) reversal in the sense of the control;
(3) interconnection of the controls between two systems where this is not intended;
(4) loss of function.
Development errors (e.g. mistakes in requirements, design, or implementation) should be considered when demonstrating compliance with CS 25.671(c). However, the guidance provided in this paragraph is not intended to address the means of compliance related to development errors. Development errors are managed through development assurance processes and system architecture. Some guidelines are provided in AMC 25.1309.
CS 25.671(c) requires that the aeroplane be shown by analysis, test, or both, to be capable of continued safe flight and landing following failures in the flight control system within the normal flight envelope.
CS 25.671(c)(1) requires the evaluation of any single failure, excluding the types of jams addressed in subparagraph CS 25.671(c)(3). CS 25.671(c)(1) requires to consider any single failure, suggesting that an alternative means of controlling the aeroplane or an alternative load path is provided in the case of a single failure. All single failures must be considered, even if they are shown to be extremely improbable.
CS 25.671(c)(2) requires the evaluation of any combination of failures not shown to be extremely improbable, excluding the types of jams addressed in CS 25.671(c)(3).
Some combinations of failures, such as dual electrical system or dual hydraulic system failures, or any single failure in combination with any probable electrical or hydraulic system failure, are normally not demonstrated as being extremely improbable.
CS 25.671(c)(3) requires the evaluation of any failure or event that results in a jam of a flight control surface or pilot control. This subparagraph addresses failure modes that would result in the surface or pilot control being fixed in a position. It should be assumed that the fixed position is the position that is commanded at the time of the failure due to some physical interference. The position at the time of the jam should be at any control position normally encountered during take-off, climb, cruise, normal turn manoeuvres, descent, approach, and landing. In some architectures, component jams within the system may result in failure modes other than a fixed surface or pilot control; those types of jams (such as a jammed valve) are considered under subparagraphs CS 25.671(c)(1) and (c)(2). All single jams must be considered, even if they can be shown to be extremely improbable.
Alleviation means may be used to show compliance with CS 25.671(c)(3). For this purpose, alleviation means include system reconfigurations or any other features that eliminate or reduce the consequences of a jam or permit continued safe flight and landing.
Any runaway of a flight control to an adverse position must be accounted for, as per
CS 25.671(c)(1) and (c)(2), if such a runaway is due to:
— a single failure; or
— a combination of failures which are not shown to be extremely improbable.
Some means to alleviate the runaway may be used to demonstrate compliance, such as by reconfiguring the control system, deactivating the system (or a failed portion of it), overriding the runaway by a movement of the flight controls in the normal sense, eliminating the consequences of a runaway to ensure continued safe flight and landing following a runaway. The consideration of a control runaway will be specific to each application and a general interpretation of an adverse position cannot be provided. Where applicable, the applicant is required to assess the resulting surface position after a runaway, if the failure condition is not extremely improbable or can occur due to a single failure.
It is acknowledged that determining a consistent and reasonable definition of normally encountered flight control positions can be difficult. Experience from in-service aeroplanes shows that the overall failure rate for a flight control surface jam is of an order of magnitude between 10-6 and 10-7 per flight hour. This failure rate may be used to justify a definition of ‘normally encountered position’ and is not intended to be used to support a probabilistic assessment. Considering this in-service aeroplane data, a reasonable definition of normally encountered positions represents the range of flight control surface deflections (from neutral to the largest deflection) expected to occur in 1 000 random operational flights, without considering other failures, for each of the flight phases addressed in this AMC.
One method of establishing acceptable flight control surface deflections is to use the performance-based criteria outlined in this AMC (see sub-paragraph 7.b. below) that were established to eliminate any differences between aeroplane types. The performance-based criteria prescribe environmental and operational manoeuvre conditions, and the resulting deflections may be considered as normally encountered positions for demonstrating compliance with CS 25.671(c)(3).
All approved aeroplane gross weights and centre-of-gravity locations should be considered. However, only critical combinations of gross weight and centre-of-gravity locations should be demonstrated.
a. Compliance with CS 25.671(c)(2)
When demonstrating compliance with the failure requirements of CS 25.671(c)(2), the following safety analysis/assessment should be considered.
A safety analysis/assessment according to AMC 25.1309 should be supplemented to demonstrate that the aeroplane is capable of continued safe flight and landing following any combination of failures not shown to be extremely improbable.
The aeroelastic stability (flutter) requirements of CS 25.629 should also be considered.
b. Determination of Flight Control System Jam Positions — CS 25.671(c)(3)
The following flight phases should be considered: ‘take-off’, ‘in-flight’ (climb, cruise, normal turn manoeuvres, descent, and approach), and ‘landing’ (refer to the definitions in paragraph 4. DEFINITIONS of this AMC).
CS 25.671(c)(3) requires that the aeroplane be capable of landing with a flight control or pilot control jam. The aeroplane should, therefore, be evaluated for jams in the landing configuration.
Only the aeroplane rigid body modes need to be considered when evaluating the aeroplane response to manoeuvres and continued safe flight and landing.
It should be assumed that, if the jam is detected prior to V1, the take-off will be rejected.
Although 1 in 1 000 operational take-offs is expected to include crosswinds of 46 km/h (25 kt) or greater, the short exposure time associated with a flight control surface jam occurring between V1 and VLOF allows usage of a less conservative crosswind magnitude when determining normally encountered lateral and directional control positions. Given that lateral and directional flight controls are continuously used to maintain runway centre line in a crosswind take-off, and that flight control inputs greater than those necessary at V1 occur at speeds below V1, any jam in these flight control axes during a crosswind take-off is normally detected prior to V1. Considering the flight control jam failure rate combined with the short exposure time between V1 and VLOF, a reasonable crosswind level for the determination of jammed lateral or directional flight control positions during take-off is 28 km/h (15 kt).
A similar reasoning applies for the approach and landing flight phases. It leads to consider that a reasonable crosswind level for the determination of jammed lateral or directional control positions during approach and landing is 28 km/h (15 kt).
The jam positions to be considered in demonstrating compliance should include any position up to the maximum position determined by the following manoeuvres. The manoeuvres and conditions described in this paragraph should only be used to determine the flight control surface and pilot control deflections to evaluate the continued safe flight and landing capability, and should not be used for the evaluation of flight test manoeuvres; see paragraph 7.e below.
(1) Jammed Lateral Control Positions
(i) Take-off: The lateral flight control position for wings level at V1 in a steady crosswind of 28 km/h (15 kt) (at a height of 10 m (35 ft) above the take-off surface). Variations in wind speed from a 10-m (35-ft) height can be obtained using the following relationship:
Valt = V10metres * (Hdesired/10.0)1/7
V10metres = wind speed in knots at 10 m (35 ft) above ground level (AGL)
Valt = wind speed at desired altitude (kt)
Hdesired = desired altitude for which wind speed is sought (AGL), but not lower than
1.5 m (5 ft)
(ii) In-flight: The lateral flight control position to sustain a 12-degree/second steady roll rate from 1.23VSR1 to VMO/MMO or VFE, as appropriate, but not greater than 50 % of the control input.
(iii) Landing (including flare): The maximum lateral control position is the greater of:
(A) the peak lateral control position to maintain wings level in response to a steady crosswind of 28 km/h (15 kt), in manual or autopilot mode; or
(B) the peak lateral control position to maintain wings level in response to an atmospheric discrete lateral gust of 16 km/h (15 ft/s) from sea level to
6 096 m (20 000 ft).
Note: If the flight control system augments the pilot’s input, then the maximum surface deflection to achieve the above manoeuvres should be considered.
(2) Jammed Longitudinal Control Positions
(i) Take-off: The following three longitudinal flight control positions should be considered:
(A) Any flight control position from that which the flight controls naturally assume without pilot input at the start of the take-off roll to that which occurs at V1 using the procedures recommended by the aeroplane manufacturer.
Note: It may not be necessary to consider this case if it can be demonstrated that the pilot is aware of the jam before reaching V1 (for example, through a manufacturer’s recommended AFM procedure).
