weather forecast training for GA

pat LIAU • 2 July 2019
in community General Aviation


following an interesting link from a pilot/youtuber who did attend a dedicated weather training for pilots,  see at

was wondering if EASA or the community were aware of similar trainings given in other MS and in particular in FR and BE.

Seems to be going more in-depth than the ppl weather module and rather practical at the same time.



Comments (2)


Hi Patrice, thanks for the message. There are a lot of resources in French created by the French Aviation Authority (DGAC) and the various French flying clubs and federations that you can find in their website here (

In addition, EASA is becoming a lot more active in Safety Promotion and we recently ran a simulator experiment with 12 GA pilots on VFR into IMC, the results of this will create a lot of material as well. This will be publsihed on our new GA Safety Promotion portal when it launches later in the year. We coordinate all our efforts with the different National Authorities so we don't send conflicting messages or duplicate our efforts.
Best Regards
John Franklin
Head of Safety Promotion at EASA

Bartosz Fibingier

For any GA user wishing to learn or refresh their aviation knowledge, I recommend the FAA Safety Team Portal and "Wings Courses (Courses for Pilots!)" Resources:

You will find plenty of great materials for GA community. Most are available for free. The downside is, you need to be careful about the legal reference. Those are an FAA based.

In fact, EASA could prepare a similar program for EU pilots. In the US an award system works fine and motivates the community to put some extra effort. A great deal of the available CBTs/e-learnings could be used "As Is". Physics is the same everywhere.

For in-flight icing I recommend NASA training:

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