Accountable Manager Training incl. CAA Assessment Preparation
Competent personnel is essential to establish, manage and operate safe air transportation systems. The training of aviation professionals plays a critical role in achieving safety objectives and in implementing high-quality standards in civil aviation.
Our training helps businesses operate safely and efficiently while implementing sustainability and building career opportunities for the people they employ.
AIRconomics Vision
To be the leader in developing professionals for tomorrow's air transport industry.
AIRconomics Mission
To provide high-quality training to our customers worldwide (EASA and FAA compliant).
Training Information
Subject: Accountable Manager Training
Targetgroup: Accountable Managers (Assessment Preparation)
Duration: 1 day - online
Language: English or German
Our Contact Details:
AIRconomics GmbH
Phone: +49-2942-9857700
It looks like an excellent training.
It must be awosome.
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