As an approved training organisation (ATO) / organisation operating flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) subject to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and having my principal place of business outside the EU territory, am I allowed to provide either theoretical or practical training, in an FSTD or in an aircraft, to Russian citizens?
ATOs and organisations operating FSTDs that have their principal place of business (PPoB) outside the European Union are reminded that the privileges of their ATO approval or FSTD qualification certificate are to provide training, or to use the device for the purpose of obtaining a pilot licence, rating or certificate in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011. When receiving requests from Russian citizens, these organisations should first verify whether it would be possible for an EU Member State to issue licences to these applicants, after completion of the training, testing or checking. EU Member States have certain restrictions in terms of issuing licenses to Russian citizens.
Furthermore, these organisations are also reminded that their training sites or FSTDs located within the territory of the European Union are fully subject to the restrictions of the Sanctions Regulations, hence they should apply the same principles as the organisations having their PPoB in the Member States. Therefore, please also consult the FAQs relevant to EU organisations.
Finally, as regards practical training, organisations should keep in mind that the Sanctions Regulations also apply on board any aircraft under the jurisdiction of an EU Member State (e.g. registered in an EU Member State).