FCL.1000 Examiner certificates
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
(a) General
Holders of an examiner certificate shall:
(1) hold, unless otherwise determined in this Annex, an equivalent licence, rating or certificate to the ones for which they are authorised to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence and the privilege to instruct for them;
(2) be qualified to act as PIC in the aircraft during a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence if conducted on the aircraft.
(b) Special conditions:
(1) The competent authority may issue a specific certificate granting privileges for the conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence if compliance with the requirements established in this Subpart is not possible because of the introduction of any of the following:
(i) new aircraft in the Member States or in an operator’s fleet;
(ii) new training courses in this Annex.
Such a certificate shall be limited to the skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence necessary for the introduction of the new type of aircraft or the new training course and its validity shall not, in any case, exceed 1 year.
(2) Holders of a certificate issued in accordance with point (b)(1) who wish to apply for an examiner certificate shall comply with the prerequisites and revalidation requirements for that category of examiner certificate.
(3) Where no qualified examiner is available, competent authorities may, on a case-by -case basis, authorise inspectors or examiners who do not meet the relevant instructor, type or class rating requirements as specified in (a), to perform skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence.
(c) Examination provided outside the territory of the Member States:
(1) By way of derogation from point (a), in the case of skill tests and proficiency checks provided outside the territory for which Member States are responsible under the Chicago Convention, the competent authority shall issue an examiner certificate to applicants holding a pilot licence that is compliant with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention, provided that those applicants:
(i) hold at least an equivalent licence, rating, or certificate to the one for which they are authorised to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence, and in any case at least a CPL;
(ii) are qualified to act as PIC in the aircraft during a skill test or proficiency check that is conducted in the aircraft;
(iii) comply with the requirements established in this Subpart for the issue of the relevant examiner certificate; and
(iv) demonstrate to the competent authority an adequate level of knowledge of European aviation safety rules to be able to exercise examiner privileges in accordance with this Annex.
(2) The certificate referred to in point (1) shall be limited to performing skill tests and proficiency checks:
(i) outside the territories for which the Member States are responsible under the Chicago Convention; and
(ii) to pilots who have sufficient knowledge of the language in which the test/check is given.
GM1 FCL.1000 Examiner certificates
ED Decision 2020/005/R
When new aircraft are introduced, requirements such as to hold a licence and rating equivalent to the one for which the skill test is being conducted, or to have adequate flight experience, may not be possible to comply with. In this case, to allow for the first ratings for these aircraft to be issued to applicants, competent authorities need the possibility to issue a specific certificate that does not have to comply with the requirements established in this Subpart.
The competent authority should only give these certificates to holders of other examiner certificates. As far as possible, preference should be given to persons with experience in similar types or classes of aircraft, for example, in aircraft having the same kind and number of engines or rotors and of the same order of mass or technology.
The certificate should be limited in validity to the time needed to qualify the first examiners for the new aircraft in accordance with this Subpart, but in any case, it should not exceed the 1 year established in the rule.
GM2 FCL.1000 Examiner certificates
ED Decision 2020/005/R
When examiners conduct a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, in addition to a licence for the relevant aircraft category, they are required to hold the rating or certificate equivalent to the one for which they conduct the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence.
For example, a candidate who holds a CPL(A) may make a class rating proficiency check on an SE piston aeroplane with an examiner who holds a PPL(A) with an SE piston class rating and related examiner privileges.
FCL.1005 Limitation of privileges in case of vested interests
Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
Examiners shall not conduct:
(a) skill tests or assessments of competence of applicants for the issue of a licence, rating or certificate to whom they have provided more than 25 % of the required flight instruction for the licence, rating or certificate for which the skill test or assessment of competence is being taken; and
(b) skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence whenever they feel that their objectivity may be affected.
GM1 FCL.1005(b) Limitation of privileges in case of vested interests
ED Decision 2020/005/R
Examples of a situation where the examiner should consider if their objectivity is affected are when the applicant is a relative or a friend of the examiner, or when they are linked by economic interests or political affiliations, etc.
