2023 FAA Technical Standard Order (TSO) Workshop
On-site event
20/09/2023, 08:00 - 17:000 CET (UTC -6)
21/09/2023, 08:00 - 17:000 CET (UTC -6)
The TSO Workshop has continuously grown in popularity and attendance, having been organised on rotation by ANAC/EASA/FAA /TCCA in previous years.
This year FAA is hosting the workshop in Denver, CO.
The workshop has become a regular forum for the worldwide community of TSO manufacturers, installers, and operators, where topics of common interest in the various fields of aviation equipment are presented and discussed, aiming at updating participants, and getting their feedback on industry and authority initiatives concerning operational, design, manufacturing, and regulatory matters with the common scope of fostering safety. Besides FAA, also EASA, TCCA and ANAC representatives actively participate to the event, providing updates on their related activities and on cooperation/bilateral issues. Other CAA representatives may be present.
The event will consist of a general part on day 1, covering topics of general interest for all participants; and two split sessions on day 2, with more detailed discussions in the domain of avionics as well as mechanical systems.
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9-AVS-TSO-QUESTIONS [at] faa.gov