FCL.720.As Prerequisites for the issue of type ratings – airships

Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011

Unless otherwise determined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21, an applicant for the first issue of an airship type rating shall comply with the following experience requirements and prerequisites:

(a) for multi-pilot airships:

(1) have completed 70 hours of flight time as PIC on airships;

(2) hold a certificate of satisfactory completion of MCC on airships.

(3) An applicant who does not comply with the requirement in (2) shall have the type rating issued with the privileges limited to exercising functions as co-pilot only. The limitation shall be removed once the pilot has completed 100 hours of flight time as PIC or pilot-in-command under supervision of airships.

FCL.735.As Multi-crew cooperation training course – airships

Regulation (EU) No 245/2014

(a) The MCC training course shall comprise at least:

(1) 12 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction and exercises; and

(2) 5 hours of practical MCC training;

An FNPT II, or III qualified for MCC, an FTD 2/3 or an FFS shall be used.

(b) The MCC training course shall be completed within 6 months at an ATO.

(c) Unless the MCC course has been combined with a multi-pilot type rating course, on completion of the MCC training course the applicant shall be given a certificate of completion.

(d) An applicant having completed MCC training for any other category of aircraft shall be exempted from the requirements in (a).

AMC1 FCL.735.A; FCL.735.H; FCL.735.As Multi-crew cooperation (MCC) training course

ED Decision 2020/005/R

(a) Competency is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform a task to the prescribed standard.

(b) The objectives of MCC training are to develop the technical and non-technical components of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to operate a multicrew aircraft.

(c) Training should comprise both theoretical and practical elements and be designed to achieve the competencies/training objectives (see Table 1 below).

Table 1 — Competencies/training objectives

Competency/ objective

Performance indicators


Practical exercises


(a) Know what, how much and who to communicate to;

(b) Ensure the recipient is ready and able to receive the information;

(c) Pass messages and information clearly, accurately, timely and adequately;

(d) Check if the other person has the correct understanding when passing important information;

(e) Listen actively, patiently and demonstrate understanding when receiving information;

(f) Ask relevant and effective questions, and offer suggestions;

(g) Use appropriate body language, eye contact and tone;

(h) Open and receptive to other people’s view.

(a) Human Factors, TEM and CRM;

(b) Application of TEM and CRM principles to training.

In a commercial air transport environment, apply multi-crew procedures, including principles of TEM and CRM to the following:

(a) Pre-flight preparation:

(1) FMS initialisation;

(2) radio and navigation equipment preparation;

(3) flight documentation;

(4) computation of take-off performance data.

(b) Take-off and climb:

(1) before take-off checks;

(2) normal take-offs;

(3) rejected take-offs;

(4) take-offs with abnormal and emergency situations included.

(c) Cruise: emergency descent.

(d) Descent and approach:

(1) instrument flight procedures;

(2) holding;

(3) 3D Operations using raw data;

(4) 3D Operations using flight director;

(5) 3D Operations using autopilot;

(6) one-engine-inoperative approach;

(7) 2D Operations and circling;

(8) computation of approach and landing data;

(9) all engines go-around;

(10) go-around with one engine inoperative;

(11) wind shear during approach.

(e) landing: transition from instrument to visual flight on reaching decision altitude or height or minimum descent altitude or height;

(f) after landing and post flight procedures;

(g) selected emergency and abnormal procedures.

Leadership and team working

(a) Friendly, enthusiastic, motivating and considerate of others;

(b) Use initiative, give direction and take responsibility when required;

(c) Open and honest about thoughts, concerns and intentions;

(d) Give and receive criticism and praise well, and admit mistakes;

(e) Confidently do and say what is important to him or her;

(f) Demonstrate respect and tolerance towards other people;

(g) Involve others in planning and share activities fairly.


Situational awareness

(a) Be aware of what the aircraft and its systems are doing;

(b) Be aware of where the aircraft is and its environment;

(c) Keep track of time and fuel;

(d) Be aware of the condition of people involved in the operation including passengers;

(e) Recognise what is likely to happen, plan and stay ahead of the game;

(f) Develop what-if scenarios and make pre-decisions;

(g) Identify threats to the safety of the aircraft and of the people.