FCL.1010 Prerequisites for examiners
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Applicants for an examiner certificate shall demonstrate:
(a) relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience related to the privileges of an examiner;
(b) that they have not been subject to any sanctions, including the suspension, limitation or revocation of any of their licences, ratings or certificates issued in accordance with this Part, for non-compliance with the Basic Regulation and its Implementing Rules during the last 3 years.
AMC1 FCL.1010 Prerequisites for examiners
ED Decision 2011/016/R
When evaluating the applicant’s background, the competent authority should evaluate the personality and character of the applicant, and his/her cooperation with the competent authority.
The competent authority may also take into account whether the applicant has been convicted of any relevant criminal or other offenses, taking into account national law and principles of non-discrimination.
FCL.1015 Examiner standardisation
Regulation (EU) 2020/2193
(a) An applicant for an examiner certificate shall undertake a standardisation course which is provided by the competent authority or which is provided by an ATO and approved by the competent authority.
(b) The standardisation course shall consist of theoretical and practical instruction and shall include, at least:
(1) the conduct of 2 skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competences for the licences, ratings or certificates for which the applicant seeks the privilege to conduct tests and checks;
(2) instruction on the applicable requirements in this part and the applicable air operations requirements, the conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence, and their documentation and reporting;
(3) a briefing on the national administrative procedures, requirements for protection of personal data, liability, accident insurance and fees.
(4) a briefing on the need to review and apply the items in (3) when conducting skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence of an applicant for which the competent authority is not the same that issued the examiner's certificate; and
(5) an instruction on how to get access to these national procedures and requirements of other competent authorities when needed;
(c) Holders of an examiners certificate shall not conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence of an applicant for which the competent authority is not the same that issued the examiner's certificate, unless they have reviewed the latest available information containing the relevant national procedures of the applicant's competent authority.
AMC1 FCL.1015 Examiner standardisation
ED Decision 2020/005/R
(a) The competent authority may provide the course itself or through an arrangement with an ATO or, in the case of examiners for sailplanes and balloons, with a DTO.
This arrangement should clearly state that the ATO or the DTO is acting under the management system of the competent authority.
(b) The course should last:
(1) for the FE and FIE, at least 1 day, divided into theoretical and practical training;
(2) for other examiners, at least 3 days, divided into theoretical training (1 day) and practical training in an FFS conducting real or role-played proficiency checks, skill tests or assessments of competence (at least 2 days).
(c) The competent authority, the ATO or the DTO should determine any further training required before presenting the candidate for the examiner assessment of competence.
(d) The training should comprise:
(1) Theoretical training covering at least:
(i) the contents of AMC2 FCL.1015 and the FEM;
(ii) Part-FCL and related AMCs and GM relevant to their duties;
(iii) operational requirements and related AMCs and GM relevant to their duties;
(iv) national requirements relevant to their examination duties;
(v) fundamentals of human performance and limitations relevant to flight examination;
(vi) fundamentals of evaluation relevant to applicant’s performance;
(vii) the management system of ATOs and the organisational structure of DTOs;
(viii) MCC, human performance and limitations, if applicable.
(2) Examiners should also be briefed on the protection requirements for personal data, liability, accident insurance and fees, as applicable in the member state concerned.
(3) All items above are the core knowledge requirements for an examiner and are recommended as the core course material. This core course may be studied before recommended examiner training is commenced. The core course may utilise any suitable training format.
(4) Practical training consisting of at least:
(i) knowledge and management of the test for which the certificate is to be sought. These are described in the relevant modules in the FEM;
(ii) knowledge of the administrative procedures pertaining to that test or check.
