I was checking the requirements of documentation to be carried in flight and I'm not sure on how to interpret it from the Easy Rules:
According to this, I understand that the manual is not required if you have placards with info about normal operations (e.g., take off checklist). Is my understanding correct? Any other requirement to comply with this?
Thanks in advance for any clarification.
In my opinion AFM shall be always on board. On this document you have information about weight balance, speeds or other important information what you doesn't have in checklists
Dear Jorge,
As mentioned in GM1 SAO.GEN.155(a)(1) point (b), the operating limitations, normal and emergency procedures have to be on board. Taking into account that the normal and emergency procedures have an extent of 15 pages or more, I don't think that point can be covered by only placards. That's why the GM reads about quick reference cards.
Dear Marcin, weight and balance has to be done _before_ flight, thus no need to have this AFM information on board (during flight).
Best regards,
Thank you both for your responses. Very good point Jannes about the reference cards, with that it should be enough. And I also agree that weight and balance shouldn't be relevant for in-flight info.
There is still difference about carrying a document and having some document available or accessible during the flight.
For example, you have to carry certificate of registration, but you don't need to have access to it during the flight. AFM or POH or whatever the equivalent document must be carried on-board, but it doesn't have to be accessible during the flight, if the information in point (b) is accessible during the flight.
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