Conversation Aviation Magazine and Safety Learning

12 May 2023

Learning is a key part of safety. It is vital for every organisation to have the right mindset to continuous improvement.  It takes a lot of commitment to want to know what is happening in your operations - where the gap exists between what you imagine and the day-to-day reality. Then when things go wrong, encourage conversations about that, do effective investigations and continually change how you operate to apply what you have learned. Finally, its vital to have a Just Culture to help create the trust your staff needed to feed your organisation's learning. 

Conversation Aviation - Magazine and Other Promotional Material

EASA developed the Conversation Aviation Magazine as a collaborative approach to safety learning for the Commercial Air Transport aeroplane community. The aim is to cover all domains: aerodrome, ATM, cabin crew, flight operations, ground handling and maintenance. 

The magazine is aimed at Safety Managers and we encourage you to use the magazine for promoting safety in your own organisations. You can use any of the articles, rewrite them or adjust them as needed to fit your operation.

Conversation Aviation - Magazine Editions

Here are the links to all the editions of the EASA Conversation Aviation Magazine: 

Collaborative Group and Other Promotional Material

We have established a collaborative group for organisations to get involved in the safety promotion work and to share best practices on how to make safety promotion material. If you are interested to join this group please email the team at

EASA's Annual Safety Review and the European Plan for Aviation Safety - Learning in Action

The other information sources from EASA for safety learning in the CAT aeroplanes domain is through the EASA Annual Safety Review, which outlines the safety performance of the European Aviation system and compares it to the previous 10 years. 

You can also find the full list of safety issues in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS), Volume II. 

The relevant links are: