DTO and EU registered aircrafts

caf28035@yahoo.com • 3 July 2020
in community General Aviation



Is there anything that prevents or limit to operate a DTO (non-commerical) with an aircraft registered in another EU member state?.  Or is this at the discretion of the national authority?


Comments (7)

Thomas Dietrich

You may use any Eu reg aircraft in a DTO as long as they are suitablke for the task and do not have Tur´bines except Helicopters. Do not ask if that makes sense.. Only if you are using Annex 1 Aricraft, of a b c and d type
( See Annex 1 of EU Reg2018/1139 the planes need approval from the responsible authority. There is a procedure described in the AMCs to DTO how to do that. Enjoy &fly safe.

Jean-Claude Ribaux

More simply said:
Acc EASA it is possible but only after respective NAA approval''
and this means:
Respective NAA has the final word
Remark (as for other subjects)
EASA is making things more complicate, more expensive and administratively much too heavy....

Jyrki Paajanen

Thomas is right, but just to clarify: The answer depends on whether your aircraft is an EASA aircraft or not.

If the aircraft is an EASA aircraft in EU Member States register, then the EASA Basic Regulation guarantees free movement and the State of registry is not a limiting factor.

What Thomas refers to in the latter part of his answer is the situation where it is NOT an EASA aircraft, (i.e. but is an Annex I aircraft). Then the national authority will assess its usability for training, but - within certain limits, - EASA will not be against it.

Unfortunately things get a bit more complex if you are not under EASA... ;-)


Thanks for your answers,

The specific case is EASA aircrafts and the spanish authority. They rejects any DTO declaration if it includes non-spanish register marks. In many cases of "more-than-non-complex" aircrafts, like EASA training gliders (aka ASK21, Twin Astir, or TMG Diamond dimona) with french, german or other EU registration marks (owned by aeroclubs).

They require the registration marks in the form even if AMC part-DTO point that It is not necessary to list on the declaration each individual aircraft with its registration mark.

How to survive against this? In some countries we are suffering a dual regulation -EASA+national- adding up all requirents and restrictions of both. :-(

Jyrki Paajanen

Sorry, I should have realised right away from your username that yours is a sailplane DTO. Sailplane training is still a little bit in transition from national rules to EU rules and due to the Covid epidemic many States have postponed the application of the latest sailplane rules by a few months, so the situation is a tad less clear cut in many respects. If you are however intending to train under the new EU rules (i.e. Regulation 2020/358), could you get in touch with me directly so I can look at this in more detail? My email is in the format Firstname.Lastname@ec.europa.eu


Jyrki Paajanen

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