NCC.OP.100 Use of aerodromes and operating sites

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The operator shall only use aerodromes and operating sites that are adequate for the type of aircraft and operation concerned.


(a) The pilot-in-command should have available from a pre-survey or other publication, for each operating site to be used, diagrams or ground and aerial photographs, depiction (pictorial) and description of:

(1) the overall dimensions of the operating site;

(2) location and height of relevant obstacles to approach and take-off profiles and in the manoeuvring area;

(3) approach and take-off flight paths;

(4) surface condition (blowing dust/snow/sand);

(5) provision of control of third parties on the ground (if applicable);

(6) lighting, if applicable;

(7) procedure for activating the operating site in accordance with national regulations, if applicable;

(8) other useful information, for example details of the appropriate ATS agency and frequency; and

(9) site suitability with reference to available aircraft performance.

(b) Where the operator specifically permits operation from sites that are not pre-surveyed, the pilot-in-command should make, from the air, a judgement on the suitability of a site. At least (a)(1) to (a)(6) inclusive and (a)(9) should be considered.


‘Other publication’ mentioned in AMC1 NCC.OP.100 refers to publication means, such as:

(a) civil as well as military aeronautical information publication;

(b) visual flight rules (VFR) guides;

(c) commercially available aeronautical publications; and

(d) non-commercially available publications.

NCC.OP.101 Altimeter check and settings

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

(a) The operator shall establish procedures for altimeter checking before each departure.

(b) The operator shall establish procedures for altimeter settings for all phases of flight, which shall take into account the procedures established by the State of the aerodrome or the State of the airspace, if applicable.


The following paragraphs of ICAO Doc 8168 (PANS-OPS), Volume III provide recommended guidance on how to develop the altimeter setting procedure:

(a) 3.2 ‘Pre-flight operational test’;

(b) 3.3 ‘Take-off and climb’;

(c) 3.5 ‘Approach and landing’.

NCC.OP.105 Specification of isolated aerodromes – aeroplanes

Regulation (EU) 2021/1296

For the selection of alternate aerodromes and the fuel/energy planning and in-flight re-planning policy, the operator shall not consider an aerodrome as an isolated aerodrome unless the flying time to the nearest weather-permissible destination alternate aerodrome is more than:

(a) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, 60 minutes; or

(b) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, 90 minutes.


The concept of an isolated aerodrome allows the operator to use aerodromes that would otherwise be impossible or impractical to use with sufficient fuel to fly to the destination aerodrome and then to a destination alternate aerodrome, provided that operational criteria are used to ensure a safe‑landing option, for example by specifying a PNR. If alternate fuel is carried, the operator is not required to consider the aerodrome isolated and use the aforementioned operational criteria.

NCC.OP.110 Aerodrome operating minima — general

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

(a) The operator shall establish aerodrome operating minima for each departure, destination or alternate aerodrome that is planned to be used in order to ensure separation of the aircraft from terrain and obstacles and to mitigate the risk of loss of visual references during the visual flight segment of instrument approach operations.

(b) The method used to establish aerodrome operating minima shall take all the following elements into account:

(1) the type, performance, and handling characteristics of the aircraft;

(2) the equipment available on the aircraft for the purpose of navigation, acquisition of visual references, and/or control of the flight path during take-off, approach, landing, and missed approach;

(3)  any conditions or limitations stated in the aircraft flight manual (AFM);

(4)  the dimensions and characteristics of the runways/final approach and take-off areas (FATOs) that may be selected for use;

(5) the adequacy and performance of the available visual and non-visual aids and infrastructure;

(6)  the obstacle clearance altitude/height (OCA/H) for the instrument approach procedures (IAPs);

(7) the obstacles in the climb-out areas and necessary clearance margins;

(8) any non-standard characteristics of the aerodrome, the IAP or the environment;

(9) the composition of the flight crew, their competence and experience;

(10) the IAP;

(11) the aerodrome characteristics and the available air navigation services (ANS);

(12) any minima that may be promulgated by the State of the aerodrome;

(13) the conditions prescribed in any specific approvals for low-visibility operations (LVOs) or operations with operational credits; and

(14) the relevant operational experience of the operator.

(c) The operator shall specify a method of determining aerodrome operating minima in the operations manual.


An acceptable method of specifying aerodrome operating minima is through the use of commercially available information.


(a) The aerodrome operating minima should not be lower than the values given in NCC.OP.111 or AMC3 NCC.OP.110(c).

(b) Whenever practical approaches should be flown as stabilised approaches (SAps). Different procedures may be used for a particular approach to a particular runway.

(c) Whenever practical, non-precision approaches should be flown using the continuous descent final approach (CDFA) technique. Different procedures may be used for a particular approach to a particular runway.

(d) For approaches not flown using the CDFA technique: when calculating the minima in accordance with NCC.OP.111, the applicable minimum runway visual range (RVR) should be increased by 200 m for Category A and B aeroplanes and by 400 m for Category C and D aeroplanes, provided the resulting RVR/converted meteorological visibility (CMV) value does not exceed 5 000 m. SAp or CDFA should be used as soon as facilities are improved to allow these techniques.


(a) General

(1) Take-off minima should be expressed as VIS or RVR limits, taking into account all relevant factors for each aerodrome planned to be used and aircraft characteristics and equipment. Where there is a specific need to see and avoid obstacles on departure and/or for a forced landing, additional conditions, e.g. ceiling, should be specified.

(2) The pilot-in-command should not commence take-off unless the weather conditions at the aerodrome of departure are equal to or better than applicable minima for landing at that aerodrome, unless a weather-permissible take-off alternate aerodrome is available.

(3) When the reported VIS is below that required for take-off and the RVR is not reported, a take-off should only be commenced if the pilot-in-command can determine that the visibility along the take-off runway/area is equal to or better than the required minimum.

(4) When no reported VIS or RVR is available, a take-off should only be commenced if the pilot-in-command can determine that the visibility along the take-off runway/area is equal to or better than the required minimum.

(b) Visual reference

(1) The take-off minima should be selected to ensure sufficient guidance to control the aircraft in the event of both a rejected take-off in adverse circumstances and a continued take-off after failure of the critical engine.

(2) For night operations, the prescribed runway lights should be in operation to mark the runway and any obstacles.

(c) Required RVR or VIS

(1) Aeroplanes

(i) For multi-engined aeroplanes, with such performance that in the event of a critical engine failure at any point during take-off the aeroplane can either stop or continue the take-off to a height of 1 500 ft above the aerodrome while clearing obstacles by the required margins, the take-off minima specified by the operator should be expressed as RVR or VIS values not lower than those specified in Table 1.

(ii) Multi-engined aeroplanes without the performance to comply with the conditions in (c)(1)(i) in the event of a critical engine failure may need to re-land immediately and to see and avoid obstacles in the take-off area. Such aeroplanes may be operated to the following take-off minima provided that they are able to comply with the applicable obstacle clearance criteria, assuming engine failure at the specified height:

(A) The take-off minima specified by the operator should be based on the height from which the one-engine-inoperative (OEI) net take-off flight path can be constructed.

(B) The RVR minima used should not be lower than either of the values specified in Table 1 or Table 2.

(iii) For single-engined complex aeroplane operations, the take-off minima specified by the operator should be expressed as RVR/CMV values not lower than those specified in Table 1 below.

Unless the operator is using a risk period, whenever the surface in front of the runway does not allow for a safe forced landing, the RVR values should not be lower than 800 m. In this case, the proportion of the flight to be considered starts at the lift-off position and ends when the aeroplane is able to turn back and land on the runway in the opposite direction or glide to the next landing site in case of power loss.

(iv) When the RVR or the VIS is not available, the commander should not commence take-off unless he or she can determine that the actual conditions satisfy the applicable take-off minima.

Table 1

Take-off — aeroplanes (without LVTO approval)



RVR or VIS (m)*

Day only: Nil**


Day: at least runway edge lights or runway centre line markings

Night: at least runway edge lights or runway centre line lights and runway end lights


* The reported RVR or VIS value representative of the initial part of the take-off run can be replaced by pilot assessment.

** The pilot is able to continuously identify the take-off surface and maintain directional control.

Table 2

Take-off — aeroplanes (without LVTO approval)

Assumed engine failure height above the runway versus RVR or VIS

Assumed engine failure height above the take-off runway (ft)

RVR or VIS (m)*










1 000

>300 or if no positive take-off flight path can be constructed

1 500

* The reported RVR or VIS value representative of the initial part of the take-off run can be replaced by pilot assessment.

(2) Helicopters

(i) For helicopters having a mass where it is possible to reject the take-off and land on the FATO in case of the critical engine failure being recognised at or before the take-off decision point (TDP), the operator should specify an RVR or VIS as take‑off minima in accordance with Table 3.

(ii) For all other cases, the pilot-in-command should operate to take-off minima of 800 m RVR or VIS and remain clear of cloud during the take-off manoeuvre until reaching the performance capabilities of (c)(2)(i).

(iii) For point-in-space (PinS) departures to an initial departure fix (IDF), the take‑off minima should be selected to ensure sufficient guidance to see and avoid obstacles and return to the heliport if the flight cannot continue visually to the IDF.

Table 3

Take-off — helicopters (without LVTO approval)


Onshore aerodromes or operating sites with instrument flight rules (IFR) departure procedures

RVR or VIS (m)**

No light and no markings (day only)

400 or the rejected take-off distance, whichever is the greater

No markings (night)


Runway edge/FATO light and centre line marking


Runway edge/FATO light, centre line marking and relevant RVR information


Offshore helideck*


Two-pilot operations


Single-pilot operations


* The take-off flight path to be free of obstacles.

** On PinS departures to IDF, VIS should not be less than 800 m and the ceiling should not be less than 250 ft.


(a) The decision height (DH) to be used for a 3D approach operation or a 2D approach operation flown using the continuous descent final approach (CDFA) technique should not be lower than the highest of:

(1) the obstacle clearance height (OCH) for the category of aircraft;

(2) the published approach procedure DH or minimum descent height (MDH) where applicable;

(3) the system minima specified in Table 4;

(4) the minimum DH permitted for the runway specified in Table 5; or

(5) the minimum DH specified in the AFM or equivalent document, if stated.

(b) The MDH for a 2D approach operation flown not using the CDFA technique should not be lower than the highest of:

(1) the OCH for the category of aircraft;

(2) the published approach procedure MDH where applicable;

(3) the system minima specified in Table 4;

(4) the lowest MDH permitted for the runway specified in Table 5; or

(5) the lowest MDH specified in the AFM, if stated.


(c) The DH or MDH should not be lower than the highest of:

(1) the OCH for the category of aircraft used;

(2) the published approach procedure DH or MDH where applicable;

(3) the system minima specified in Table 4;

(4) the lowest DH or MDH permitted for the runway/FATO specified in Table 6 if applicable; or

(5) the lowest DH or MDH specified in the AFM, if stated.

Table 4

System minima — all aircraft


Lowest DH/MDH (ft)





Precision approach radar (PAR)








Helicopter PinS approach


LOC with or without DME


SRA (terminating at ½ NM)


SRA (terminating at 1 NM)


SRA (terminating at 2 NM or more)












* For localiser performance with vertical guidance (LPV), a DH of 200 ft may be used only if the published final approach segment (FAS) datablock sets a vertical alert limit not exceeding 35 m. Otherwise, the DH should not be lower than 250 ft.

** For PinS approaches with instructions to ‘proceed VFR’ to an undefined or virtual destination, the DH or MDH should be with reference to the ground below the MAPt.

Table 5

Runway type minima — aeroplanes

Runway type

Lowest DH/MDH (ft)

Precision approach (PA) runway, category I


NPA runway


Non-instrument runway

Circling minima as shown in Table 1
in NCC.OP.112

Table 6

Type of runway/FATO versus lowest DH/MDH — helicopters

Type of runway/FATO

Lowest DH/MDH (ft)

PA runway, category I

NPA runway

Non-instrument runway


Instrument FATO




Table 6 does not apply to helicopter PinS approaches with instructions to ‘proceed VFR’.


(a) The RVR or VIS for straight-in instrument approach operations should not be less than the greatest of the following:

(1) the minimum RVR or VIS for the type of runway used according to Table 7; or

(2) the minimum RVR determined according to the MDH or DH and class of lighting facility according to Table 8; or

(3) the minimum RVR according to the visual and non-visual aids and on-board equipment used according to Table 9.

If the value determined in (1) is a VIS, then the result is a minimum VIS. In all other cases, the result is a minimum RVR.

