ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Elevated approach lights:
(1) Elevated approach lights and their supporting structures should be frangible except that, in that portion of the approach lighting system beyond 300 m from the threshold:
(i) where the height of a supporting structure exceeds 12 m, the frangibility requirement should apply to the top 12 m only; and
(ii) where a supporting structure is surrounded by non-frangible objects, only that part of the structure that extends above the surrounding objects should be frangible.
(2) When an approach light fixture or supporting structure is not in itself sufficiently conspicuous, it should be suitably marked.
(b) Elevated lights:
Elevated runway, stopway, and taxiway lights should be frangible. Their height should be sufficiently low to preserve clearance for propellers and for the engine pods of jet aircraft.
(c) Surface lights:
(1) Light fixtures inset in the surface of runways, stopways, taxiways, and aprons should be so designed and fitted as to withstand being run over by the wheels of an aircraft without damage either to the aircraft or to the lights themselves.
(2) The temperature produced by conduction or radiation at the interface between an installed inset light and an aircraft tire should not exceed 160°C during a 10-minute period of exposure.
(d) Light intensity and control:
(1) The intensity of runway lighting should be adequate for the minimum conditions of visibility and ambient light in which use of the runway is intended, and compatible with that of the nearest section of the approach lighting system when provided.
(2) Where a high-intensity lighting system is provided, a suitable intensity control should be incorporated to allow for adjustment of the light intensity to meet the prevailing conditions. Separate intensity controls or other suitable methods should be provided to ensure that the following systems when installed, can be operated at compatible intensities:
(i) approach lighting system;
(ii) runway edge lights;
(iii) runway threshold lights;
(iv) runway end lights;
(v) runway centre line lights;
(vi) runway touchdown zone lights; and
(vii) taxiway centre line lights.
(3) On the perimeter of and within the ellipse defining the main beam in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, the maximum light intensity value should not be greater than three times the minimum light intensity value measured in accordance with CS ADR-DSN.U.940.
On the perimeter of and within the rectangle defining the main beam in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, the maximum light intensity value should not be greater than three times the minimum light intensity value measured in accordance with CS ADR-DSN.U.940.
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Aeronautical ground lights near navigable waters should be taken into consideration to ensure that the lights do not cause confusion to mariners.
(b) In dusk or poor visibility conditions by day, lighting can be more effective than marking. For lights to be effective in such conditions or in poor visibility by night, they should be of adequate intensity. To obtain the required intensity, it should usually be necessary to make the light directional, in which case the arcs over which the light shows should be adequate and so orientated as to meet the operational requirements. The runway lighting system should be considered as a whole, to ensure that the relative light intensities are suitably matched to the same end.
(c) While the lights of an approach lighting system may be of higher intensity than the runway lighting, it is good practice to avoid abrupt changes in intensity as these could give a pilot a false impression that the visibility is changing during approach.
(d) The conspicuity of a light depends on the impression received of contrast between the light and its background. If a light is to be useful to a pilot by day when on approach, it should have an intensity of at least 2 000 or 3 000 cd, and in the case of approach lights an intensity of the order of 20 000 cd is desirable. In conditions of very bright daylight fog it may not be possible to provide lights of sufficient intensity to be effective.
(e) On the other hand, in clear weather on a dark night, an intensity of the order of 100 cd for approach lights and 50 cd for the runway edge lights may be found suitable. Even then, owing to the closer range at which they are viewed, pilots have sometimes complained that the runway edge lights seemed unduly bright.
(f) In fog the amount of light scattered is high. At night this scattered light increases the brightness of the fog over the approach area and runway to the extent that little increase in the visual range of the lights can be obtained by increasing their intensity beyond 2 000 or 3 000 cd. In an endeavour to increase the range at which lights would first be sighted at night, their intensity should not be raised to an extent that a pilot might find excessively dazzling at diminished range.
(g) From the foregoing should be evident the importance of adjusting the intensity of the lights of an aerodrome lighting system according to the prevailing conditions, so as to obtain the best results without excessive dazzle that would disconcert the pilot. The appropriate intensity setting on any particular occasion should depend both on the conditions of background brightness and the visibility.
(h) Assessment on dazzle in the aerodrome vicinity:
(1) Human vision is a complex mechanism using both eye and brain. Even though this mechanism is quite handled for eye, there is still a lack of knowledge on the interpretation of it by the brain. Thus, vision varies from one human being to another.
(2) The field of view is defined by the area perceived by eyes. The perception of details is based on the luminance ratio between elements of the scene, taking into account spatial distribution. Luminance and contrast are key elements of vision mechanism.
(3) Four sectors can be identified in the field of view (FOV):
(i) sensation field, corresponding to the absolute boundaries of FOV; it opens up to approximately 90° on each side of the eye direction;
(ii) visibility field, which is narrower and enables the perception of an object; it opens up to 60°;
(iii) conspicuity field, which enables the recognition, it opens up to 30°;
(iv) working conspicuity field, which is further tightly centred on the eye direction (1° to 2°); it enables the identification and is the working area of the vision.
It is reminded that the retina is composed in its centre by cone cells (that see colours and details) and at the periphery by rod cells (that perceive movements and change of state).
(i) A safety assessment is conducted in order to identify situations where the risk of dazzling becomes unacceptable. Thus, it is noted that dazzle represents such a risk in the following situations:
(1) during approach, especially after the aircraft has descended below the decision height: the pilot should not lose any visual cue;
(2) at touchdown the pilot should not be surprised by a flash;
(3) during rolling (landing or take-off), the pilot should be able to perceive his environment and detect any deviation from the centre line: the pilot should not lose any visual cue.
(4) Thus:
(i) prejudicial dazzle due to veiling luminance should not occur during approach (slightly before the decision height) and rolling; and
(ii) surprise effect should not occur at touchdown.
(j) Regarding air traffic controllers, it has been considered that dazzle induced by veiling effect should not reduce the visual perception of aircraft operations on, and close to the runway.
(k) The elements here above can be applied to solar panels. The following assumptions can be made:
(1) solar panels are inclined so as to efficiently capture the sunlight, conducting to a range of cross section surfaces;
(2) the maximum acceptable luminance value has been fixed to 20 000 cd/m2; and
(3) the surfaces varied from 100 m2 to several hectares.
(l) It is assumed that the aircraft maintains precisely its trajectory whereas in reality the approach is conducted into a conical envelop around the expected trajectory.
CS ADR-DSN.M.620 Aeronautical beacons
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) General
(1) When operationally necessary an aerodrome beacon or identification beacon should be provided at each aerodrome intended for use at night.
(2) The operational requirement should be determined having regard to the requirements of the air traffic using the aerodrome, the conspicuity of the aerodrome features in relation to its surroundings, and the installation of other visual and non-visual aids useful in locating the aerodrome.
(b) Aerodrome beacon
(1) Applicability
An aerodrome beacon should be provided at an aerodrome intended for use at night if aircraft navigate predominantly by visual means and one or more of the following conditions exist:
(i) reduced visibilities are frequent; or
(ii) it is difficult to locate the aerodrome from the air due to surrounding lights or terrain.
(2) Location
(i) The aerodrome beacon should be located on or adjacent to the aerodrome in an area of low ambient background lighting.
(ii) The location of the beacon should be such that the beacon is not shielded by objects in significant directions and does not dazzle a pilot approaching to land.
(3) Characteristics
(i) The aerodrome beacon should show either coloured flashes alternating with white flashes or white flashes only.
(ii) The frequency of total flashes should be from 20 to 30 per minute.
(iii) The light from the beacon should show at all angles of azimuth. The vertical light distribution should extend upwards from an elevation of not more than 1° to an elevation sufficient to provide guidance at the maximum elevation at which the beacon is intended to be used, and the effective intensity of the flash should be not less than 2 000 cd.
(iv) At locations where a high ambient background lighting level cannot be avoided, the effective intensity of the flash should be required to be increased by a factor up to a value of 10.
(c) Identification beacon
(1) Applicability
An identification beacon should be provided at an aerodrome which is intended for use at night and cannot be easily identified from the air by other means.
(2) Location
(i) The identification beacon should be located on the aerodrome in an area of low ambient background lighting.
(ii) The location of the beacon should be such that the beacon is not shielded by objects in significant directions and does not dazzle a pilot approaching to land.
(3) Characteristics
(i) An identification beacon at a land aerodrome should show at all angles of azimuth. The vertical light distribution should extend upwards from an elevation of not more than 1° to an elevation sufficient to provide guidance at the maximum elevation at which the beacon is intended to be used, and the effective intensity of the flash should be not less than 2 000 cd.
(ii) At locations where a high ambient background lighting level cannot be avoided, the effective intensity of the flash should be required to be increased by a factor up to a value of 10.
(iii) An identification beacon should show flashing-green.
(iv) The identification characters should be transmitted in the International Morse Code.
(v) The speed of transmission should be between six and eight words per minute, the corresponding range of duration of the Morse dots being from 0.15 to 0.2 seconds per dot.
CS ADR-DSN.M.625 Approach lighting systems
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) The safety objective of the approach lighting system is to provide alignment and roll guidance, and limited distance-to-go information to enable safe approach to a runway.
(b) Non-instrument runway
Applicability: Where physically practicable, a simple approach lighting system as specified in CS ADR-DSN.M.626 should be provided to serve a non-instrument runway where the code number is 3 or 4, and intended for use at night, except when the runway is used only in conditions of good visibility, and sufficient guidance is provided by other visual aids.
(c) Non-precision approach runway
Applicability: Where physically practicable, a simple approach lighting system specified in CS ADR-DSN.M.626 should be provided to serve a non-precision approach runway, except when the runway is used only in conditions of good visibility or sufficient guidance is provided by other visual aids.
(d) Precision approach runway Category I
Applicability: Where physically practicable, a precision approach Category I lighting system as specified in CS ADR-DSN.M.630 should be provided to serve a precision approach runway Category I.
(e) Precision approach runway Categories II and III
Applicability: A precision approach Category II and III lighting system as specified in CS ADR-DSN.M.635 should be provided to serve a precision approach runway Category II or III.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.625 Approach lighting systems
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Types and characteristics
(1) The approach lighting patterns that have been generally adopted are shown in Figures M-1 and M-2. A diagram of the inner 300 m of the precision approach Category II and III lighting system is shown in Figures M-3A and M-3B.
(2) The approach lighting configuration is to be provided irrespective of the location of the threshold, i.e. whether the threshold is at the extremity of the runway or displaced from the runway extremity. In both cases, the approach lighting system should extend up to the threshold. However, in the case of a displaced threshold, inset lights are used from the runway extremity up to the threshold to obtain the specified configuration. These inset lights are designed to satisfy the structural requirements specified in CS ADR.DSN.M.615(d)(1).The characteristics of these inset lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-5 or U-6, as appropriate and the chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
(3) Examples of flight path envelopes used in designing the lighting are shown in Figure GM-M-2.
(b) Horizontal installation tolerances:
(1) The dimensional tolerances are shown in Figure M-1 and M-2.
(2) The centre line of an approach lighting system should be as coincident as possible with the extended centre line of the runway with a maximum tolerance of ±15′.
(3) The longitudinal spacing of the centre line lights should be such that one light (or group of lights) is located in the centre of each crossbar, and the intervening centre line lights are spaced as evenly as practicable, between two crossbars or a crossbar and a threshold.
(4) The crossbars and barrettes should be at right angles to the centre line of the approach lighting system with a tolerance of ±30′ if the pattern in Figure M-2(A) is adopted or ± 2° if Figure M-2(B) is adopted.
(5) When a crossbar has to be displaced from its standard position, any adjacent crossbar should where possible, be displaced by appropriate amounts in order to reduce the differences in the crossbar spacing.
(6) When a crossbar in the system shown in Figure M-2(A) is displaced from its standard position, its overall length should be adjusted so that it remains one-twentieth of the actual distance of the crossbar from the point of origin. It is not necessary, however, to adjust the standard 2.7 m spacing between the crossbar lights but the crossbars should be kept symmetrical about the centre line of the approach lighting.
(c) Vertical installation tolerances:
(1) The ideal arrangement is to mount all the approach lights in the horizontal plane passing through the threshold as shown in Figure GM-M-1, and this should be the general aim as far as local conditions permit. However, buildings, trees, etc. should not obscure the lights from the view of a pilot who is assumed to be 1° below the electronic glide path in the vicinity of the outer marker.
(2) Within a stopway or clearway, and within 150 m of the end of a runway, the lights should be mounted as near to the ground as local conditions permit in order to minimise risk of damage to aeroplanes in the event of an overrun or undershoot. Beyond the stopway and clearway, it is not so necessary for the lights to be mounted close to the ground, and, therefore, undulations in the ground contours can be compensated for by mounting the lights on poles of appropriate height.
(3) It is desirable that the lights be mounted so that as far as possible, no object within a distance of 60 m on each side of the centre line protrudes through the plane of the approach lighting system. Where a tall object exists within 60 m of the centre line and within 1 350 m from the threshold for a precision approach lighting system, or 900 m for a simple approach lighting system, it may be advisable to install the lights so that the plane of the outer half of the pattern clears the top of the object.
(4) In order to avoid giving a misleading impression of the plane of the ground, the lights should not be mounted below a gradient of 1 in 66 downwards from the threshold to a point 300 m out, and below a gradient of 1 in 40 beyond the 300 m point. For a precision approach Category II and III lighting system, more stringent criteria may be necessary, e.g. negative slopes not permitted within 450 m of the threshold.
(i) Centre line. The gradients of the centre line in any section (including a stopway or clearway) should be as small as practicable, and the changes in gradients should be as few and small as can be arranged, and should not exceed 1 in 60. Experience has shown that as one proceeds outwards from the runway, rising gradients in any section of up to 1 in 66, and falling gradients of down to 1 in 40, are acceptable.
(ii) Crossbars. The crossbar lights should be so arranged as to lie on a straight line passing through the associated centre line lights, and wherever possible, this line should be horizontal. It is permissible, however, to mount the lights on a transverse gradient not more than 1 in 80 if this enables crossbar lights within a stopway or clearway to be mounted nearer to the ground on sites where there is a cross-fall.
(5) When the barrette is composed of lights approximating to point sources, a spacing of 1.5 m between adjacent lights in the barrette has been found satisfactory.
(6) At locations where identification of the simple approach lighting system is difficult at night due to surrounding lights, sequence flashing lights installed in the outer portion of the system may resolve this problem.
(d) Clearance of obstacles:
(1) An area, hereinafter referred to as the light plane, has been established for obstacle clearance purposes, and all lights of the system are in this plane. This plane is rectangular in shape and symmetrically located about the approach lighting system’s centre line. It starts at the threshold and extends 60 m beyond the approach end of the system, and is 120 m wide.
(2) No objects are permitted to exist within the boundaries of the light plane which are higher than the light plane except as designated herein. All roads and highways are considered as obstacles extending 4.8 m above the crown of the road, except aerodrome service roads where all vehicular traffic is under control of the aerodrome operator and coordinated with the aerodrome air traffic control. Railroads, regardless of the amount of traffic, are considered as obstacles extending 5.4 m above the top of the rails.
(3) It is recognised that some components of electronic landing aids systems, such as reflectors, antennas, monitors, etc. should be installed above the light plane. Every effort should be made to relocate such components outside the boundaries of the light plane. In the case of reflectors and monitors, this can be done in many instances.
(4) Where an ILS localiser is installed within the light plane boundaries, it is recognised that the localiser, or screen if used, should extend above the light plane. In such cases, the height of these structures should be held to a minimum and they should be located as far from the threshold as possible. In general, the rule regarding permissible heights is 15 cm for each 30 m the structure is located from the threshold. As an example, if the localiser is located 300 m from the threshold, the screen should be permitted to extend above the plane of the approach lighting system by 10 × 15 = 150 cm maximum but preferably should be kept as low as possible, consistent with proper operation of the ILS.
(5) In locating an MLS azimuth antenna the guidance contained in ICAO Annex 10, Volume I, Attachment G, should be followed. This material which also provides guidance on collocating an MLS azimuth antenna with an ILS localiser antenna, suggests that the MLS azimuth antenna may be sited within the light plane boundaries where it is not possible or practical to locate it beyond the outer end of the approach lighting for the opposite direction of approach. If the MLS azimuth antenna is located on the extended centre line of the runway, it should be as far as possible from the closest light position to the MLS azimuth antenna in the direction of the runway end. Furthermore, the MLS azimuth antenna phase centre should be at least 0.3 m above the light centre of the light position closest to the MLS azimuth antenna in the direction of the runway end. (This could be relaxed to 0.15 m if the site is otherwise free of significant multipath problems.)
(6) Compliance with this requirement which is intended to ensure that the MLS signal quality is not affected by the approach lighting system, could result in the partial obstruction of the lighting system by the MLS azimuth antenna. To ensure that the resulting obstruction does not degrade visual guidance beyond an acceptable level, the MLS azimuth antenna should not be located closer to the runway end than 300 m and the preferred location is 25 m beyond the 300 m crossbar (this would place the antenna 5 m behind the light position 330 m from the runway end). Where an MLS azimuth antenna is so located, a central part of the 300 m crossbar of the approach lighting system would alone be partially obstructed. Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that the unobstructed lights of the crossbar remain serviceable all the time.
(7) Objects existing within the boundaries of the light plane, requiring the light plane to be raised in order to meet the criteria contained herein, should be removed, lowered, or relocated where this can be accomplished more economically than raising the light plane.
(8) In some instances objects may exist which cannot be removed, lowered, or relocated economically. These objects may be located so close to the threshold that they cannot be cleared by the 2 % slope. Where such conditions exist and no alternative is possible, the 2 % slope may be exceeded or a ‘stair step’ resorted to in order to keep the approach lights above the objects. Such ‘step’ or increased gradients should be resorted to only when it is impracticable to follow standard slope criteria, and they should be held to the absolute minimum. Under this criterion no negative slope is permitted in the outermost portion of the system.
(e) Consideration of the effects of reduced lengths:
(1) The need for an adequate approach lighting system to support precision approaches where the pilot is required to acquire visual references prior to landing, cannot be stressed too strongly. The safety and regularity of such operations is dependent on this visual acquisition. The height above runway threshold at which the pilot decides there are sufficient visual cues to continue the precision approach and land, should vary, depending on the type of approach being conducted and other factors such as meteorological conditions, ground and airborne equipment, etc. The required length of approach lighting system which should support all the variations of such approaches is 900 m, and this should always be provided whenever possible.
(2) However, there are some runway locations where it is impossible to provide the 900 m length of approach lighting system to support precision approaches.
(3) In such cases, every effort should be made to provide as much approach lighting system as possible. Restrictions on operations could be imposed on runways equipped with reduced lengths of approach lighting. There are many factors which determine at what height the pilot should have decided to continue the approach to land or execute a missed approach. It should be understood that the pilot does not make an instantaneous judgement upon reaching a specified height. The actual decision to continue the approach and landing sequence is an accumulative process which is only concluded at the specified height. Unless lights are available prior to reaching the decision point, the visual assessment process is impaired and the likelihood of missed approaches should increase substantially. There are many operational considerations which should be taken into account in deciding if any restrictions are necessary to any precision approach and these are detailed in ICAO Annex 6.
(f) For non-precision approach runways it is advisable to give consideration to the installation of a precision approach Category I lighting system or to the addition of a runway lead-in lighting system.
Figure GM-M-1. Vertical installation tolerances
Figure GM-M-2. Flight path envelope examples for lighting design for Category I, II and III operations — Centre line lights
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.626 Simple approach lighting systems
ED Decision 2021/004/R
(a) Location and composition:
(1) A simple approach lighting system should consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, whenever possible, over a distance of not less than 420 m from the threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the threshold (see Figure M-1).
(2) The certification specifications provide for the basic characteristics for simple approach lighting systems. For certain aspects of these systems, some latitude is permitted; for example, in the spacing between centre line lights and crossbar.
(b) Crossbar lights:
(1) The lights forming the crossbar should be as close as practicable in a horizontal straight line at right angles to, and bisected by, the line of the centre line lights.
(2) The lights of the crossbar should be spaced so as to produce a linear effect, except that, when a crossbar of 30 m is used, gaps may be left on each side of the centre line. These gaps should be kept to a minimum to meet local requirements, and each should not exceed 6 m.
(3) Spacing for the crossbar lights between 1 m and 4 m are in use. Gaps on each side of the centre line may improve directional guidance when approaches are made with a lateral error, and facilitate the movement of rescue and firefighting vehicles.
(c) Centre line lights:
(1) The lights forming the centre line should be placed at longitudinal intervals of 60 m, except that when it is desired to improve the guidance, an interval of 30 m may be used.
(2) The innermost light should be located either 60 m or 30 m from the threshold, depending on the longitudinal interval selected for the centre line lights. If it is not physically possible to provide a centre line extending for a distance of 420 m from the threshold, it should be extended to 300 m so as to include the crossbar. If this is not possible, the centre line lights should be extended as far as practicable, and each centre line light should then consist of a barrette at least 3 m in length. Subject to the approach system having a crossbar at 300 m from the threshold, an additional crossbar may be provided at 150 m from the threshold.
(3) The system should lie as nearly as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the threshold, provided that:
(i) no object other than an ILS or MLS azimuth antenna should protrude through the plane of the approach lights within a distance of 60 m from the centre line of the system; and
(ii) no light other than a light located within the central part of a crossbar or a centre line barrette, excluding their extremities, should be screened from an approaching aircraft.
Any ILS or MLS azimuth antenna protruding through the plane of the lights should be treated as an obstacle, and marked and lighted accordingly as specified in the requirements for obstacle marking and lighting.
(d) Characteristics:
(1) The lights of a simple approach lighting system should be fixed lights and the colour of the lights should be such as to ensure that the system is readily distinguishable from other aeronautical ground lights, and from extraneous lighting if present, but should be preferably fixed lights showing variable white. Each centre line light should consist of either:
(i) a single source; or
(ii) a barrette at least 3 m in length.
(e) Barrettes of 4 m in length should be so designed if it is anticipated that the simple approach lighting system should be developed into a precision approach lighting system.
(f) Where provided for a non-instrument runway, the lights should show at all angles in azimuth necessary to a pilot on base leg and final approach. The intensity of the lights should be adequate for all conditions of visibility and ambient light for which the system has been provided.
(g) Where provided for a non-precision approach runway, the lights should show at all angles in azimuth necessary to the pilot of an aircraft which on final approach does not deviate by an abnormal amount from the path defined by the non-visual aid. The lights should be designed to provide guidance during both day and night in the most adverse conditions of visibility and ambient light for which it is intended that the system should remain usable.
Figure M-1. Simple approach lighting systems
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
CS ADR-DSN.M.630 Precision approach Category I lighting system
ED Decision 2021/004/R
(a) The safety objective of the approach lighting system is to provide alignment and roll guidance, and limited distance-to-go information to enable safe approach to a runway.
(b) Location and composition
(1) General: A precision approach Category I lighting system should consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending wherever possible, over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold (see Figure M-2).
(2) Crossbar lights: The lights forming the crossbar should be as close as practicable in a horizontal straight line at right angles to, and bisected by, the line of the centre line lights. The lights of the crossbar should be spaced so as to produce a linear effect, except that gaps may be left on each side of the centre line. These gaps should be kept to a minimum to meet local requirements and each should not exceed 6 m.
(3) Centre line lights: The lights forming the centre line should be placed at longitudinal intervals of 30 m with the innermost light located 30 m from the threshold.
(4) The system should lie as nearly as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the threshold, provided that:
(i) no object other than an ILS or MLS azimuth antenna should protrude through the plane of the approach lights within a distance of 60 m from the centre line of the system; and
(ii) no light other than a light located within the central part of a crossbar or a centre line barrette (not their extremities) should be screened from an approaching aircraft.
(iii) Any ILS or MLS azimuth antenna protruding through the plane of the lights should be treated as an obstacle and marked and lighted accordingly.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) The centre line and crossbar lights of a precision approach Category I lighting system should be fixed lights showing variable white. Each centre line light position should consist of either:
(i) a single light source in the innermost 300 m of the centre line, two light sources in the central 300 m of the centre line, and three light sources in the outer 300 m of the centre line to provide distance information; or
(ii) a barrette.
(2) Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as a maintenance objective in ADR.OPS.C.015 can be demonstrated, each centre line light position should consist of either:
(i) a single light source; or
(ii) a barrette.