(B) The longitudinal flight control position at V1 based on the procedures recommended by the aeroplane manufacturer including the consideration for any runway condition for which the aeroplane is approved to operate.
(C) Using the procedures recommended by the aeroplane manufacturer, the peak longitudinal flight control position to achieve a steady aeroplane pitch rate of the lesser of 5°/s or the pitch rate necessary to achieve the speed used for all-engines-operating initial climb procedures (V2+XX) at 35 ft.
(ii) In-flight: The maximum longitudinal flight control position is the greater of:
(A) the longitudinal flight control position required to achieve steady state normal accelerations from 0.8 to 1.3 g at speeds from 1.23VSR1 to VMO/MMO or VFE, as appropriate;
(B) the peak longitudinal flight control position commanded by the autopilot and/or stability augmentation system in response to atmospheric discrete vertical gust of
16 km/h (15 ft/s) from sea level to 6 096 m (20 000 ft).
(iii) Landing: Any longitudinal control position required, in manual or autopilot mode, for performing a flare and landing, using the procedures recommended by the aeroplane manufacturer.
(3) Jammed Directional Control Positions
(i) Take-off: The directional flight control position for take-off at V1 in a steady crosswind of 28 km/h (15 kt) (at a height of 10 m (35 ft) above the take-off surface). Variations in wind speed from a height of 10 m (35 ft) can be obtained using the following relationship:
Valt = V10metres * (Hdesired/10.0)1/7
V10metres = wind speed in knots at 10 m above ground level (AGL)
Valt = wind speed at desired altitude
Hdesired = desired altitude for which wind speed is sought (AGL), but not lower than 1.5 m (5 ft)
(ii) In-flight: The directional flight control position is the greater of:
(A) the peak directional flight control position commanded by the autopilot and/or stability augmentation system in response to atmospheric discrete lateral gust of 16 km/h (15 ft/s) from sea level to 6 096 m (20 000 ft);
(B) maximum rudder angle required for lateral/directional trim from 1.23VSR1 to the maximum all-engines-operating airspeed in level flight with climb power, but not to exceed VMO/MMO or VFE as appropriate. While more commonly a characteristic of propeller aeroplane, this addresses any lateral/directional asymmetry that can occur in flight with symmetric power; or
(C) for approach, the peak directional control position commanded by the pilot, autopilot and/or stability augmentation system in response to a steady crosswind of 28 km/h (15 kt).
(iii) Landing: The maximum directional control position is the greater of:
(A) the peak directional control position commanded by the pilot, autopilot and/or stability augmentation system in response to a steady crosswind of 28 km/h
(15 kt); or
(B) the peak lateral control position to maintain wings level in response to an atmospheric discrete lateral gust of 16 km/h (15 ft/s) from sea level to 6 096 m (20 000 ft).
(4) Control Tabs, Trim Tabs, and Trimming Stabilisers
Any tabs installed on flight control surfaces are assumed jammed in the position that is associated with the normal deflection of the flight control surface on which they are installed.
Trim tabs and trimming stabilisers are assumed jammed in the positions that are associated with the procedures recommended by the aeroplane manufacturer for take-off and that are normally used throughout the flight to trim the aeroplane from 1.23VSR1 to VMO/MMO or VFE, as appropriate.
(5) Speed Brakes
Speed brakes are assumed jammed in any position for which they are approved to operate during flight at any speed from 1.23VSR1 to VMO/MMO or VFE, as appropriate. Asymmetric extension and retraction of the speed brakes should be considered. Roll spoiler jam (asymmetric spoiler panel) is addressed in paragraph 7.b(1).
(6) High-Lift Devices
Leading edge and trailing edge high-lift devices are assumed to jam in any position for take-off, climb, cruise, approach, and landing. Skew of high-lift devices or asymmetric extension and retraction should be considered. CS 25.701 requires a mechanical interconnection (or equivalent means) between flaps or slats, unless the aeroplane has safe flight characteristics with the asymmetric flaps or slats positions.
(7) Load Alleviation Systems
(i) Gust Load Alleviation Systems: At any airspeed between 1.23VSR1 to VMO/MMO or VFE, as appropriate, the flight control surfaces are assumed to jam in the maximum position commanded by the gust load alleviation system in response to an atmospheric discrete gust with the following reference velocities:
(A) 16 km/h (15 ft/s) equivalent airspeed (EAS) from sea level to 6 096 m (20 000 ft) (vertical gust);
(B) 16 km/h (15 ft/s) EAS from sea level to 6 096 m (20 000 ft) (lateral gust).
(ii) Manoeuvre Load Alleviation Systems: At any airspeed between 1.23VSR1 to VMO/MMO or VFE, as appropriate, the flight control surfaces are assumed to jam in the maximum position commanded by the manoeuvre load alleviation system during a pull-up manoeuvre to 1.3 g or a push-over manoeuvre to 0.8 g.
c. Considerations for jams just before landing — CS 25.671(c)(3)(i) and (ii)
CS 25.671(c)(3)(ii) requires that failures (leading to a jam) must be assumed to occur anywhere within the normal flight envelope and during any flight phase from take-off to landing. This includes the flight phase just before landing and the landing itself. For the determination of the jam position per CS 25.671(c)(3)(i) and the assessment of continued safe flight and landing, guidance is provided in this AMC. However, there might be exceptional cases where it is not possible to demonstrate continued safe flight and landing. Even jam alleviation means (e.g., disconnection units) might not be efficient because of the necessary time for the transfer of pilot controls.
For these exceptional cases, the compliance to CS 25.671(c)(3)(ii) may be shown by demonstrating that the occurrence of a jam just before landing is extremely improbable.
Therefore, the overall compliance to CS 25.671(c)(3)(ii) for the flight phase just before landing may be performed as follows:
(1) Demonstrate continued safe flight and landing after a jam has occurred just before landing.
Note: The assessment of continued safe flight and landing in paragraph 7.e. below also applies to jams occurring just before landing;
(2) If continued safe flight and landing cannot be demonstrated, perform a qualitative assessment of the design, relative to jam prevention features and jam alleviation means, to show that all practical precautions have been taken; or
(3) As a last resort, after agreement by EASA, use data from in-service aeroplanes to support an extremely improbable argument (without use of at-risk time).
The typical means of jam prevention/alleviation include low-friction materials, dual-rotation bearings, clearances, jack catchers, priority switch on sidestick.
d. Jam Combinations Failures — CS 25.671(c)(3)
In addition to the demonstration of jams at ‘normally encountered position’, compliance with CS 25.671(c)(3) should include an analysis that shows that a minimum level of safety exists when a jam occurs. This additional analysis must show that in the presence of a jam considered under CS 25.671(c)(3), the failure conditions that could prevent continued safe flight and landing have a combined probability of 1/1 000 or less.
As a minimum, this analysis should include elements such as a jam breakout or override, disconnection means, alternate flight surface control, alternate electrical or hydraulic sources, or alternate cable paths. This analysis should help to determine the intervals for scheduled maintenance activity or the operational checks that ensure the availability of the alleviation or compensation means.
e. Assessment of Continued Safe Flight and Landing — CS 25.671(c)
Following a flight control system failure of the types discussed in paragraphs 7.a., 7.b., 7.c. and 7.d. of this AMC, the manoeuvrability and structural strength criteria defined in the following paragraphs should be considered to determine the capability of continued safe flight and landing of the aeroplane. Additionally, a pilot assessment of the aeroplane handling qualities should be performed, although this does not supersede the criteria provided below.
A local structural failure (e.g. via a mechanical fuse or shear-out) that could lead to a surface departure from the aeroplane should not be used as a means of jam alleviation.
(1) Flight Characteristics
(i) General. Following a flight control system failure, appropriate procedures may be used including system reconfiguration, flight limitations, and flight crew resource management. The procedures for safe flight and landing should not require exceptional piloting skills or strengths.
Additional means of control, such as a trim system, may be used if it can be shown that the system is available and effective. Credit should not be given to the use of differential engine thrust to manoeuvre the aeroplane. However, differential thrust may be used after the recovery in order to maintain lateral/directional trim.
