Hello everyone.
I am a pilot student in some trouble.

Fellow student as well as myself are in a tough situation.
Our School may go bankrupt and we are scared for our licences.
We are integrated student, we all have The theory ATPL and we are wondering if we could loose it in case of a school closure.

If any body can answers me or refer me to a person that could it will be much appreciated.
thank you.

Michael Haunzwickl

Dear Theo,

according to EASA regulation, every flight school (at least the ATOs) shall have a process to hand over student files to another flight school in case of the student wants to/has to leave the ATO and finish his/her education in another EASA flight school.

On the other side, the new ATO shall have a process to integrate students which are already experienced in a certain way.

Usually, this works by getting your student file (filled, signed, and up to date) from the old ATO and handing it over to the new one. The integration process will be started with a status flight (to see if all the requirements are fulfilled by you as a student up to a certain level of flight training). Your theoretical ATP will prove the theory part I guess (depending on the integration process of the new ATO) - and then you will finish your training in the new ATO.

The only "bad thing" which might happen is that you currently don't fulfill training level standards according to your hours in relation to the standards of the new ATO. This might lead to some additional training to close that gap.

I hope that helps you, if you need further info or help I am directly reachable at info@flysafe.at
All the best, Happy Landings

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