A.1 - Which application form should I use?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
A.2 - Do I have to pay?
In general, all EASA certification tasks and service activities are chargeable. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153 of the European Commission requires the Agency to levy fees for the issuance of certificates and approvals and to levy charges for the provision of services.
The applicable Regulation and further information can be found under Fees and charges regulations.
A.3 - When do I have to pay?
Based on your application or based on your Certificate or Approval under the Agency’s surveillance, you shall receive an invoice notifying you of the fee or charge to be paid. (EASA invoices feature the word “Invoice” in the title and an eight-digit document invoice number starting with the digits ‘90’). Please do not pay anything before you have received such an invoice. The Terms of Payment (General Terms of Payment) for all invoices is 30 days.
Invoices are issued depending on the nature of the fee or charge:
- tasks which give rise to the payment of a flat rate: after receipt of the application at EASA;
- tasks which give rise to the payment of a flat rate occurring after the issuance of the certificate (e.g. continued airworthiness activities, oversight activities): before the start of the annual billing cycle;
- tasks which give rise to the payment of fees or charges on an hourly basis: invoicing is either on a quarterly, yearly or monthly basis.
In some cases a payment is required before the project can start or continue; in the case of hourly charging the invoice is based on the estimated number of working hours.
Travel costs are charged as soon as the related data becomes available.
A.4 - Who sets EASA's Fees and Charges?
EASA Fees & Charges are set by the European Commission. They are laid down in Implementing Regulation 2019/2153. A certain number of long-running projects shall still be invoiced in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 319/2014 – please refer to Article 21 Transitional provisions of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153. The Fees and Charges Regulation (EU) is subject to reviews.
A.5 - How much do I have to pay?
Please note that the majority of tasks (e.g. new type certificates, minor/major changes, repairs, supplemental type certificates, organisation approvals) are subject to flat fees and charges as laid down in Part I of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153. Hourly fees and charges apply to tasks that are listed in Part II of the Annex. For projects invoiced on an hourly basis, a quote shall be provided by the Agency upon request of the applicant (applicant.services [at] easa.europa.eu (applicant[dot]services[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)).
A.6 - What are the transition rules for Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153?
Applicability of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 i.a.w. Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, Article 21:
a. New applications received after 1 January 2020
b. Ongoing projects subject to annual flat fees, oversight tasks (surveillance fee), continued airworthiness activities (annual fees) etc.: as from the first billing cycle after 1 January 2020
c. Working hours performed after 1 January 2020
d. Tasks previously charged on hourly basis for which flat fees are applicable as of the entry into force of the new regulation (surveillance fees): as from 1 January 2020
e. Annual indexation: as from 1 January 2021
f. In the cases referred to in Table 5 and Table 6 of Part I of the Annex as well as in respect of organisation approval fees and device qualification approval fees referred to in Table 14 of Part I of the Annex, fees and charges relating to applications ongoing at the entry into force of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 shall be calculated according to Part II of the Annex until completion of the tasks resulting from those applications.
g. Travel costs for missions started after 1 January 2020 shall be charged based on the provisions of the new regulation.
A.8 - How much do I have to pay if I withdraw or interrupt my application or if the Agency terminates the certification task or service?
- For those tasks referred to in Tables 1, 2, 3, 6 (point (1) of Part I of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, levied per application and per period of 12 months, the balance of any fees or charges due for the ongoing 12-month period shall be 1/365th of the relevant annual fee/charge per day. They shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working, together with any other amounts due at that time, such as travel costs. For the periods preceding the ongoing 12-month period, the applicable fees remain due.
- For those tasks referred to in Tables 4, 5, 6 (point (2) and 15 of Part I of the Annex and for fixed fees referred to in Part II of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, levied per application, the balance of any fees due shall be 50 % of the applicable fee. They shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working, together with any other amounts due at that time, such as travel costs.
- For approval fees referred to in Tables 9 to 14 of Part I of the Annex, levied per application, the balance of any fees due, shall be calculated on an hourly basis but shall not exceed the applicable flat fee. They shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working, together with any other amounts due at that time, such as travel costs.
- For fees referred to in Part II of the Annex, levied on an hourly basis, the balance of any fees due shall be calculated on an hourly basis;
- For other services, all costs shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working.
Where an interruption of the performance of a task related to an application takes effect within the first billing cycle, the fees for that billing cycle shall not be reimbursed. Where such interruption takes effect after the first billing cycle, the balance of any fees due shall be calculated in accordance with the above mentioned criteria.
In the event that a project is reactivated automatically after the expiration of the interruption period or at the request of the applicant, the task shall be charged a new fee/charge, irrespective of the fees/charges already paid for the interrupted task.
(Reference: Articles 10 and 16 of the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153)
A.9 - How much do I have to pay if I apply for the re-issuance of certificates and documents?
- One hour shall be charged if documents are reissued without technical involvement, on request of the applicant e.g. in order to replace lost originals
- One hour shall be charged if documents are reissued on request of the applicant in the context of technical changes which do not require a project involvement of the Agency (e.g. amended TCs following minor changes by TC-holder DOAs)
- One hour shall be charged to reflect editorial changes (e.g. change of company name)
- One hour shall be charged for grandfathered documents to be reissued in the EASA format without technical involvement
A.10 - What reference should I include with my bank transfer?
You should indicate only the document number shown on the invoice. EASA invoices feature the word “Invoice” in the title and an eight-digit document invoice number starting with the digits ‘90’. It is very important to use the correct reference - if you do not provide the invoice number or a payment advice - EASA shall be obliged to return the payment to you, at your expense.
Please remember that EASA does not accept cash, cheques and credit card payments nor payments in currencies other than Euro. Only wire transfers in EURO are acceptable means of payment.
A.11 - Why does EASA need my bank details?
This is required in case we need to process a refund. The required information is contained in the EASA Third Party Financial Information form, which is included at the end of each application form. If your details change, you should provide the EASA with a new EASA Third Party Financial Information form.
A.12 - Do I have to fill in the EASA Third Party Financial Information form for subsequent applications?
No, as the EASA Third Party Financial Information for your organisation has been registered in our database with your first application, unless the information has changed there is no need to fill in the form again.
A.7 - How is the inflation rate applied?
For Fees and Charges applicable under Commission Regulation (EU) 319/2014: In accordance with Chapter I Article 3(4) and Chapter VI Article 19(1)(d), all Fees and Charges indicated in Parts I and II of the Annex shall be indexed by the inflation rate yearly on 1 January - starting on 1 January 2015.
Date | Indexation rate (%) | Accumulated Factor |
01/01/2015 | 0.7 | 1.007 |
01/01/2016 | 0.0 | 1.007 |
01/01/2017 | 0.1 | 1.00801 |
01/01/2018 | 1.5 | 1.02313 |
01/01/2019 | 1.8 | 1.04154 |
For Fees and Charges applicable under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153: In accordance with Article 3, all Fees and Charges indicated in Parts I, II and IIa of the Annex shall be indexed by the inflation rate yearly on 1 January - starting on 1 January 2021.
Date | Indexation rate (%) | Accumulated Factor |
01/01/2021 | 1.0 | 1.010 |
01/01/2022 | 1.7 | 1.027 |
01/01/2023 | 7.7 | 1.106 |
01/01/2024 | 8.3 | 1.198 |
01/01/2025 |
2,8 |
1,232 |