
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM)
AMC & GM to U-space
Publication date Title
20/12/2022 Acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to the U-space regulatory package AMC and GM to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 — Issue 1 view

The file was replaced on 6/5/2024. The corrections are highlighted in yellow.

Publication date Title
05/09/2024 Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air — AMC and GM to Implementing Regulations (EU) 2024/403 and (EU) 2024/404, and to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/405 AMC & GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 6 view
26/10/2023 Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment AMC & GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 5 view
20/12/2022 AMC and GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 4 view
10/11/2020 AMC & GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 3 view
02/07/2020 AMC & GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 2 view

The file was replaced on 14/8/2020. The correction(s) is (are) highlighted in yellow.

30/10/2019 Software assurance level requirements for safety (support) assessment of changes to air traffic management/air navigation services functional systems AMC & GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 1 view
08/03/2017 Common requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight AMC & GM to Part-ATS view
Rules of the air
Publication date Title
05/09/2024 Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air — AMC and GM to Implementing Regulations (EU) 2024/403 and (EU) 2024/404, and to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/405 AMC & GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 7 view
20/12/2022 AMC and GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 6 view
04/11/2022 Amendments to the SERA radiotelephony phraseologies for pilot–air traffic controller voice communications | AMC and GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 5 AMC and GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 5 view
25/11/2021 AMC and GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 4 view
10/11/2020 AMC & GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 3 view
02/07/2020 AMC & GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 2 view
14/10/2016 AMC & GM to the rules of the air — Amendment 1 view
31/07/2013 AMC & GM to the rules of the air view
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16