In memory of David Cockburn, The Honourable Company of Air Pilots, formerly the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators (GAPAN)

David Cockburn passed away in January 2024.
I had the privilege to work with him in the European General Aviation Safety Team (EGAST) co-chaired by John Vincent and then Dominique Roland, and James Black.
EGAST closed in 2016 and safety promotion was then transferred to the EASA GA Advisory Bodies, with many other roles to perform.

This is a picture of my personal copy of the pre-series dated 2017 of the GAPAN EASA PPL(A) Instructor's lesson Guide, co-authored by David.

David Cockburn was a fine gentleman, a passionate aviator and an inspired writer.
He will be remembered.

Vladimir FOLTIN

It is with great sadness I have heart of David's passing.
He was a long-standing member of the EASA GA community and an active contributor, but more importantly, he was a nice and welcoming person who was great to work with. He will be missed. RIP


David and I were both observers in GA/TEB and GA/COM, I also had the privilege to share his military-civilian instructor’s experience and beyond that to compare interpretation of rules on both sides of the channel.
We became much closed friends, and during the last dinner he said:”Jean Pierre: I am dying, there is no medical treatment available, ..and he added… we are all dying … take care.

Karel Abbenes

during the last EASA GA meeting we were having a beer after the meeting. He told us about his illness. He was ready for the next step he told us. It was with great sadness that we were informed about his passing. Strength to his family!

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