For the cases of longitudinal flight control surface and pilot control jams during take-off prior to rotation, it is necessary to show that the aeroplane can be safely rotated for lift-off without consideration of field length available.
(ii) Transient Response. There should be no unsafe conditions during the transient condition following a flight control system failure. The evaluation of failures or manoeuvres that lead to a jam is intended to be initiated from 1-g wings level flight conditions. For this purpose, continued safe flight and landing (within the transition phase) is generally defined as not exceeding any one of the following criteria:
(A) a load on any part of the primary structure sufficient to cause a catastrophic structural failure;
(B) catastrophic loss of flight path control;
(C) exceedance of VDF/MDF;
(D) catastrophic flutter;
(E) excessive vibration or excessive buffeting conditions;
(F) bank angle in excess of 90 degrees.
In connection with the transient response, compliance with the requirements of CS 25.302 should be demonstrated. While VF is normally an appropriate airspeed limit to be considered regarding continued safe flight and landing, temporary exceedance of VF may be acceptable as long as the requirements of CS 25.302 are met.
Paragraph 7.b. of this AMC provides a means to determine flight control surface deflections for the evaluation of flight control jams. In some cases, aeroplane roll, pitch rate, or normal acceleration is used as a basis to determine these deflections. The roll or pitch rate and/or normal acceleration that is used to determine the flight control surface deflection need not be included in the evaluation of the transient condition. For example, the in-flight lateral flight control position determined in paragraph 7.b.(1)(ii) is based on a steady roll rate of 12°/s. When evaluating this condition, either by analysis, simulation, or in-flight demonstration, the resulting flight control surface deflection is simply input while the aeroplane is in wings level flight, at the appropriate speed, altitude, etc. During this evaluation, the actual roll or pitch rate of the aeroplane may or may not be the same as the roll or pitch rate used to determine the jammed flight control surface position.
(iii) Delay Times. Due consideration should be given to the delays involved in pilot recognition, reaction, and operation of any disconnection systems, if applicable.
Delay = Recognition + Reaction + Operation of Disconnection
Recognition is defined as the time from the failure condition to the point at which a pilot in service operation may be expected to recognise the need to take action. Recognition of the malfunction may be through the behaviour of the aeroplane or a reliable failure warning system, and the recognition point should be identified but should not normally be less than
1 second. For flight control system failures, except the types of jams addressed in CS 25.671(c)(3), control column or wheel movements alone should not be used for recognition.
The following reaction times should be used:
Flight condition |
Reaction time |
On ground |
1 second* |
In air (< 300 m (1 000 ft) above ground level (AGL)) |
1 second* |
Manual flight (> 300 m (1 000 ft) AGL) |
1 second* |
Automatic flight (> 300 m (1 000 ft) AGL) |
3 seconds |
*3 seconds if the control must be transferred between the pilots. |
The time required to operate any disconnection system should be measured either through ground test or flight test. This value should be used during all analysis efforts. However, flight test or manned simulation that requires the pilot to operate the disconnection includes this extra time, therefore, no additional delay time would be needed for these demonstrations.
(iv) Manoeuvre Capability for Continued Safe Flight and Landing. If, using the procedures recommended by the aeroplane manufacturer, the following manoeuvres can be performed following the failure, it will generally be considered that continued safe flight and landing has been shown:
(A) A steady 30° banked turn to the left or right;
(B) A roll from a steady 30° banked turn through an angle of 60° so as to reverse the direction of the turn in not more than 11 seconds (in this manoeuvre, the rudder may be used to the extent necessary to minimise side-slip, and the manoeuvre may be unchecked);
(C) A push-over manoeuvre to 0.8 g, and a pull-up manoeuvre to 1.3 g;
(D) A wings level landing flare in a 90° crosswind of up to 18.5 km/h (10 kt) (measured at 10 m (33 ft) above the ground); and
(E) The aeroplane remains on the paved runway surface during the landing roll, until reaching a complete stop.
Note: In the case of a lateral or directional flight control system jam during take-off as described in paragraph 7.b(1) or 7.b(3) of this AMC, it should be shown that the aeroplane can safely land on a suitable runway, without crosswind and with crosswind in the same direction as during take-off and at speeds up to the value at which the jam was established.
(v) Control Forces. The short- and long-term control forces should not be greater than 1.5 times the short- and long-term control forces allowed by CS 25.143(d) or CS 25.143(k) as applicable.
Short-term forces have typically been interpreted to mean the time required to accomplish a configuration or trim change. However, taking into account the capability of the crew to share the workload, the short-term forces provided in CS 25.143(d) or CS 25.143(k), as applicable, may be appropriate for a longer duration, such as the evaluation of a jam on take-off and return to landing.
During the recovery following the failure, transient control forces may exceed these criteria to a limited extent. Acceptability of any exceedance will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
(2) Structural Strength for Flight Control System Failures.
(i) Failure Conditions per CS 25.671(c)(1) and (c)(2). It should be shown that the aeroplane maintains structural integrity for continued safe flight and landing. This should be accomplished by demonstrating compliance with CS 25.302, where applicable, unless otherwise agreed with EASA.
(ii) Jam Conditions per CS 25.671(c)(3). It should be shown that the aeroplane maintains structural integrity for continued safe flight and landing. Recognising that jams are infrequent occurrences and that margins have been taken in the definition of normally encountered positions in this AMC, an acceptable means of compliance for structural substantiation of jam conditions is provided below in paragraph 7.e.(2)(iii).
(iii) Structural Substantiation. The loads considered as ultimate should be derived from the following conditions at speeds up to the maximum speed allowed for the jammed position or for the failure condition:
(A) Balanced manoeuvre of the aeroplane between 0.25 and 1.75 g with high-lift devices fully retracted and in en-route configurations, and between 0.6 and 1.4 g with high-lift devices extended;
(B) Vertical and lateral discrete gusts corresponding to 40 % of the limit gust velocity specified at Vc in CS 25.341(a) with high-lift devices fully retracted, and a 5.2-m/s (17-ft/s) vertical and a 5.2-m/s (17-ft/s) head-on gust with high-lift devices extended. The vertical and lateral gusts should be considered separately.
A flexible aeroplane model should be used for load calculations, where the use of a flexible aeroplane model is significant for the loads being assessed.
a. Explanation.
The intent of CS 25.671(d) is to assure that in the event of failure of all engines, the aeroplane will be controllable, an approach and a flare to a landing and to a ditching is possible, and, assuming that a suitable runway is available, the aeroplane is controllable on ground and can be stopped.
In this context:
— ‘flare to a landing/ditching’ refers to the time until touchdown;
— ‘suitable runway’ is a hard-surface runway or equivalent for which the distance available following touchdown is consistent with the available aeroplane ground deceleration capability.
Although the rule refers to ‘flare to a landing’ with the implication that the aeroplane is on a runway, it is recognised that, with all engines inoperative, it may not be possible to reach a suitable runway or landing surface. In this case, the aeroplane must still be able to make a flare to a landing attitude.
Compliance with CS 25.671(d) effectively requires that the aeroplane is equipped with a source(s) of emergency power, such as an air-driven generator, windmilling engines, batteries, or other power source, capable of providing adequate power to the systems that are necessary to control the aeroplane.
Analysis, simulation, or a combination of analysis and simulation may be used to demonstrate compliance where the methods are shown to be reliable.
b. Procedures.
(1) The aeroplane should be evaluated to determine that it is possible, without requiring exceptional piloting skill or strength, to maintain control following the failure of all engines and attain the parameters provided in the operational procedure of the aeroplane flight manual (AFM), taking into account the time necessary to activate any backup systems. The aeroplane should also remain controllable during restart of the most critical engine, whilst following the AFM recommended engine restart procedures.
(2) The most critical flight phases, especially for aeroplanes with emergency power systems dependent on airspeed, are likely to be the take-off, the landing, and the ditching. Credit may be taken from the hydraulic pressure and/or the electrical power produced while the engines are spinning down and from any residual hydraulic pressure remaining in the system. Sufficient power must be available to complete a wings level approach and flare to a landing, and flare to a ditching.