(b) For Category A and B aeroplanes, if the RVR or VIS determined in accordance with point (a) is greater than 1 500 m, then 1 500 m should be used.

(c) If the approach is flown with a level flight segment at or above the MDA/H, then 200 m should be added to the RVR calculated in accordance with (a) and (b) for Category A and B aeroplanes and 400 m for Category C and D aeroplanes.

(d) The visual aids should comprise standard runway day markings, runway edge lights, threshold lights, runway end lights and approach lights as defined in Table 10.

Table 7

Type of runway versus minimum RVR or VIS — aeroplanes

Type of runway

Minimum RVR or VIS (m)

PA runway, category I

RVR 550

NPA runway

RVR 750

Non-instrument runway

VIS according to Table 1 in NCC.OP.112
(Circling minima)

Table 8

RVR versus DH/MDH



Class of lighting facility





RVR (m)






1 000

1 200






1 000

1 200






1 000

1 300






1 100

1 300






1 100

1 300






1 200

1 400





1 000

1 200

1 400





1 100

1 300

1 500





1 200

1 400

1 600




1 000

1 300

1 500

1 700




1 100

1 400

1 600

1 800




1 200

1 500

1 700

1 900




1 300

1 600

1 800

2 000




1 400

1 700

1 900

2 100




1 500

1 800

2 000

2 200




1 500

1 800

2 100

2 300




1 600

1 900

2 100

2 400




1 700

2 000

2 200

2 400




1 800

2 100

2 300

2 400




1 900

2 200

2 400

2 400




2 000

2 300

2 400

2 400




2 100

2 400

2 400

2 400




2 200

2 400

2 400

2 400




2 300

2 400

2 400

2 400


and above

2 400

2 400

2 400

2 400

Table 9

Visual and non-visual aids and/or on-board equipment versus minimum RVR — aeroplanes

Type of approach


Lowest RVR

Multi-pilot operations

Single-pilot operations

3D operations


Final approach track offset 15o for category A and B aeroplanes or 5o for Category C and D aeroplanes

runway touchdown zone lights (RTZL) and runway centre line lights (RCLL)

No limitation

without RTZL and RCLL but using HUDLS or equivalent system;


without RTZL and RCLL but using autopilot or flight director to the DH

No limitation

600 m

No RTZL and RCLL, not using HUDLS or equivalent system or autopilot to the DH

750 m

800 m

3D operations

runway touchdown zone lights (RTZL) and runway centre line lights (RCLL)


Final approach track offset  15o for Category A and B aeroplanes or Final approach track offset 5o for Category C and D aeroplanes

800 m

1 000 m

3D operations

without RTZL and RCLL but using HUDLS or equivalent system; autopilot or flight director to the DH


Final approach track offset  15o for Category A and B aeroplanes or Final approach track offset 5o for Category C and D aeroplanes

800 m

1 000 m

2D operations

Final approach track offset 15o for category A and B aeroplanes or 5o for Category C and D aeroplanes

750 m

2D operations

Final approach track offset  15o for Category A and B aeroplanes

1 000 m

1 000 m

Final approach track offset 5o for Category C and D aeroplanes

1 200 m

1 200 m

Table 10

Approach lighting systems — aeroplanes

Class of lighting facility

Length, configuration and intensity of approach lights


CAT I lighting system (HIALS ≥720 m) distance coded centre line, barrette centre line


Simple approach lighting system (HIALS 420–719 m) single source, barrette


Any other approach lighting system (HIALS, MALS or ALS 210–419 m)


Any other approach lighting system (HIALS, MALS or ALS <210 m) or no approach lights

(e) For night operations or for any operation where credit for visual aids is required, the lights should be on and serviceable except as provided for in Table 15.

(f) Where any visual or non-visual aid specified for the approach and assumed to be available in the determination of operating minima is unavailable, revised operating minima will need to be determined.


(a) For IFR operations, the RVR or VIS should not be less than the greatest of:

(1) the minimum RVR or VIS for the type of runway/FATO used according to Table 11;

(2) the minimum RVR determined according to the MDH or DH and class of lighting facility according to Table 12; or

(3) for PinS operations with instructions to ‘proceed visually’, the distance between the MAPt of the PinS and the FATO or its approach light system.

If the value determined in (1) is a VIS, then the result is a minimum VIS. In all other cases, the result is a minimum RVR.

(b) For PinS operations with instructions to ‘proceed VFR’, the VIS should be compatible with visual flight rules.

(c) For type A instrument approaches where the MAPt is within ½ NM of the landing threshold, the approach minima specified for FALS may be used regardless of the length of approach lights available. However, FATO/runway edge lights, threshold lights, end lights and FATO/runway markings are still required.

(d) An RVR of less than 800 m should not be used except when using a suitable autopilot coupled to an ILS, MLS, GLS or LPV, in which case normal minima apply.

(e) For night operations, ground lights should be available to illuminate the FATO/runway and any obstacles.

(f) The visual aids should comprise standard runway day markings, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights and approach lights as specified in Table 13.

(g) For night operations or for any operation where credit for runway and approach lights as defined in Table 13 is required, the lights should be on and serviceable except as provided for in Table 15.

Table 11

Type of runway/FATO versus minimum RVR or VIS — helicopters

Type of runway/FATO

Minimum RVR or VIS

PA runway, category I

NPA runway

Non-instrument runway

RVR 550 m

Instrument FATO


RVR 550 m

RVR or VIS 800 m

Table 12

Onshore helicopter instrument approach minima

DH/MDH (ft)

Facilities versus RVR (m)









1 000





1 000





1 000

300 and above




1 000

* Minima on 2D approach operations should be no lower than 800 m.

Table 13

Approach lighting systems — helicopters

Class of lighting facility

Length, configuration and intensity of approach lights


CAT I lighting system (HIALS ≥ 720 m) distance coded centre line, barrette centre line


Simple approach lighting system (HIALS 420–719 m) single source, barrette


Any other approach lighting system (HIALS, MALS or ALS 210–419 m)


Any other approach lighting system (HIALS, MALS or ALS < 210 m) or no approach lights


For a visual approach operation the RVR should not be less than 800 m.


The following conditions should apply to the use of CMV instead of RVR:

(a) If the reported RVR is not available, a CMV may be substituted for the RVR, except:

(1) to satisfy take-off minima; or

(2) for the purpose of continuation of an approach in LVO.

(b) If the minimum RVR for an approach is more than the maximum value assessed by the aerodrome operator, then CMV should be used.

(c) In order to determine CMV from visibility:

(1) for flight planning purposes, a factor of 1.0 should be used;

(2) for purposes other than flight planning, the conversion factors specified in Table 14 should be used.

Table 14

Conversion of reported VIS to CMV

Light elements in operation

CMV = reported VIS x



HI approach and runway lights



Any type of light installation other than above



No lights


not applicable


(a) General

These instructions are intended for both pre-flight and in-flight use. It is, however, not expected that the pilot-in-command would consult such instructions after passing 1 000 ft above the aerodrome. If failures of ground aids are announced at such a late stage, the approach could be continued at the pilot-in-command’s discretion. If failures are announced before such a late stage in the approach, their effect on the approach should be considered as described in Table 15 and, if considered necessary, the approach should be abandoned.

(b) Conditions applicable to Table 15:

(1) multiple failures of runway/FATO lights other than those indicated in Table 15 should not be acceptable;

(2) failures of approach and runway/FATO lights are acceptable at the same time, and the most demanding consequence should be applied; and

(3) failures other than ILS, GLS, or MLS affect RVR only and not DH.

Table 15

Failed or downgraded equipment — effect on landing minima

Failed or downgraded equipment

Effect on landing minima

Type B

Type A

Navaid standby transmitter

No effect

Outer marker (ILS only)

No effect if the required height or glide path can be checked using other means, e.g. DME fix

APV — not applicable

NPA with FAF: no effect unless used as FAF

If the FAF cannot be identified (e.g. no method available for timing of descent), NPA operations cannot be conducted

Middle marker (ILS only)

No effect

No effect unless used as MAPt

RVR Assessment Systems

No effect

Approach lights

Minima as for NALS

Approach lights except the last 210 m

Minima as for BALS

Approach lights except the last 420 m

Minima as for IALS

Standby power for approach lights

No effect

Edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights

Day — no effect
Night — not allowed

Centre line lights

Aeroplanes: No effect if flight director (F/D), HUDLS or auto-land;

otherwise, RVR 750 m


Helicopters: No effect on CAT I and SA CAT I approach operations

No effect

Centre line lights spacing increased to 30 m

No effect

TDZ lights

Aeroplanes: No effect if F/D, HUDLS or auto-land;
otherwise, RVR 750 m


Helicopters: No effect

No effect

Taxiway lighting system

No effect


(a) Aircraft categories should be based on the indicated airspeed at threshold (VAT), which is equal to the stalling speed (VSO) multiplied by 1.3 or where published 1-g (gravity) stall speed (VS1g) multiplied by 1.23 in the landing configuration at the maximum certified landing mass. If both VSO and VS1g are available, the higher resulting VAT should be used.

(b) The aircraft categories specified in the following table should be used.

Table 16

Aircraft categories corresponding to VAT values

Aircraft category



Less than 91 kt


from 91 to 120 kt


from 121 to 140 kt


from 141 to 165 kt


from 166 to 210 kt


(a) Introduction

(1) Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) is a major hazard in aviation. Most CFIT accidents occur in the final approach segment of non-precision approaches; the use of stabilised-approach criteria on a continuous descent with a constant, predetermined vertical path is seen as a major improvement in safety during the conduct of such approaches. Operators should ensure that the following techniques are adopted as widely as possible, for all approaches.

(2) The elimination of level flight segments at MDA close to the ground during approaches, and the avoidance of major changes in attitude and power/thrust close to the runway that can destabilise approaches, are seen as ways to reduce operational risks significantly.

(3) The term CDFA has been selected to cover a flight technique for any type of NPA operation.

(4) The advantages of CDFA are as follows:

(i) the technique enhances safe approach operations by the utilisation of standard operating practices;

(ii) the technique is similar to that used when flying an ILS approach, including when executing the missed approach and the associated missed approach procedure manoeuvre;

(iii) the aeroplane attitude may enable better acquisition of visual cues;

(iv) the technique may reduce pilot workload;

(v) the approach profile is fuel-efficient;

(vi) the approach profile affords reduced noise levels;

(vii) the technique affords procedural integration with APV operations; and

(viii) when used and the approach is flown in a stabilised manner, CDFA is the safest approach technique for all NPA operations.

(b) CDFA

(1) Continuous descent final approach is defined in Annex I to the Regulation on Air Operations.

(2) An approach is only suitable for application of a CDFA technique when it is flown along a nominal vertical profile; a nominal vertical profile is not forming part of the approach procedure design, but can be flown as a continuous descent. The nominal vertical profile information may be published or displayed on the approach chart to the pilot by depicting the nominal slope or range/distance vs. height. Approaches with a nominal vertical profile are considered to be:

(i) NDB, NDB/DME (non-directional beacon/distance measuring equipment);

(ii) VOR (VHF omnidirectional radio range), VOR/DME;

(iii) LOC (localiser), LOC/DME;

(iv) VDF (VHF direction finder), SRA (surveillance radar approach); or

(v) GNSS/LNAV (global navigation satellite system/lateral navigation);

(3) Stabilised approach (SAp) is defined in Annex I to the Regulation on Air Operations.

(i) The control of the descent path is not the only consideration when using the CDFA technique. Control of the aeroplane’s configuration and energy is also vital to the safe conduct of an approach.

(ii) The control of the flight path, described above as one of the requirements for conducting an SAp, should not be confused with the path requirements for using the CDFA technique. The predetermined path requirements for conducting an SAp are established by the operator and published in the operations manual part B.

(iii) The predetermined approach slope requirements for applying the CDFA technique are established by the following:

(A) the published ‘nominal’ slope information when the approach has a nominal vertical profile; and

(B) the designated final approach segment minimum of 3 NM, and maximum, when using timing techniques, of 8 NM.

(iv) An SAp will never have any level segment of flight at DA/H or MDA/H, as applicable. This enhances safety by mandating a prompt missed approach procedure manoeuvre at DA/H or MDA/H.

(v) An approach using the CDFA technique will always be flown as an SAp, since this is a requirement for applying CDFA. However, an SAp does not have to be flown using the CDFA technique, for example a visual approach.


To ensure sufficient control of the helicopter in IMC, the speed, before entering in IMC, should be above the minimum authorised speed in IMC, Vmini. This is a limitation in the AFM. Therefore, the lowest speed before entering in IMC is the highest of Vtoss (take-off safety speed) and Vmini.

