Hi regarding FI revalidation FCL.940.FI you have to fly in the 50 hours in the appropriate aircraft category as FIs, TRIs, CRIs, IRIs, MIs or examiners, So you are given credit for flying Gliders as an instructor.
In the SFCL.360.FI Recency requirements you are given no credit for working as a FI in the above catagorys ??? Why not ?
Anybody have a opinion regarding that ? or is it just the SFCL thar has to be updated ?

Wolfgang Pieles

Hi helidoctor,
where can you find to be given credit for instruction time as an FI(S) towards time required for revalidation of an FI(A) rating?
As I read FCL and SFCL regarding instruction time, the FI revalidation is separate for each aircraft category (airplane / glider), the instructor refresher training can be combined (FI(A) one day more than FI(S)).
Kind regards

Thomas Rudolf Wendl

Hi helidoctor,
you asked a question which is not allowed in bureaucracy: Why not?
I am FI(A) and FI(S) but I have to show my competence that I can instruct/teach students twice, for airplanes every six years, for gliders every nine years.
That`'s why! :((
I guess airplane students are somehow different to glider students!??


Thomas R W. EASA has to reconsider that a student is a student, we can still count hours in “any aircraft” but in some way to learn a student in the regulations are from a learning objective different, still flying is flying to me like stall are still stall in any aircraft / glider / UL /… we are just struggling with different levels of learning mentality in the different communities.

Thomas Rudolf Wendl

Manfred, in the United States they call it „fundamentals of instructing“ (FOI). No one would have doubts when I know HOW to instruct that there will be a difference between different aircraft classes in instructing. That I know HOW to teach/fly certain objectives is „tested“ in my class ratings.
As a FAA-rated FI I have NOT to renew my different instructor ratings I just renew THE instructor rating.

Absolutely nonsense. But you can’t argue with bureaucracy. Not only in Europe.

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