Analyses or tests may be used to demonstrate the capability of the control systems to maintain adequate hydraulic pressure and/or electrical power during the time between the failure of the engines and the activation of any power backup systems. If any of the power backup systems rely on aerodynamic means to generate the power, then a flight test should be conducted to demonstrate that the power backup system can supply adequate electrical and/or hydraulic power to the control systems. The flight test should be conducted at the minimum practical airspeed required to perform an approach and flare to a safe landing and ditching attitude.
(3) The manoeuvre capability following the failure of all engines should be sufficient to complete an approach and flare to a landing, and flare to a ditching. Note that the aeroplane weight could be extremely low (e.g. the engine failures could be due to fuel exhaustion). The maximum speeds for approach and landing/ditching may be limited by other CS-25 specifications (e.g. tyre speeds, flap or landing gear speeds, etc.) or by an evaluation of the average pilot ability to conduct a safe landing/ditching. At an operational weight determined for this case and for any other critical weights and positions of the centre of gravity identified by the applicant, at speeds down to the approach speeds appropriate to the aeroplane configuration, if the following manoeuvres can be performed, it will generally be considered that compliance has been shown:
(i) a steady 30° banked turn to the left or right;
(ii) a roll from a steady 30° banked turn through an angle of 60° so as to reverse the direction of the turn in not more than 11 s (in this manoeuvre, the rudder may be used to the extent necessary to minimise side-slip, and the manoeuvre may be unchecked);
(iii) a push-over manoeuvre to 0.8 g, and a pull-up manoeuvre to 1.3 g;
(iv) a wings level landing flare in a 90° crosswind of up to 18.5 km/h (10 kt) (measured at 10 m (33 ft) above the ground).
Note: If the loss of all engines has no effect on the flight control authority of the aeroplane, then the results of the flight tests of the basic handling qualities with all engines operating may be used to demonstrate the satisfactory handling qualities of the aeroplane with all engines failed.
(4) It should be possible to perform a flare to a safe landing and ditching attitude, in the most critical configuration, from a stabilised approach using the recommended approach speeds, pitch angles, and the appropriate AFM procedures, without requiring exceptional piloting skills or strengths. For transient manoeuvres, forces are allowed up to 1.5 times those specified in CS 25.143(d) or CS 25.143(k) as applicable for temporary application with two hands available for control.
Similarly to paragraph 7.e.(1)(v) of this AMC, the acceptability of any exceedance will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
(5) Finally, assuming that a suitable runway is available, it should be possible to control the aeroplane until it comes to a complete stop on the runway. A means of positive deceleration should be provided.
A suitable runway should have the lateral dimensions, length and load-bearing capability that meets the requirements defined in the emergency procedures of the AFM.
It is not necessary to consider adverse environmental conditions (e.g. wet or contaminated runway, tailwind) when demonstrating compliance for the on-ground phase.
CS 25.671(e) requires an indication to the flight crew when a flight condition exists in which near-full-flight-control authority (whether or not it is pilot-commanded) is being used. Suitability of such an annunciation should take into account that some pilot-commanded manoeuvres (e.g. rapid roll) are necessarily associated with intended full performance, which may saturate the surface. Therefore, simple alerting systems, which should function in both intended and unexpected flight control-limiting situations, should be properly balanced between needed crew awareness and nuisance alerting. Nuisance alerting must be minimised per CS 25.1322 by correct setting of the alerting threshold.
Depending on the application, suitable indications may include cockpit flight control position, annunciator light, or surface position indicators. Furthermore, this requirement applies to the limits of flight control authority, not necessarily to the limits of any individual surface travel.
When the aeroplane is equipped with an unpowered manual flight control system, the pilot may be
de facto aware of the limit of control authority. In this case, no other means of indication may be required.
Some flight control systems, for instance, electronic flight control systems, may have multiple modes of operation not restricted to being either on or off. The applicant should evaluate the different modes of operation and the transition between them in order to establish if they are intuitive or not.
If these modes, or the transition between them, are not intuitive, an alert to the flight crew may be required. Any alert must comply with CS 25.1322. This includes the indication to the flight crew of the loss of protections.
It is recognised that it may be neither practical nor appropriate to demonstrate compliance by flight test for all of the failure conditions noted herein. Compliance may be demonstrated by analysis, simulation, a piloted engineering simulator, flight test, or a combination of these methods, as agreed with EASA. Simulation methods should include an accurate representation of the aeroplane characteristics and of the pilot response, including time delays as specified in paragraph 7.e(1)(iii) of this AMC.
Compliance with CS 25.671 may result in AFM non-normal and emergency procedures. Verification of these procedures may be accomplished in flight, or, with the agreement of EASA, using a piloted simulator.
a. Acceptable Use of Simulations. It is generally difficult to define the types of simulations that might be acceptable in lieu of flight test without identifying specific conditions or issues. However, the following general principles can be used as guidance for making this kind of decision:
(1) In general, flight test is the preferred method to demonstrate compliance;
(2) Simulation may be an acceptable alternative to flight test, especially when:
(i) a flight test would be too risky even after attempts to mitigate these risks (e.g. ‘simulated’ take-offs/landings at high altitude);
(ii) the required environmental conditions, or the representation of the failure conditions, are too difficult to attain (e.g. wind shear, high crosswinds, system failure configurations);
(iii) the simulation is used to augment a reasonably broad flight test programme;
(iv) the simulation is used to demonstrate repeatability.
b. Simulation Requirements. In order to be acceptable for use in demonstrating compliance with the requirements for performance and handling qualities, a simulation method should:
(1) be suitably validated by flight test data for the conditions of interest; furthermore,:
(i) this does not mean that there must be flight test data at the exact conditions of interest; the reason why a simulation method is being used may be that it is too difficult or risky to obtain flight test data at the conditions of interest;
(ii) the level of substantiation of the simulator to flight correlation should be commensurate with the level of compliance (i.e. unless it is determined that the simulation is conservative, the closer the case is to being non-compliant, the higher the required quality of the simulation);
(2) be conducted in a manner appropriate to the case and conditions of interest:
(i) if closed-loop responses are important, the simulation should be piloted by a human pilot;
(ii) for piloted simulations, the controls/displays/cues should be substantially equivalent to what would be available in the real aeroplane (unless it is determined that not doing so would provide added conservatism).
a. Control Signal Integrity.
If the aeroplane is equipped with a conventional flight control system, the transmission of command signals to the primary and secondary flight control surfaces is made through conventional mechanical and hydromechanical means.
The determination of the origin of perturbations to command transmissions is relatively straightforward since failure cases can usually be classified in a limited number of categories that include maintenance error, jamming, disconnection, runaway, failure of mechanical element, or structural failure of hydraulic components. Therefore, it is almost always possible to identify the most severe failure cases that would serve as an envelope to all other cases that have the same consequences.
However, when the aeroplane is equipped with flight control systems using the fly-by-wire technology, incorporating digital devices and software, experience from electronic digital transmission lines shows that the perturbation of signals from internal and external sources is not unlikely.
The perturbations are described as signals that result from any condition that is able to modify the command signal from its intended characteristics. They can be classified in two categories:
(1) Internal causes that could modify the command and control signals include, but are not limited to:
— loss of data bits, frozen or erroneous values;
— unwanted transients;
— computer capacity saturation;
— processing of signals by asynchronous microprocessors;
— adverse effects caused by transport lag;
— poor resolution of digital signals;
— sensor noise;
— corrupted sensor signals;
— aliasing effects;
— inappropriate sensor monitoring thresholds;
— structural interactions (such as control surface compliance or coupling of structural modes with control modes) that may adversely affect the system operation.
(2) External causes that could modify the command and control signals include but are not limited to:
— high-intensity radiated fields (HIRF);
— lightning;
— electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects (e.g. motor interference, aeroplane’s own electrical power and power switching transients, smaller signals if they can affect flight control, transients due to electrical failures.)
