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ADR.1 Which aerodromes fall under the EASA Basic Regulation and its implementing rules?

ADR.2 Is an extension of the applicability of the EASA rules towards smaller aerodromes planned?

ADR.3 What is the “Certification Basis” of an aerodrome?

ADR.4 When establishing the certification basis of aerodrome, to what extent will the Competent Authority be allowed to take into account the differing environments and location of aerodromes?

ADR.5 What is the Deviation Acceptance and Action Document (DAAD) described in Art. 7 of Regulation 139/2014?

ADR.6 Is it planned to have two different certificates, one for the aerodrome operator and one for the aerodrome infrastructure?

ADR.7 What are the so called “standardisation inspections” by EASA of the competent authorities of the Member States?

ADR.8 Safety Management System (SMS) for aerodrome operators: are the EASA rules regarding this area the same as those required by ICAO in Annex 19?

ADR.9 What are alternative means of compliance (AltMOC)?

ADR.10 Has EASA published design requirements for heliports?

ADR.11 The Basic Regulation – BR (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139) contains provisions for the safety-related aerodrome equipment. Where can I find the rules?

ADR.12 Is it true that EASA will soon be publishing common rules for groundhandling providers and groundhandling services?

ADR.13 When will the rules for Apron Management Services (AMS) finally come out? Note: ICAO also calls such services Apron Control.

ADR.14 Is it correct that Europe has extended powers with respect to the protection of aerodrome surroundings and that this area will be regulated by Europe?

ADR.15 Is there a transition period by which an aerodrome operator has to comply with new or changed certification specifications (CS) for aerodrome design?

ADR.16 What is the underlying definition of “passengers” in the context of exemptions mentioned under Art. 2(7) of the EASA New Basic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139)?

ADR.17 The EASA Basic Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 talks in its Art. 2 (1e) about aerodromes “open to public use”. Can you provide a definition about the meaning of this?

ADR.18 When is EASA going to implement the new Aircraft Classification Rating – Pavement Classification Rating (ACR–PCR) method?