When barrettes are composed of lights approximating to point sources, the lights should be uniformly spaced at intervals of not more than 1.5 m. The barrettes should be at least 4 m in length.
(3) If the centre line consists of lights as described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) or (c)(2)(i) above, additional crossbars of lights to the crossbar provided at 300 m from the threshold should be provided at 150 m, 450 m, 600 m and 750 m from the threshold. The lights forming each crossbar should be as nearly as practicable in a horizontal straight line at right angles to, and bisected by, the line of the centre line lights. The lights should be spaced so as to produce a linear effect, except that gaps may be left on each side of the centre line. These gaps should be kept to a minimum to meet local requirements and each should not exceed 6 m.
(4) Where the additional crossbars are incorporated in the system, the outer ends of the crossbars should lie on two straight lines that either are parallel to the line of the centre line lights or converge to meet the runway centre line 300 m upwind from threshold.
(5) The characteristics of lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-5. The chromaticity of lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
(6) If the centre line consists of barrettes as described in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) or (c)(2)(ii) above, each barrette should be supplemented by a flashing light, except where such lighting is considered unnecessary taking into account the characteristics of the system, and the nature of the meteorological conditions.
(7) Each flashing light, as described in paragraph (c)(6), should be flashed twice a second in sequence, beginning with the outermost light and progressing toward the threshold to the innermost light of the system. The design of the electrical circuit should be such that these lights can be operated independently of the other lights of the approach lighting system.
Figure M-2. Precision approach Category I lighting systems
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.630 Precision approach Category I lighting system
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) The installation of an approach lighting system of less than 900 m in length may result in operational limitations on the use of the runway.
(b) Spacings for the crossbar lights between 1 m and 4 m are in use. Gaps on each side of the centre line may improve directional guidance when approaches are made with a lateral error, and facilitate the movement of rescue and firefighting vehicles.
(c) The flashing light system provides a long-distance information about the location and orientation of an active runway to the approaching pilots. Particularly in the surrounding of cities with urban lighting of streets, places and buildings, the flashing light system allows a clear identification of the approach by the flight crew. To prevent glare at night and have clear visibility, the high-intensity flashing light should be provided with an appropriate intensity control.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.635 Precision approach Category II and III lighting system
ED Decision 2021/004/R
(a) Location and composition:
(1) The approach lighting system should consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway, extending, wherever possible, over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold. In addition, the system should have two side rows of lights, extending 270 m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at 150 m and one at 300 m from the threshold, all as shown in Figure M-3A. Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as maintenance objectives in ADR.OPS.C.015 can be demonstrated, the system may have two side rows of lights extending 240 m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at 150 m, and one at 300 m from the threshold, all as shown in Figure M-3B.
(2) The lights forming the centre line should be placed at longitudinal intervals of 30 m with the innermost lights located 30 m from the threshold.
(3) The lights forming the side rows should be placed on each side of the centre line, at a longitudinal spacing equal to that of the centre line lights and with the first light located 30 m from the threshold. Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as maintenance objectives can be demonstrated, lights forming the side rows may be placed on each side of the centre line, at a longitudinal spacing of 60 m with the first light located 60 m from the threshold. The lateral spacing (or gauge) between the innermost lights of the side rows should be not less than 18 m nor more than 22.5 m, and preferably 18 m, but in any event should be equal to that of the touchdown zone lights.
(4) The crossbar provided at 150 m from the threshold should fill in the gaps between the centre line and side row lights.
(5) The crossbar provided at 300 m from the threshold should extend on both sides of the centre line lights to a distance of 15 m from the centre line.
(6) If the centre line beyond a distance of 300 m from the threshold consists of lights as described in paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and (b)(3)(ii) below, additional crossbars of lights should be provided at 450 m, 600 m and 750 m from the threshold. Where such additional crossbars are incorporated in the system, the outer ends of these crossbars should lie on two straight lines that either are parallel to the centre line or converge to meet the runway centre line 300 m from the threshold.
(7) The system should lie as nearly as practicable in the horizontal plane passing through the threshold, provided that:
(i) no object other than an ILS or MLS azimuth antenna should protrude through the plane of the approach lights within a distance of 60 m from the centre line of the system; and
(ii) no light other than a light located within the central part of a crossbar or a centre line barrette (not their extremities) should be screened from an approaching aircraft.
(iii) Any ILS or MLS azimuth antenna protruding through the plane of the lights should be treated as an obstacle and marked and lighted accordingly.
(b) Characteristics:
(1) The centre line of a precision approach Category II and III lighting system for the first 300 m from the threshold should consist of barrettes showing variable white, except that where the threshold is displaced 300 m or more, the centre line may consist of single light sources showing variable white. Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified in ADR.OPS.C.015 can be demonstrated, the centre line of a precision approach Category II and III lighting system for the first 300 m from the threshold may consist of:
(i) barrettes where the centre line beyond 300 m from the threshold consists of barrettes as described in paragraph (b)(3)(i) below; or
(ii) alternate single light sources and barrettes, where the centre line beyond 300 m from the threshold consists of single light sources as described in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) below, with the innermost single light source located 30 m and the innermost barrette located 60 m from the threshold; or
(iii) single light sources where the threshold is displaced 300 m or more;
all of which should show variable white.
(2) Beyond 300 m from the threshold each centre line light position should consist of either:
(i) a barrette as used on the inner 300 m; or
(ii) two light sources in the central 300 m of the centre line, and three light sources in the outer 300 m of the centre line;
all of which should show variable white.
(3) Where the serviceability level of the approach lights in ADR.OPS.C.015 as maintenance objectives can be demonstrated beyond 300 m from the threshold, each centre line light position may consist of either:
(i) a barrette; or
(ii) a single light source;
all of which should show variable white.
(4) The barrettes should be at least 4 m in length. When barrettes are composed of lights approximating to point sources, the lights should be uniformly spaced at intervals of not more than 1.5 m.
(5) If the centre line beyond 300 m from the threshold consists of barrettes as described in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(3)(i), each barrette beyond 300 m should be supplemented by a flashing light, except where such lighting is considered unnecessary taking into account the characteristics of the system and the nature of the meteorological conditions.
(6) Each flashing light should be flashed twice a second in sequence, beginning with the outermost light and progressing toward the threshold to the innermost light of the system. The design of the electrical circuit should be such that these lights can be operated independently of the other lights of the approach lighting system.
(7) The side row should consist of barrettes showing red. The length of a side row barrette and the spacing of its lights should be equal to those of the touchdown zone light barrettes.
(8) The lights forming the crossbars should be fixed lights showing variable white. The lights should be uniformly spaced at intervals of not more than 2.7 m.
(9) The intensity of the red lights should be compatible with the intensity of the white lights.
(10) The characteristics of lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-5 or U-6, as appropriate.
(11) The chromaticity of lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
Figure M-3A. Inner 300 m approach and runway lighting for precision approach runways, Categories II and III
Figure M-3B. Inner 300 m approach and runway lighting for precision approach runways, Categories II and III, where the serviceability levels of the lights specified as maintenance objectives in ADR.OPS.C.015(b)(1) to (3) can be demonstrated.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.635 Precision approach Category II and III lighting system
ED Decision 2016/027/R
The length of 900 m is based on providing guidance for operations under Category I, II and III conditions. Reduced lengths may support Category II and III operations but may impose limitations on Category I operations. Additional guidance is given in ICAO Annex 14, Attachment A, Section 11.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.640 Visual approach slope indicator systems
ED Decision 2014/013/R
The safety objective of visual approach slope indicators is to provide information on the approach angle necessary to maintain a safe height over obstacles and threshold.
(a) A visual approach slope indicator system should be provided to serve the approach to a runway where one or more of the following conditions exist:
(1) the runway is used by turbojet or other aeroplanes with similar approach guidance requirements;
(2) the pilot of any type of aeroplane may have difficulty in judging the approach due to:
(i) inadequate visual guidance such as is experienced during an approach over water or featureless terrain by day or in the absence of sufficient extraneous lights in the approach area by night; or
(ii) misleading information such as is produced by deceptive surrounding terrain or runway slopes.
(3) the presence of objects in the approach area may involve serious hazard if an aeroplane descends below the normal approach path, particularly if there are no non-visual or other visual aids to give warning of such objects;
(4) physical conditions at either end of the runway present a serious hazard in the event of an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway; and
(5) terrain or prevalent meteorological conditions are such that the aeroplane may be subjected to unusual turbulence during approach.
(b) The standard visual approach slope indicator systems should consist of PAPI and APAPI systems conforming to the specifications, as prescribed in CS ADR-DSN.M.645 to CS ADR-DSN.M.655.
(c) PAPI should be provided where the code number is 3 or 4 when one or more of the conditions specified in paragraph (a) above exist.
(d) PAPI or APAPI should be provided where the code number is 1 or 2 when one or more of the conditions specified in paragraph (a) above exist.
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.640 Visual approach slope indicator systems
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Factors that should be considered when making a decision on which runway on an aerodrome should receive first priority for the installation of a visual approach slope indicator system are:
(1) frequency of use;
(2) seriousness of the hazard;
(3) presence of other visual and non-visual aids;
(4) type of aeroplanes using the runway; and
(5) frequency and type of adverse weather conditions under which the runway should be used.
(b) With respect to the seriousness of the hazard, the order given in the CS ADR-DSN.M.640 may be used as a general guide. These may be summarised as:
(1) inadequate visual guidance because of:
(i) approaches over water or featureless terrain, or absence of sufficient extraneous light in the approach area by night;
(ii) deceptive surrounding terrain.
(2) serious hazard in approach;
(3) serious hazard if aeroplanes undershoot or overrun; and
(4) unusual turbulence.
(c) The presence of other visual or non-visual aids is a very important factor. Runways equipped with ILS or MLS would generally receive the lowest priority for a visual approach slope indicator system installation. It should be remembered, though, that visual approach slope indicator systems are visual approach aids in their own right and can supplement electronic aids. When serious hazards exist and/or a substantial number of aeroplanes not equipped for ILS or MLS use a runway, priority might be given to installing a visual approach slope indicator on this runway.
(d) Priority may be given to runways used by turbojet aeroplanes.
(e) Where a runway threshold is temporarily displaced from the normal position and one or more of the conditions specified in paragraph (a) above exist, a PAPI should be provided except that where the code number is 1 or 2 either an APAPI may be provided.
CS ADR-DSN.M.645 Precision approach path indicator and Abbreviated precision approach path indicator (PAPI and APAPI)
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) A PAPI or APAPI should be in accordance with the specifications provided in paragraphs CS ADR-DSN.M.645 to CS ADR-DSN.M.655.
(b) Definition and positioning:
(1) The PAPI system should consist of a wing bar of four sharp transition multi-lamp (or paired single lamp) units equally spaced. The APAPI system should consist of a wing bar of two sharp transition multi-lamp (or paired single lamp) units. The PAPI and APAPI system should be located on the left side of the runway unless it is physically impracticable to do so. Where a runway is used by aircraft requiring visual roll guidance which is not provided by other external means, then a second wing bar may be provided on the opposite side of the runway for PAPI or APAPI.
(2) The wing bar of a PAPI should be constructed and arranged in such a manner that a pilot making an approach should:
(i) when on or close to the approach slope, see the two units nearest the runway as red and the two units farthest from the runway as white;
(ii) when above the approach slope, see the one unit nearest the runway as red and the three units farthest from the runway as white; and when further above the approach slope, see all the units as white; and
(iii) when below the approach slope, see the three units nearest the runway as red and the unit farthest from the runway as white; and when further below the approach slope, see all the units as red.
(3) The wing bar of an APAPI should be constructed and arranged in such a manner that a pilot making an approach should:
(i) when on or close to the approach slope, see the unit nearer the runway as red and the unit farther from the runway as white;
(ii) when above the approach slope, see both the units as white; and
(iii) when below the approach slope, see both the units as red.
(4) The light units should be located as in the basic configuration illustrated in Figure M-4, subject to the installation tolerances given below. The units forming a wing bar should be mounted so as to appear to the pilot of an approaching aeroplane to be substantially in a horizontal line. The light units should be mounted as low as possible and should be frangible.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) The system should be suitable for both day and night operations.
(2) Colour:
(i) The colour transition from red to white in the vertical plane should be such as to appear to an observer, at a distance of not less than 300 m, to occur within a vertical angle of not more than 3´.