As example, Vtoss is 45 kt and Vmini 60 kt. In that case, the take–off minima have to include the distance to accelerate to 60 kt. The take-off distance should be increased accordingly.


The following table provides a comparison of the ICAO and FAA specifications.

Table 17

Approach lighting systems — ICAO and FAA specifications

Class of lighting facility

Length, configuration and intensity of approach lights


ICAO: CAT I lighting system (HIALS ≥ 720 m) distance coded centre line, barrette centre line

FAA: ALSF1, ALSF2, SSALR, MALSR, high- or medium-intensity and/or flashing lights, 720 m or more


ICAO: simple approach lighting system (HIALS 420–719 m) single source, barrette

FAA: MALSF, MALS, SALS/SALSF, SSALF, SSALS, high- or medium-intensity and/or flashing lights, 420–719 m


Any other approach lighting system (e.g. HIALS, MALS or ALS 210–419 m)

FAA: ODALS, high- or medium-intensity or flashing lights 210–419 m


Any other approach lighting system (e.g. HIALS, MALS or ALS <210 m) or no approach lights


(a) SBAS LPV operations with a DH of 200 ft depend on an SBAS approved for operations down to a DH of 200 ft.

(b) The following systems are in operational use or in a planning phase:

(1) European geostationary navigation overlay service (EGNOS), operational in Europe;

(2) wide area augmentation system (WAAS), operational in the USA;

(3) multi-functional satellite augmentation system (MSAS), operational in Japan;

(4) system of differential correction and monitoring (SDCM), planned by Russia;

(5) GPS-aided geo-augmented navigation (GAGAN) system, planned by India; and

(6) satellite navigation augmentation system (SNAS), planned by China.


The values in Table 8 are derived from the formula below:

RVR (m) = [(DH/MDH (ft) x 0.3048)/tanα] — length of approach lights (m),

where α is the calculation angle, being a default value of 3.00° increasing in steps of 0.10° for each line in Table 8 up to 3.77° and then remaining constant. An upper RVR limit of 2 400 m has been applied to the table.


The safety of the use of MDH as DH in CDFA operations has been verified by at least two independent analyses concluding that a CDFA using MDH as DH without any add-on is safer than the traditional step-down and level flight NPA operation. A comparison was made between the safety level of using MDH as DH without an add-on with the well-established safety level resulting from the ILS collision risk model (CRM). The NPA used was the most demanding, i.e. most tightly designed NPA, which offers the least additional margins. It should be noted that the design limits of the ILS approach design, e.g. the maximum glide path (GP) angle of 3,5 degrees, must be observed for the CDFA in order to keep the validity of the comparison.

There is a wealth of operational experience in Europe confirming the above-mentioned analytical assessments. It cannot be expected that each operator is able to conduct similar safety assessments, and this is not necessary. The safety assessments already performed take into account the most demanding circumstances at hand, like the most tightly designed NPA procedures and other ‘worst‑case scenarios’. The assessments naturally focus on cases where the controlling obstacle is located in the missed approach area.

However, it is necessary for operators to assess whether their cockpit procedures and training are adequate to ensure minimal height loss in case of a go-around manoeuvre. Suitable topics for the safety assessment required by each operator may include:

             understanding of the CDFA concept including use of the MDA/H as DA/H;

             cockpit procedures that ensure flight on speed, on path and with proper configuration and energy management;

             cockpit procedures that ensure gradual decision-making; and

             identification of cases where an increase of the DA/H may be necessary because of non-standard circumstances, etc.


Additional increments to the published minima may be specified by the competent authority to take into account certain operations, such as downwind approaches, single-pilot operations or approaches flown not using the CDFA technique.


When an operator uses commercially available information to establish aerodrome operating minima, the operator remains responsible for ensuring that the material used is accurate and suitable for its operation, and that the aerodrome operating minima are calculated in accordance with the method specified in Part C of its operations manual.

The operator should apply the procedures in ORO.GEN.205 ‘Contracted activities’.


‘Visual and non-visual aids and infrastructure’ refers to all equipment and facilities required for the procedure to be used for the intended instrument approach operation. This includes but is not limited to lights, markings, ground- or space-based radio aids, etc.

NCC.OP.112 Aerodrome operating minima — circling operations with aeroplanes

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

(a) The MDH for a circling approach operation with aeroplanes shall not be lower than the highest of:

(1) the published circling OCH for the aeroplane category;

(2) the minimum circling height derived from Table 1; or

(3) the DH/MDH of the preceding IAP.

(b) The minimum visibility for a circling approach operation with aeroplanes shall be the highest of:

(1) the circling visibility for the aeroplane category, if published; or

(2) the minimum visibility derived from Table 1.

Table 1

MDH and minimum visibility for circling vs. aeroplane category


Aeroplane category





MDH (ft)





Minimum VIS (m)






(a) The purpose of this guidance material is to provide operators with supplemental information regarding the application of aerodrome operating minima in relation to circling approaches.

(b) Conduct of flight — general:

(1) the MDH and OCH included in the procedure are referenced to aerodrome elevation;

(2) the MDA is referenced to mean sea level;

(3) for these procedures, the applicable visibility is the VIS; and

(4) operators should provide tabular guidance of the relationship between height above threshold and the in-flight visibility required to obtain and sustain visual contact during the circling manoeuvre.

(c) Instrument approach followed by visual manoeuvring (circling) without prescribed tracks

(1) When the aeroplane is on the initial instrument approach, before visual reference is stabilised, but not below MDA/H — the aeroplane should follow the corresponding instrument approach procedure (IAP) until the appropriate instrument MAPt is reached.

(2) At the beginning of the level flight phase at or above the MDA/H, the instrument approach track should be maintained until the pilot:

(i) estimates that, in all probability, visual contact with the runway of intended landing or the runway environment will be maintained during the entire circling procedure;

(ii) estimates that the aeroplane is within the circling area before commencing circling; and

(iii) is able to determine the aeroplane’s position in relation to the runway of intended landing with the aid of the appropriate visual references.

(3) If the pilot cannot comply with the conditions in (c)(2) at the MAPt, then a missed approach should be executed in accordance with the IAP.

(4) After the aeroplane has left the track of the initial instrument approach, the flight phase outbound from the runway should be limited to an appropriate distance, which is required to align the aeroplane onto the final approach. Such manoeuvres should be conducted to enable the aeroplane to:

(i) attain a controlled and stable descent path to the intended landing runway; and

(ii) remain within the circling area and in such a way that visual contact with the runway of intended landing or runway environment is maintained at all times.

(5) Flight manoeuvres should be carried out at an altitude/height that is not less than the circling MDA/H.

(6) Descent below the MDA/H should not be initiated until the threshold of the runway to be used has been appropriately identified. The aeroplane should be in a position to continue with a normal rate of descent and land within the TDZ.

(d) Instrument approach followed by a visual manoeuvring (circling) with prescribed track

(1) The aeroplane should remain on the initial IAP until one of the following is reached:

(i) the prescribed divergence point to commence circling on the prescribed track; or

(ii) the MAPt.

(2) The aeroplane should be established on the instrument approach track in level flight at or above the MDA/H at or by the circling manoeuvre divergence point.

(3) If the divergence point is reached before the required visual reference is acquired, a missed approach should be initiated not later than the MAPt and completed in accordance with the initial instrument approach procedure.

(4) When commencing the prescribed circling manoeuvre at the published divergence point, the subsequent manoeuvres should be conducted to comply with the published routing and published heights/altitudes.

(5) Unless otherwise specified, once the aeroplane is established on the prescribed track(s), the published visual reference does not need to be maintained unless:

(i) required by the State of the aerodrome; or

(ii) the circling MAPt (if published) is reached.

(6) If the prescribed circling manoeuvre has a published MAPt and the required visual reference has not been obtained by that point, a missed approach should be executed in accordance with (e)(2) and (e)(3).

(7) Subsequent further descent below MDA/H should only commence when the required visual reference has been obtained.

(8) Unless otherwise specified in the procedure, final descent should not be commenced from MDA/H until the threshold of the intended landing runway has been identified and the aeroplane is in a position to continue with a normal rate of descent to land within the TDZ.

(e) Missed approach

(1) Missed approach during the instrument procedure prior to circling

(i) if the missed approach procedure is required to be flown when the aeroplane is positioned on the instrument approach track and before commencing the circling manoeuvre, the published missed approach for the instrument approach should be followed; or

(ii) if the IAP is carried out with the aid of an ILS, MLS or a stabilised approach (SAp), the MAPt associated with an ILS or an MLS procedure without glide path (GP-out procedure) or the SAp, where applicable, should be used.

(2) If a prescribed missed approach is published for the circling manoeuvre, this overrides the manoeuvres prescribed below.

(3) If visual reference is lost while circling to land after the aeroplane has departed from the initial instrument approach track, the missed approach specified for that particular instrument approach should be followed. It is expected that the pilot will make an initial climbing turn toward the intended landing runway to a position overhead of the aerodrome where the pilot will establish the aeroplane in a climb on the instrument missed approach segment.

(4) The aeroplane should not leave the visual manoeuvring (circling) area, which is obstacle protected, unless:

(i) established on the appropriate missed approach procedure; or

(ii) at minimum sector altitude (MSA).

(5) All turns should be made in the same direction and the aeroplane should remain within the circling protected area while climbing either:

(i) to the altitude assigned to any published circling missed approach manoeuvre if applicable;

(ii) to the altitude assigned to the missed approach of the initial instrument approach;

(iii) to the MSA;

(iv) to the minimum holding altitude (MHA) applicable for transition to a holding facility or fix, or continue to climb to an MSA; or

(v) as directed by ATS.

When the missed approach procedure is commenced on the ‘downwind’ leg of the circling manoeuvre, an ‘S’ turn may be undertaken to align the aeroplane on the initial instrument approach missed approach path, provided the aeroplane remains within the protected circling area.

The pilot-in-command should be responsible for ensuring adequate terrain clearance during the above-stipulated manoeuvres, particularly during the execution of a missed approach initiated by ATS.

(6) Because the circling manoeuvre may be accomplished in more than one direction, different patterns will be required to establish the aeroplane on the prescribed missed approach course depending on its position at the time visual reference is lost. In particular, all turns are to be in the prescribed direction if this is restricted, e.g. to the west/east (left or right hand) to remain within the protected circling area.

(7) If a missed approach procedure is published for a particular runway onto which the aeroplane is conducting a circling approach and the aeroplane has commenced a manoeuvre to align with the runway, the missed approach for this direction may be accomplished. The ATS unit should be informed of the intention to fly the published missed approach procedure for that particular runway.

(8) The pilot-in-command should advise ATS when any missed approach procedure has been commenced, the height/altitude the aeroplane is climbing to and the position the aeroplane is proceeding towards and/or heading the aeroplane is established on.

NCC.OP.113 Aerodrome operating minima – onshore circling operations with helicopters

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The MDH for an onshore circling operation with helicopters shall not be lower than 250 ft and the meteorological visibility not less than 800 m.

NCC.OP.115 Departure and approach procedures

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

(a) The pilot-in-command shall use the departure and approach procedures established by the State of the aerodrome, if such procedures have been published for the runway or FATO to be used.

(b) Notwithstanding (a), the pilot-in-command shall only accept an ATC clearance to deviate from a published procedure:

(1) provided that obstacle clearance criteria are observed and full account is taken of the operating conditions; or

(2) when being radar-vectored by an ATC unit.

(c) In any case, the final approach segment shall be flown visually or in accordance with the published approach procedures.


(a) All approach operations should be flown as SAp operations.

(b) The CDFA technique should be used for NPA procedures.

NCC.OP.116 Performance-based navigation – aeroplanes and helicopters

Regulation (EU) 2016/1199

The operator shall ensure that, when PBN is required for the route or procedure to be flown:

(a) the relevant PBN specification is stated in the AFM or other document that has been approved by the certifying authority as part of an airworthiness assessment or is based on such approval; and

(b) the aircraft is operated in conformance with the relevant navigation specification and limitations in the AFM or other document mentioned above.


For operations where a navigation specification for performance-based navigation (PBN) has been prescribed and no specific approval is required in accordance with SPA.PBN.100, the operator should:

(a) establish operating procedures specifying:

(1) normal, abnormal and contingency procedures;

(2) electronic navigation database management; and

(3) relevant entries in the minimum equipment list (MEL);

(b) specify the flight crew qualification and proficiency constraints and ensure that the training programme for relevant personnel is consistent with the intended operation; and

(c) ensure continued airworthiness of the area navigation system.


