Part 21 Light

Comments (4)

Michael Orf

Hello Djani,
what do you mean exactly? I am not "involved" but might be able to help if you have a dedicated question. Leave your question here within the community and there might be someone who is able to answer. Looking forward to read from you :-)
Take care,


Hello Michael,
Thank you for replay.
I am following…
...and wondering what and when may be/is feasible way to make certification for two seater fix-wing approx. 750-800 kg MTOW with own diesel engine solution.
Can that be done with "declared" process
or "Light certified process" is necessary.
Mean first engine than airframe with that engine.

Boudewijn Deuss

Dear Djani, being involved in the development of Part 21 Light I can explain a little. The so called entry into force of this Part 21 Light is going to take some time. We at EASA are closing in on the completion of our proposal to the EU Commission, but that is the start of the rulemaking process in Brussels. So, it is going to take at least 1-2 years before this is in place. Rulemaking is taking long, but all member states need to have thier say, otherwise it will never be a EU regulation.


Dear Boudewijn,
thank you for your kind reply.
I am asking on purpose because of some previous experience on
ELA 1 major modification with Cessna 172.
Here in attachment, please find one nice upgrade to glass cockpit
of 50 years old aircraft. Done by me and my junior in 2018.
Unfortunately upgrade finished without modern autopilot and
the old one was only one axis and without supported interface.
We are now working on new two seat low wing with 599 to 750 kg MTOW
and considering the best way to go in regard to EASA paperwork.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your BXL journey :)

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