(ii) At full intensity, the chromaticity of lights units should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate, and the red light should have a Y coordinate not exceeding 0.320.
(3) Intensity:
(i) The light intensity distribution of the light units should be as shown in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-26.
(ii) Suitable intensity control should be provided so as to allow adjustment to meet the prevailing conditions and to avoid dazzling the pilot during approach and landing.
(4) Light orientation: Each light unit should be capable of adjustment in elevation so that the lower limit of the white part of the beam may be fixed at any desired angle of elevation between 1°30´and at least 4°30´above the horizontal.
(5) Other characteristics: The light units should be so designed that deposits of condensation, snow, ice, dirt, or other contaminants, on optically transmitting or reflecting surfaces should interfere to the least possible extent with the light signals and should not affect the contrast between the red and white signals and the elevation of the transition sector.
a) Where a PAPI or APAPI is installed on a runway not equipped with an ILS or MLS, the distance D1 should be calculated to ensure that the lowest height at which a pilot will see a correct approach path indication (Figure M-5, angle B for a PAPI and angle A for an APAPI) provides the wheel clearance over the threshold specified in Table M-1 for the most demanding amongst aeroplanes regularly using the runway. b) Where a PAPI or APAPI is installed on a runway equipped with an ILS and/or MLS, the distance D1 should be calculated to provide the optimum compatibility between the visual and non-visual aids for the range of eye-to-antenna heights of the aeroplanes regularly using the runway. The distance should be equal to that between the threshold and the effective origin of the ILS glide path or MLS minimum glide path, as appropriate, plus a correction factor for the variation of eye-to-antenna heights of the aeroplanes concerned. The correction factor is obtained by multiplying the average eye-to-antenna height of those aeroplanes by the cotangent of the approach angle. However, the distance should be such that in no case will the wheel clearance over the threshold be lower than that specified in column (3) of Table M-1. Note: See CS ADR-DSN.L.540 for specifications on aiming point marking. Further guidance on the harmonisation of PAPI, ILS and/or MLS signals is contained in ICAO Doc 9157, Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4, Visual Aids. |
c) If a wheel clearance, greater than that specified in a) above is required for specific aircraft, this can be achieved by increasing D1. d) Distance D1 should be adjusted to compensate for differences in elevation between the lens centres of the light units and the threshold. e) To ensure that units are mounted as low as possible and to allow for any transverse slope, small height adjustments of up to 5 cm between units are acceptable. A lateral gradient not greater than 1.25 per cent can be accepted provided it is uniformly applied across the units. f) A spacing of 6 m (±1 m) between PAPI units should be used on code numbers 1 and 2. In such an event, the inner PAPI unit should be located not less than 10 m (±1 m) from the runway edge. Note: Reducing the spacing between light units results in a reduction in usable range of the system. g) The lateral spacing between APAPI units may be increased to 9 m (±1 m) if greater range is required or later conversion to a full PAPI is anticipated. In the latter case, the inner APAPI unit should be located 15 m (±1 m) from the runway edge.
Figure M-4. Siting of PAPI and APAPI
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.645 Precision approach path indicator and Abbreviated precision approach path indicator (PAPI and APAPI)
ED Decision 2016/027/R
intentionally left blank
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.650 Approach slope and elevation setting of light units for PAPI and APAPI
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) Approach slope:
(1) The approach slope as defined in Figure M-5, should be so designed to be appropriate for use by the aeroplanes in the approach.
(2) When the runway is equipped with an ILS and/or MLS, the siting and the angle of elevation of the light units should be such that the visual approach slope conforms as closely as possible with the glide path of the ILS and/or the minimum glide path of the MLS, as appropriate.
(b) Elevation setting of light units
(1) The angle of elevation settings of the light units in a PAPI wing bar should be such that, during an approach, the pilot of an aeroplane observing a signal of one white and three reds should clear all objects in the approach area by a safe margin (see Table M-1).
(2) The angle of elevation settings of the light units in an APAPI wing bar should be such that, during an approach, the pilot of an aeroplane observing the lowest on-slope signal, i.e. one white and one red, should clear all objects in the approach area by a safe margin (see Table M-1).
(3) The azimuth spread of the light beam should be suitably restricted where an object located outside the obstacle protection surface of the PAPI or APAPI system but within the lateral limits of its light beam, is found to extend above the plane of the obstacle protection surface and a safety assessment indicates that the object could adversely affect the safety of operations. The extent of the restriction should be such that the object remains outside the confines of the light beam.
(4) Where wing bars are installed on each side of the runway to provide roll guidance, corresponding units should be set at the same angle so that the signals of each wing bar change symmetrically at the same time.
Figure M-5. Light beams and angle of elevation setting of PAPI and APAPI
Eye-to-wheel height of aeroplane in the approach configurationa |
Desired wheel clearance (metres)b, c |
Minimum wheel clearance (metres)d |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
up to but not including 3 m |
6 |
3e |
3 m up to but not including 5 m |
9 |
4 |
5 m up to but not including 8 m |
9 |
5 |
8 m up to but not including 14 m |
9 |
6 |
a. In selecting the eye-to-wheel height group, only aeroplanes meant to use the system on a regular basis should be considered. The most demanding amongst such aeroplanes should determine the b. Where practicable, the desired wheel clearances shown in column (2) should be provided. c. The wheel clearances in column (2) should be reduced to no less than those in column (3) where a safety assessment indicates that such reduced wheel clearances are acceptable. d. When a reduced wheel clearance is provided at a displaced threshold, it should be ensured that the corresponding desired wheel clearance specified in column (2) should be available when an aeroplane at the top end of the eye-to-wheel height group chosen overflies the extremity of the runway. e. This wheel clearance should be reduced to 1.5 m on runways used mainly by light-weight non-turbo-jet aeroplanes. |
Table M-1. Wheel clearance over threshold for PAPI and APAPI
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.650 Approach slope and elevation setting of light units for PAPI and APAPI
ED Decision 2016/027/R
intentionally left blank
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.655 Obstacle protection surface for PAPI and APAPI
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) Applicability:
An obstacle protection surface should be established when it is intended to provide a visual approach slope indicator system.
(b) Characteristics:
The characteristics of the obstacle protection surface, i.e. origin, divergence, length, and slope should correspond to those specified in the relevant column of Table M-2 and in Figure M-6.
(c) New objects or extensions of existing objects should not be permitted above an obstacle protection surface except when the new object or extension would be shielded by an existing immovable object, or if after a safety assessment, it is determined that the object would not adversely affect the safety of operations of aeroplanes.
(d) Where a safety assessment indicates that an existing object extending above an obstacle protection surface could adversely affect the safety of operations of aeroplanes one or more of the following measures should be taken:
(1) remove the object;
(2) suitably raise the approach slope of the system;
(3) reduce the azimuth spread of the system so that the object is outside the confines of the beam;
(4) displace the axis of the system and its associated obstacle protection surface by no more than 5°;
(5) suitably displace the threshold; and
(6) where (5) is found to be impracticable, suitably displace the system upwind of the threshold such that the object no longer penetrates the obstacle protection surface.
Runway type/code number |
Non-instrument |
Instrument |
Code number |
Code number |
Surface dimensions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Length of inner edge |
60 m |
80 m |
150 m |
150 m |
150 m |
150 m |
300 m |
300 m |
Distance from the visual approach slope indicator system2 |
D1+30 m |
D1+60 m |
D1+60 m |
D1+60 m |
D1+60 m |
D1+60 m |
D1+60 m |
D1+60 m |
Divergence (each side) |
10 % |
10 % |
10 % |
10 % |
15 % |
15 % |
15 % |
15 % |
Total length |
7 500 m |
7 500 m |
15 000 m |
15 000 m |
7 500 m |
7 500 m |
15 000 m |
15 000 m |
Slope |
a) PAPI1 |
― |
A–0.57° |
A–0.57° |
A–0.57° |
A–0.57° |
A–0.57° |
A–0.57° |
A–0.57° |
b) APAPI1 |
A–0.9° |
A–0.9° |
– |
– |
A–0.9° |
A–0.9° |
– |
– |
1 Angles as indicated in Figure M-5. 2 D1 is the distance of the visual approach slope indicator system from threshold prior to any displacement to remedy object penetration of the obstacle protection surface (refer to Figure M-4). The start of the obstacle protection surface is fixed to the visual approach slope indicator system location, such that displacement of the PAPI results in an equal displacement of the start of the obstacle protection surface. |
Table M-2. Dimensions and slopes of the obstacle protection surface
Figure M-6. Obstacle protection surface for visual approach slope indicator systems
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.655 Obstacle protection surface for PAPI and APAPI
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) The displacement of the system upwind of the threshold reduces the operational landing distance.
(b) Additional guidance on the calculation for siting PAPI/ APAPI on a runway with ILS/MLS is given in ICAO Doc 9157, Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4, Visual Aids.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.660 Circling guidance lights
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) Applicability: Circling guidance lights should be provided when existing approach and runway lighting systems do not satisfactorily permit identification of the runway and/or approach area to a circling aircraft intending to carry out circling approaches.
(b) Location and positioning:
(1) The location and number of circling guidance lights should be adequate to enable a pilot, as appropriate, to:
(i) join the downwind leg or align and adjust the aircraft’s track to the runway at a required distance from it and to distinguish the threshold in passing; and
(ii) keep in sight the runway threshold and/or other features which should make it possible to judge the turn on to base leg and final approach, taking into account the guidance provided by other visual aids.
(2) Circling guidance lights should consist of:
(i) lights indicating the extended centre line of the runway and/or parts of any approach lighting system; or
(ii) lights indicating the position of the runway threshold; or
(iii) lights indicating the direction or location of the runway;
or a combination of such lights as is appropriate to the runway under consideration.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Circling guidance lights should be fixed or flashing lights of an intensity and beam spread adequate for the conditions of visibility and ambient light in which it is intended to make visual circling approaches. The flashing lights should be white, and the steady lights either white or gaseous discharge lights.
(2) The lights should be designed and be installed in such a manner that they should not dazzle or confuse a pilot when approaching to land, taking off, or taxiing.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.665 Runway lead-in lighting systems
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability: A runway lead-in lighting system should be provided to avoid hazardous terrain.
(b) Location and positioning
(1) A runway lead-in lighting system should consist of groups of lights positioned:
(i) so as to define the desired approach path. Runway lead-in lighting systems may be curved, straight, or a combination thereof; and
(ii) so that one group should be sighted from the preceding group.
(2) The interval between adjacent groups should not exceed approximately 1 600 m.
(3) A runway lead-in lighting system should extend from a determined point up to a point where the approach lighting system if provided, or the runway lighting system is in view.
(4) Each group of lights of a runway lead-in lighting system should consist of at least three flashing lights in a linear or cluster configuration. The system should be augmented by steady burning lights where such lights would assist in identifying the system.
(c) Characteristics: The flashing lights and the steady burning lights should be white.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.665 Runway lead-in lighting systems
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Applicability: A runway lead-in lighting system may be provided for purposes of noise abatement routing.
(b) Characteristics:
(1) Where practicable, the flashing lights in each group should flash in sequence towards the runway.
(2) The path of the system may be segmented, straight, or a combination thereof, as required.
(3) The starting point of the path may be at a point within easy visual range of a final approach fix.
CS ADR-DSN.M.670 Runway threshold identification lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) The inclusion of specifications for runway threshold identification lights is not intended to imply that the runway threshold identification lights have to be provided at an aerodrome.
(2) Where provided, runway threshold identification lights should be installed:
(i) at the threshold of a non-precision approach runway when additional threshold conspicuity is necessary or where it is not practicable to provide other approach lighting aids; and
(ii) where a runway threshold is permanently displaced from the runway extremity or temporarily displaced from the normal position and additional threshold conspicuity is necessary.
(b) Location: Runway threshold identification lights should be located symmetrically about the runway centre line, in line with the threshold and approximately 10 m outside each line of runway edge lights.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Runway threshold identification lights should be flashing white lights with a flash frequency between 60 and 120 per minute;
(2) The lights should be visible only in the direction of approach to the runway.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.670 Runway threshold identification lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
intentionally left blank
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.675 Runway edge lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) Runway edge lights should be provided for a runway intended for use at night or for a precision approach runway intended for use by day or night.
