Be Ready

25 March 2022

This page provides you with information on how you can be ready for both the flying season in general and also for every single flight that you take. The better prepared you are, the more you will be able just get on and enjoy your flying. 

The information comes from the European GA Season Opener that was held from 14 to 25 March 2022 and many other sources as well. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to putting this together. 

A Great Starting Point - Take the Return to Flying Training from GASCO

As you get yourself back into more frequent flying in the early part of the year, take some time to refresh your memory, skills and knowledge. A great place to start is to take the revised Return to Flying Training developed by our partners at GASCO. 

The Importance of Being Ready - The PAVE Checklist

When you are ready and prepared, every flight is more enjoyable. The PAVE checklist provides a great structure for you to think about the different aspects of "Being Ready". It covers: 

  • Pilot - yourself as an individual, the paperwork, your skills, knowledge and particularly how you approach every flight.
  • Aircraft and Equipment - is the aircraft all ready, do you have everything you need with you for the flight? 
  • EnVironment - preparing the flight so you can handle the environmental aspects like the weather, terrain and airspace. 
  • Everything Else - having a positive threat and error management approach so you don's miss anything and can take clear, deliberate decisions during the flight. 

Check out this video from the start of the 2022 GA Season Opener where a panel of pilots talk about the importance of being ready. 

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You can view all the other videos from the GA Season Opener on the General Aviation part of the Together4Safety Youtube Channel. The videos available are: