What is the EASA policy on Certificates of Release to Service for aircraft maintenance? With respect to such maintenance, what are the responsibilities of maintenance organisations and CAMO?

What is the EASA policy on Certificates of Release to Service for aircraft maintenance? With respect to such maintenance, what are the responsibilities of maintenance organisations and CAMO?


EASA issued on December 17, 2015 a paper to answer these questions; please see the link here: “EASA policy on Certificates of Release to Service for aircraft maintenance and associated responsibilities of maintenance organisations and CAMOs”.
Since that time, several regulations, including the ones below were adopted, amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.:

1.    Regulation (EU) 2018/1142, introducing certain categories of aircraft maintenance licences; 
2.    Regulation (EU) 2019/1383, introducing new Annexes to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014:
•    Part-CAMO;
•    Part-CAO for non-complex aircraft 
•    Part-ML for light aircraft defined in Article 3(2).

The intent of that paper is still valid in describing the principles of EASA’s position on the following questions:
-    Continuing airworthiness responsibilities, including maintenance (chapter 1)
-    How many CRS can or should be issued (chapter 3)
-    What does it mean that “there are no non-compliances which are known to endanger flight safety” (chapter 4)

However, questions on roles and responsibilities of certifying staff and support staff (chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8) are now addressed in an updated paper dated March 2023 that is available in FAQ n° 137750.

Last updated

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