(2) Runway edge lights should be provided on a runway intended for take-off with an operating minimum below an RVR of the order of 800 m by day.
(b) Location and positioning:
(1) Runway edge lights should be placed along the full length of the runway and should be in two parallel rows equidistant from the centre line.
(2) Runway edge lights should be placed along the edges of the area declared for use as the runway or outside the edges of the area at a distance of not more than 3 m.
(3) Where the width of the area which could be declared as runway, exceeds 60 m, the distance between the rows of lights should be determined taking into account the nature of the operations, the light distribution characteristics of the runway edge lights, and other visual aids serving the runway.
(4) The lights should be uniformly spaced in rows at intervals of not more than 60 m for an instrument runway, and at intervals of not more than 100 m for a non-instrument runway. The lights on opposite sides of the runway axis should be on lines at right angles to that axis. At intersections of runways, lights may be spaced irregularly or omitted, provided that adequate guidance remains available to the pilot.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Runway edge lights should be fixed lights showing variable white, except that:
(i) in the case of a displaced threshold, the lights between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold should show red in the approach direction; and
(ii) a section of the lights 600 m or one-third of the runway length, whichever is the less, at the remote end of the runway from the end at which the take-off run is started, should show yellow.
(2) The runway edge lights should show at all angles in azimuth necessary to provide guidance to a pilot landing or taking off in either direction. When the runway edge lights are intended to provide circling guidance, they should show at all angles in azimuth.
(d) In all angles of azimuth, as prescribed in paragraph (c)(2) above, runway edge lights should show at angles up to 15° above the horizontal with intensity adequate for the conditions of visibility and ambient light in which use of the runway for take-off or landing is intended. In any case, the intensity should be at least 50 cd except that at an aerodrome without extraneous lighting the intensity of the lights may be reduced to not less than 25 cd to avoid dazzling the pilot.
(e) Runway edge lights characteristics on a precision approach runway should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-13 or Figure U-14, as appropriate.
(f) The chromaticity of lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and in Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.680 Runway threshold and wing bar lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability of runway threshold: Runway threshold lights should be provided for a runway equipped with runway edge lights, except on a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway where the threshold is displaced and wing bar lights are provided.
(b) Location and positioning of runway threshold:
(1) When a threshold is at the extremity of a runway, the threshold lights should be placed in a row at right angles to the runway axis as near to the extremity of the runway as possible and, in any case, not more than 3 m outside the extremity.
(2) When a threshold is displaced from the extremity of a runway, threshold lights should be placed in a row at right angles to the runway axis at the displaced threshold.
(3) Threshold lighting should consist of:
(i) on a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway, at least six lights;
(ii) on a precision approach runway Category I, at least the number of lights that would be required if the lights were uniformly spaced at intervals of 3 m between the rows of runway edge lights; and
(iii) on a precision approach runway Category II or III, lights uniformly spaced between the rows of runway edge lights at intervals of not more than 3 m.
(4) The lights prescribed in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) and (b)(3)(ii) above should be either:
(i) equally spaced between the rows of runway edge lights, or
(ii) symmetrically disposed about the runway centre line in two groups, with the lights uniformly spaced in each group and with a gap between the groups equal to the gauge of the touchdown zone marking or lighting, where such is provided, or otherwise not more than half the distance between the rows of runway edge lights.
(c) Applicability of wing bar lights:
(1) Wing bar lights should be provided on a precision approach runway when additional conspicuity is considered desirable.
(2) Wing bar lights should be provided on a non-instrument or non-precision approach runway where the threshold is displaced and runway threshold lights are required, but are not provided.
(d) Location and positioning of wing bar lights: Wing bar lights should be symmetrically disposed about the runway centre line at the threshold in two groups, i.e. wing bars. Each wing bar should be formed by at least five lights extending at least 10 m outward from, and at right angles to, the line of the runway edge lights, with the innermost light of each wing bar in the line of the runway edge lights.
(e) Characteristics of runway threshold and wing bar lights:
(1) Runway threshold and wing bar lights should be fixed unidirectional lights showing green in the direction of approach to the runway. The intensity and beam spread of the lights should be adequate for the conditions of visibility and ambient light in which use of the runway is intended.
(2) Runway threshold lights on a precision approach runway should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-7.
(3) Threshold wing bar lights on a precision approach runway should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-8.
(4) The chromaticity of lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.680 Runway threshold and wing bar lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
intentionally left blank
CS ADR-DSN.M.685 Runway end lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability: Runway end lights should be provided for a runway equipped with runway edge lights.
(b) Location and positioning:
(1) Runway end lights should be placed on a line at right angles to the runway axis as near to the end of the runway as possible and, in any case, not more than 3 m outside the end.
(2) Runway end lighting should consist of at least six lights. The lights should be either:
(i) equally spaced between the rows of runway edge lights; or
(ii) symmetrically disposed about the runway centre line in two groups with the lights uniformly spaced in each group and with a gap between the groups of not more than half the distance between the rows of runway edge lights.
(3) For a precision approach runway Category III, the spacing between runway end lights, except between the two innermost lights if a gap is used, should not exceed 6 m.
(c) Characteristics of runway end lights:
(1) Runway end lights should be fixed unidirectional lights showing red in the direction of the runway. The intensity and beam spread of the lights should be adequate for the conditions of visibility and ambient light in which use of the runway is intended.
(2) Runway end lights characteristics on a precision approach runway should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-12.
(3) Runway end lights on a precision approach runway should be in accordance with the chromaticity specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
Figure M-7. Arrangement of runway threshold and runway end lights
Figure M-8. Example of approach and runway lighting for runway with displaced thresholds
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.685 Runway end lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
When the threshold is at the runway extremity, fittings serving as threshold lights may be used as runway end lights.
CS ADR-DSN.M.690 Runway centre line lights
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) The safety objective of runway centre line lights is to facilitate safe take-off and landing.
(b) Applicability:
(1) Runway centre line lights should be provided on a precision approach runway Category II or III.
(2) Runway centre line lights should be provided on a runway intended to be used for take-off with an operating minimum below an RVR of the order of 400 m.
(c) Location: Runway centre line lights should be located along the centre line of the runway, except that the lights may be uniformly offset to the same side of the runway centre line by not more than 60 cm where it is not practicable to locate them along the centre line. The lights should be located from the threshold to the end at longitudinal spacing of approximately 15 m. Where the serviceability level of the runway centre line lights specified as maintenance objectives in ADR.OPS.C.015(b)(1) to (b)(3) can be demonstrated, and the runway is intended for use in runway visual range conditions of 350 m or greater, the longitudinal spacing may be approximately 30 m.
(d) Characteristics:
(1) Runway centre line lights should be fixed lights showing variable white from the threshold to the point 900 m from the runway end; alternate red and variable white from 900 m to 300 m from the runway end; and red from 300 m to the runway end, except that for runways less than 1 800 m in length, the alternate red and variable white lights should extend from the midpoint of the runway usable for landing to 300 m from the runway end.
(2) Runway centre line lights characteristics should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-10 or Figure U-11, as appropriate.
(3) Runway centre line lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
(e) Centre line guidance for take-off from the beginning of a runway to a displaced threshold should be provided by:
(1) an approach lighting system if its characteristics and intensity settings afford the guidance required during take-off, and it does not dazzle the pilot of an aircraft taking off; or
(2) runway centre line lights; or
(3) barrettes of at least 3 m length, and spaced at uniform intervals of 30 m, as shown in Figure M-8, designed so that their photometric characteristics and intensity setting afford the guidance required during take-off without dazzling the pilot of an aircraft taking off.
Where necessary, provision should be made to extinguish those centre line lights, as prescribed in paragraph (2) above or reset the intensity of the approach lighting system or barrettes when the runway is being used for landing. In no case should only the single source runway centre line lights show from the beginning of the runway to a displaced threshold when the runway is being used for landing.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.690 Runway centre line lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Runway centre line lights should be provided on a precision approach runway Category I when the runway is used by aircraft with high landing speeds or where the width between the runway edge lights is greater than 50 m.
(b) Runway centre line lights should be provided on a runway intended to be used for take-off with an operating minimum of an RVR of the order of 400 m or higher when used by aeroplanes with a very high take-off speed where the width between the runway edge lights is greater than 50 m.
(c) Consideration should be given to providing runway centre line lights where additional conspicuity is required (such as local environment, weather conditions, operational provisions and minima).
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.695 Runway touchdown zone lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability: Touchdown zone lights should be provided in the touchdown zone of a precision approach runway Category II or III.
(b) Location and positioning:
(1) Touchdown zone lights should extend from the threshold for a longitudinal distance of 900 m, except that, on runways less than 1 800 m in length, the system should be shortened so that it does not extend beyond the midpoint of the runway.
(2) The pattern should be formed by pairs of barrettes symmetrically located about the runway centre line. The lateral spacing between the innermost lights of a pair of barrettes should be equal to the lateral spacing selected for the touchdown zone marking. The longitudinal spacing between pairs of barrettes should be either 30 m or 60 m.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) A barrette should be composed of at least three lights with spacing between the lights of not more than 1.5 m.
(2) A barrette should be not less than 3 m or more than 4.5 m in length.
(3) Touchdown zone lights should be fixed unidirectional lights showing variable white.
(4) Touchdown zone lights characteristics should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-9.
(5) Touchdown zone lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.695 Runway touchdown zone lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
To allow for operations at lower visibility minima, it may be advisable to use a 30 m longitudinal spacing between barrettes.
CS ADR-DSN.M.696 Simple touchdown zone lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) The purpose of simple touchdown zone lights is to provide pilots with enhanced situational awareness in all visibility conditions and to help enable pilots to decide whether to commence a go around if the aircraft has not landed by a certain point on the runway.
(b) Applicability: Except where touchdown zone lights are provided in accordance with CS ADR-DSN.M.695, at a runway where the approach angle is greater than 3.5 degrees and/or the Landing Distance Available combined with other factors increases the risk of an overrun, simple touchdown zone lights should be provided.
(c) Location and positioning:
(1) Simple touchdown zone lights should be a pair of lights located on each side of the runway centre line 0.3 metres beyond the upwind edge of the final touchdown zone marking.
(2) The lateral spacing between the inner lights of the two pairs of lights should be equal to the lateral spacing selected for the touchdown zone marking.
(3) The spacing between the lights of the same pair should not be more than 1.5 m or half the width of the touchdown zone marking, whichever is greater (see Figure M-8(C)).
(4) Where provided on a runway without touchdown zone markings, simple touchdown zone lights should be installed in such a position that provides the equivalent touchdown zone information.
(d) Characteristics:
(1) Simple touchdown zone lights should be fixed unidirectional lights showing variable white and aligned so as to be visible to the pilot of a landing aeroplane in the direction of approach to the runway.
(2) Simple touchdown zone lights characteristics should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-9.
(3) Simple touchdown zone lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
Figure M-8(C). Simple touchdown zone lighting
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.696 Simple touchdown zone lights
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) Simple touchdown zone lights should be supplied with power on a separate circuit to other runway lighting so that they may be used when other lighting is switched off.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.700 Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights (RETILs)
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) The inclusion of specifications for RETILs is not intended to imply that RETILs have to be provided at an aerodrome.
(2) Where installed, the purpose of RETILs is to provide pilots with distance-to-go information to the nearest rapid exit taxiway on the runway, to enhance situational awareness in low visibility conditions and enable pilots to apply braking action for more efficient roll-out and runway exit speeds.
(b) Location:
(1) RETILs should be located on the runway on the same side of the runway centre line as the associated rapid exit taxiway. The lights should be located 2 m apart and the light nearest to the runway centre line should be displaced 2 m from the runway centre line.
(2) Where more than one rapid exit taxiway exists on a runway, the set of RETILs for each exit should not overlap when displayed.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) RETILs are fixed lights and comprise a set of yellow unidirectional lights installed in the runway adjacent to the centre line. The lights are positioned in a 3-2-1 sequence at 100 m intervals prior to the point of tangency of the rapid exit taxiway centre line.
(2) RETILs should be supplied with power on a separate circuit to other runway lighting so that they may be used when other lighting is switched off.
(3) RETILs’ characteristics should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-10 or U-11, as appropriate.
(4) RETILs’ chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.700 Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights (RETILs)
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) In low visibility conditions, rapid exit taxiway indicator lights provide useful situational awareness cues while allowing the pilot to concentrate on keeping the aircraft on the runway centre line.