Spurious signals and/or false data that are a consequence of perturbations in either of the two above categories may result in malfunctions that produce unacceptable system responses equivalent to those of conventional systems such as limit cycle/oscillatory failures, runaway/hardover conditions, disconnection, lockups and false indication/warning that consequently present a flight hazard. It is imperative that the command signals remain continuous and free from internal and external perturbations and common-cause failures. Therefore, special design measures should be employed to maintain system integrity at a level of safety at least equivalent to that which is achieved with traditional hydromechanical designs. These special design measures can be monitored through the system safety assessment (SSA) process, provided specific care is directed to development methods and on quantitative and qualitative demonstrations of compliance.
The following should be considered when evaluating compliance with CS 25.671(c)(2):
(1) The flight control system should continue to provide its intended function, regardless of any malfunction from sources in the integrated systems environment of the aeroplane.
(2) Any malfunctioning system in the aerodynamic loop should not produce an unsafe level of uncommanded motion and should automatically recover its ability to perform critical functions upon removal of the effects of that malfunction.
(3) Systems in the aerodynamic loop should not be adversely affected during and/or after exposure to any sources of a malfunction.
(4) Any disruption to an individual unit or component as a consequence of a malfunction, and which requires annunciation and flight crew action, should be identified to and agreed by EASA to assure that:
a) the failure can be recognised by the flight crew, and
b) the flight crew action can be expected to result in continued safe flight and landing.
(5) An automatic change from a normal to a degraded mode that is caused by spurious signal(s) or malfunction(s) should meet the probability guidelines associated with the hazard assessment established in AMC 25.1309, e.g. for a condition assessed as ‘major’, the probability of occurrence should be no more than ‘remote’ (Pc < 10-5 per flight hour).
(6) Exposure to a spurious signal or malfunction should not result in a hazard with a probability greater than that allowed by the criteria of AMC 25.1309. The impact on handling qualities should be evaluated.
The complexity and criticality of the fly-by-wire flight control system necessitates the additional laboratory testing beyond that required as part of individual equipment validation and software verification.
It should be shown that either the fly-by-wire flight control system signals cannot be altered unintentionally, or that altered signal characteristics would meet the following criteria:
(1) Stable gain and phase margins are maintained for all control surface closed-loop systems.
Pilot control inputs (pilot in the loop) are excluded from this requirement;
(2) Sufficient pitch, roll, and yaw control power is available to provide control for continued safe flight and landing, considering all the fly-by-wire flight control system signal malfunctions that are not extremely improbable; and
(3) The effect of spurious signals on the systems that are included in the aerodynamic loop should not result in unacceptable transients or degradation of the performance of the aeroplane. Specifically, in case of signals that would cause a significant uncommanded motion of a control surface actuator, either the signal should be readily detected and deactivated or the surface motion should be arrested by other means in a satisfactory manner. Small amplitude residual system oscillations may be acceptable.
It should be demonstrated that the output from the control surface closed-loop system does not result in uncommanded, sustained oscillations of flight control surfaces. The effects of minor instabilities may be acceptable, provided that they are thoroughly investigated, documented, and understood. An example of an acceptable condition would be one where a computer input is perturbed by spurious signals, but the output signal remains within the design tolerances, and the system is able to continue to operate in its selected mode of operation and is not affected by this perturbation.
When demonstrating compliance with CS 25.671(c), these system characteristics should be demonstrated using the following means:
(1) Systematic laboratory validation that includes a realistic representation of all relevant interfacing systems, and associated software, including the control system components that are part of the pitch, roll, and yaw axis control. Closed-loop aeroplane simulation/testing is necessary in this laboratory validation;
(2) Laboratory or aeroplane testing to demonstrate unwanted coupling of electronic command signals and their effects on the mechanical actuators and interfacing structure over the spectrum of operating frequencies; and
(3) Analysis or inspection to substantiate that physical or mechanical separation and segregation of equipment or components are utilised to minimise any potential hazards.
A successful demonstration of signal integrity should include all the elements that contribute to the command and control signals to the ‘aerodynamic closed loop’ that actuates the aerodynamic control surfaces (e.g. rudder, elevator, stabiliser, flaps, and spoilers). The ‘aerodynamic closed loop’ should be evaluated for the normal and degraded modes. Elements of the integrated ‘aerodynamic closed loop’ may include, for example: digital or analogue flight control computers, power control units, control feedback, major data busses, and the sensor signals including: air data, acceleration, rate gyros, commands to the surface position, and respective power supply sources. Autopilot systems (including feedback functions) should be included in this demonstration if they are integrated with the fly-by-wire flight control system.
b. Formalisation of Compliance Demonstration for Electronic Flight Control Laws.
On fly-by-wire aeroplanes, flight controls are typically implemented according to complex control laws and logics.
The handling qualities certification tests, usually performed on conventional aeroplanes to demonstrate compliance with CS-25 Subpart B specifications, are not considered to be sufficient to demonstrate the behaviour of the flight control laws in all foreseeable situations that may be encountered in service.
In order to demonstrate compliance with an adequate level of formalisation, the following should be performed and captured within certification documents:
— Determination of the flight control characteristics that require detailed and specific test strategy; and
— Substantiation of the proposed validation strategy (flight tests, simulator tests, analyses, etc.) covering the characteristics and features determined above.
In particular, the following characteristics of flight control laws should be covered:
— discontinuities;
— robustness versus piloted manoeuvres and/or adverse weather conditions;
— protection priorities (entry/exit logic conditions not symmetrical);
— control law mode changes with and without failures; and
— determination of critical scenarios for multiple failures.
The validation strategy should include, but should not be limited to, operational scenarios. The determination that an adequate level of formalisation of validation strategy has been achieved should be based on engineering judgement.
[Amdt No: 25/24]
[Amdt No: 25/27]
CS 25.672 Stability augmentation and automatic and power-operated systems
ED Decision 2020/001/R
If the functioning of stability augmentation or other automatic or power-operated systems is necessary to show compliance with the flight characteristics requirements of this CS-25, such systems must comply with CS 25.671 and the following:
(a) A warning, which is clearly distinguishable to the pilot under expected flight conditions without requiring his attention, must be provided for any failure in the stability augmentation system or in any other automatic or power-operated system, which could result in an unsafe condition if the pilot were not aware of the failure. Warning systems must not activate the control systems.
(b) The design of the stability augmentation system or of any other automatic or power-operated system must permit initial counteraction of failures of the type specified in CS 25.671(c) without requiring exceptional pilot skill or strength, by either the deactivation of the system, or a failed portion thereof, or by overriding the failure by movement of the flight controls in the normal sense.
(c) It must be shown that after any single failure of the stability augmentation system or any other automatic or power-operated system:
(1) The aeroplane is safely controllable when the failure or malfunction occurs at any speed or altitude within the approved operating limitations that is critical for the type of failure being considered.
(2) The controllability and manoeuvrability requirements of this CS-25 are met within a practical operational flight envelope (for example, speed, altitude, normal acceleration, and aeroplane configurations) which is described in the Aeroplane Flight Manual; and
(3) The trim, stability, and stall characteristics are not impaired below a level needed to permit continued safe flight and landing.
[Amdt 25/18]
[Amdt 25/24]
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) Each control system must have stops that positively limit the range of motion of each movable aerodynamic surface controlled by the system.
(b) Each stop must be located so that wear, slackness, or take-up adjustments will not adversely affect the control characteristics of the aeroplane because of a change in the range of surface travel.
(c) Each stop must be able to withstand any loads corresponding to the design conditions for the control system.
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) Trim controls must be designed to prevent inadvertent or abrupt operation and to operate in the plane, and the sense of motion, of the aeroplane.
(b) There must be means adjacent to the trim control to indicate the direction of the control movement relative to the aeroplane motion. In addition, there must be clearly visible means to indicate the position of the trim device with respect to the range of adjustment. The indicator must be clearly marked with the range within which it has been demonstrated that take-off is safe for all centre of gravity positions approved for take-off.
(c) Trim control systems must be designed to prevent creeping in flight. Trim tab controls must be irreversible unless the tab is appropriately balanced and shown to be free from flutter.
(d) If an irreversible tab control system is used, the part from the tab to the attachment of the irreversible unit to the aeroplane structure must consist of a rigid connection.
