DTO annual internal review and annual report

Hans Bogaerts • 15 August 2018
in community General Aviation

One of the requirements included in Part-DTO will be an annual internal review and an annual activity report.

In previous publications (NPA, opinions, implementing rules) the mandatory content was discribed in the form of bullet points. This gives an impression, but could anyone confirm if the AMC's or GM's will provide more detail? A standard format would be ideal, anything that gives sufficiently detailed directives welcome.

Or has anyone or any organisation already prepared a document which they could share?

Many many thanks in advance, Hans

Comments (3)

Christian KUCHER

Dear Mr Bogaerts,
AMC/GM to Part-DTO is on the way and will be published at the end of this month. With regard to the annual internal review and the annual activity report, the AMC will contain the lists with bullet points you already mentioned. More detailed information or a standard format will not be provided, granting DTOs flexibility when establising these reports. Further guidance or templates may be also provided by the competent authorities.
I hope this helps.
Best regards

Hans Bogaerts

Hi Christian, thanks a lot for your feedback.
We had previously discussed this in a working group supporting Flemish flying clubs, and what we're afraid of is that without any standardisation some will produce a quality document, but some may drown in the complexity.
We will discuss the matter with the Belgian Civil Aviation Authorities to avoid double work. If they don't intend to provide a standard layout we'll probably develop something in agreement with the minimum content.

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