Aircraft maintenance and continuing airworthiness — Restrictive measures Russia

The information included in the frequently asked questions (FAQs) has been coordinated with relevant services of the EU Commission and intends to help and give guidance to national authorities, EU operators and citizens for the implementation of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 and Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. The FAQs do not have binding effect. Under the EU Treaties, Member States are responsible for implementing EU law in their national legal system. In case of individual matters, please contact your competent authority.

The information included in the frequently asked questions (FAQs) has been coordinated with relevant services of the EU Commission and intends to help and give guidance to national authorities, EU operators and citizens for the implementation of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 and Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014. The FAQs do not have binding effect. Under the EU Treaties, Member States are responsible for implementing EU law in their national legal system. In case of individual matters, please contact your competent authority.


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What actions has EASA taken in the domain of aircraft maintenance?

As an organisation approved in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, am I allowed to provide maintenance services to Russian-operated*, -registered, or -owned aircraft which are for use in Russia, including engines, components, and parts thereof?

Is it allowed for a maintenance organisation to provide maintenance services to Russian aircraft subject to the sanctions, including engines, components and parts thereof, to facilitate their storage while they are banned from operating in the EU airspace, e.g. to park aircraft for short-term storage, engine preservation etc.?

Is it allowed for an EU maintenance organisation to perform maintenance in Russia in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 on EU-registered aircraft in order for them to meet the airworthiness requirements necessary for the return flight or in order to meet their leasing return conditions?

Is it allowed for a maintenance organisation approved by EASA under Part-145 to perform maintenance on components and provide such components to a non-EU, non-Russian operator, if this operator operates the aircraft in Russia?

Can maintenance services be provided to aircraft operated by an EU operator that is owned by a Russian citizen/entity?

EASA suspended certain type certificates (TCs) issued to holders in Russia in accordance with the Sanctions Regulations. A maintenance organisation has one of those TCs on its approval. As the competent authority for such a maintenance organisation, do we have to limit or suspend partially the approval of the organisations with respect to the suspended TC?