CS 25.679 Control system gust locks
ED Decision 2016/010/R
(See AMC 25.679)
(a) There must be a device to prevent damage to the control surfaces (including tabs), and to the control system, from gusts striking the aeroplane while it is on the ground. If the device, when engaged, prevents normal operation of the control surfaces by the pilot, it must –
(1) Automatically disengage when the pilot operates the primary flight controls in a normal manner; or
(2) Limit the operation of the aeroplane so that the pilot receives unmistakable warning at the start of take-off. (See AMC 25.679(a)(2).)
(b) The device must have means to preclude the possibility of it becoming inadvertently engaged in flight. (See AMC 25.679(b).)
[Amdt 25/18]
AMC 25.679(a)(2) Control system gust locks
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
If the device required by CS 25.679(a) limits the operation of the aeroplane by restricting the movement of a control that must be set before take-off (e.g. throttle control levers), this device should be such that it will perform the function for which it is designed even when subject to likely maladjustment or wear, so that –
a. The movement of that control is restricted as long as the device is engaged; and
b. The movement of that control is unrestricted when the device is disengaged.
AMC 25.679(b) Control system gust locks
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
For the purposes of meeting the design intent of this paragraph, flight means the time from the moment the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of flight until the moment it comes to rest after landing.
CS 25.681 Limit load static tests
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) Compliance with the limit load requirements of this CS-25 must be shown by tests in which –
(1) The direction of the test loads produces the most severe loading in the control system; and
(2) Each fitting, pulley, and bracket used in attaching the system to the main structure is included.
(b) Compliance must be shown (by analyses or individual load tests) with the special factor requirements for control system joints subject to angular motion.
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) It must be shown by operation tests that when portions of the control system subject to pilot effort loads are loaded to 80% of the limit load specified for the system and the powered portions of the control system are loaded to the maximum load expected in normal operation, the system is free from –
(1) Jamming;
(2) Excessive friction; and
(3) Excessive deflection.
(b) It must be shown by analysis and, where necessary, by tests that in the presence of deflections of the aeroplane structure due to the separate application of pitch, roll and yaw limit manoeuvre loads, the control system, when loaded to obtain these limit loads and operated within its operational range of deflections can be exercised about all control axes and remain free from-
(1) Jamming;
(2) Excessive friction;
(3) Disconnection, and
(4) Any form of permanent damage.
(c) It must be shown that under vibration loads in the normal flight and ground operating conditions, no hazard can result from interference or contact with adjacent elements.
CS 25.685 Control system details
ED Decision 2016/010/R
(See AMC 25.685)
(a) Each detail of each control system must be designed and installed to prevent jamming, chafing, and interference from cargo, passengers, loose objects or the freezing of moisture. (See AMC 25.685(a).)
(b) There must be means in the cockpit to prevent the entry of foreign objects into places where they would jam the system.
(c) There must be means to prevent the slapping of cables or tubes against other parts.
(d) CS 25.689 and CS 25.693 apply to cable systems and joints.
[Amdt 25/18]
AMC 25.685(a) Control system details
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
In assessing compliance with CS 25.685(a) account should be taken of the jamming of control circuits by the accumulation of water in or on any part which is likely to freeze. Particular attention should be paid to the following:
a. The points where controls emerge from pressurised compartments.
b. Components in parts of the aeroplane which could be contaminated by the water systems of the aeroplane in normal or fault conditions; if necessary such components should be shielded.
c. Components in parts of the aeroplane where rain and/or condensed water vapour can drip or accumulate.
d. Components inside which water vapour can condense and water can accumulate.
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) Each cable, cable fitting, turnbuckle, splice, and pulley must be approved. In addition –
(1) No cable smaller than 3.2 mm (0·125 inch) diameter may be used in the aileron, elevator, or rudder systems; and
(2) Each cable system must be designed so that there will be no hazardous change in cable tension throughout the range of travel under operating conditions and temperature variations.
(b) Each kind and size of pulley must correspond to the cable with which it is used. Pulleys and sprockets must have closely fitted guards to prevent the cables and chains from being displaced or fouled. Each pulley must lie in the plane passing through the cable so that the cable does not rub against the pulley flange.
(c) Fairleads must be installed so that they do not cause a change in cable direction of more than three degrees.
(d) Clevis pins subject to load or motion and retained only by cotter pins may not be used in the control system.
(e) Turnbuckles must be attached to parts having angular motion in a manner that will positively prevent binding throughout the range of travel.
(f) There must be provisions for visual inspection of fairleads, pulleys, terminals, and turnbuckles.
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
Control system joints (in push-pull systems) that are subject to angular motion, except those in ball and roller bearing systems must have a special factor of safety of not less than 3·33 with respect to the ultimate bearing strength of the softest material used as a bearing. This factor may be reduced to 2·0 for joints in cable control systems. For ball or roller bearings, the approved ratings, may not be exceeded.
CS 25.697 Lift and drag devices, controls
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) Each lift device control must be designed so that the pilots can place the device in any takeoff, en-route, approach, or landing position established under CS 25.101(d). Lift and drag devices must maintain the selected positions, except for movement produced by an automatic positioning or load limiting device, without further attention by the pilots.
(b) Each lift and drag device control must be designed and located to make inadvertent operation improbable. Lift and drag devices intended for ground operation only must have means to prevent the inadvertent operation of their controls in flight if that operation could be hazardous.
(c) The rate of motion of the surfaces in response to the operation of the control and the characteristics of the automatic positioning or load limiting device must give satisfactory flight and performance characteristics under steady or changing conditions of airspeed, engine power, and aeroplane attitude.
(d) The lift device control must be designed to retract the surfaces from the fully extended position, during steady flight at maximum continuous engine power at any speed below VF + 17 km/hr (9·0 knots).
CS 25.699 Lift and drag device indicator
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(a) There must be means to indicate to the pilots the position of each lift or drag device having a separate control in the cockpit to adjust its position. In addition, an indication of unsymmetrical operation or other malfunction in the lift or drag device systems must be provided when such indication is necessary to enable the pilots to prevent or counteract an unsafe flight or ground condition, considering the effects on flight characteristics and performance.
(b) There must be means to indicate to the pilots the take-off, en-route, approach, and landing lift device positions.
(c) If any extension of the lift and drag device beyond the landing position is possible, the control must be clearly marked to identify this range of extension.
CS 25.701 Flap and slat interconnection
ED Decision 2016/010/R
(See AMC 25.701)
(a) Unless the aeroplane has safe flight characteristics with the flaps or slats retracted on one side and extended on the other, the motion of flaps or slats on opposite sides of the plane of symmetry must be synchronised by a mechanical interconnection or approved equivalent means.
(b) If a wing-flap or slat interconnection or equivalent means is used, it must be designed to account for the applicable unsymmetrical loads, including those resulting from flight with the engines on one side of the plane of symmetry inoperative and the remaining engines at take-off power.
(c) For aeroplanes with flaps or slats that are not subjected to slipstream conditions, the structure must be designed for the loads imposed when the wing-flaps or slats on one side are carrying the most severe load occurring in the prescribed symmetrical conditions and those on the other side are carrying not more than 80% of that load.
(d) The interconnection must be designed for the loads resulting when interconnected flap or slat surfaces on one side of the plane of symmetry are jammed and immovable while the surfaces on the other side are free to move and the full power of the surface actuating system is applied. (See AMC 25.701(d).)
[Amdt 25/18]
AMC 25.701(d) Flap and slat interconnection
ED Decision 2019/013/R
FAA Advisory Circular AC 25-14 High Lift and Drag Devices, dated 5-4-88, incorporated in FAA Advisory Circular AC 25-22, Certification of Transport Airplane Mechanical Systems, dated 14 March 2000, is accepted by EASA as providing acceptable means of compliance with CS 25.701(d).
[Amdt No: 25/23]
CS 25.703 Take-off warning system
ED Decision 2003/2/RM
(See AMC 25.703)
A take-off warning system must be installed and must meet the following requirements:
(a) The system must provide to the pilots an aural warning that is automatically activated during the initial portion of the take-off roll if the aeroplane is in a configuration, including any of the following that would not allow a safe take-off:
(1) The wing-flaps or leading edge devices are not within the approved range of take-off positions.