(a) Preflight and general considerations

(1) At navigation system initialisation, the flight crew should confirm that the navigation database is current and verify that the aircraft position has been entered correctly, if required.

(2) The active flight plan, if applicable, should be checked by comparing the charts or other applicable documents with navigation equipment and displays. This includes confirmation of the departing runway and the waypoint sequence, reasonableness of track angles and distances, any altitude or speed constraints, and, where possible, which waypoints are fly-by and which are fly-over. Where relevant, the RF leg arc radii should be confirmed.

(3) The flight crew should check that the navigation aids critical to the operation of the intended PBN procedure are available.

(4) The flight crew should confirm the navigation aids that should be excluded from the operation, if any.

(5) An arrival, approach or departure procedure should not be used if the validity of the procedure in the navigation database has expired.

(6) The flight crew should verify that the navigation systems required for the intended operation are operational.

(b) Departure

(1) Prior to commencing a take-off on a PBN procedure, the flight crew should check that the indicated aircraft position is consistent with the actual aircraft position at the start of the take-off roll (aeroplanes) or lift-off (helicopters).

(2) Where GNSS is used, the signal should be acquired before the take-off roll (aeroplanes) or lift-off (helicopters) commences.

(3) Unless automatic updating of the actual departure point is provided, the flight crew should ensure initialisation on the runway or FATO by means of a manual runway threshold or intersection update, as applicable. This is to preclude any inappropriate or inadvertent position shift after take-off.

(c) Arrival and approach

(1) The flight crew should verify that the navigation system is operating correctly and the correct arrival procedure and runway (including any applicable transition) are entered and properly depicted.

(2) Any published altitude and speed constraints should be observed.

(3) The flight crew should check approach procedures (including alternate aerodromes if needed) as extracted by the system (e.g. CDU flight plan page) or presented graphically on the moving map, in order to confirm the correct loading and the reasonableness of the procedure content.

(4) Prior to commencing the approach operation (before the IAF), the flight crew should verify the correctness of the loaded procedure by comparison with the appropriate approach charts. This check should include:

(i) the waypoint sequence;

(ii) reasonableness of the tracks and distances of the approach legs and the accuracy of the inbound course; and

(iii) the vertical path angle, if applicable.

(d) Altimetry settings for RNP APCH operations using Baro VNAV

(1) Barometric settings

(i) The flight crew should set and confirm the correct altimeter setting and check that the two altimeters provide altitude values that do not differ more than 100 ft at the most at or before the FAF.

(ii) The flight crew should fly the procedure with:

(A) a current local altimeter setting source available — a remote or regional altimeter setting source should not be used; and

(B) the QNH/QFE, as appropriate, set on the aircraft’s altimeters.

(2) Temperature compensation

(i) For RNP APCH operations to LNAV/VNAV minima using Baro VNAV:

(A) the flight crew should not commence the approach when the aerodrome temperature is outside the promulgated aerodrome temperature limits for the procedure unless the area navigation system is equipped with approved temperature compensation for the final approach;

(B) when the temperature is within promulgated limits, the flight crew should not make compensation to the altitude at the FAF;

(C) since only the final approach segment is protected by the promulgated aerodrome temperature limits, the flight crew should consider the effect of temperature on terrain and obstacle clearance in other phases of flight.

(ii) For RNP APCH operations to LNAV minima, the flight crew should consider the effect of temperature on terrain and obstacle clearance in all phases of flight, in particular on any step-down fix.

(e) Sensor and lateral navigation accuracy selection

(1) For multi-sensor systems, the flight crew should verify, prior to approach, that the GNSS sensor is used for position computation.

(2) Flight crew of aircraft with RNP input selection capability should confirm that the indicated RNP value is appropriate for the PBN operation.


(a) For RNAV 1, RNAV 2, RNP 1, RNP 2, and RNP APCH, the flight crew should neither insert nor modify waypoints by manual entry into a procedure (departure, arrival or approach) that has been retrieved from the database. User-defined data may be entered and used for waypoint altitude/speed constraints on a procedure where said constraints are not included in the navigation database coding.

(b) For RNP 4 operations, the flight crew should not modify waypoints that have been retrieved from the database. User-defined data (e.g. for flex-track routes) may be entered and used.

(c) The lateral and vertical definition of the flight path between the FAF and the missed approach point (MAPt) retrieved from the database should not be revised by the flight crew.


(a) For RNAV 1, RNP 1, and RNP APCH operations, the flight crew should use a lateral deviation indicator, and where available, flight director and/or autopilot in lateral navigation mode.

(b) The appropriate displays should be selected so that the following information can be monitored:

(1) the computed desired path;

(2) aircraft position relative to the lateral path (cross-track deviation) for FTE monitoring;

(3) aircraft position relative to the vertical path (for a 3D operation).

(c) The flight crew of an aircraft with a lateral deviation indicator (e.g. CDI) should ensure that lateral deviation indicator scaling (full-scale deflection) is suitable for the navigation accuracy associated with the various segments of the procedure.

(d) The flight crew should maintain procedure centrelines unless authorised to deviate by ATC or demanded by emergency conditions.

(e) Cross-track error/deviation (the difference between the area-navigation-system-computed path and the aircraft-computed position) should normally be limited to ± ½ time the RNAV/RNP value associated with the procedure. Brief deviations from this standard (e.g. overshoots or undershoots during and immediately after turns) up to a maximum of 1 time the RNAV/RNP value should be allowable.

(f) For a 3D approach operation, the flight crew should use a vertical deviation indicator and, where required by AFM limitations, a flight director or autopilot in vertical navigation mode.

(g) Deviations below the vertical path should not exceed 75 ft at any time, or half-scale deflection where angular deviation is indicated, and not more than 75 ft above the vertical profile, or half-scale deflection where angular deviation is indicated, at or below 1 000 ft above aerodrome level. The flight crew should execute a missed approach if the vertical deviation exceeds this criterion, unless the flight crew has in sight the visual references required to continue the approach.


(a) ATC tactical interventions in the terminal area may include radar headings, ‘direct to’ clearances which bypass the initial legs of an approach procedure, interceptions of an initial or intermediate segments of an approach procedure or the insertion of additional waypoints loaded from the database.

(b) In complying with ATC instructions, the flight crew should be aware of the implications for the navigation system.

(c) ‘Direct to’ clearances may be accepted to the IF provided that it is clear to the flight crew that the aircraft will be established on the final approach track at least 2 NM before the FAF.

(d) ‘Direct to’ clearance to the FAF should not be acceptable. Modifying the procedure to intercept the final approach track prior to the FAF should be acceptable for radar-vectored arrivals or otherwise only with ATC approval.

(e) The final approach trajectory should be intercepted no later than the FAF in order for the aircraft to be correctly established on the final approach track before starting the descent (to ensure terrain and obstacle clearance).

(f) ‘Direct to’ clearances to a fix that immediately precede an RF leg should not be permitted.

(g) For parallel offset operations en route in RNP 4 and A-RNP, transitions to and from the offset track should maintain an intercept angle of no more than 45° unless specified otherwise by ATC.


(a) Unless the flight crew has sufficient visual reference to continue the approach operation to a safe landing, an RNP APCH operation should be discontinued if:

(1) navigation system failure is annunciated (e.g. warning flag);

(2) lateral or vertical deviations exceed the tolerances;

(3) loss of the on-board monitoring and alerting system.

(b) Discontinuing the approach operation may not be necessary for a multi-sensor navigation system that includes demonstrated RNP capability without GNSS in accordance with the AFM.

(c) Where vertical guidance is lost while the aircraft is still above 1 000 ft AGL, the flight crew may decide to continue the approach to LNAV minima, when supported by the navigation system.


(a) The flight crew should make the necessary preparation to revert to a conventional arrival procedure where appropriate. The following conditions should be considered:

(1) failure of the navigation system components including navigation sensors, and a failure effecting flight technical error (e.g. failures of the flight director or autopilot);

(2) multiple system failures affecting aircraft performance;

(3) coasting on inertial sensors beyond a specified time limit; and

(4) RAIM (or equivalent) alert or loss of integrity function.

(b) In the event of loss of PBN capability, the flight crew should invoke contingency procedures and navigate using an alternative means of navigation.

(c) The flight crew should notify ATC of any problem with PBN capability.

(d) In the event of communication failure, the flight crew should continue with the operation in accordance with published lost communication procedures.


(a) Operating procedures and routes should take account of the RNAV 10 time limit declared for the inertial system, if applicable, considering also the effect of weather conditions that could affect flight duration in RNAV 10 airspace.

(b) The operator may extend RNAV 10 inertial navigation time by position updating. The operator should calculate, using statistically-based typical wind scenarios for each planned route, points at which updates can be made, and the points at which further updates will not be possible.


(a) For both, RNP X and RNAV X designations, the ‘X’ (where stated) refers to the lateral navigation accuracy (total system error) in NM, which is expected to be achieved at least 95 % of the flight time by the population of aircraft operating within the airspace, route or procedure. For RNP APCH and A-RNP, the lateral navigation accuracy depends on the segment.

(b) PBN may be required on notified routes, for notified procedures and in notified airspace.


(c) For purposes of consistency with the PBN concept, this Regulation is using the designation ‘RNAV 10’ because this specification does not include on-board performance monitoring and alerting.

(d) However, it should be noted that many routes still use the designation ‘RNP 10’ instead of ‘RNAV 10’. ‘RNP 10’ was used as designation before the publication of the fourth edition of ICAO Doc 9613 in 2013. The terms ‘RNP 10’ and ‘RNAV 10’ should be considered equivalent.

NCC.OP.120 Noise abatement procedures

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The operator shall develop operating procedures taking into account the need to minimise the effect of aircraft noise while ensuring that safety has priority over noise abatement.

AMC1 NCC.OP.120 Noise abatement procedures

ED Decision 2013/021/R


(a) For each aeroplane type two departure procedures should be defined, in accordance with ICAO Doc. 8168 (Procedures for Air Navigation Services, ‘PANS-OPS’), Volume I:

(1) noise abatement departure procedure one (NADP 1), designed to meet the close-in noise abatement objective; and

(2) noise abatement departure procedure two (NADP 2), designed to meet the distant noise abatement objective.

(b) For each type of NADP (1 and 2), a single climb profile should be specified for use at all aerodromes, which is associated with a single sequence of actions. The NADP 1 and NADP 2 profiles may be identical.


(a) ‘Climb profile’ means in this context the vertical path of the NADP as it results from the pilot’s actions (engine power reduction, acceleration, slats/flaps retraction).

(b) ‘Sequence of actions’ means the order in which these pilot’s actions are done and their timing.


(c) The rule addresses only the vertical profile of the departure procedure. Lateral track has to comply with the standard instrument departure (SID).


(d) For a given aeroplane type, when establishing the distant NADP, the operator should choose either to reduce power first and then accelerate, or to accelerate first and then wait until slats/flaps are retracted before reducing power. The two methods constitute two different sequences of actions.

(e) For an aeroplane type, each of the two departure climb profiles may be defined by one sequence of actions (one for close-in, one for distant) and two above aerodrome level (AAL) altitudes/heights. These are:

(1) the altitude of the first pilot’s action (generally power reduction with or without acceleration). This altitude should not be less than 800 ft AAL; or

(2) the altitude of the end of the noise abatement procedure. This altitude should usually not be more than 3 000 ft AAL.

These two altitudes may be runway specific when the aeroplane flight management system (FMS) has the relevant function that permits the crew to change thrust reduction and/or acceleration altitude/height. If the aeroplane is not FMS equipped or the FMS is not fitted with the relevant function, two fixed heights should be defined and used for each of the two NADPs.

NCC.OP.125 Minimum obstacle clearance altitudes – IFR flights

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

(a) The operator shall specify a method to establish minimum flight altitudes that provide the required terrain clearance for all route segments to be flown in IFR.

(b) The pilot-in-command shall establish minimum flight altitudes for each flight based on this method. The minimum flight altitudes shall not be lower than that published by the State overflown.


Commercially available information specifying minimum obstacle clearance altitudes may be used.

NCC.OP.130 Fuel/energy scheme – aeroplanes and helicopters

Regulation (EU) 2021/1296

(a) The operator shall establish, implement, and maintain a fuel/energy scheme that comprises:

(1) a fuel/energy planning and in-flight re-planning policy; and

(2) an in-flight fuel/energy management policy.

(b) The fuel/energy scheme shall:

(1) be appropriate for the type(s) of operation performed; and

(2) correspond to the capability of the operator to support its implementation.

NCC.OP.131 Fuel/energy scheme – fuel/energy planning and in flight re-planning policy – aeroplanes and helicopters

Regulation (EU) 2021/1296

(a) As part of the fuel/energy scheme, the operator shall establish a fuel/energy planning and in‑flight re-planning policy to ensure that the aircraft carries a sufficient amount of usable fuel/energy to safely complete the planned flight and to allow for deviations from the planned operation.

(b) The operator shall ensure that the fuel/energy planning of flights is based upon at least the following elements:

(1) procedures contained in the operations manual as well as:

(i) current aircraft-specific data derived from a fuel/energy consumption monitoring system, or, if not available;

(ii) data provided by the aircraft manufacturer; and

(2) the operating conditions under which the flight is to be conducted including:

(i) aircraft fuel/energy consumption data;

(ii) anticipated masses;

(iii) anticipated meteorological conditions;

(iv) the effects of deferred maintenance items or configuration deviations, or both; and

(v) anticipated delays.

(c) For aeroplanes, the operator shall ensure that the pre-flight calculation of the usable fuel/energy that is required for a flight includes:

(1) taxi fuel/energy that shall not be less than the amount expected to be used prior to take‑off;

(2) trip fuel/energy that shall be the amount of fuel/energy that is required to enable the aeroplane to fly from take-off, or from the point of in-flight re-planning, to landing at the destination aerodrome;

(3) contingency fuel/energy that shall be the amount of fuel/energy required to compensate for unforeseen factors;

(4) destination alternate fuel/energy:

(i) when a flight is operated with at least one destination alternate aerodrome, it shall be the amount of fuel/energy required to fly from the destination aerodrome to the destination alternate aerodrome; or

(ii) when a flight is operated with no destination alternate aerodrome, it shall be the amount of fuel/energy required to hold at the destination aerodrome to compensate for the lack of a destination alternate aerodrome;

(5) final reserve fuel/energy that shall be the amount of fuel/energy that is calculated at holding speed at 1 500ft (450 m) above the aerodrome elevation in standard conditions according to the aircraft estimated mass on arrival at the destination alternate aerodrome, or destination aerodrome when no destination alternate aerodrome is required, and shall not be less than:

(i) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines on visual flight rules (VFR) flights by night and instrument flight rules (IFR) flights, the fuel/energy to fly for 45 minutes; or

(ii) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines on VFR flights by day, the fuel/energy to fly for 30 minutes;

(iii) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, the fuel/energy to fly for 30 minutes;

(6) additional fuel/energy, if required by the type of operation; it shall be the amount of fuel/energy to enable the aeroplane to perform a safe landing at a fuel/energy en route alternate aerodrome (fuel/energy ERA aerodrome critical scenario) in the event of an engine failure or loss of pressurisation, whichever requires the greater amount of fuel/energy, based on the assumption that such a failure occurs at the most critical point along the route; this additional fuel/energy is required only if the minimum amount of fuel/energy that is calculated according to points (c)(2) to (c)(5) is not sufficient for such an event;

(7) extra fuel/energy to take into account anticipated delays or specific operational constraints; and

(8) discretionary fuel/energy, if required by the commander.

(d) For helicopters, the operator shall ensure that the pre-flight calculation of the usable fuel/energy that is required for a flight includes all of the following:

(1) fuel/energy to fly to the aerodrome or operating site of intended landing;

(2) if a destination alternate is required, destination alternate fuel/energy, which shall be the amount of fuel/energy that is required to execute a missed approach at the aerodrome or operating site of intended landing, and thereafter, to fly to the specified destination alternate, approach and land; and

(3) final reserve fuel/energy, which shall not be less than:

(i) for flights under VFR, fuel/energy to fly for at least 20 minutes at best-range speed; or

(ii) for IFR flights, fuel/energy to fly for at least 30 minutes at holding speed at 450 m (1 500 ft) above the aerodrome or operating site of intended landing or destination alternate in standard temperature conditions.

(e) The operator shall ensure that if a flight has to proceed to a destination aerodrome other than the one originally planned, in-flight re-planning procedures for calculating the required usable fuel/energy are available and comply with points (c)(2) to (c)(7) for aeroplanes, and point (d) for helicopters.

(f) The pilot in command shall only commence a flight or continue in the event of in-flight re‑planning, when satisfied that the aircraft carries at least the planned amount of usable fuel/energy and oil to safely complete the flight.


For the fuel planning policy, the amount of the required usable fuel for a flight should not be less than the sum of the following:

(a) taxi fuel that should take into account the local conditions at the departure aerodrome and the APU consumption;

(b) trip fuel that should include:

(1) fuel for take-off and climb from the aerodrome elevation to the initial cruising level/altitude, taking into account the expected departure routing;

(2) fuel from the top of climb to the top of descent, including any step climb/descent;

(3) fuel from the top of descent to the point where the approach procedure is initiated, taking into account the expected arrival routing; and

(4) fuel for making an approach and landing at the destination aerodrome;

(c) contingency fuel that should be:

(1) 5 % of the planned trip fuel or, in the event of in-flight re-planning, 5 % of the trip fuel for the remainder of the flight; or

(2) an amount to fly for 5 minutes at holding speed at 1 500 ft (450 m) above the destination aerodrome in standard conditions,

whichever is higher;

(d) destination alternate fuel that should be:

(1) when the aircraft is operated with one destination alternate aerodrome:

(i) fuel for a missed approach from the applicable DA/H or MDA/H at the destination aerodrome to the missed-approach altitude, taking into account the complete missed-approach procedure;

(ii) fuel for climb from the missed-approach altitude to the cruising level/altitude, taking into account the expected departure routing;

(iii) fuel for cruising from the top of climb to the top of descent, taking into account the expected routing;

(iv) fuel for descent from the top of descent to the point where the approach is initiated, taking into account the expected arrival routing; and

(v) fuel for making an approach and landing at the destination alternate aerodrome;

(2) when the aircraft is operated with no destination alternate aerodrome, the amount of fuel to hold for 15 minutes at 1 500 ft (450 m) in standard conditions above the destination aerodrome elevation;

(3) when the aerodrome of intended landing is an isolated aerodrome:

(i) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, the amount of fuel required to fly either for 45 minutes plus 15 % of the flight time planned for cruising, including the final reserve fuel (FRF), or for 2 hours, whichever is less; or

(ii) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, the amount of fuel required to fly for 2 hours with normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome, including the FRF.

(e) FRF;

(f) additional fuel that should be the amount of fuel that allows the aircraft to proceed, in the event of an engine failure or loss of pressurisation, from the most critical point along the route to a fuel en route alternate (fuel ERA) aerodrome in the relevant aeroplane configuration, hold there for 15 minutes at 1 500 ft (450 m) above the aerodrome elevation in standard conditions, make an approach, and land;

(g) extra fuel if there are anticipated delays or specific operational constraints; and

(h) discretionary fuel, if required by the pilot-in-command.

NCC.OP.135 Stowage of baggage and cargo

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The operator shall establish procedures to ensure that:

(a) only hand baggage that can be adequately and securely stowed is taken into the passenger compartment; and

(b) all baggage and cargo on board that might cause injury or damage, or obstruct aisles and exits if displaced, is stowed so as to prevent movement.

NCC.OP.140 Passenger briefing

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The pilot-in-command shall ensure that:

(a) prior to take-off passengers have been made familiar with the location and use of the following:

(1) seat belts;

(2) emergency exits; and

(3) passenger emergency briefing cards;

and if applicable:

(4) life-jackets;

(5) oxygen dispensing equipment;

(6) life-rafts; and

(7) other emergency equipment provided for individual passenger use;


(b) in an emergency during flight, passengers are instructed in such emergency action as may be appropriate to the circumstances.


(a) The operator may replace the briefing/demonstration with a passenger training programme covering all safety and emergency procedures for a given type of aircraft.

(b) Only passengers who have been trained according to this programme and have flown on the aircraft type within the last 90 days may be carried on board without receiving a briefing/demonstration.

NCC.OP.145 Flight preparation

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

(a) Before commencing a flight, the pilot-in-command shall ascertain by every reasonable means available that the space-based facilities, ground and/or water facilities, including communication facilities and navigation aids available and directly required on such flight, for the safe operation of the aircraft, are adequate for the type of operation under which the flight is to be conducted.

(b) Before commencing a flight, the pilot-in-command shall be familiar with all available meteorological information appropriate to the intended flight. Preparation for a flight away from the vicinity of the place of departure, and for every flight under IFR, shall include:

(1) a study of the available current meteorological reports and forecasts; and

(2) the planning of an alternative course of action to provide for the eventuality that the flight cannot be completed as planned, because of meteorological conditions.

AMC1 NCC.OP.145(a) Flight preparation

ED Decision 2023/004/R


When deciding on the adequacy of facilities and services available at an aerodrome of intended operation, the operator should:

(a) consult the aeronautical information publication (AIP) for information on the availability of rescue and firefighting services (RFFS) at the aerodrome of intended operation; and

(b) assess the level of safety risk that is associated with the aircraft type and nature of the operation in relation to the availability of RFFS.

GM1 NCC.OP.145(a) Flight preparation

ED Decision 2023/004/R


To operate at an aerodrome with downgraded or unavailable rescue and firefighting services (RFFS), the operator may consider including in its operations manual, for each aircraft type, certain criteria to be used when conducting a safety risk assessment of such operations. For aircraft in rescue and firefighting (RFF) category 3 and higher, the conditions under which the pilot-in-command may decide to conduct a flight may include, but not be limited to the following:

(a) acceptable downgrades of RFFS for planning and in-flight purposes such as departure, destination, and alternate aerodromes;

(b) aircraft characteristics related to mass, landing speed, fuel capacity;

(c) length of route or flight duration;

(d) maximum number of passengers on board;

(e) possible limitation to daytime only or a certain time of the day (due to fatigue);

(f) weather constraints;

(g) aerodromes that are unacceptable with unavailable or downgraded RFFS.


(a) Dependent on the length and complexity of the planned flight, an operational flight plan may be completed based on considerations of aircraft performance, other operating limitations and relevant expected conditions on the route to be followed and at the aerodromes/operating sites concerned.

(b) The operational flight plan used and the entries made during flight may contain the following items:

(1) aircraft registration;

(2) aircraft type and variant;

(3) date of flight;

(4) flight identification;

(5) names of flight crew members;

(6) duty assignment of flight crew members;

(7) place of departure;

(8) time of departure (actual off-block time, take-off time);

(9) place of arrival (planned and actual);

(10) time of arrival (actual landing and on-block time);

(11) type of operation (VFR, ferry flight, etc.);

(12) route and route segments with checkpoints/waypoints, distances, time and tracks;

(13) planned cruising speed and flying times between check-points/waypoints (estimated and actual times overhead);

(14) safe altitudes and minimum levels;

(15) planned altitudes and flight levels;

(16) fuel calculations (records of in-flight fuel checks);

(17) fuel on board when starting engines;

(18) alternate(s) for destination and, where applicable, take-off and en-route;

(19) initial ATS flight plan clearance and subsequent reclearance;

(20) in-flight replanning calculations; and

(21) relevant meteorological information.

NCC.OP.147 Destination alternate aerodromes planning minima — aeroplanes

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

An aerodrome shall not be specified as a destination alternate aerodrome unless the available current meteorological information indicates, for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, or from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, whichever is the shorter period,

(a) for an alternate aerodrome with an available instrument approach operation with DH less than 250 ft,

(1) a ceiling of at least 200 ft above the DH or MDH associated with the instrument approach operation; and

(2) a visibility of at least the higher of 1 500 m and 800 m above the instrument approach operation RVR/VIS minima; or

(b) for an alternate aerodrome with an instrument approach operation with DH or MDH 250 ft or more,

(1) a ceiling of at least 400 ft above the DH or MDH associated with the instrument approach operation; and

(2) a visibility of at least 3 000 m; or

(c) for an alternate aerodrome without an instrument approach procedure,

(1) a ceiling of at least the higher of 2 000 ft and the minimum safe IFR height; and

(2) a visibility of at least 5 000 m.

NCC.OP.148 Destination alternate aerodrome planning minima — helicopters

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

The operator shall only select an aerodrome as a destination alternate aerodrome if the available current meteorological information indicates, for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, or from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, whichever is the shorter period:,

(a) for an alternate aerodrome with an instrument approach procedure (IAP):

(1) a ceiling of at least 200 ft above the DH or MDH associated with the IAP; and

(2) a visibility of at least 1 500 m by day or 3 000 m by night; or

(b) for an alternate aerodrome without an IAP:

(1) a ceiling of at least 2 000 ft or the minimum safe IFR height — whichever is greater; and

(2) a visibility of at least 1 500 m by day or 3 000 m by night.