(5) For an initial examiner certificate, practical training should include the examination of the test profile sought, consisting of the conduct of at least two test or check profiles in the role of examiner (these two tests or checks profiles can be performed in the same simulator session), including briefing, conduct of the skill test and proficiency check, assessment of the applicant to whom the test or check is given, debriefing and recording or documentation under the supervision of an examiner of the appropriate category on the applicable type. This training is conducted in the aircraft if approval for testing or checking in the aircraft is required. If examiner privileges in FSTD’s are required, practical instruction in the use of FSTD(s) for testing or checking should also be completed.
(6) If examiner privileges are to include the conduct of proficiency checks for the revalidation or renewal of an instrument rating, practical instruction should include the conduct of at least four instrument check profiles in the role of examiner, including briefing, conduct of the skill test and proficiency check, assessment of the applicant to whom the test or check is given, debriefing and recording or documentation under the supervision of an examiner of the appropriate category on the applicable type. This training is conducted in the aircraft if approval for testing or checking in the aircraft is required. If examiner privileges in both FSTD and aircraft are required, at least one of the instrument check profiles should be conducted in an FSTD.
(7) For extension of an examiner certificate to further types (as required for TRE), further practical training on the new type may be required, consisting of the conduct of at least one test or check profile in the role of examiner on the new type, including briefing, conduct of the skill test and proficiency check, assessment of the applicant to whom the test or check is given, debriefing and recording or documentation under the supervision of an examiner of the appropriate category on the applicable type. A further examiner check on the new type may be required, which may be supervised by an inspector of the competent authority or a suitably authorised senior examiner.
AMC2 FCL.1015 Examiner standardisation
ED Decision 2020/005/R
(a) An examiner should allow an applicant adequate time to prepare for a test or check, normally not more than 1 hour.
(b) An examiner should plan a test or check flight so that all required exercises can be performed while allowing sufficient time for each of the exercises and with due regard to the weather conditions, traffic situation, ATC requirements and local procedures.
(c) Determine through practical demonstration during a test or check that an applicant has acquired or maintained the required level of knowledge and skill or proficiency.
(d) Improve training and flight instruction in ATOs or DTOs by feedback of information from examiners about items or sections of tests or checks that are most frequently failed.
(e) Assist in maintaining and, where possible, improving air safety standards by having examiners display good airmanship and flight discipline during tests or checks.
(f) An examiner will ensure that an applicant completes a test or check in accordance with Part-FCL requirements and is assessed against the required test or check standards.
(g) Each item within a test or check section should be completed and assessed separately. The test or check schedule, as briefed, should not normally be altered by an examiner. A failed item is not always a failed section, for example type rating skill test where a failure of an item in a section does not fail the entire section, only the failed item is taken again.
(h) Marginal or questionable performance of a test or check item should not influence an examiner’s assessment of any subsequent items.
(i) An examiner should verify the requirements and limitations of a test or check with an applicant during the pre-flight briefing.
(j) When a test or check is completed or discontinued, an examiner should debrief the applicant and give reasons for items or sections failed. In case of a failed or discontinued skill test and proficiency check, the examiner should provide appropriate advice to assist the applicant in re-tests or re-checks.
(k) Any comment on, or disagreement with, an examiner’s test or check evaluation or assessment made during a debriefing will be recorded by the examiner on the test or check report, and will be signed by the examiner and countersigned by the applicant.
(l) An examiner should supervise all aspects of the test or check flight preparation, including, where necessary, obtaining or assuring an ATC ‘slot’ time.
(m) An examiner will plan a test or check in accordance with Part-FCL requirements. Only the manoeuvres and procedures set out in the appropriate test or check form will be undertaken. The same examiner should not reexamine a failed applicant without the agreement of the applicant.
(n) An examiner should encourage a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to develop both before and during a test or check flight. A negative or hostile approach should not be used. During the test or check flight, the examiner should avoid negative comments or criticisms and all assessments should be reserved for the debriefing.
(o) Although test or checks may specify flight test tolerances, an applicant should not be expected to achieve these at the expense of smoothness or stable flight. An examiner should make due allowance for unavoidable deviations due to turbulence, ATC instructions, etc. An examiner should terminate a test or check only when it is clear that the applicant has not been able to demonstrate the required level of knowledge, skill or proficiency and that a full re-test will be necessary or for safety reasons. An examiner will use one of the following terms for assessment:
(1) a ‘pass’, provided that the applicant demonstrates the required level of knowledge, skill or proficiency and, where applicable, remains within the flight test tolerances for the licence or rating;
(2) a ‘fail’ provided that any of the following apply:
(i) the flight test tolerances have been exceeded after the examiner has made due allowance for turbulence or ATC instructions;
(ii) the aim of the test or check is not completed;
(iii) the aim of exercise is completed but at the expense of safe flight, violation of a rule or regulation, poor airmanship or rough handling;
(iv) an acceptable level of knowledge is not demonstrated;
(v) an acceptable level of flight management is not demonstrated;
(vi) the intervention of the examiner or safety pilot is required in the interest of safety.
(3) a ‘partial pass’ in accordance with the criteria shown in the relevant skill test appendix of Part-FCL.
(p) Before undertaking a test or check, an examiner will verify that the aircraft or FSTD intended to be used is suitable and appropriately equipped for the test or check. Aircraft that fall under points (a), (b), (c), or (d) of Annex I to the Basic Regulation can be used provided that they are subject to an authorisation as per point ORA.ATO.135 or point DTO.GEN.240.
(q) A test or check flight will be conducted in accordance with the AFM and, if applicable, the AOM.
(r) A test or check flight will be conducted within the limitations contained in the operations manual of an ATO or the operator for which the applicant is flying, as applicable, or, if available, within the limitations placed by the DTO.
(s) Contents:
(1) a test or check is comprised of:
(i) oral examination on the ground (where applicable);
(ii) pre-flight briefing;
(iii) in-flight exercises;
(iv) post-flight debriefing.
(2) oral examination on the ground should include:
(i) aircraft general knowledge and performance;
(ii) planning and operational procedures;
(iii) other relevant items or sections of the test or check.
(3) pre-flight briefing should include:
(i) test or check sequence;
(ii) power setting, speeds and approach minima, if applicable;
(iii) safety considerations.
(4) in-flight exercises will include each relevant item or section of the test or check;
(5) post-flight debriefing should include:
(i) assessment or evaluation of the applicant;
(ii) documentation of the test or check with the applicant’s FI present, if possible.
(t) A test or check is intended to simulate a practical flight. Thus, an examiner may set practical scenarios for an applicant while ensuring that the applicant is not confused and air safety is not compromised.
(u) When manoeuvres are to be flown by sole reference to instruments, the examiner should ensure that a suitable method of screening is used to simulate IMC.
(v) An examiner should maintain a flight log and assessment record during the test or check for reference during the post or flight debriefing.
(w) An examiner should be flexible to the possibility of changes arising to preflight briefings due to ATC instructions, or other circumstances affecting the test or check.
(x) Where changes arise to a planned test or check an examiner should be satisfied that the applicant understands and accepts the changes. Otherwise, the test or check flight should be terminated.
(y) Should an applicant choose not to continue a test or check for reasons considered inadequate by an examiner, the applicant will be assessed as having failed those items or sections not attempted. If the test or check is terminated for reasons considered adequate by the examiner, only these items or sections not completed will be tested during a subsequent test or check.
(z) An examiner may terminate a test or check at any stage, if it is considered that the applicant’s competency requires a complete re-test or re-check.
GM1 FCL.1015 Examiner standardisation
ED Decision 2020/005/R
(a) An examiner should plan per day not more than:
(1) three tests or checks relating to PPL, CPL, IR or class ratings;
(2) four tests or checks relating to LAPL, SPL or BPL;
(3) two tests or checks related to MPL or ATPL;
(4) two assessments of competence related to instructor certificates;
(5) four tests or checks relating to SP type ratings.
