My organisation has to comply with Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (the ‘NIS 2 Directive’). Does it also have to comply with Part-IS or is it considered covered?
My organisation has to comply with Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (the ‘NIS 2 Directive’). Does it also have to comply with Part-IS or is it considered covered?
According to the Guidelines provided by the European Commission on ‘sector-specific Union legal acts’, Part-IS does not fall under the category of ‘Lex Specialis’ (refer to Article 4 of the NIS 2 Directive). This is mainly due to the specific scope of the information security management system (ISMS) legislation as compared to the broader approach of the NIS 2 Directive. However, EASA is working with the European Commission to have Part-IS compliance ‘credited’ in the context of NIS 2 compliance. This can be achieved either during the incorporation of the Directive into national legislation or during the implementation phase. Further guidance on this topic will be provided in 2025.
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