NCC.OP.150 Take-off alternate aerodromes — aeroplanes

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

(a) For IFR flights, the pilot-in-command shall specify at least one weather-permissible take-off alternate aerodrome in the flight plan if the meteorological conditions at the aerodrome of departure are at or below the applicable aerodrome operating minima or if it would not be possible to return to the aerodrome of departure for other reasons.

(b) The take-off alternate aerodrome shall be located within the following distance from the aerodrome of departure:

(1) for aeroplanes having two engines, not more than a distance equivalent to a flight time of 1 hour at the single-engine cruise speed in still air standard conditions; and

(2) for aeroplanes having three or more engines, not more than a distance equivalent to a flight time of 2 hours at the one-engine-inoperative (OEI) cruise speed according to the AFM in still air standard conditions.

(c) For an aerodrome to be selected as a take-off alternate aerodrome the available information shall indicate that, at the estimated time of use, the conditions will be at or above the aerodrome operating minima for that operation.

NCC.OP.151 Destination alternate aerodromes – aeroplanes

Regulation (EU) 2021/1296

For IFR flights, the pilot-in-command shall specify at least one weather-permissible destination alternate aerodrome in the flight plan, unless:

(a) the available current meteorological information indicates that, for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, or from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, whichever is the shorter period, the approach and landing may be made under visual meteorological conditions (VMC); or

(b) the place of intended landing is designated as an isolated aerodrome and:

(1) an instrument approach procedure is prescribed for the aerodrome of intended landing; and

(2) available current meteorological information indicates that the following meteorological conditions will exist from 2 hours before to 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival:

(i) a cloud base of at least 300 m (1 000 ft) above the minimum associated with the instrument approach procedure; and

(ii) visibility of at least 5,5 km or of 4 km more than the minimum associated with the procedure.

NCC.OP.152 Destination alternate aerodromes – helicopters

Regulation (EU) 2016/1199

For IFR flights, the pilot-in-command shall specify at least one weather-permissible destination alternate in the flight plan, unless:

(a) an instrument approach procedure is prescribed for the aerodrome of intended landing and the available current meteorological information indicates that the following meteorological conditions will exist from 2 hours before to 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival, or from the actual time of departure to 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival, whichever is the shorter period:

(1) a cloud base of at least 120 m (400 ft) above the minimum associated with the instrument approach procedure; and

(2) visibility of at least 1 500 m more than the minimum associated with the procedure; or

(b) the place of intended landing is isolated and:

(1) an instrument approach procedure is prescribed for the aerodrome of intended landing;

(2) available current meteorological information indicates that the following meteorological conditions will exist from 2 hours before to 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival:

(i) the cloud base is at least 120 m (400 ft) above the minimum associated with the instrument approach procedure;

(ii) visibility is at least 1 500 m more than the minimum associated with the procedure.

NCC.OP.153 Destination aerodromes – instrument approach operations

Regulation (EU) 2016/1199

The pilot-in-command shall ensure that sufficient means are available to navigate and land at the destination aerodrome or at any destination alternate aerodrome in the case of loss of capability for the intended approach and landing operation.


(a) When the operator intends to use PBN, the operator should either:

(1) demonstrate that the GNSS is robust against loss of capability; or

(2) select an aerodrome as a destination alternate aerodrome only if an IAP that does not rely on a GNSS is available either at that aerodrome or at the destination aerodrome.


(b) The operator may demonstrate robustness against the loss of capability of the GNSS if all of the following criteria are met:

(1) At flight planning stage, SBAS or GBAS are expected to be available and used.

(2) The failure of a single receiver or system should not compromise the navigation capability required for the intended instrument approach.

(3) The temporary jamming of all GNSS frequencies should not compromise the navigation capability for the intended route. The operator should provide a procedure to deal with such cases unless other sensors are available to continue on the intended route.

(4) The duration of a jamming event should be determined as follows:

(i) Considering the average speed and height of a helicopter flight, the duration of a jamming event may be considered to be less than 2 minutes.

(ii) The time needed for the GNSS system to re-start and provide the aircraft position and navigation guidance should also be considered.

(iii) Based on (i) and (ii) above, the operator should establish the duration of the loss of GNSS navigation data due to jamming. This duration should be no less than 3 minutes, and may be no longer than 4 minutes.

(5) The operator should ensure resilience to jamming for the duration determined in (4) above, as follows:

(i) If the altitude of obstacles on both sides of the flight path are higher than the planned altitude for a given segment of the flight, the operator should ensure that there is no excessive drift on either side by relying on navigation sensors such as an inertial system with performance in accordance with the intended function.

(ii) If (i) does not apply and the operator cannot rely on sensors other than GNSS, the operator should develop a procedure to ensure that a drift from the intended route during the jamming event has no adverse consequences on the safety of the flight. This procedure may involve air traffic services.

(6) The operator should ensure that no space weather event is predicted to disrupt GNSS reliability and integrity at both the destination and the alternate aerodromes.

(7) The operator should verify the availability of RAIM for all phases of flight based on GNSS, including navigation to the alternate aerodrome.

(8) The operator’s MEL should reflect the elements in points (b)(1) and (b)(2).


(c) To comply with point NCC.OP.153, when the operator intends to use ‘operational credits’ (e.g. EFVS, SA CAT I, etc.), the operator should select an aerodrome as destination alternate aerodrome only if an approach procedure that does not rely on the same ‘operational credit’ is available either at that aerodrome or at the destination aerodrome.


(a) The limitation applies only to destination alternate aerodromes for flights when a destination alternate aerodrome is required. A take-off or en route alternate aerodrome with instrument approach procedures relying on GNSS may be planned without restrictions. A destination aerodrome with all instrument approach procedures relying solely on GNSS may be used without a destination alternate aerodrome if the conditions for a flight without a destination alternate aerodrome are met.

(b) The term ‘available’ means that the procedure can be used in the planning stage and complies with planning minima requirements.


(a) Redundancy of on-board systems ensures that no single on-board equipment failure (e.g. antenna, GNSS receiver, FMS, or navigation display failure) results in the loss of the GNSS capability.

(b) Any shadowing of the GNSS signal or jamming of all GNSS frequencies from the ground is expected to be of a very short duration and affect a very small area. Additional sensors or functions such as inertial coasting may be used during jamming events. Jamming should be considered on all segments of the intended route, including the approach.

(c) The availability of GNSS signals can be compromised if space weather events cause ‘loss of lock’ conditions and more than one satellite signal may be lost on a given GNSS frequency. Until space weather forecasts are available, the operator may use ‘nowcasts’ as short-term predictions for helicopter flights of short duration.

(d) SBAS also contributes to the mitigation of space weather effects, both by providing integrity messages and by correcting ionosphere-induced errors.

(e) Even though SBAS should be available and used, RAIM should remain available autonomously. In case of loss of the SBAS, the route and the approach to the destination or alternate aerodrome should still be flown with an available RAIM function.

(f) When available, GNSS based on more than one constellation and more than one frequency may provide better integrity and redundancy regarding failures in the space segment of GNSS, jamming, and resilience to space weather events.

NCC.OP.155 Refuelling with passengers embarking, on board or disembarking

Regulation (EU) 2021/1296

(a) The aircraft shall not be refuelled with aviation gasoline (AVGAS) or wide-cut type fuel or a mixture of these types of fuel, when passengers are embarking, on board or disembarking.

(b) For all other types of fuel/energy, necessary precautions shall be taken and the aircraft shall be properly manned by qualified personnel ready to initiate and direct an evacuation of the aircraft by the most practical and expeditious means available.


(a) If passengers are on board when refuelling with:

(1) other than aviation gasoline (AVGAS); or

(2) wide-cut type fuel; or

(3) a mixture of these types of fuel,

 ground servicing activities and work inside the aeroplane, such as catering and cleaning, should be conducted in such a manner that they do not create a hazard and allow emergency evacuation to take place through those aisles and exits intended for emergency evacuation.

(b) The deployment of integral aircraft stairs or the opening of emergency exits as a prerequisite to refuelling is not necessarily required.

(c) Operational procedures should specify that at least the following precautions are taken:

(1) one qualified person should remain at a specified location during fuelling operations with passengers on board. This qualified person should be capable of handling emergency procedures concerning fire protection and fire-fighting, handling communications and initiating and directing an evacuation;

(2) two-way communication should be established and should remain available by the aeroplane’s inter-communication system or other suitable means between the ground crew supervising the refuelling and the qualified personnel on board the aeroplane; the involved personnel should remain within easy reach of the system of communication;

(3) crew members, personnel and passengers should be warned that refuelling will take place;

(4) ‘fasten seat belts’ signs should be off;

(5) ‘no smoking’ signs should be on, together with interior lighting to enable emergency exits to be identified;

(6) passengers should be instructed to unfasten their seat belts and refrain from smoking;

(7) the minimum required number of cabin crew should be on board and be prepared for an immediate emergency evacuation;

(8) if the presence of fuel vapour is detected inside the aeroplane, or any other hazard arises during refuelling, fuelling should be stopped immediately;

(9) the ground area beneath the exits intended for emergency evacuation and slide deployment areas, if applicable, should be kept clear at doors where stairs are not in position for use in the event of evacuation; and

(10) provision should be made for a safe and rapid evacuation.


When the helicopter rotors are stopped, the efficiency and speed of passengers disembarking from and re-embarking on board helicopters is such that disembarking before refuelling and re-embarking after refuelling is the general practice. However, if such operations are needed, the operator should refer to AMC1 NCC.OP.157 and AMC2 NCC.OP.157. Operational procedures to be described in the operations manual (OM) should specify that at least the relevant precautions of the aforementioned AMC are taken.


Provisions concerning aircraft refuelling are contained in Volume I (Aerodrome Design and Operations) of ICAO Annex 14 (Aerodromes), and guidance on safe refuelling practices is contained in Parts 1 and 8 of the ICAO Airport Services Manual (Doc 9137).

NCC.OP.157 Refuelling with engine(s) and/or rotors turning – helicopters

Regulation (EU) 2021/1296

(a) Refuelling with engine(s) and/or rotors turning shall only be conducted:

(1) with no passengers embarking or disembarking;

(2) if the operator of the aerodrome/operating site allows such operations;

(3) in accordance with any specific procedures and limitations in the aircraft flight manual (AFM);

(4) with JET A or JET A-1 fuel types; and

(5) in the presence of the appropriate rescue and firefighting (RFF) facilities or equipment.

(b) The operator shall assess the risks associated with refuelling with engine(s) and/or rotors turning.

(c) The operator shall establish appropriate procedures to be followed by all involved personnel, such as crew members and ground operations personnel.

(d) The operator shall train its crew members and ensure that the involved ground operations personnel is trained appropriately.

(e) The operator shall ensure that the helicopter refuelling procedure with engine(s) and/or rotors turning are specified in the operations manual. This procedure and any change thereto shall require prior approval by the competent authority.


Operational procedures in the OM should specify that at least the following precautions are taken:

(a) all necessary information should be exchanged in advance with the aerodrome operator, operating-site operator, and refuelling operator;

(b) the procedures to be used by crew members should be defined;

(c) the procedures to be used by the operator’s ground operations personnel that may be in charge of refuelling or assisting in emergency evacuations should be described;

(d) the operator’s training programmes for crew members and for the operator’s ground operations personnel should be described;

(e) the minimum distance between the helicopter turning parts and the refuelling vehicle or installations should be defined when the refuelling takes place outside an aerodrome or at an aerodrome where there are no such limitations;

(f) besides any rescue and firefighting services (RFFSs) that are required to be available by aerodrome regulations, an additional handheld fire extinguisher with the equivalent of 5 kg of dry powder should be immediately available and ready for use;

(g) a means for a two-way communication between the crew and the person in charge of refuelling should be defined and established;

(h) if fuel vapour is detected inside the helicopter, or any other hazard arises, refuelling/defuelling should be stopped immediately;

(i) one pilot should stay at the controls, constantly monitor the refuelling, and be ready to shut off the engines and evacuate at all times; and

(j) any additional precautions should be taken, as determined by the risk assessment.