(b) An examiner should plan at least 2 hours for a LAPL, SPL or BPL, 3 hours for a PPL, CPL, IR or class rating test or checks, and at least 4 hours for instructor certificates, MPL, ATPL or MP type rating tests or checks, including preflight briefing and preparation, conduct of the test, check or assessment of competence, de-briefing, evaluation of the applicant and documentation.
(c) For the conduct of the test, check or assessment of competence, without additional activities specified in point (b), the following values may be used as guidance:
(1) 45 minutes for a LAPL(B) or BPL and SP class ratings VFR only;
(2) 60 minutes for extension of BPL commercial privileges;
(3) 90 minutes for LAPL(A) or (H), PPL(A) or (H), and CPL(A) or (H), including the navigation section;
(4) 60 minutes for PPL(As) and CPL(As);
(5) 60 minutes for IR, EIR, instructor certificates, and SP type or class ratings; and
(6) 120 minutes for MPL, ATPL, and MP type ratings.
(d) For the LAPL(S) and SPL test or check flight the flight time must be sufficient to allow that all the items in each test or check section can be fully completed. If not all the items can be completed in one flight, additional flights have to be done.
GM1 FCL.1015(a); FCL.1025(b)(2)
ED Decision 2018/009/R
In point FCL.1015(a) (second sentence) and in point FCL.1025(b)(2) (second sentence), the word ‘may’ is used to indicate that completing an examiner standardisation course or an examiner refresher course at a DTO is an option which can be used by examiners for sailplanes and balloons as an alternative to completing such courses provided by the competent authority or an ATO (first sentence in both point FCL.1015(a) and point FCL.1025(b)(2)).
FCL.1020 Examiners assessment of competence
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Applicants for an examiner certificate shall demonstrate their competence to an inspector from the competent authority or a senior examiner specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the examiner’s certificate through the conduct of a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence in the examiner role for which privileges are sought, including briefing, conduct of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, and assessment of the person to whom the test, check or assessment is given, debriefing and recording documentation.
AMC1 FCL.1020 Examiners assessment of competence
ED Decision 2011/016/R
(a) The competent authority may nominate either one of its inspectors or a senior examiner to assess the competence of applicants for an examiner certificate.
(b) Definitions:
(1) ‘Inspector’: the inspector of the competent authority conducting the examiner competence assessment;
(2) ‘Examiner applicant’: the person seeking certification as an examiner;
(3) ‘Candidate’: the person being tested or checked by the examiner applicant. This person may be a pilot for whom the test or check would be required, or the inspector of the competent authority who is conducting the examiner certification acceptance test.
(c) An inspector of the competent authority or a senior examiner will observe all examiner applicants conducting a test on a ‘candidate’ in an aircraft for which examiner certificate is sought. Items from the related training course and test or check schedule will be selected by the inspector for examination of the ‘candidate’ by the examiner applicant. Having agreed with the inspector the content of the test, the examiner applicant will be expected to manage the entire test. This will include briefing, the conduct of the flight, assessment and debriefing of the ‘candidate’. The inspector will discuss the assessment with the examiner applicant before the ‘candidate’ is debriefed and informed of the result.
(d) The ‘candidate’ should be given time and facilities to prepare for the test flight. The briefing should cover the following:
(1) the objective of the flight;
(2) licensing checks, as necessary;
(3) freedom for the ‘candidate’ to ask questions;
(4) operating procedures to be followed (for example operators manual);
(5) weather assessment;
(6) operating capacity of ‘candidate’ and examiner;
(7) aims to be identified by ‘candidate’;
(8) simulated weather assumptions (for example icing and cloud base);
(9) use of screens (if applicable);
(10) contents of exercise to be performed;
(11) agreed speed and handling parameters (for example V-speeds, bank angle, approach minima);
(12) use of R/T;
(13) respective roles of ‘candidate’ and examiner (for example during emergency);
(14) administrative procedures (for example submission of flight plan).