(b) Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights should be considered on a runway intended for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m where the traffic density is heavy.
(c) Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights should not be displayed in the event of any lamp failure or other failure that prevents the display of the light pattern depicted in Figure GM-M-3.
(d) Following a landing, runway occupancy time has a significant effect on the achievable runway capacity. Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights allow pilots to maintain a good roll-out speed until it is necessary to decelerate to an appropriate speed for the turn into a rapid exit turn-off. A roll-out speed of 60 kt until the first RETIL (three-light barrette) is reached is seen as the optimum.
Figure GM-M-3. Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights (RETILs)
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.705 Stopway lights
ED Decision 2021/004/R
(a) Applicability: Stopway lights should be provided for a stopway intended for use at night, or in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 800 m.
(b) Location:
(1) Stopway lights should be placed along the full length of the stopway and should be in two parallel rows that are equidistant from the centre line and coincident with the rows of the runway edge lights. The spacing between the lights should be in accordance with CS ADR-DSN.M.675(b)(4). Stopway lights placed along the edge of the stopway should consist of at least one pair of lights.
(2) At least four uni-directional stopway lights equally spaced across the width of the stopway should be provided across the end of a stopway on a line at right angles to the stopway axis as near to the end of the stopway as possible and, in any case, not more than 3 m outside the end.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Stopway lights should be fixed unidirectional lights showing red in the direction of the runway.
(2) Stopway lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
CS ADR-DSN.M.706 Runway status lights (RWSL)
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) The inclusion of detailed specification for RWSL is not intended to imply that RWSL have to be provided at an aerodrome.
(2) RWSL is a type of autonomous runway incursion warning system (see CS ADR-DSN.T.921), consisting of two basic visual components: runway entrance lights (RELs) and take-off hold lights (THLs). The two components can be installed individually, but are designed to complement each other.
(b) Location:
(1) Where provided, RELs should be offset 0.6 m from the taxiway centre line on the opposite side to the taxiway centre line lights and begin 0.6 m before the runway-holding position extending to the edge of the runway. An additional single light should be placed on the runway 0.6 m from the runway centre line and aligned with the last two taxiway RELs.
(2) RELs should consist of at least five light units and should be spaced at a minimum of 3.8 m and a maximum of 15.2 m longitudinally, depending upon the taxiway length involved, except for a single light installed near the runway centre line.
(3) Where provided, THLs should be offset 1.8 m on each side of the runway centre line lights and extend, in pairs, starting at a point 115 m from the beginning of the runway and, thereafter, every 30 m for at least 450 m.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Where provided, RELs should consist of a single line of fixed in pavement lights showing red in the direction of aircraft approaching the runway.
(2) RELs should illuminate as an array at each taxiway/runway intersection where they are installed less than two seconds after the system determines that a warning is needed.
(3) RELs intensity and beam spread should be in accordance with the specifications of Chapter U, Figures U-16 and U-18.
(4) Where provided, THLs should consist of two rows of fixed in pavement lights showing red facing the aircraft taking off.
(5) THLs should illuminate as an array on the runway less than two seconds after the system determines that a warning is needed.
(6) THLs intensity and beam spread should be in accordance with the specifications of Chapter U, Figure U-29.
(7) RELs and THLs should be automated to the extent that the only control over each system will be to disable one or both systems.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.706 Runway status lights (RWSLs)
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Where two or more runway-holding positions are provided, the runway-holding position referred is that closest to the runway.
(b) Additional take-off hold lights (THLs) may be similarly provided at the starting point of the take-off roll.
(c) Consideration for reduced beam width may be required for some runway entrance lights (RELs) lights at acute-angled runway/taxiway intersections to ensure the RELs are not visible to aircraft on the runway.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.710 Taxiway centre line lights
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) The safety objective of taxiway centre line lights is to provide guidance for the safe taxi of aircraft as described in paragraph (b).
(b) Applicability:
(1) Taxiway centre line lights should be provided on an exit taxiway, taxiway, de-icing/anti-icing facility, and apron intended for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m in such a manner as to provide continuous guidance between the runway centre line and aircraft stands, except that these lights need not be provided where the traffic density is light and taxiway edge lights, and centre line marking provide adequate guidance.
(2) Taxiway centre line lights should be provided on a taxiway intended for use at night in runway visual range conditions of 350 m or greater, and particularly on complex taxiway intersections and exit taxiways, except that these lights need not be provided where taxiway edge lights, and centre line marking provide adequate guidance.
(3) Taxiway centre line lights should be provided on an exit taxiway, taxiway, de-icing/anti icing facility, and apron in all visibility conditions where specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system in such a manner as to provide continuous guidance between the runway centre line and aircraft stands.
(4) Taxiway centre line lights should be provided on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route and intended for taxiing in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m, except that these lights need not be provided where the traffic density is light and taxiway edge lights, and centre line marking provide adequate guidance.
(5) Taxiway centre line lights should be provided in all visibility conditions on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route where specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system.
(6) Where a runway forming part of a standard taxi route is provided with runway lighting and taxiway lighting, the lighting systems should be interlocked to preclude the possibility of simultaneous operation of both forms of lighting.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Except as provided for in paragraph (c)(3) below, taxiway centre line lights on a taxiway other than an exit taxiway and on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route should be fixed lights showing green with beam dimensions such that the light is visible only from aeroplanes on, or in the vicinity of the taxiway.
(2) Taxiway centre line lights on an exit taxiway should be fixed lights. Alternate taxiway centre line lights should show green and yellow from their beginning near the runway centre line to the perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area, or the lower edge of the inner transitional surface, whichever is farthest from the runway; and thereafter all lights should show green, as shown in Figure M-10. The first light in the exit centre line should always show green and the light nearest to the perimeter should always show yellow.
(3) Where necessary to denote the proximity to a runway, taxiway centre line lights should be fixed lights showing alternating green and yellow from the perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area or the lower edge of the inner transitional surface, whichever is farthest from the runway, to the runway and continue alternating green and yellow until:
(i) their end point near the runway centre line; or
(ii) in the case of the taxiway centre line lights crossing the runway, to the opposite perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area or the lower edge of the inner transitional surface, whichever is farthest from the runway.
(4) Taxiway centre line lights should be in accordance with the specifications in
CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-16, U-17, or U-18, as appropriate, for taxiways intended for use in runway visual range conditions of less than a value of 350 m; Figure U-19 or Figure U-20, as appropriate, for other taxiways.
(5) Where higher intensities are required, from an operational point of view, taxiway centre line lights on rapid exit taxiways intended for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m should be in accordance with the specifications in
CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-16. The number of levels of brilliancy settings for these lights should be the same as that for the runway centre line lights.
(6) Where taxiway centre line lights are specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system and where, from an operational point of view, higher intensities are required to maintain ground movements at a certain speed in very low visibilities or in bright daytime conditions, taxiway centre line lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-21, U-22, or U-23, as appropriate.
(7) High intensity centre line lights should only be used in case of an absolute necessity and following a specific study.
(8) Taxiway centre line lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
(d) Location and positioning:
(1) Taxiway centre line lights should normally be located on the taxiway centre line marking, except that they may be offset by not more than 30 cm where it is not practicable to locate them on the marking, as shown in Figure M-9.
(2) Taxiway centre line lights on taxiways, runways, rapid exit taxiways or on other exit taxiways should be positioned in accordance with CS ADR-DSN.M.715.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.710 Taxiway centre line lights
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) In the case where taxiway centre line lights are provided and where there may be a need to delineate the edges of a taxiway, e.g. on a rapid exit taxiway, narrow taxiway, or in snow conditions, this may be done with taxiway edge lights or markers. Care is necessary to limit the light distribution of green lights on or near a runway so as to avoid possible confusion with threshold lights.
(b) Care should be taken to limit the light distribution of green lights on or near a runway so as to avoid possible confusion with threshold lights.
(c) The provisions of CS ADR-DSN.M.710(c)(3) can form part of effective runway incursion prevention measures.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.715 Taxiway centre line lights on taxiways, runways, rapid exit taxiways, or on other exit taxiways
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) The safety objective of taxiway centre line lights is to provide guidance for the safe taxi of aircraft as described in paragraph (b).
(b) Taxiway centre line lights on taxiways:
(1) Taxiway centre line lights on a straight section of a taxiway should be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 30 m, except that:
(i) intervals less than 30 m should be provided on short straight sections; and
(ii) on a taxiway intended for use in RVR conditions of less than a value of 350 m, the longitudinal spacing should not exceed 15 m.
(2) Taxiway centre line lights on a taxiway curve should continue from the straight portion of the taxiway at a constant distance from the outside edge of the taxiway curve. The lights should be spaced at intervals such that a clear indication of the curve is provided.
(3) On a taxiway curve the spacing of taxiway centre line lights should be as specified in the Table M-3.
Radius of taxiway curve |
Taxiway centre line lights spacing on taxiway curves |
< 350 m |
< 400 m |
Not greater than7.5 m. This spacing should extend for 60 m before and after the curve. |
> 400 m |
Not greater than 15 m |
> 350 m |
< 400 m |
Not greater than 7.5 m |
401 m to 899 m |
Not greater than 15 m |
> 900 m |
Not greater than 30 m |
Table M-3. Taxiway centre line lights spacing on taxiway curves
(c) Taxiway centre line lights on rapid exit taxiways:
(1) Taxiway centre line lights on a rapid exit taxiway should commence at a point at least 60 m before the beginning of the taxiway centre line curve, and continue beyond the end of the curve to a point on the centre line of the taxiway where an aeroplane can be expected to reach normal taxiing speed, as shown in Figure M-10. The lights on that portion parallel to the runway centre line should always be at least 60 cm from any row of runway centre line lights, as shown in Figure M-9.
(2) The lights should be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 15 m. Where runway centre line lights are not provided, a greater interval not exceeding 30 m may be used.
(d) Taxiway centre line lights on other exit taxiways:
(1) Taxiway centre line lights on exit taxiways other than rapid exit taxiways should commence at the point where the taxiway centre line marking begins to curve from the runway centre line, and follow the curved taxiway centre line marking at least to the point where the marking leaves the runway. The first light should be at least 60 cm from any row of runway centre line lights, as shown in Figure M-9.
(2) The lights should be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 7.5 m.
(e) Taxiway centre line lights on runways: Taxiway centre line lights on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route, and intended for taxiing in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m should be spaced at longitudinal intervals not exceeding 15 m.
Figure M-9. Offset runway and taxiway centre line lights
(f) Positioning of taxiway centre line lights on taxiway:
The spacing on a particular section of taxiway centre line lighting (straight or curved section) should be such that a clear indication of the taxiway centre line is provided, particularly on a curved section.
(g) Taxiway centre line lights on straight sections of taxiways: Larger intervals not exceeding 60 m may be used where, because of the prevailing meteorological conditions, adequate guidance is provided by such spacing.
Figure M-10. Taxiway lighting
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.715 Taxiway centre line lights on taxiways, runways, rapid exit taxiways, or on other exit taxiways
ED Decision 2014/013/R
intentionally left blank
CS ADR-DSN.M.720 Taxiway edge lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) Taxiway edge lights should be provided at the edges of a runway turn pad, holding bay, de-icing/anti-icing facility, apron, etc. intended for use at night, and on a taxiway not provided with taxiway centre line lights and intended for use at night, except that taxiway edge lights need not be provided where, considering the nature of the operations, adequate guidance can be achieved by surface illumination or other means.
(2) Taxiway edge lights should be provided on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route and intended for taxiing at night where the runway is not provided with taxiway centre line lights.
(b) Location and positioning:
(1) Taxiway edge lights on a straight section of a taxiway and on a runway forming part of a standard taxi-route should be spaced at uniform longitudinal intervals of not more than 60 m. The lights on a curve should be spaced at intervals less than 60 m so that a clear indication of the curve is provided.
(2) Taxiway edge lights on a holding bay, de-icing/anti-icing facility, apron, etc. should be spaced at uniform longitudinal intervals of not more than 60 m.
(3) Taxiway edge lights on a runway turn pad should be spaced at uniform longitudinal intervals of not more than 30 m.
(4) The lights should be located as near as practicable to the edges of the taxiway, runway turn pad, holding bay, de-icing/anti-icing facility, apron or runway, etc., or outside the edges at a distance of not more than 3 m.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Taxiway edge lights should be fixed lights showing blue.
