1. Pilot licences

A pilot licence issued by a Member State in accordance with the national requirements shall be converted into a Part-FCL licence provided that the applicant complies with the following requirements:

(a) for ATPL(A) and CPL(A), complete as a proficiency check the revalidation requirements of Part-FCL for type/class and instrument rating, relevant to the privileges of the licence held;

(b) demonstrate knowledge of the relevant parts of the operational requirements and Part-FCL;

(c) demonstrate language proficiency in accordance with FCL.055;

(d)  comply with the requirements set out in the following table:

National licence held

Total flying hours experience

Any further requirements

Replacement Part-FCL licence and conditions (where applicable)

Removal of conditions









> 1 500 as PIC on multi-pilot aeroplanes



Not applicable



> 1 500 on multi-pilot aeroplanes


as in (c)(4)

as in (c)(5)



> 500 on multi-pilot aeroplanes

Demonstrate knowledge of flight planning and performance as required by FCL.515

ATPL(A), with type rating restricted to co-pilot

Demonstrate ability to act as PIC as required by Appendix 9 to Part-FCL


CPL/IR(A) and passed an ICAO ATPL theory test in the Member State of licence issue


(i) demonstrate knowledge of flight planning and performance as required by FCL.310 and FCL.615(b)

(ii) meet remaining requirements of FCL.720.A(c)

CPL/IR(A) with ATPL theory credit

Not applicable



> 500 on multi-pilot aeroplanes, or in multi-pilot operations on single-pilot aeroplanes CS-23 commuter category or equivalent in accordance with the relevant requirements of Part-CAT and Part-ORO for commercial air transport

(i) pass an examination for ATPL(A) knowledge in the Member State of licence issue16 CPL holders already holding a type rating for a multi-pilot aeroplane are not required to have passed an examination for ATPL(A) theoretical knowledge whilst they continue to operate that same aeroplane type, but will not be given ATPL(A) theory credit for a Part-FCL licence. If they require another type rating for a different multi-pilot aeroplane, they must comply with column (3), row (e)(i) of the above table.

(ii) meet remaining requirements of FCL.720.A(c)

CPL/IR(A) with ATPL theory credit

Not applicable



> 500 as PIC on single-pilot aeroplanes


CPL/IR(A) with class ratings and type ratings restricted to single-pilot aeroplanes

Obtain multi-pilot type rating in accordance with Part-FCL



< 500 as PIC on single-pilot aeroplanes

Demonstrate knowledge of flight planning and flight performance for CPL/IR level

As (4)(f)

As (5)(f)



> 500 as PIC on single-pilot aeroplanes

Night rating, if applicable

CPL(A), with type/class ratings restricted to single-pilot aeroplanes




< 500 as PIC on single-pilot aeroplanes

(i) Night rating, if applicable;

(ii) demonstrate knowledge of flight performance and planning as required by FCL.310

as (4)(h)




≥ 75 in accordance with IFR


PPL/IR(A) (the IR restricted to PPL)

Demonstrate knowledge of flight performance and planning as required by FCL.615(b)



≥ 70 on aeroplanes

Demonstrate the use of radio navigation aids




2. Instructor certificates

An instructor certificate issued by a Member State in accordance with the national requirements shall be converted into a Part-FCL certificate provided that the applicant complies with the following requirements:

National certificate or privileges held


Any further requirements

Replacement Part-FCL certificate






as required under Part-FCL for the relevant certificate



3. SFI certificate

A SFI certificate issued by a Member State in accordance with the national requirements shall be converted into a Part-FCL certificate provided that the holder complies with the following requirements:

National certificate held


Any further requirements

Replacement Part-FCL certificate






>1500 hours as pilot of MPA

(i)  hold or have held a CPL, MPL or ATPL for aeroplanes issued by a Member State;

(ii)  have completed the flight simulator content of the applicable type rating course including MCC.



3 years recent experience as a SFI

have completed the flight simulator content of the applicable type rating course including MCC


The conversion shall be valid for a maximum period of 3 years. Revalidation shall be subject to the completion of the relevant requirements set out in Part-FCL.

4. STI certificate

An STI certificate issued by a Member State in accordance with the national requirements of that State may be converted into a Part-FCL certificate provided that the holder complies with the requirements set out in the table below:

National certificate held


Any further requirements

Replacement certificate






> 500 hours as pilot on SPA

(i)  hold or have held a pilot licence issued by a Member State;

(ii)  have completed a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to Part-FCL in an FSTD appropriate to the instruction intended



3 years recent experience as a STI

have completed a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to Part-FCL in an FSTD appropriate to the instruction intended


Revalidation of the certificate shall be subject to the completion of the relevant requirements set out in Part-FCL.