In addition to AMC1 NCC.OP.157, for refuelling with passengers on board, operational procedures in the OM should specify that at least the following precautions are taken:

(a) the positioning of the helicopter and the corresponding helicopter evacuation strategy should be defined taking into account the wind as well as the refuelling facilities or vehicles;

(b) on a heliport, the ground area beneath the exits that are intended for emergency evacuation should be kept clear;

(c) an additional passenger briefing as well as instructions should be defined, and the ‘No smoking’ signs should be on unless ‘No smoking’ placards are installed;

(d) interior lighting should be set to enable identification of emergency exits;

(e) the use of doors during refuelling should be defined: doors on the refuelling side should remain closed, while doors on the opposite side should remain unlocked or, weather permitting, open, unless otherwise specified in the AFM;

(f) at least one suitable person capable of implementing emergency procedures for firefighting, communications, as well as for initiating and directing an evacuation, should remain at a specified location; this person should not be the qualified pilot at the controls or the person performing the refuelling; and

(g) unless passengers are regularly trained in emergency evacuation procedures, an additional crew member or ground crew member should be assigned to assist in the rapid evacuation of the passengers.


The risk assessment should explain why it is not practical to refuel with the engine(s) and rotors stopped, identify any additional hazards, and describe how the additional risks are controlled. Helicopter offshore operations (HOFO) are typical operations where the benefits should outweigh the risks if mitigation measures are taken.

Guidance on safe refuelling practices is contained in ICAO Doc 9137 Airport Services Manual, Parts 1 and 8.

The operator’s risk assessment may include, but not be limited to, the following risks, hazards and mitigation measures:

(a) risk related to refuelling with rotors turning;

(b) risk related to the shutting down of the engines, including the risk of failures during start-up;

(c) environmental conditions, such as wind limitations, displacement of exhaust gases, and blade sailing;

(d) risk related to human factors and fatigue management, especially for single-pilot operations for long periods of time;

(e) risk mitigation, such as the safety features of the fuel installation, rescue and firefighting (RFF) capability, number of personnel members available, ease of emergency evacuation of the helicopter, etc.;

(f) assessment of the use of radio transmitting equipment;

(g) determination of the use of passenger seat belts;

(h) review of the portable electronic device (PED) policy; and

(i) if passengers are to disembark, consideration of their disembarking before rather than after the refuelling; and

(j) if passengers are to embark, consideration of their embarking after rather than before the refuelling.

NCC.OP.160 Use of headset

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

(a) Each flight crew member required to be on duty in the flight crew compartment shall wear a headset with boom microphone or equivalent. The headset shall be used as the primary device for voice communications with ATS:

(1) when on the ground:

(i) when receiving the ATC departure clearance via voice communication; and

(ii) when engines are running;

(2) when in flight:

(i) below transition altitude; or

(ii) 10 000 ft, whichever is higher;


(3) whenever deemed necessary by the pilot in command.

(b) In the conditions of (a), the boom microphone or equivalent shall be in a position that permits its use for two-way radio communications.

NCC.OP.165 Carriage of passengers

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The operator shall establish procedures to ensure that:

(a) passengers are seated where, in the event that an emergency evacuation is required, they are able to assist and not hinder evacuation of the aircraft;

(b) prior to and during taxiing, take-off and landing, and whenever deemed necessary in the interest of safety by the pilot-in-command, each passenger on board occupies a seat or berth and has his/her safety belt or restraint device properly secured; and

(c) multiple occupancy is only allowed on specified aircraft seats occupied by one adult and one infant properly secured by a supplementary loop belt or other restraint device.


Passengers who occupy seats that permit direct access to emergency exits should appear to be reasonably fit, strong and able to assist the rapid evacuation of the aircraft in an emergency after an appropriate briefing by the crew.


‘Direct access’ means a seat from which a passenger can proceed directly to the exit without entering an aisle or passing around an obstruction.

NCC.OP.170 Securing of passenger compartment and galley(s)

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The pilot-in-command shall ensure that:

(a) before taxiing, take-off and landing, all exits and escape paths are unobstructed; and

(b) before take-off and landing, and whenever deemed necessary in the interest of safety, all equipment and baggage are properly secured.

NCC.OP.175 Smoking on board

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

The pilot-in-command shall not allow smoking on board:

(a) whenever considered necessary in the interest of safety;

(b) during refuelling of the aircraft;

(c) while the aircraft is on the surface unless the operator has determined procedures to mitigate the risks during ground operations;

(d) outside designated smoking areas, in the aisle(s) and lavatory(ies);

(e) in cargo compartments and/or other areas where cargo is carried that is not stored in flame-resistant containers or covered by flame-resistant canvas; and

(f) in those areas of the passenger compartments where oxygen is being supplied.

NCC.OP.180 Meteorological conditions

Regulation (EU) 2021/2237

(a) The pilot-in-command shall only commence or continue a VFR flight if the latest available meteorological information indicates that the meteorological conditions along the route and at the intended destination at the estimated time of use will be at or above the applicable VFR operating minima.

(b) The pilot-in-command shall only commence or continue an IFR flight towards the planned destination aerodrome if the latest available meteorological information indicates that, at the estimated time of arrival, the meteorological conditions at the destination or at least one destination alternate aerodrome are at or above the applicable aerodrome operating minima.

(c) If a flight contains VFR and IFR segments, the meteorological information referred to in (a) and (b) shall be applicable as far as relevant.


Pilots should carefully evaluate the available meteorological information relevant to the proposed flight, such as applicable surface observations, winds and temperatures aloft, terminal and area forecasts, air meteorological information reports (AIRMETs), significant meteorological information (SIGMET) and pilot reports. The ultimate decision whether, when, and where to make the flight rests with the pilot-in-command. Pilots should continue to re-evaluate changing weather conditions.


In the case of in-flight re-planning, continuation of a flight refers to the point from which a revised flight plan applies.

NCC.OP.185 Ice and other contaminants – ground procedures

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

(a) The operator shall establish procedures to be followed when ground de-icing and anti-icing and related inspections of the aircraft are necessary to allow the safe operation of the aircraft.

(b) The pilot-in-command shall only commence take-off if the aircraft is clear of any deposit that might adversely affect the performance or controllability of the aircraft, except as permitted under the procedures referred to in (a) and in accordance with the AFM.


Terms used in the context of de-icing/anti-icing have the meaning defined in the following subparagraphs.

(a) ‘Anti-icing’: the process of protecting the aircraft to prevent contamination due to existing or expected weather, typically by applying anti-icing fluids on uncontaminated aircraft surfaces.

(b) ‘Anti-icing fluid’ includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Typically, Type II, III or IV fluid (neat or diluted), normally applied unheated (*);

(2) Type I fluid/water mixture heated to minimum 60°C at the nozzle.

(*) When de-icing and anti-icing in a one-step process, Type II and Type IV fluids are typically applied diluted and heated.

(c) ‘Clear ice’: a coating of ice, generally clear and smooth, but with some air pockets. It forms on exposed objects, the temperatures of which are at, below or slightly above the freezing temperature, by the freezing of super-cooled drizzle, droplets or raindrops. Clear ice is very difficult to be detected visually.

(d) ‘Cold soaked surface frost (CSSF)’: frost developed on cold soaked aircraft surfaces by sublimation of air humidity. This effect can take place at ambient temperatures above 0 °C. Cold soaked aircraft surfaces are more common on aircraft that have recently landed. External surfaces of fuel tanks (e.g. wing skins) are typical areas of CSSF formation (known in this case as cold soaked fuel frost (CSFF)), due to the thermal inertia of very cold fuel that remains on the tanks after landing.

(e) ‘Conditions conducive to aircraft icing on the ground’: freezing fog, freezing precipitation, frost, rain or high humidity (on cold soaked wings), hail, ice pellets, snow or mixed rain and snow.

(f) ‘Contamination’: all forms of frozen or semi-frozen deposits on an aircraft, such as frost, snow, slush or ice.

(g) ‘Contamination check’: a check of the aircraft for contamination to establish the need for de-icing.

(h) ‘De-icing’: the process of eliminating frozen contamination from aircraft surfaces, typically by applying de-icing fluids.

(i) ‘De-icing fluid’: such fluid includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Heated water;

(2) Preferably, Type I fluid (neat or diluted (typically));

 (3) Type II, III or IV fluid (neat or diluted).

The de-icing fluid is normally applied heated to ensure maximum efficiency and its freezing point should be at the outside air temperature (OAT) or below.

(j) ‘De-icing/anti-icing’: this is the combination of de-icing and anti-icing performed in either one or two steps.

(k) ‘Ground ice detection system (GIDS)’: a system used during aircraft ground operations to inform the personnel involved in the operation and/or the flight crew about the presence of frost, ice, snow or slush on the aircraft surfaces.

(l) ‘Holdover time (HOT)’: the period of time during which an anti-icing fluid provides protection against frozen contamination to the treated aircraft surfaces. It depends among other variables, on the type and intensity of the precipitation, OAT, wind, the particular fluid (or fluid Type) and aircraft design and aircraft configuration during the treatment.

(m) ‘Liquid water equivalent (LWE) system’: an automated weather measurement system that determines the LWE precipitation rate in conditions of frozen or freezing precipitation. The system provides flight crew with continuously updated information on the fluid protection capability under varying weather conditions.

(n) ‘Lowest operational use temperature (LOUT)’: the lowest temperature at which a fluid has been tested and certified as acceptable in accordance with the appropriate aerodynamic acceptance test whilst still maintaining a freezing point buffer of not less than:

(1) 10°C for a Type I fluid; or

(2) 7°C for Type II, III or IV fluids.

(o) ‘Post-treatment check’, ‘Post- de-icing check’ or ‘Post- de-icing/anti-icing check’: an external check of the aircraft after de-icing and/or anti-icing treatment accomplished by qualified staff and from suitably elevated observation points (e.g. from the de-icing/anti-icing equipment itself or other elevated equipment) to ensure that the aircraft is free from frost, ice, snow, or slush.

(p) ‘Pre-take-off check’: The flight crew should continuously monitor the weather conditions after the de-icing/anti-icing treatment to assess whether the applied holdover time is still appropriate. Within the aircraft’s HOT and prior to take-off, the flight crew should check the aircraft’s wings or representative aircraft surfaces for frozen contaminants.

(q) ‘Pre-take-off contamination check’: a check of the treated surfaces for contamination, performed when the HOT has been exceeded or if any doubt exists regarding the continued effectiveness of the applied anti-icing treatment. It is normally accomplished externally, just before commencement of the take-off run.


(r) Upon completion of the anti-icing treatment, a qualified staff provides the anti-icing code to the flight crew as follows: ‘the fluid Type/the fluid name (except for Type I)/concentration (except for Type I)/local time at start of anti-icing/date (optional)/the statement ‘post- de-icing/anti-icing check completed’ (if check completed). Example:


(s) When a two-step de-icing/anti-icing operation has been carried out, the anti-icing code should be determined by the second step fluid.


(a) De-icing and/or anti-icing procedures should take into account manufacturer’s recommendations, including those that are type-specific, and should cover:

(1) contamination checks, including detection of clear ice and under-wing frost; limits on the thickness/area of contamination published in the AFM or other manufacturers’ documentation should be followed;

(2) procedures to be followed if de-icing and/or anti-icing procedures are interrupted or unsuccessful;

(3) post-treatment checks;

(4) pre-take-off checks;

(5) pre-take-off contamination checks;

(6) the recording of any incidents relating to de-icing and/or anti-icing; and

(7) the responsibilities of all personnel involved in de-icing and/or anti-icing.

(b) The operator’s procedures should ensure the following:

(1) When aircraft surfaces are contaminated by ice, frost, slush or snow, they are de-iced prior to take-off, according to the prevailing conditions. Removal of contaminants may be performed with mechanical tools, fluids (including hot water), infrared heat or forced air, taking account of aircraft type-specific provisions.

(2) Account is taken of the wing skin temperature versus OAT, as this may affect:

(i) the need to carry out aircraft de-icing and/or anti-icing; and/or

(ii) the performance of the de-icing/anti-icing fluids.

(3) When freezing precipitation occurs or there is a risk of freezing precipitation occurring that would contaminate the surfaces at the time of take-off, aircraft surfaces should be anti-iced. Anti-icing fluids (neat or diluted) should not be applied at OAT below their LOUT. If both de-icing and anti-icing are required, the procedure may be performed in a one- or two-step process, depending upon weather conditions, available equipment, available fluids and the desired HOT. One-step de-icing/anti-icing means that de-icing and anti-icing are carried out at the same time, using a mixture of de-icing/anti-icing fluid and water. Two-step de-icing/anti-icing means that de-icing and anti-icing are carried out in two separate steps. The aircraft is first de-iced using heated water only or a heated mixture of de-icing/anti-icing fluid and water. After completion of the de-icing operation, a layer of a mixture of de-icing/anti-icing fluid and water, or of de-icing /anti-icing fluid only, is sprayed over the aircraft surfaces. The second step will be taken before the first step fluid freezes (typically within 3 minutes but severe conditions may shorten this) and, if necessary, area by area.