(2) Wing spoilers (except lateral control spoilers meeting the requirements of CS 25.671), speed brakes, or longitudinal trim devices are in a position that would not allow a safe take-off.
(3) The parking brake is unreleased.
(b) The aural warning required by sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph must continue until –
(1) The take-off configuration is changed to allow a safe take-off;
(2) Action is taken by the pilot to terminate the take-off roll;
(3) The aeroplane is rotated for take-off; or
(4) The warning is manually silenced by the pilot. The means to silence the warning must not be readily available to the flight crew such that it could be operated instinctively, inadvertently, or by habitual reflexive action. Before each take-off, the warning must be rearmed automatically, or manually if the absence of automatic rearming is clear and unmistakable.
(c) The means used to activate the system must function properly for all authorised take-off power settings and procedures, and throughout the ranges of take-off weights, altitudes, and temperatures for which certification is requested.
AMC 25.703 Take-off Configuration Warning Systems
ED Decision 2012/008/R
1. PURPOSE. This AMC provides guidance for the certification of take-off configuration warning systems installed in large aeroplanes. Like all AMC material, this AMC is not mandatory and does not constitute a requirement. It is issued to provide guidance and to outline a method of compliance with the rules.
CS 25.703, 25.1301, 25.1309, 25.1322, 25.1357, 25.1431, and 25.1529.
a. Federal Aviation Administration and EASA Documents.
(1) Advisory Circular 25.1309-( ), System Design and Analysis and AC 25-11 Transport Category Airplane Electronic Display Systems. Advisory circulars can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Transportation, M-443.2, Subsequent Distribution Unit, Washington, D.C. 20590.
(2) Report DOT/FAA/RD-81/38, II, Aircraft Alerting Systems Standardization Study, Volume II, Aircraft Alerting Systems Design Guidelines. This document can be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
(3) FAA report, Review of Take-off Configuration Warning Systems on Large Jet Transports, dated April 29, 1988. This document can be obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, S.W., Renton, Washington, 98055-4056.
(4) EASA AMC 25.1322 (Alerting Systems).
(5) EASA AMC 25-11 (Electronic Display Systems).
(6) EASA AMC 25.1309 (System Design and Analysis).
(7) EASA AMC 20-115 (Software Considerations for Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification)
b. Industry Documents.
(1) Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) 450D, Flight Deck Visual, Audible and Tactile Signals; ARP 4012/4, Flight Deck Alerting Systems (FAS). These documents can be obtained from the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096.
(2) EUROCAE ED-14D/RTCA document DO-160D or latest version, Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment; AMC 20-115, Software Considerations for Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. RTCA documents can be obtained from the RTCA, One McPherson Square, Suite 500, 1425 K Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005.
(3) ARINC 726, Flight Warning Computer System. This document can be obtained from the ARINC, 2551 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.
4. BACKGROUND. A number of aeroplane accidents have occurred because the aeroplane was not properly configured for take-off and a warning was not provided to the flight crew by the take-off configuration warning system. Investigations of these accidents have indicated a need for guidance material for design and approval of take-off configuration warning systems.
a. Regulatory Basis.
(1) CS 25.703, "Take-off warning system," requires that a take-off configuration warning system be installed in large aeroplanes. This requirement was introduced with JAR-25 Amendment 5 effective 1.1.79. On the FAR side, this was added to FAR Part 25 by Amendment 25-42 effective on March 1, 1978. CS 25.703 requires that a take-off warning system be installed and provide an aural warning to the flight crew during the initial portion of the take off roll, whenever the aeroplane is not in a configuration which would allow a safe take-off. The intent of this rule is to require that the take-off configuration warning system cover (a) only those configurations of the required systems which would be unsafe, and (b) the effects of system failures resulting in wrong surface or system functions if there is not a separate and adequate warning already provided. According to the preamble of FAR Part 25 Amendment 25-42, the take-off warning system should serve as "back-up for the checklist, particularly in unusual situations, e.g., where the checklist is interrupted or the take-off delayed." Conditions for which warnings are required include wing flaps or leading edge devices not within the approved range of take-off positions, and wing spoilers (except lateral control spoilers meeting the requirements of CS 25.671), speed brakes, parking brakes, or longitudinal trim devices in a position that would not allow a safe take-off. Consideration should also be given to adding rudder trim and aileron (roll) trim if these devices can be placed in a position that would not allow a safe take-off.
(2) Prior to JAR-25 Amendment 5 and FAR Part-25 Amendment 25-42, there was no requirement for a take-off configuration warning system to be installed in large aeroplanes. Since this amendment is not retroactive, some large aeroplane models in service today may not have take-off configuration warning systems; however, all large turbojet transports currently in service, even those with a certification basis established prior to 1978, include a take-off configuration warning system in the basic design. These include the majority of large aeroplanes.
(3) Other general rules such as CS 25.1301, 25.1309, 25.1322, 25.1357 and 25.1431 for electronic system installations also apply to take-off configuration warning systems.
b. System Criticality.
(1) It has been Aviation Authorities policy to categorise systems designed to alert the flight crew of potentially hazardous operating conditions as being at a level of criticality associated with a probable failure condition. (For a definition of this terminology together with discussions and guidelines on the classification of failure conditions and the probability of failures, see AMC 25.1309). This is because failures of these systems, in themselves, are not considered to create an unsafe condition, reduce the capability of the aeroplane, or reduce the ability of the crew to cope with adverse operating conditions. Other systems which fall into this category include stall warning systems, overspeed warning systems, ground proximity warning systems, and windshear warning systems.
(2) Even though AMC 25.1309 does not define an upper probability limit for probable failure conditions, generally, it can be shown by analysis that such systems have a probability of failure (of the ability to adequately give a warning) which is approximately 1.0 x 10E-3 or less per flight hour. This probability does not take into account the likelihood that a warning will be needed. Systems which are designed to meet this requirement are usually single channel systems with limited built-in monitoring. Maintenance or pre-flight checks are relied on to limit the exposure time to undetected failures which would prevent the system from operating adequately.
(3) Applying the practice given in sub-paragraphs b(1) and b(2) above to take-off configuration warning systems is not considered to result in an adequate level of safety when the consequence of the combination of failure of the system and a potentially unsafe take-off configuration could result in a major/catastrophic failure condition. Therefore, these systems should be shown to meet the criteria of AMC 25.1309 pertaining to a major failure condition, including design criteria and in-service maintenance at specified intervals. This will ensure that the risk of the take-off configuration warning system being unavailable when required to give a warning, if a particular unsafe configuration occurs, will be minimised.
(4) If such systems use digital electronic technology, a software Development Assurance Level (DAL) should be used, in accordance with AMC 20-115, which is compatible with the system integrity determined by the AMC 25.1309 analysis.
(5) Since a false warning during the take-off run at speeds near V1 may result in an unnecessary rejected take-off (RTO), which could lead to a mishap, the occurrence of a false warning during the take-off should be remote in accordance with AMC 25.1309.
(6) If the take-off configuration warning system is integrated with other systems that provide crew alerting functions, the level of criticality of common elements should be commensurate with that of the take-off configuration warning system unless a higher level is dictated by one or more of the other systems.
c. Design Considerations.
(1) A review of existing take-off configuration warning systems has shown a trend towards increased sophistication of design, partly due to the transition towards digital electronic technology which is amenable to self-monitoring and simple testing. The net result has been an improvement in reliability, fewer unwanted warnings and enhanced safety.
(2) With the objective of continuing this trend, new systems should be designed using the objectives and criteria of AMC 25.1309. Analysis should include all the remote sensors, transducers and the elements they depend on, as well as any take-off configuration warning system line replaceable unit (LRU) and the actual visual and aural warning output devices.
(3) Unwanted warnings may be reduced by inhibiting the take-off configuration warning system where it is safer to do so, e.g., between V1 and VR, so that a hazardous rejected take-off is not attempted. Inhibition of the take-off configuration warning system at high speeds will also avoid any confusion from the occurrence of a warning during a touch-and-go landing. This is because the basic message of an alert is to stop because it is unsafe to take off. It may or may not tell the flight crew which surface or system is wrong. A warning may be more hazardous than reliance on the flight crew's skill and training to cope with the situation.
