What is the purpose of the point (a)(2)(vii) in the AMC1 21.A.7(c)?

What is the purpose of the point (a)(2)(vii) in the AMC1 21.A.7(c)?


The AMC1 21.A.7(c), point (a)(2)(vii), states:
‘If all ICA are made available to EASA at the time of entry into service, they should also be furnished at this time to the aircraft operator / aircraft owner and made available to any other person(s) required to comply with any of those instructions in accordance with points 21.A.21(c)(4), 21.A.44 and 21.A.7, without using the provision to delay certain parts of the ICA beyond the entry into service. For an EU holder/applicant, this should be supported as part of the DOA/ADOA procedure.’

The purpose is to ensure that the ICA will be available to the aircraft operator / aircraft owner at the time of entry into service.
AMC1 21.A.7(c) is providing three options for the availability of ICA (depending on the nature of the respective ICA):

  • option 1 - available at the time of design approval;
  • option 2 - available at the entry into service; and
  • option 3 - available after the entry into service.

In all three options, there is a provision making clear that 'availability' refers to availability to the owner / operator - i.e. it will not be sufficient to be available to EASA.

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