Research and Innovation Programmes

Aviation environmental research is embedded in European, National and industry research programmes. At EU level, most research is currently funded through ‘Horizon Europe’ (2021-2027) with an initial budget of €95.5 billion 

. Aviation specific research contributes primarily to the European Green Deal and the EU’s digital and competitiveness strategies across all three Horizon Europe pillars ( ). 

  • Pillar I: European Research Council science, which often advances the limits of science and technology (e.g. new materials, breakthrough physical processes, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, sensor technologies);
  • Pillar II: Cluster 5 aviation programme has been the foundation of aeronautics research for over 35 years,ncluding relevant partnerships (e.g. Clean Aviation, Clean Hydrogen and SESAR), industry-led technology demonstrators and Cluster 4 synergies (Digital, Industry and Space); and
  • Pillar III: European Innovation Council research actions, with emphasis on supporting and connecting SMEs and the aviation supply chain.

The collaborative and fundamental Pillar II Cluster 5 aviation environmental research develops and derisks technologies up to a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4, to be taken further by Horizon Europe partnerships, national or industry programmes. The current research is focused on:

  • lightweight, multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts
  • holistic digital framework for optimized design, manufacturing and maintenance
  • uncertainties quantification for design, manufacturing and operation
  • ultra-efficient aircraft propulsion
  • electrified and hydrogen-enabled propulsion
  • fuel-flexible combustion systems and cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage
  • better understanding and mitigating non-CO2 emissions, with emphasis on contrails
  • reduction of NOX, and particulate matter emissions
  • Noise reduction technologies and abatement procedures.

One such Horizon Europe project is HESTIA 

 that focuses on increasing the scientific knowledge of the hydrogen-air combustion of future hydrogen-fuelled aero- engines. Another example is BeCoM 
 which addresses the uncertainties related to the forecasting of persistent contrails and their weather-dependent individual radiative effects, in order to develop recommendations on how to implement strategies that enable air traffic management to reduce aviation’s climate impact. Further information on the extensive projects funded under Horizon Europe research programme can be found on the European Commission website 

The Clean Sky 2 projects (2014-2024) had a combined public and private budget of around €4 billion, with EU funding up to €1.75 billion 

. Its objectives were o develop, demonstrate, and accelerate the integration of technologies capable of reducing CO2, NOX and noise emissions by 20 to 30% compared to ‘state-of-the-art’ aircraft in 2014.

The benefits and potential impact from Clean Sky 2 research at the aircraft, airport and fleet level was evaluated through a dedicated Technology Evaluator function with key assessment and reporting duties. The final assessment by the Technology Evaluator was performed in 2024 

 and the results are summarised in  .

Clean AviationClean Aviation was established in November 2021 under EU Horizon Europe to support the EU ambition of climate neutrality by 2050 

. The Clean Aviation programme aims to develop disruptive aircraft technologies that will deliver net greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions of no less than 30%, compared to 2020 state-of-the-art aircraft. The targets have been extended to CO2 and non-CO2 effects (nitrogen oxides, water vapour, particulates, contrails, etc.) and EASA is working with Clean Aviation to convey these benefits in the context of the ICAO Annex 16 environmental certification requirements. The technological and industrial readiness aims to allow deployment of these new aircraft no later than 2035, enabling 75% of the world’s civil aviation fleet to be replaced by 2050.

Clean Aviation will focus on three key areas of hybrid electric and full electric architectures, ultra-efficient aircraft architectures and disruptive technologies to enable hydrogen‑powered aircraft (

). The targeted performance levels are summarised in 

ASD includes 25 major European companies and 25 National Associations as our members, with an overall representation of up to 4 000 companies across 21 European countries. In 2022, ASD Members employed 921 000 people and generated a turnover of €261 billion.

UltraFan® Technology Demonstrator

Rolls-Royce has successfully run its UltraFan® technology demonstrator to maximum power during 2023. The initial stage of the test was conducted using 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). UltraFan® delivers a 10% efficiency improvement over the Trent XWB engine and a 25% efficiency gain since the launch of the first Trent engine. Testing has been supported by various partners, including the EU Clean Sky programmes.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Airbus has performed ground testing to achieve the milestone of running a fuel cell engine concept at full power (1.2 MegaWatts). This is the most powerful fuel cell test ever in the aviation sector, coupling 12 fuel cells to reach the output needed for commercial use. In addition, the Non-Propulsive Energy demonstrator, HyPower, will use a fuel cell containing ten kilograms of gaseous hydrogen generated from renewable sources to produce electricity when tested on board an Airbus A330 in standard operating conditions. It aims to reduce the emissions of CO2, NOX and noise levels associated with a traditional Auxiliary Power Unit (APU).

RISE Open Fan

SAFRAN is developing the CFM RISE Open Fan engine demonstrator combining lightweight equipment and advanced technologies such as hybrid electric systems. An open fan architecture has the potential to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by more than 20% compared to today’s most efficient engines. This advanced, new generation open fan architecture is expected to be able to fly at the same speed as current single-aisle aircraft (up to Mach 0.8) with a noise signature that will meet anticipated future regulations. Flight testing of the RISE Open Fan is being done in collaboration with Airbus using their A380 Flight Test Demonstrator that aims to mature and accelerate the development of advanced propulsion technologies. The programme objectives include enhanced understanding of engine/wing integration and aerodynamic performance as well as propulsive system efficiency gains, evaluating acoustic models, and ensuring compatibility with 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuels