Hi, I am looking for the NPA from which COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2020/2193 (amending Aircrew regulation) originated, as well as the associated CRD... and am not able to find any of them.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Boudewijn Deuss

It isn't easy. Start on the EASA website and put 2020/2193 in the search bar at the top. This brings you to the Commission Implementing Regulation.
At the bottom of that page is the EASA Opinion 08/2019(A) &(B), on which the rule was built.
Click on that Opinion and it takes you to the proposal for this rule change. Again at the bottom of that page you will find the related NPA's (2018-07 and 2016-19).
When you click on those NPA it brings you to the page where all the information is. NPA and CRD (At the bottom again :()
Hope this helps.

Axel-Stéphane Smorgrav

Thanks, Boudewijn. I have been there, and done that. However, I cannot find any references to for example FCL.035 (a) (4) in any of those NPAs... I have also looked in a bunch of prior NPAs where I have not found anything either, hence my question.

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