NEW research project launched - CYBER - Aviation resilience - cybersecurity threat landscape
EASA and a consortium led by Deep Blue SRL and Airbus Protect signed in July 2024 a research contract on Aviation resilience – cybersecurity threat landscape funded by Horizon Europe.
The research project, called CYBER, has received a budget of 1.3M€ under the European Union's Horizon Europe Work programme 2023-2024. The project will be implemented over the next 2 years. EASA is acting as the technical and contracting authority.
The EASA project team is led by Cyrille Rosay as the Senior Cyber Security Expert, supported by a team of experts from the Strategy and Safety Management Directorate (SM) and the Certification Directorate (CT):
- Davide Martini - Senior Expert - Cybersecurity (Aviation)
- Jean-Paul Moreaux - Principal Coordinator - Cybersecurity (Aviation)
- Gerry Ngu - Senior Expert - Cybersecurity (Aviation)
- Vasileios PAPAGEORGIOU - Junior Expert - Cybersecurity (Aviation)
- Borja GARCIA-BLANCO CASTRO - Cybersecurity Expert
Further support is provided by:
- Gian Andrea Bandieri SM1 (Project owner) - Sect. Manager - Cybersecurity in Aviation & Emerging Risks
- Simone Schwerdorf – SM2 - Project Manager – Research & Innovation
- Bianca Braun – ED.2 - Procurement Assistant
The CYBER project follows the assumption that identifying cybersecurity threats having potential negative impact on the safety of flight operations is a necessary step to ensure the safety of passengers and operators.
The scope includes connected systems (airborne and ground) dependant on external digital signals or Position Navigation and Time (PNT) services:
- for digital communication,
- for flight control,
- for system management (installation, update, maintenance, decommission),
- for other types of operation (e.g. flight preparation).
Furthermore, the scope includes generic functional architectures for aircraft, ground and space systems and does not focus on specific design.
The expected outcome of this research project is to gain a better understanding of the information security risk in aviation having potential negative impact on safety. This knowledge should contribute to the on-going implementation of a roadmap towards a more resilient aviation system.
The CYBER team will report on the project developments, milestones, and key deliverables – Follow us on this community!
This new research project will build on our previous research activity "Impact Assessment of Cybersecurity Threats (IACT)", whose report was published in 2018 and can be found at this link:…
IACT was an amazing piece of work, anticipating some of the threat scenarios that have recently materialised, so we have set our expectations very high for the outcome of this new research activity. We look forward to seeing the first results!
You raised the expectations :)
We can gladly contribute to the project if needed.
Great initiative!
I would love to participate if only there was an opportunity.
Thanks Davide for the link!
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