(2) The lights should show up to at least 75° above the horizontal and at all angles in azimuth necessary to provide guidance to a pilot taxiing in either direction. At an intersection, exit, or curve the lights should be shielded as far as practicable so that they cannot be seen in angles of azimuth in which they may be confused with other lights.
(3) The intensity of taxiway edge lights should be at least 2 cd from 0° to 6° vertical, and 0.2 cd at any vertical angles between 6° and 75°.
(4) Taxiway edge lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.725 Runway turn pad lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) The safety objective of runway turn pad lights is to provide additional guidance on a runway turn pad to enable an aeroplane to complete a safe 180-degree turn, and align with the runway centre line.
(b) Applicability:
(1) Runway turn pad lights should be provided for continuous guidance on a runway turn pad intended for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m to enable an aeroplane to complete a 180-degree turn, and align with the runway centre line.
(2) Runway turn pad lights should be provided on a runway turn pad intended for use at night, except that these lights need not be provided where taxiway edge lights and runway turn pad marking provide adequate guidance.
(c) Location:
(1) Runway turn pad lights should normally be located on the runway turn pad marking, except that they should be offset by not more than 30 cm where it is not practicable to locate them on the marking.
(2) Runway turn pad lights on a straight section of the runway turn pad marking should be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 15 m.
(3) Runway turn pad lights on a curved section of the runway turn pad marking should not exceed a spacing of 7.5 m.
(d) Characteristics:
(1) Runway turn pad lights should be unidirectional fixed lights showing green with beam dimensions such that the light is visible only from aeroplanes on or approaching the runway turn pad.
(2) Runway turn pad lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-17 or Figure U-18, as appropriate.
(3) Runway turn pad lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) A stop bar should be provided at every runway-holding position serving a runway when it is intended that the runway should be used in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 550 m, except where:
(i) appropriate aids and procedures are available to assist in preventing inadvertent incursions of traffic onto the runway; or
(ii) operational procedures exist to limit, in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 550 m, the number of:
(A) aircraft on the manoeuvring area to one at a time; and
(B) vehicles on the manoeuvring area to the essential minimum.
(2) Where there is more than one stop bar associated with a taxiway/runway intersection, only one should be illuminated at any given time.
(3) A stop bar should be provided at an intermediate holding position when it is desired to supplement markings with lights, and to provide traffic control by visual means.
(b) Location: Stop bars should be located across the taxiway at the point where it is desired that traffic stop.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Stop bars should consist of lights spaced at uniform intervals of not more than 3 m across the taxiway, showing red in the intended direction(s) of approach to the intersection or runway-holding position.
(2) Stop bars installed at a runway-holding position should be unidirectional, and should show red in the direction of approach to the runway.
(3) The intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-16 to U-20, as appropriate.
(4) Where stop bars are specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system, and where, from an operational point of view, higher intensities are required to maintain ground movements at a certain speed in very low visibilities or in bright daytime conditions, the intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-21, U-22 or U-23, as appropriate.
(5) Where a wide beam fixture is required, the intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-21 or Figure U-23, as appropriate.
(6) The lighting circuit should be designed so that:
(i) stop bars located across entrance taxiways are selectively switchable;
(ii) stop bars located across taxiways intended to be used only as exit taxiways are switchable selectively or in groups;
(iii) when a stop bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights installed beyond the stop bar should be extinguished for a distance of at least 90 m; and
(iv) stop bars are interlocked with the taxiway centre line lights so that when the centre line lights beyond the stop bar are illuminated, the stop bar is extinguished and vice versa.
(7) Stop bar lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) A stop bar is intended to be controlled either manually or automatically by air traffic services.
(b) Runway incursions may take place in all visibility or weather conditions. The provision of stop bars at runway-holding positions and their use at night and in visibility conditions greater than 550 m runway visual range can form part of effective runway incursion prevention measures.
(c) A pair of elevated lights should be added to each end of the stop bar where the in-pavement stop bar lights might be obscured from a pilot’s view, for example by snow or rain, or where a pilot may be required to stop the aircraft in a position so close to the lights that they are blocked from view by the structure of the aircraft.
(d) Where necessary, to enhance conspicuity of an existing stop bar, extra lights are installed uniformly.
(e) Where the additional lights specified in (c) above are provided, these lights should be located not less than 3 m from the taxiway edge.
(f) Where the additional lights specified in (c) above are provided, these lights should have the same characteristics as the lights in the stop bar but should be visible to approaching aircraft up to the stop bar position.
(g) High-intensity stop bars should only be used in case of an absolute necessity and following a specific study.
(h) Care is required in the design of the electrical system to ensure that all of the lights of a stop bar will not fail at the same time. Guidance on this issue is given in ICAO Doc 9157, Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5, Electrical Systems.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
CS ADR-DSN.M.735 Intermediate holding position lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) Except where a stop bar has been installed, intermediate holding position lights should be provided at an intermediate holding position intended for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m.
(2) Intermediate holding position lights should be provided at an intermediate holding position where there is no need for stop-and-go signals as provided by a stop bar.
(b) Location: Intermediate holding position lights should be located along the intermediate holding position marking at a distance of 0.3 m prior to the marking.
(c) Characteristics of intermediate holding position lights:
(1) Intermediate holding position lights should consist of three fixed unidirectional lights showing yellow in the direction of approach to the intermediate holding position with a light distribution similar to taxiway centre line lights if provided.
(2) The lights should be disposed symmetrically about and at right angle to the taxiway centre line, with individual lights spaced 1.5 m apart.
(3) Intermediate holding position lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and in Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.735 Intermediate holding position lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
intentionally left blank
CS ADR-DSN.M.740 De-icing/anti-icing facility exit lights
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability: The purpose of the de-icing/anti-icing facility exit lights is to indicate the exit boundary of a remote de-icing/anti-icing facility adjoining a taxiway.
(b) Location: Where provided, de-icing/anti-icing facility exit lights should be located 0.3 m inward of the intermediate holding position marking displayed at the exit boundary of a remote de-icing/ anti-icing facility.
(c) Characteristics: Where provided, de-icing/anti-icing facility exit lights should consist of in-pavement fixed unidirectional lights spaced at intervals of 6 m showing yellow in the direction of the approach to the exit boundary with a light distribution similar to taxiway centre line lights (see Figure M-11).
(d) De-icing/anti-icing facility exit lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
Figure M-11. Example of remote de-icing/anti-icing facility
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.740 De-icing/anti-icing facility exit lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
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CS ADR-DSN.M.745 Runway guard lights
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) The safety objective of the runway guard lights is to warn pilots and drivers of vehicles, when operating on taxiways, that they are about to enter a runway. There are two standard configurations of runway guard lights as illustrated in Figure M-12.
(b) Applicability:
(1) Runway guard lights, Configuration A, should be provided at each taxiway/runway intersection associated with a runway intended for use in:
(i) runway visual range conditions less than a value of 550 m where a stop bar is not installed; and
(ii) runway visual range conditions of values between 550 m and 1 200 m where the traffic density is heavy.
(2) As part of runway incursion prevention measures, runway guard lights, Configuration A or B, should be provided at each taxiway/runway intersection where runway incursion hot spots have been identified, and used under all weather conditions during day and night.
(3) Configuration B runway guard lights should not be collocated with a stop bar.
(4) Where more than one runway-holding position exists at a runway/taxiway intersection, only the set of runway guard lights associated with the operational runway-holding position should be illuminated.
(c) Location:
(1) Runway guard lights, Configuration A, should be located at each side of the taxiway within the area delimited by the inner and the outer edges of the runway holding position marking.
(2) Runway guard lights, Configuration B, should be located across the taxiway within the area delimited by the inner and the outer edges of the runway holding position marking.
(d) Characteristics:
(1) Runway guard lights, Configuration A, should consist of two pairs of yellow lights.
(2) Runway guard lights, Configuration B, should consist of yellow lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway.
(3) The light beam should be unidirectional and should show yellow in the direction of approach to the runway-holding position.
(4) The intensity in yellow light and beam spreads of lights of Configuration A should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-27.
(5) Where runway guard lights are intended for use during the day, the intensity in yellow light and beam spreads of lights of Configuration A should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-28.
(6) Where runway guard lights are specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system where higher light intensities are required, the intensity in yellow light and beam spreads of lights of Configuration A should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-28.
(7) The intensity in yellow light and beam spreads of lights of Configuration B should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-28.
(8) Where runway guard lights are intended for use during the day, the intensity in yellow light and beam spreads of lights of Configuration B should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-24.
(9) Where runway guard lights are specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system where higher light intensities are required, the intensity in yellow light and beam spreads of lights of Configuration B should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figure U-24.
(10) The lights in each unit of Configuration A should be illuminated alternately.
(11) For Configuration B, adjacent lights should be alternately illuminated and alternative lights should be illuminated in unison.
(12) The lights should be illuminated between 30 and 60 cycles per minute and the light suppression and illumination periods should be equal and opposite in each light.
(13) Runway guard lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
Figure M-12. Runway guard lights
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.745 Runway guard lights
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) Runway incursions may take place in all visibility or weather conditions. The use of runway guard lights at runway-holding positions can form part of effective runway incursion prevention measures.
(b) Where taxiways are substantially wider than those specified in CS ADR-DSN.D.245, such as wide‑throat taxiways, the lights in Configuration A, located at each of the sides, are likely to be missed by pilots and may be necessary to be supplemented by a row of lights (inset) located across the taxiway, Configuration B.
(c) Higher light intensities may be required to maintain ground movement at a certain speed in low visibilities.
(d) The optimum flash rate is dependent on the rise and fall times of the lamps used. Runway guard lights, Configuration A, installed on 6.6 ampere series circuits have been found to look best when operated at 45 to 50 flashes per minute per lamp. Runway guard lights, Configuration B, installed on 6.6 ampere series circuits have been found to look best when operated at 30 to 32 flashes per minute per lamp.
(e) Where there is a need to enhance the contrast between the on- and off-state of runway guard lights, Configuration A, intended for use during the day, a visor of sufficient size to prevent sunlight from entering the lens without interfering with the function of the fixture should be located above each lamp. Some other device or design, e.g. special designed optics, may be used in lieu of the visor.
(f) Additional guidance on runway guard lights is given in ICAO Doc 9157, Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4, Visual Aids.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
CS ADR-DSN.M.750 Apron floodlighting
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) The purpose of apron floodlighting is to facilitate safe operations on an apron, on a de-icing/anti-icing facility, and on a designated isolated aircraft parking position intended to be used at night.
(b) Applicability: Apron floodlighting should be provided on an apron, as necessary on a de-icing/anti-icing facility, and on a designated isolated aircraft parking position intended to be used at night. Aprons primarily used for recreational flying need not be illuminated.
(c) Location: Apron floodlights should be located so as to provide adequate illumination on all apron service areas, with a minimum of glare to pilots of aircraft in flight and on the ground, aerodrome and apron controllers, and personnel on the apron. The arrangement and aiming of floodlights should be such that an aircraft stand receives light from two or more directions to minimise shadows.
(d) Characteristics:
(1) The spectral distribution of apron floodlights should be such that the colours used for aircraft marking connected with routine servicing, and for surface and obstacle marking, can be correctly identified.
(2) The average illuminance should be at least the following:
(i) Aircraft stand:
(A) horizontal illuminance — 20 lux with a uniformity ratio (average to minimum) of not more than 4 to 1; and
(B) vertical illuminance — 20 lux at a height of 2 m above the apron in relevant directions.
(ii) Other apron areas: horizontal illuminance — 50 % of the average illuminance on the aircraft stands with a uniformity ratio (average to minimum) of not more than 4 to 1.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.750 Apron floodlighting
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Where a de-icing/anti-icing facility is located in close proximity to the runway and permanent floodlighting could be confusing to pilots, other means of illumination of the facility may be required.
(b) Additional guidance on apron floodlighting is given in ICAO Doc 9157, Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4, Visual Aids.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
CS ADR-DSN.M.755 Visual docking guidance system
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Applicability: A visual docking guidance system should be provided when it is intended to indicate, by a visual aid, the precise positioning of an aircraft on an aircraft stand and other alternative means, such as marshallers, are not practicable.