(e) The examiner applicant should maintain the necessary level of communication with the ‘candidate’. The following check details should be followed by the examiner applicant:
(1) involvement of examiner in a MP operating environment;
(2) the need to give the ‘candidate’ precise instructions;
(3) responsibility for safe conduct of the flight;
(4) intervention by examiner, when necessary;
(5) use of screens;
(6) liaison with ATC and the need for concise, easily understood intentions;
(7) prompting the ‘candidate’ about required sequence of events (for example following a go-around);
(8) keeping brief, factual and unobtrusive notes.
(f) The examiner applicant should refer to the flight test tolerances given in the relevant skill test. Attention should be paid to the following points:
(1) questions from the ‘candidate’;
(2) give results of the test and any sections failed;
(3) give reasons for failure.
(g) The examiner applicant should demonstrate to the inspector the ability to conduct a fair, unbiased debriefing of the ‘candidate’ based on identifiable factual items. A balance between friendliness and firmness should be evident. The following points should be discussed with the ‘candidate’, at the applicant’s discretion:
(1) advise the candidate on how to avoid or correct mistakes;
(2) mention any other points of criticism noted;
(3) give any advice considered helpful.
(h) The examiner applicant should demonstrate to the inspector the ability to complete the relevant records correctly. These records may be:
(1) the relevant test or check form;
(2) licence entry;
(3) notification of failure form;
(4) relevant company forms where the examiner has privileges of conducting operator proficiency checks.
(i) The examiner applicant should demonstrate to the inspector a satisfactory knowledge of the regulatory requirements associated with the function of an examiner.
FCL.1025 Validity, revalidation and renewal of examiner certificates
Regulation (EU) 2020/2193
(a) Validity
An examiner certificate shall be valid for 3 years.
(b) Revalidation
To revalidate an examiner certificate, holders shall comply with all of the following conditions:
(1) before the expiry date of the certificate, have conducted at least six skill tests, proficiency checks, assessments of competence, or EBT evaluation phases during an EBT module referred to in point ORO.FC.231 of Annex III (Part-ORO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012;
(2) in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the certificate, have completed an examiner refresher course which is provided by the competent authority or which is provided by an ATO and approved by the competent authority;
(3) one of the skill tests, proficiency checks, assessments of competence or EBT evaluation phases conducted in accordance with point (1) shall take place in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the examiner certificate and shall:
(i) have been assessed by an inspector from the competent authority or by a senior examiner specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the examiner certificate; or
(ii) comply with the requirements in point FCL.1020.
If applicants for the revalidation hold privileges for more than one category of examiner, all examiner privileges may be revalidated if applicants comply with the requirements laid down in points (b)(1) and (2) and point FCL.1020 for one of the categories of examiner certificates held, in agreement with the competent authority.
(c) Renewal
If the certificate has expired, before resuming the exercise of the privileges, the applicants shall comply with the requirements in point (b)(2) and point FCL.1020 in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application for the renewal.
(d) An examiner certificate shall only be revalidated or renewed if applicants demonstrate continued compliance with the requirements laid down in points FCL.1010 and FCL.1030.
ED Decision 2011/016/R
(a) A senior examiner specifically tasked by the competent authority to observe skill tests or proficiency checks for the revalidation of examiner certificates should:
(1) hold a valid or current examiner certificate appropriate to the privileges being given;
(2) have examiner experience level acceptable to the competent authority;
(3) have conducted a number of skill tests or proficiency checks as a Part-FCL examiner.
(b) The competent authority may conduct a pre-assessment of the applicant or candidate carrying out a skill test and proficiency check under supervision of an inspector of the competent authority.
(c) Applicants should be required to attend a senior examiner briefing, course or seminar arranged by the competent authority. Content and duration will be determined by the competent authority and should include:
(1) pre-course self-study;
(2) legislation;
(3) the role of the senior examiner;
(4) an examiner assessment;
(5) national administrative requirements.
