Revision from March 2024 of the Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Controllers’ Licensing and Certification (EAR for ATCO) incorporates the following rules:
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/893 amending Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (the ‘ATCO Regulation’) with regard to technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to ATCO licences and certificates;
- ED Decision 2023/011/R providing for AMC and GM to the ATCO Regulation, in particular to the requirements on enhanced mobility options and streamlined qualifications for ATCO, to facilitate the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2023/893;
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 stipulating requirements for the management of information security risks with a potential impact on aviation safety for organisations and competent authorities covered by the ATCO Regulation; and
- ED Decision 2023/010/R introducing Amendment 2 of Issue 1 to the AMC and GM to Annex II (Part ATCO.AR) to the ATCO Regulation, to support the implementation of the Part-IS regulatory package.
This Revision of the EAR for ATCO is available in pdf format, as a dynamic online publication, and as a machine-readable xml file.
The EAR for ATCO include the applicable rules on air traffic controllers’ licencing and certification. They contain the implementing rules (IR), acceptable means of compliance (AMC), and guidance material (GM), displayed in a consolidated, easy-to-read format with advanced navigation features through links and bookmarks.
As the EAR for ATCO are generated through the eRules platform, they will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to their content.
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