Dominique Piepers posted in Air Operations
Dear aviation colleagues,
I would like to hear your thoughts on following topic regarding Low Visibility Operations.
According AMC3 SPA.LVO.100(b) Table 6 when performing CAT2 approach on a runway with 2 or more RVR assessment units one may be operative.
Imagine following scenario where the MID and ROLL OUT RVR assessment unit are U/S. You perform a landing distance computation and the calculated landing distance is within 2/3 of the landing distance available meaning you will not enter the third part of the runway.
Although the table states that only 1 RVR assessment unit can be U/S, you know that you don’t need the ROLL OUT RVR.
Is it allowed to perform the approach and so disregarding requirements in the Table 6, or will the airport not allow LVP’s when two RVR assessments units are U/S?
Thank you for your inputs/considerations.
As it is not relevant, it is not required. So only one RVR would be enough.
In my opinion having 2 reports pts below mins represent an high probability of having the touch down soon as well blow minimum.
Thus 2 reports abv minimum should be available
Buenos días. En el escenario que planteas, hay dos medidores de RVR U/S. Al hacer los cálculos de performance y se estima que se aterrice en el los 2/3 de la pista, el RVR de 3/3 podría estar inoperativo, pero NO el del 2/3 ya que vas a aterrizar en ese tercio de la pista y lo necesitarías para el aterrizaje.
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