(4) Even though CS 25.703 specifies those inputs common to most large aeroplanes that must be included in the design, each aeroplane model should be carefully reviewed to ascertain that any configuration or trim setting that could jeopardise a safe take-off has an input to the take-off warning system unless a separate and adequate warning is already provided by another system. There may be aeroplane configurations or electronically positioned lateral or longitudinal trim unique to a particular model that constitute this hazard. In the event that it is necessary to inhibit the warning from a particular system during the entire take-off roll, an equivalent level of safety finding would be required.
(5) Automatic volume adjustment should be provided to maintain the aural warning volume at an appropriate level relative to cockpit ambient sound. According to Report No. DOT/FAA/RD-81/38, II entitled "Aircraft Alerting Systems Standardisation Study, Volume II - Aircraft Alerting System Design Guidelines," aural signals should exceed masked threshold by 8 ± 3 dB.
(6) Of particular importance in the design of take-off configuration warning systems is the elimination of nuisance warnings. These are warnings generated by a system which is functioning as designed but which are inappropriate or unnecessary for the particular phase of operation. Attempting to eliminate nuisance warnings cannot be overemphasised because any indication which could cause the flight crew to perform a high speed rejected take-off, or which distracts or adversely affects the flight crew's performance of the take-off manoeuvre, creates a hazard which could lead to an accident. In addition, any time there are nuisance warnings generated, there is a possibility that the flight crew will be tempted to eliminate them through system deactivation, and by continually doing this, the flight crew may be conditioned to ignore a valid warning.
(7) There are a number of operations that could produce nuisance warnings. Specifically, single engine taxi for twin engine aeroplanes, or in the case of 3 and 4 engine aeroplanes, taxi with fewer than all engines operating is a procedure used by some operators for the purpose of saving fuel. Nuisance warnings have also been caused by trim changes and speed brake handle adjustments.
(8) The means for silencing the aural warning should not be located such that it can be operated instinctively, inadvertently, or by habitual reflexive action. Silencing is defined as the interruption of the aural warning. When silenced, it is preferred that the system will be capable of rearming itself automatically prior to take-off. However, if there is a clear and unmistakable annunciation that the system is silenced, manual re-arming is acceptable.
(9) Each aeroplane model has a different means of arming the take-off configuration warning system, therefore the potential for nuisance warnings varies accordingly. Some existing systems use only a single throttle position, some use position from multiple throttles, some use EPR or N1, and some use a combination of these. When logic from a single operating engine was used, nuisance warnings were common during less than all engine taxi operations because of the higher power settings required to move the aeroplane. These systems were not designed for that type of operation. Because this procedure is used, inputs that arm the system should be judiciously selected taking into account any likely combination of operating and shut-down engines so that nuisance warnings will not occur if the aeroplane is not in take-off configuration.
(10) CS 25.703 requires only an aural alert for the take-off warning system. CS 25.1322 currently specify requirements for visual alerts while related reading material reference 3a(2), 3a(4) and 3b(1) provide guidance for integrated visual and aural annunciations for warnings, cautions and advisory alerting conditions. It has been common industry practice to incorporate the above mentioned references in their aeroplane designs. FAR/CS 25.1322 are planned for revision to incorporate the guidance of these references to reflect current industry practices. Manufacturers may wish to incorporate these alerting concepts to the take-off warning system. If such is the case, the following guidance is offered:
a) A master warning (red) attention getting alert may be provided in the pilot's primary field of view simultaneously with the aural attention getting alert.
b) In addition to or instead of the aural attention getting alert (tone), voice may be used to specify the general problem (Configuration), or the exact problem (slats, flaps, trim, parking brake, etc…).
c) The visual alert may also specify the general problem (Configuration), or the exact problem (slats, flaps, trim, parking brake, etc…).
d) A visual cautionary alert associated with the failure of the Take-off warning system may be provided e.g. "T/O WARN FAIL".
(11) The EASA Agency approved Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) includes those items of equipment related to airworthiness and operating regulations and other items of equipment which the Agency finds may be inoperative and yet maintain an acceptable level of safety by appropriate conditions and limitations. No MMEL relief is provided for an inoperative take-off configuration warning. Therefore, design of these systems should include proper system monitoring including immediate annunciation to the flight crew should a failure be identified or if power to the system is interrupted.
d. System Tests and Test Intervals.
(1) When manual tests or checks are required to show compliance with CS 25.1309, by detecting the presence of and limiting the exposure time to a latent failure that would render the warning inoperative, they should be adequate, simple and straight forward in function and interval to allow a quick and proper check by the flight crew and maintenance personnel. Flight crew checks may be specified in the approved Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM) and, depending on the complexity of the take-off configuration warning system and the aeroplane, maintenance tasks may be conventional Maintenance Review Board (MRB) designed tasks or listed as Certification Check Requirements (CCR) where appropriate, as defined in AMC 25.1309, and determined as part of the approval process between the manufacturer and the certification office.
(2) The specified tests/checks established in accordance with sub-paragraph 5d(1) above should be demonstrated as part of the approval process and should show that each input sensor as well as the control and logic system and its emitters, including the indication system, are individually verified as required to meet sub-paragraph 5b(3). It should also be demonstrated that the warning self cancels when required to do so, for example by retarding the throttles or correcting the wrong configuration.
e. Test Considerations.
(1) During flight testing it should be shown that the take-off configuration warning system does not issue nuisance alerts or interfere with other systems. Specific testing should be conducted to ensure that the take-off configuration warning system works satisfactorily for all sensor inputs to the system. Flight testing should include reconfiguration of the aeroplane during touch and go manoeuvres.
(2) It should be shown by test or analysis that for all requested power settings, feasible weights, taxiway slopes, temperatures and altitudes, there will be no nuisance warnings, nor failure to give a warning when necessary (e.g., cold conditions, derated take-off), for any reasonable configuration of engines operating or shut down. This is to test or simulate all expected operational configurations. Reasonable pilot technique for applying power should be presumed.
(3) The means for silencing the aural warning by the flight crew will be evaluated to assure that the device is not accessible instinctively and it is properly protected from inadvertent activation. Automatic or manual re-arming of the warning system will be evaluated.
[Amdt 25/2]
[Amdt 25/8]
[Amdt 25/12]
CS 25.705 Runway overrun awareness and alerting systems
ED Decision 2020/001/R
(See AMC 25.705)
A runway overrun awareness and alerting system (ROAAS) must be installed. The ROAAS shall reduce the risk of a longitudinal runway excursion during landing by providing alert, in flight and on ground, to the flight crew when the aeroplane is at risk of not being able to stop within the available distance to the end of the runway.
(a) During approach (from a given height above the selected runway) and landing, the ROAAS shall perform real-time energy-based calculations of the predicted landing stopping point, compare that point with the location of the end of the runway, and provide the flight crew with:
(1) in-flight, timely, and unambiguous predictive alert(s) of a runway overrun risk, and
(2) on-ground, timely, and unambiguous predictive alert(s) of a runway overrun risk. At the option of the applicant, the ROAAS may also provide an automated means of deceleration control that prevents or minimises runway overrun during landing.
(b) The ROAAS shall at least accommodate dry and wet runway conditions for normal landing configurations.
[Amdt 25/24]
AMC 25.705 Runway overrun awareness and alerting systems
ED Decision 2020/001/R
1. When demonstrating compliance with CS 25.705, the applicant should take account of EUROCAE Document ED‑250, ‘Minimum Operational Performance Standard for a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System’, dated December 2017.
2. When demonstrating compliance with CS 25.1581 and CS 25.1585, the applicant should include in the aeroplane flight manual the following elements:
(1) A description of the runway overrun awareness and alerting system (ROAAS) operational domain, including all conditions for which the ROAAS is expected to perform its intended function,
(2) Any operational limitations applicable to the ROAAS, and
(3) Operational procedures to be used by the flight crew when ROAAS alerts are triggered.
[Amdt 25/24]