Workload management

(a) Be calm, relaxed, careful and not impulsive;

(b) Prepare, prioritise and schedule tasks effectively;

(c) Use time efficiently when carrying out tasks;

(d) Offer and accept assistance, delegate when necessary and ask for help early;

(e) Review and monitor and cross-check actions conscientiously;

(f) Follow procedures appropriately and consistently;

(g) Concentrate on one thing at a time, ensure tasks are completed and does not become distracted;

(h) Carry out instructions as directed.


Problem-solving and decision-making

(a) Identify and verify why things have gone wrong and do not jump to conclusions or make assumptions;

(b) Seek accurate and adequate information from appropriate resources;

(c) Persevere in working through a problem;

(d) Use and agree an appropriate decision making process;

(e) Agree essential and desirable criteria and prioritises;

(f) Consider as many options as practicable;

(g) Make decisions when they need to, reviews and changes if required;

(h) Consider risks but do not take unnecessary risks.


Monitoring and cross‑checking

(a) Monitor and cross-checks all actions;

(b) Monitor aircraft trajectory in critical flight phases;

(c) Take appropriate actions in response to deviations from the flight path.

(a) SOPs;

(b) Aircraft systems;

(c) Undesired aircraft states.

Task sharing

(a) Apply SOPs in both PF and pilot monitoring (PM) roles;

(b) Makes and responds to standard call-outs.

(a) PF and PM roles;

(b) SOPs.

Use of checklists

Utilise checklists appropriately according to SOPs.

(a) SOPs;

(b) Checklist philosophy.


Prepare and deliver appropriate briefings.

(a) SOPs;

(b) Interpretation of FMS data and in-flight documentation.

Flight management

(a) Maintain a constant awareness of the aircraft automation state;

(b) Manage automation to achieve optimum trajectory and minimum workload;

(c) Take effective recovery actions from automation anomalies;

(d) Manage aircraft navigation, terrain clearance;

(e) Manage aircraft fuel state and take appropriate actions.

(a) Understanding of aircraft performance and configuration;

(b) Systems;

(c) SOPs;

(d) Interpretation of FMS data and in-flight documentation;

(e) Minimum terrain clearance;

(f) Fuel management IFR and VFR regulation.

FMS use

Programme, manage and monitor FMS in accordance with SOPs.

(a) Systems (FMS);

(b) SOPs;

(c) Automation.

Systems normal operations

Perform and monitor normal systems operation in accordance with SOPs.

(a) Systems;

(b) SOPs.

Systems abnormal and emergency operations

(a) Perform and monitor abnormal systems operation in accordance with SOPs;

(b) Utilise electronic and paper abnormal checklists in accordance with SOPs.

(a) Systems;

(b) SOPs;

(c) Emergency and abnormal procedures and checklists;

(d) Recall items.

Environment, weather and ATC

(a) Communicate effectively with ATC;

(b) Avoid misunderstandings by requesting clarification;

(c) Adhere to ATC instructions;

(d) Construct a mental model of the local ATC and weather environment.

(a) Systems;

(b) SOPs;

(c) ATC environment and phraseology;

(d) Procedures for hazardous weather conditions.



Applicant's last name(s):


First name(s):


Type of licence:




ME/IR training completed



ME/IR validity date:

ME/IR skill test date:


Issued on:



passed on:



Signature of applicant:


The satisfactory completion of MCC-Training according to requirements is certified below:


Multi-crew co-operation training received during period:




ATO / operator*

Location and date:

Signature of head of ATO or authorised instructor*:


Type and number of licence and state of issue:



Name(s) in capital letters of authorised instructor:


* Delete as appropriate

FCL.740.As Revalidation of type ratings – airships

Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011

(a) Revalidation. For revalidation of type ratings for airships, the applicant shall:

(1) pass a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Part in the relevant type of airship within the 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the rating; and

(2) complete at least 2 hours as a pilot of the relevant airship type within the validity period of the rating. The duration of the proficiency check may be counted towards the 2 hours.

(3) The revalidation of an IR(As), if held, may be combined with a proficiency check for the revalidation of a class or type rating.

(b) An applicant who fails to achieve a pass in all sections of a proficiency check before the expiry date of a type rating shall not exercise the privileges of that rating until a pass in the proficiency check has been achieved.