What should an air navigation service provider (ANSP) expect to receive from a design or production organisation (DPO) for minor changes that are not notifiable to EASA and do not result in an update to the certification, and is the ANSP still expected to

What should an air navigation service provider (ANSP) expect to receive from a design or production organisation (DPO) for minor changes that are not notifiable to EASA and do not result in an update to the certification, and is the ANSP still expected to notify these minor updates as changes to the functional system?


The DPO is eligible to design and implement minor changes to its CERT/DECL equipment, but has to notify these changes to EASA in any case.
The DPO is required to communicate to the ANSP any update to the technical manuals and maintenance instructions of the equipment. 
The ANSP is responsible to notify a change to the functional system in accordance with the change management procedure approved by the competent authority, which may or may not require prior approval.

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