(d) The validity of the authorisation should not exceed the validity of the examiners certificate, and in any case should not exceed 3 years. The authorisation may be revalidated in accordance with procedures established by the competent authority.
AMC1 FCL.1025 Validity, revalidation and renewal of examiner certificates
ED Decision 2018/009/R
The examiner refresher course should follow the content of the examiner standardisation course, included in AMC1 FCL.1015, and take into account specific contents adequate to the category of examiner affected.
GM1 FCL.1015(a); FCL.1025(b)(2)
ED Decision 2018/009/R
In point FCL.1015(a) (second sentence) and in point FCL.1025(b)(2) (second sentence), the word ‘may’ is used to indicate that completing an examiner standardisation course or an examiner refresher course at a DTO is an option which can be used by examiners for sailplanes and balloons as an alternative to completing such courses provided by the competent authority or an ATO (first sentence in both point FCL.1015(a) and point FCL.1025(b)(2)).
FCL.1030 Conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence
Regulation (EU) No 245/2014
(a) When conducting skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence, examiners shall:
(1) ensure that communication with the applicant can be established without language barriers;
(2) verify that the applicant complies with all the qualification, training and experience requirements in this Part for the issue, revalidation or renewal of the licence, rating or certificate for which the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence is taken;
(3) make the applicant aware of the consequences of providing incomplete, inaccurate or false information related to their training and flight experience.
(b) After completion of the skill test or proficiency check, the examiner shall:
(1) inform the applicant of the result of the test. In the event of a partial pass or fail, the examiner shall inform the applicant that he/she may not exercise the privileges of the rating until a full pass has been obtained. The examiner shall detail any further training requirement and explain the applicant’s right of appeal;
(2) in the event of a pass in a proficiency check or assessment of competence for revalidation or renewal, endorse the applicant’s licence or certificate with the new expiry date of the rating or certificate, if specifically authorised for that purpose by the competent authority responsible for the applicant’s licence;
(3) provide the applicant with a signed report of the skill test or proficiency check and submit without delay copies of the report to the competent authority responsible for the applicant’s licence, and to the competent authority that issued the examiner certificate. The report shall include:
(i) a declaration that the examiner has received information from the applicant regarding his/her experience and instruction, and found that experience and instruction complying with the applicable requirements in this Part;
(ii) confirmation that all the required manoeuvres and exercises have been completed, as well as information on the verbal theoretical knowledge examination, when applicable. If an item has been failed, the examiner shall record the reasons for this assessment;
(iii) the result of the test, check or assessment of competence;
(iv) a declaration that the examiner has reviewed and applied the national procedures and requirements of the applicant’s competent authority if the competent authority responsible for the applicant’s licence is not the same that issued the examiner’s certificate;
(v) a copy of the examiner certificate containing the scope of his/her privileges as examiner in the case of skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence of an applicant for which the competent authority is not the same that issued the examiner’s certificate.
(c) Examiners shall maintain records for 5 years with details of all skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence performed and their results.
(d) Upon request by the competent authority responsible for the examiner certificate, or the competent authority responsible for the applicant’s licence, examiners shall submit all records and reports, and any other information, as required for oversight activities.
AMC1 FCL.1030(b)(3) Conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence
ED Decision 2021/002/R
Common application and report forms can be found:
(a) For skill tests or proficiency checks for issue, revalidation or renewal of LAPL, BPL, SPL, PPL, CPL and IR in AMC1 to Appendix 7;
(b) For training, skill tests or proficiency checks for ATPL, MPL or class and type ratings, in AMC1 to Appendix 9;
(c) For EBT practical assessment, in AMC1 to Appendix 10;
(d) For assessments of competence for instructors, in AMC5 FCL.935.
GM1 FCL.1030(b)(3)(ii) Conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence
ED Decision 2021/002/R
The confirmation that all the required manoeuvres and exercises have been completed means that during the period of validity of the type rating, the applicant has completed the operator’s EBT programme applicable to that period.