Sunny Swift Edition 26 - Mass and Balance

John FRANKLIN • 15 October 2020
in community General Aviation

Mass and balance is a verification that is often forgotten, but when it comes to slow flying, stalls and even more spinning, this check is becoming vital. An aircraft is designed with mass and balance limitations. Exploring the flight envelope beyond the limitations can lead to very unpleasant surprises. Let’s have a look to what Sunny has to tell us about it!

Follow the link to Sunny Swift Episode 26 to access the cartoon is all EU languages.  A huge thanks to Marc and the team at Aviaze for putting the video together again.  

Comments (6)

Dominique Roland

Hello Jürgen!

I believe that the message is that if you go with extreme aft CG into a spin, you will lose authorithy with the controls. This is especially true with the CAP10 when you go into a flat spin.

In fact, the story is too short to cover all the aspects related to the spins, Claude Lelaie wrote a nice small book on it... :)

But the message is clealry to take care about aft CG!



Jürgen Leukefeld

Hello Dominique,

thanks for your explanation. It´s absolutely what "German Aerobatics" pilot commented, upon my question.
I´ll search for that book and hopefully will understand "french stuff".

Take care!

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