(4) When an aircraft is anti-iced and a longer HOT is needed/desired, the use of a less diluted thickened fluid may be considered.

(5) All restrictions relative to OAT and fluid application (including, but not necessarily limited to, temperature and pressure) published by the fluid manufacturer and/or aircraft manufacturer, are followed and procedures, limitations and recommendations to prevent the formation of fluid residues are followed.

(6) During conditions conducive to aircraft icing on the ground or after de-icing and/or anti-icing, an aircraft is not dispatched for departure unless it has been given a contamination check or a post-treatment check by a trained and qualified person. This check should cover all treated surfaces of the aircraft and be performed from points offering sufficient visibility to these parts. To ensure that there is no clear ice on suspect areas, it may also be necessary to make a physical check (e.g. tactile).

(7) The required entry is made in the technical log.

(8) The commander continually monitors the environmental situation after the performed treatment. Prior to take-off, he/she performs a pre-take-off check, which is an assessment of whether the applied HOT is still appropriate. This pre-take-off check includes, but is not limited to, factors such as precipitation, wind and OAT.

(9) If any doubt exists as to whether a deposit may adversely affect the aircraft’s performance and/or controllability characteristics, the commander should arrange for a re-treatment or a pre-take-off contamination check to be performed in order to verify that the aircraft’s surfaces are free of contamination. Special methods and/or equipment may be necessary to perform this check, especially at nighttime or in extremely adverse weather conditions. If this check cannot be performed just before take-off, re-treatment should be applied.

(10) When retreatment is necessary, any residue of the previous treatment should be removed, and a completely new de-icing/anti-icing treatment should be applied.

(11) When a ground ice detection system (GIDS) is used to perform an aircraft surfaces check prior to and/or after a treatment, the use of GIDS by suitably trained personnel should be part of the procedure.

(c) Special operational considerations

(1) When using thickened de-icing/anti-icing fluids, the operator should consider a two-step de-icing/anti-icing procedure, the first step preferably with hot water and/or un-thickened fluids.

(2) The use of de-icing/anti-icing fluids should be in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s documentation. This is particularly important for thickened fluids to assure sufficient flow-off during take-off. Avoid applying excessive thickened fluid on the horizontal tail of aircraft with unpowered elevator controls.

(3) The operator should comply with any type-specific operational requirement(s), such as an aircraft mass decrease and/or a take-off speed increase associated with a fluid application.

(4) The operator should take into account any flight handling procedures (stick force, rotation speed and rate, take-off speed, aircraft attitude, etc.) laid down by the aircraft manufacturer when associated with a fluid application.

(5) The limitations or handling procedures resulting from (c)(3) and/or (c)(4) should be part of the flight crew pre-take-off briefing.

(d) Communications

(1) Before aircraft treatment. When the aircraft is to be treated with the flight crew on board, the flight and personnel involved in the operation should confirm the fluid to be used, the extent of treatment required and any aircraft type-specific procedure(s) to be used. Any other information needed to apply the HOT tables should be exchanged.

(2) Anti-icing code. The operator’s procedures should include an anti-icing code, which indicates the treatment the aircraft has received. This code provides the flight crew with the minimum details necessary to estimate a HOT and confirms that the aircraft is free of contamination.

(3) After treatment. Before reconfiguring or moving the aircraft, the flight crew should receive a confirmation from the personnel involved in the operation that all de-icing and/or anti-icing operations are complete and that all personnel and equipment are clear of the aircraft.

(e) Holdover protection & LWE systems

The operator should publish in the operations manual, when required, the HOTs in the form of a table or a diagram, to account for the various types of ground icing conditions and the different types and concentrations of fluids used. However, the times of protection shown in these tables are to be used as guidelines only and are normally used in conjunction with the pre-take-off check.

An operator may choose to operate using LWE systems instead of HOT tables whenever the required means for using these systems are in place.

(f) Training

The operator’s initial and recurrent de-icing training programmes (including communication training) for flight crew and for other personnel involved in de-icing operations should include additional training if any of the following is introduced:

(1) a new method, procedure and/or technique;

(2) a new type of fluid and/or equipment; or

(3) a new type of aircraft.

(g) Contracting

When the operator contracts de-icing/anti-icing functions, the operator should ensure that the contractor complies with the operator’s training/qualification procedures, together with any specific procedures in respect of:

(1) roles and responsibilities;

(2) de-icing and/or anti-icing methods and procedures;

(3) fluids to be used, including precautions for storage, preparation for use and chemical incompatibilities;

(4) specific aircraft provisions (e.g. no-spray areas, propeller/engine de-icing, APU operation etc.);

(5) different checks to be conducted; and

(6) procedures for communications with flight crew and any other third party involved.

(h) Special maintenance considerations

(1) General

The operator should take proper account of the possible side effects of fluid use. Such effects may include, but are not necessarily limited to, dried and/or re-hydrated residues, corrosion and the removal of lubricants.

(2) Special considerations regarding residues of dried fluids

The operator should establish procedures to prevent or detect and remove residues of dried fluid. If necessary, the operator should establish appropriate inspection intervals based on the recommendations of the airframe manufacturers and/or the operator’s own experience:

(i) Dried fluid residues

Dried fluid residues could occur when surfaces have been treated and the aircraft has not subsequently been flown and has not been subject to precipitation. The fluid may then have dried on the surfaces.

(ii) Re-hydrated fluid residues

Repetitive application of thickened de-icing/anti-icing fluids may lead to the subsequent formation/build-up of a dried residue in aerodynamically quiet areas, such as cavities and gaps. This residue may re-hydrate if exposed to high humidity conditions, precipitation, washing, etc., and increase to many times its original size/volume. This residue will freeze if exposed to conditions at or below 0 °C. This may cause moving parts, such as elevators, ailerons, and flap actuating mechanisms to stiffen or jam in-flight. Re-hydrated residues may also form on exterior surfaces, which can reduce lift, increase drag and stall speed. Re-hydrated residues may also collect inside control surface structures and cause clogging of drain holes or imbalances to flight controls. Residues may also collect in hidden areas, such as around flight control hinges, pulleys, grommets, on cables and in gaps.

(iii) Operators are strongly recommended to obtain information about the fluid dry-out and re-hydration characteristics from the fluid manufacturers and to select products with optimised characteristics.

(iv) Additional information should be obtained from fluid manufacturers for handling, storage, application and testing of their products.


Further guidance material on this issue is given in the ICAO Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Anti-icing Operations (Doc 9640).

(a) General

(1) Any deposit of frost, ice, snow or slush on the external surfaces of an aircraft may drastically affect its flying qualities because of reduced aerodynamic lift, increased drag, modified stability and control characteristics. Furthermore, freezing deposits may cause moving parts, such as elevators, ailerons, flap actuating mechanism, etc., to jam and create a potentially hazardous condition. Propeller/engine/APU/systems performance may deteriorate due to the presence of frozen contaminants on blades, intakes and components. Also, engine operation may be seriously affected by the ingestion of snow or ice, thereby causing engine stall or compressor damage. In addition, ice/frost may form on certain external surfaces (e.g. wing upper and lower surfaces, etc.) due to the effects of cold fuel/structures, even in ambient temperatures well above 0 °C.

(2) Procedures established by the operator for de-icing and/or anti-icing are intended to ensure that the aircraft is clear of contamination so that degradation of aerodynamic characteristics or mechanical interference will not occur and, following anti-icing, to maintain the airframe in that condition during the appropriate HOT.

(3) Under certain meteorological conditions, de-icing and/or anti-icing procedures may be ineffective in providing sufficient protection for continued operations. Examples of these conditions are freezing rain, ice pellets and hail snow exceeding certain intensities, high wind velocity, and fast-dropping OAT. No HOT guidelines exist for these conditions.

(4) Material for establishing operational procedures can be found, for example, in:

(i) ICAO Annex 3 ‘Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation’;

(ii) ICAO ‘Manual of Aircraft Ground De-icing/Anti-icing Operations’;

(iii) SAE AS6285 ‘Aircraft Ground Deicing/Anti-Icing Processes’;

(iv) SAE AS6286 ‘Aircraft Ground Deicing/Anti-Icing Training and Qualification Program’;

(v) SAE AS6332 ‘Aircraft Ground Deicing/Anti-icing Quality Management’;

(vi) SAE ARP6257 ‘Aircraft Ground De/Anti-Icing Communication Phraseology for Flight and Ground Crews’;

(vii) FAA Holdover Time Guidelines

(viii) FAA series Notice ‘Revised FAA-Approved Deicing Program Updates,Winter 20xx-20yy’.

(b) Fluids

(1) Type I fluid: Due to its properties, Type I fluid forms a thin, liquid-wetting film on surfaces to which it is applied which, under certain weather conditions, gives a very limited HOT. For anti-icing purposes the fluid/water mixture should have a freezing point of at least 10 °C below OAT; increasing the concentration of fluid in the fluid/water mix does not provide any extension in HOT.

(2) Type II and Type IV fluids contain thickeners which enable the fluid to form a thicker liquid-wetting film on surfaces to which it is applied. Generally, this fluid provides a longer HOT than Type I fluids in similar conditions.

(3) Type III fluid is a thickened fluid especially intended for use on aircraft with low rotation speeds.

(4) Fluids used for de-icing and/or anti-icing should be acceptable to the operator and the aircraft manufacturer. These fluids normally conform to specifications such as SAE AMS1424 (Type I) or SAE AMS1428 (Types II, III and IV). Use of non-conforming fluids is not recommended due to their characteristics being unknown. The anti-icing and aerodynamic properties of thickened fluids may be seriously degraded by, for example, inappropriate storage, treatment, application, application equipment, age and in case they are applied on top of non-chemically compatible de-icing fluids.

(c) Hold-over protection

(1) Hold-over protection is achieved by a layer of anti-icing fluid remaining on and protecting aircraft surfaces for a period of time. With a one-step de-icing/anti-icing procedure, the HOT begins at the commencement of de-icing/anti-icing. With a two-step procedure, the HOT begins at the commencement of the second (anti-icing) step. The hold-over protection runs out:

(i) at the commencement of the take-off roll (due to aerodynamic shedding of fluid); or

(ii) when frozen deposits start to form or accumulate on treated aircraft surfaces, thereby indicating the loss of effectiveness of the fluid.

(2) The duration of hold-over protection may vary depending on the influence of factors other than those specified in the HOT tables. Guidance should be provided by the operator to take account of such factors, which may include:

(i) atmospheric conditions, e.g. exact type and rate of precipitation, wind direction and velocity, relative humidity and solar radiation; and

(ii) the aircraft and its surroundings, such as aircraft component inclination angle, contour and surface roughness, surface temperature, operation in close proximity to other aircraft (jet or propeller blast) and ground equipment and structures.

(3) HOTs are not meant to imply that flight is safe in the prevailing conditions if the specified HOT has not been exceeded. Certain meteorological conditions, such as freezing drizzle or freezing rain, may be beyond the certification envelope of the aircraft.

NCC.OP.190 Ice and other contaminants – flight procedures

Regulation (EU) No 800/2013

(a) The operator shall establish procedures for flights in expected or actual icing conditions.

(b) The pilot-in-command shall only commence a flight or intentionally fly into expected or actual icing conditions if the aircraft is certified and equipped to cope with such conditions as referred to in 2.a.5 of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008.

(c) If icing exceeds the intensity of icing for which the aircraft is certified or if an aircraft not certified for flight in known icing conditions encounters icing, the pilot-in-command shall exit the icing conditions without delay, by a change of level and/or route, and if necessary by declaring an emergency to ATC.


(a) The procedures to be established by the operator should take account of the design, the equipment, the configuration of the aircraft and the necessary training. For these reasons, different aircraft types operated by the same company may require the development of different procedures. In every case, the relevant limitations are those that are defined in the AFM and other documents produced by the manufacturer.

(b) The operator should ensure that the procedures take account of the following:

(1) the equipment and instruments that should be serviceable for flight in icing conditions;

(2) the limitations on flight in icing conditions for each phase of flight. These limitations may be imposed by the aircraft’s de-icing or anti-icing equipment or the necessary performance corrections that have to be made;

(3) the criteria the flight crew should use to assess the effect of icing on the performance and/or controllability of the aircraft;

(4) the means by which the flight crew