(b) Characteristics:
(1) The system should provide both azimuth and stopping guidance.
(2) The azimuth guidance unit and the stopping position indicator should be adequate for use in all weather, visibility, background lighting, and pavement conditions for which the system is intended both by day and night but should not dazzle the pilot.
(3) The azimuth guidance unit and the stopping position indicator should be of a design such that:
(i) a clear indication of malfunction of either or both is available to the pilot; and
(ii) they can be turned off.
(4) The accuracy of the system should be adequate for the type of loading bridge and fixed aircraft servicing installations with which it is to be used.
(5) The system should be usable by all types of aircraft for which the aircraft stand is intended, preferably without selective operation.
(6) If selective operation is required to prepare the system for use by a particular type of aircraft, then the system should provide an identification of the selected aircraft type to both the pilot and the system operator as a means of ensuring that the system has been set properly.
(c) Location:
(1) The azimuth guidance unit and the stopping position indicator should be located in such a way that there is continuity of guidance between the aircraft stand markings, the aircraft stand manoeuvring guidance lights if present, and the visual docking guidance system.
(2) The azimuth guidance unit should be located on or close to the extension of the stand centre line ahead of the aircraft so that its signals are visible from the cockpit of an aircraft throughout the docking manoeuvre, and aligned for use at least by the pilot occupying the left seat, although it is preferable for it to be aligned for use by the pilots occupying both the left and right seats.
(3) The azimuth guidance unit and the stopping position indicator should be positioned as prescribed below.
(i) The azimuth guidance unit should provide unambiguous left/right guidance which enables the pilot to acquire and maintain the lead-in line without over-controlling.
(ii) When azimuth guidance is indicated by colour change, green should be used to identify the centre line and red for deviations from the centre line.
(iii) The stopping position indicator should be located in conjunction with, or sufficiently close to, the azimuth guidance unit so that a pilot can observe both the azimuth and stop signals without turning the head.
(iv) The stopping position indicator should be usable at least by the pilot occupying the left seat, although it is preferable for it to be usable by the pilots occupying both the left and right seats.
(v) The stopping position information provided by the indicator for a particular aircraft type should account for the anticipated range of variations in pilot eye height and/or viewing angle.
(vi) The stopping position indicator should show the stopping position for the aircraft for which guidance is being provided and should provide closing rate information to enable the pilot to gradually decelerate the aircraft to a full stop at the intended stopping position.
(vii) The stopping position indicator should provide closing rate information over a distance of at least 10 m.
(viii) When stopping guidance is indicated by colour change, green should be used to show that the aircraft can proceed and red to show that the stop point has been reached, except that for a short distance prior to the stop point a third colour may be used to warn that the stopping point is close.
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.755 Visual docking guidance system
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) The factors to be considered in evaluating the need for a visual docking guidance system are in particular: the number and type(s) of aircraft using the aircraft stand, weather conditions, space available on the apron, and the precision required for manoeuvring into the parking position due to aircraft servicing installation, passenger loading bridges, etc.
(b) Care is required in both the design and on-site installation of the system to ensure that reflection of sunlight, or other light in the vicinity, does not degrade the clarity and conspicuity of the visual cues provided by the system.
CS ADR-DSN.M.760 Advanced visual docking guidance system
ED Decision 2017/021/R
(a) Applicability:
(1) Advanced visual docking guidance system (A-VDGS) should be provided where it is operationally desirable to confirm the correct aircraft type for which guidance is being provided, and/or to indicate the stand centre line in use, where more than one is provided for.
(2) The Advanced visual docking guidance system should be suitable for use by all types of aircraft for which the aircraft stand is intended.
(3) The Advanced visual docking guidance system should only be used in conditions in which its operational performance is specified.
(4) The docking guidance information provided by an advanced visual docking guidance system should not conflict with that provided by a conventional visual docking guidance system on an aircraft stand if both types are provided, and are in operational use. A method of indicating that the system is not in operational use or unserviceable should be provided.
(5) Location: The Advanced visual docking guidance system should be located such that unobstructed and unambiguous guidance is provided to the person responsible for, and persons assisting, the docking of the aircraft throughout the docking manoeuvre.
(b) Characteristics:
(1) The Advanced visual docking guidance system should provide, at minimum, the following guidance information at the appropriate stage of the docking manoeuvre:
(i) an emergency stop indication;
(ii) the aircraft type and model for which the guidance is provided;
(iii) an indication of the lateral displacement of the aircraft relative to the stand centre line;
(iv) the direction of azimuth correction needed to correct a displacement from the stand centre line;
(v) an indication of the distance to the stop position;
(vi) an indication when the aircraft has reached the correct stopping position; and
(vii) a warning indication if the aircraft goes beyond the appropriate stop position.
(2) The Advanced visual docking guidance system should be capable of providing docking guidance information for all aircraft taxi speeds encountered during the docking manoeuvre.
(3) The time taken from the determination of the lateral displacement to its display should not result in a deviation of the aircraft when operated in normal conditions, from the stand centre line greater than 1 m.
(4) The information on displacement of the aircraft relative to the stand centre line and distance to the stopping position, when displayed, should be provided with the accuracy specified in Table M-4. Symbols and graphics used to depict guidance information should be intuitively representative of the type of information provided.
(i) Information on the lateral displacement of the aircraft relative to the stand centre line should be provided at least 25 m prior to the stop position.
(ii) Continuous closure distance and closure rate should be provided from at least 15 m prior to the stop position.
(iii) Where provided, closure distance displayed in numerals should be provided in metre integers to the stop position and displayed to 1 decimal place at least 3 m prior to the stop position.
(iv) Throughout the docking manoeuvre, an appropriate means should be provided on the Advanced visual docking guidance system to indicate the need to bring the aircraft to an immediate halt. In such an event which includes a failure of the system, no other information should be displayed.
(v) Provision to initiate an immediate halt to the docking procedure should be made available to personnel responsible for the operational safety of the stand.
(vi) The word ‘STOP’ in red characters should be displayed when an immediate cessation of the docking manoeuvre is required.
Guidance information |
Maximum deviation at stop position (stop area) |
Maximum deviation at 9 m from stop position |
Maximum deviation at 15 m from stop position |
Maximum deviation at 25 m from stop position |
Azimuth |
±250 mm |
±340 mm |
±400 mm |
±500 mm |
Distance |
±500 mm |
±1 000 mm |
±1 300 mm |
Not specified |
Table M-4. A-VDGS recommended displacement accuracy
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.760 Advanced visual docking guidance system
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Advanced visual docking guidance systems should include those systems that, in addition to basic and passive azimuth, and stop position information, provide pilots with active (usually sensor-based) guidance information, such as aircraft type indication, distance-to-go information, and closing speed. Docking guidance information is usually provided in a single display unit.
(b) Advanced visual docking guidance systems should include those systems that, in addition to basic and passive azimuth, and stop position information, provide pilots with active (usually sensor-based) guidance information, such as aircraft type indication, distance-to-go information, and closing speed. Docking guidance information is usually provided in a single display unit.
(c) The use of the Advanced visual docking guidance systems in conditions such as weather, visibility, and background lighting both by day and night would need to be specified.
(d) Care is required in both the design and on-site installation of the system to ensure that glare, reflection of sunlight, or other light in the vicinity, does not degrade the clarity and conspicuity of the visual cues provided by the system.
(e) The use of colour needs to be appropriate and should follow signal convention, i.e. red, yellow and green mean hazard, caution and normal/correct conditions respectively. The effects of colour contrasts also need to be considered.
(f) The indication of the distance of the aircraft from the stop position may be colour-coded and presented at a rate and distance proportional to the actual closure rate, and distance of the aircraft approaching the stop point.
CS ADR-DSN.M.765 Aircraft stand manoeuvring guidance lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
(a) Applicability: Aircraft stand manoeuvring guidance lights should be provided to facilitate the positioning of an aircraft on an aircraft stand on a paved apron, or on a de-icing/anti-icing facility intended for use in poor visibility conditions unless adequate guidance is provided by other means.
(b) Location: Aircraft stand manoeuvring guidance lights should be collocated with the aircraft stand markings.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) Aircraft stand manoeuvring guidance lights, other than those indicating a stop position, should be fixed yellow lights, visible throughout the segments within which they are intended to provide guidance.
(2) The lights used to delineate lead-in, turning, and lead-out lines should be spaced at intervals of not more than 7.5 m on curves and 15 m on straight sections.
(3) The lights indicating a stop position should be fixed, unidirectional lights showing red.
(4) The intensity of the lights should be adequate for the condition of visibility and ambient light in which the use of the aircraft stand is intended.
(5) The lighting circuit should be designed so that the lights may be switched on to indicate that an aircraft stand is to be used, and switched off to indicate that it is not to be used.
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.765 Aircraft stand manoeuvring guidance lights
ED Decision 2014/013/R
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CS ADR-DSN.M.770 Road-holding position light
ED Decision 2016/027/R
(a) Applicability: A road-holding position light should be provided at each road-holding position serving a runway when it is intended that the runway should be used in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 550 m.
(b) Location: A road-holding position light should be located adjacent to the holding position marking 1.5 m (±0.5 m) from one edge of the road, i.e. left or right as appropriate to the local road traffic regulations.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) The road-holding position light should comprise:
(i) a controllable red (stop)/green (go) traffic light; or
(ii) a flashing-red light
(2) Provisions for control of the lights in paragraph (1)(i) above should be installed in the positions for the air traffic services.
(3) The road-holding position light beam should be unidirectional and aligned so as to be visible to the driver of a vehicle approaching the holding position.
(4) The intensity of the light beam should be adequate for the conditions of visibility and ambient light in which the use of the holding position is intended but should not dazzle the driver.
(5) The flash frequency of the flashing red light should be between 30 and 60 flashes per minute.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.770 Road-holding position light
ED Decision 2014/013/R
Where a road intersects a taxiway where operationally required, a suitable holding position light may be located adjacent to the roadway/taxiway intersection marking 1.5 m (±0.5 m) from one edge of the road, i.e. left or right as appropriate to the local road traffic regulations.
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) Applicability: A no-entry bar should be provided across a taxiway which is intended to be used as an exit only taxiway. The purpose of a no-entry bar is to assist in preventing inadvertent access of traffic to that taxiway.
(b) Location:
(1) A no-entry bar should be located across the taxiway at the end of an exit only taxiway where it is desired to prevent traffic from entering the taxiway in the wrong direction.
(2) A no-entry bar should be collocated with a no-entry sign and/or a no-entry marking.
(c) Characteristics:
(1) A no-entry bar should consist of unidirectional lights spaced at uniform intervals of no more than 3 m showing red in the intended direction(s) of approach to the runway.
(2) Taxiway centre line lights installed beyond the no-entry bar, looking in the direction of the runway, should not be visible when viewed from the taxiway.
(3) The intensity in red light and beam spreads of no-entry bar lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-16 to U-20, as appropriate.
(4) No-entry bar lights chromaticity should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.930 and Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
GM1 ADR-DSN.M.771 No-entry bar
ED Decision 2022/006/R
(a) Runway incursions may take place in all visibility or weather conditions. The use of no-entry bars can form part of effective runway incursion prevention measures.
(b) Where necessary to enhance conspicuity, extra lights should be installed uniformly.
(c) A pair of elevated lights should be added to each end of the no-entry bar where the in-pavement no-entry bar lights might be obscured from a pilot’s view, for example, by snow or rain, or where a pilot may be required to stop the aircraft in a position so close to the lights that they are blocked from view by the structure of the aircraft.
(d) Where no-entry bars are specified as components of an advanced surface movement guidance and control system and where, from an operational point of view, higher intensities are required to maintain ground movements at a certain speed in very low visibilities or in bright daytime conditions, the intensity in red light and beam spreads of no-entry bar lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-21, U-22 or U-23, as appropriate.
(e) High-intensity no-entry bars are typically used only in case of an absolute necessity and following a safety assessment.
(f) Where a wide beam fixture is required, the intensity in red light and beam spreads of no-entry bar lights should be in accordance with the specifications in CS ADR-DSN.U.940, Figures U-21 or U-23, as appropriate.
(g) Care is required in the design of the electrical system to ensure that all of the lights of a no-entry bar will not fail at the same time. No-entry bar lights should be supplied with power on a separate circuit to other runway lighting so that they may be used when other lighting is switched off.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]