Workshop — Implementation of the Aerodrome ‘Triple One’ Concept
Online event
13/12/2023, 10:00 - 13:00 CET (UTC +1)
airsight GmbH invites all EASA stakeholder representatives in the Aerodromes (ADR) and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) domain to an online webinar that dives into the latest developments and initial findings from the ongoing study on the ‘Triple One’ Concept. This event is hosted by airsight GmbH in cooperation with Brussels Airport Company, who were commissioned by EASA to conduct this study based on the analysis of recent occurrences, interviews, and workshops at aerodromes across Europe.
What is the ‘Triple One’ Concept?
Runway incursions represent one of the most severe incident types in aviation, carrying the potential for runway collisions with catastrophic consequences. As recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI), the adoption of a common communication frequency for runway operations significantly enhances the situational awareness of all stakeholders operating on a runway. Nevertheless, this approach relies on the use of a shared language, i.e. English, to ensure effective communication. By ensuring a comprehensive understanding of events occurring on and around the runway, this concept is intended as an additional safety layer within the aviation system.
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TripleOne [at] airsight.de