Would would it take for EASA to create a index on the site like this?


That would finding information soooo much easer.

I am looking for that document in the EASA website but google is lost on this site, and the search function of Easa itself does not find any site (I am not looking for PDF's...)

Document I am looking for is Part-NCO

Hartmut Beil

What would it take for EASA to create a index on the site like this?
Service thinking would be needed at first.
Second is realizing that their regulations are almost not accessible and thus creating a problem rather solving one and wanting to solve a problem.
Third is money


Is the Easy Access Rules what you are hoping for? For example if you go to the navigation at the left side of the link below it is exactly laid out like the Part Aero link you posted.

Such is our customer service approach that we also create XML versions of the rules so that others (like Part Aero) can use the material in their own websites.

The second link are all the Easy Access Rules in case you want to see all our rules in that format.

Let me know if this is what were hoping for. If not then I can feedback to the web team. If it is and you were not aware then looks like we need some more promotion of them. Also perhaps some better signposts on the EASA homepage.



R. van Twisk

hey John,

the first link works, but I have no idea how to get there from the home page, it's to confusing..

But that said, if I search for "VMC at Night" https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/document-library/easy-access-rules/online…

No results at all.

When I search for "NCO.IDE.H.120" Rules Amendment Status https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/document-library/easy-access-rules/online…

I am not interested in that

Searching for SERA.5005

It does not give any document

But I would expect it to come up with https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/document-library/easy-access-rules/online…

Note: there is no SERA.5005 in the URL, even google had a hard time vinding the document

Searching for Visual FLight Rules:

Totally not relevant.
I expected something like this:

I can only speak for myself, but I find it very hard to find something based on good keywords. the search often find things they are not relevant, or nothing at all.

Again, I do want to thank you for your response, and I think the feedback to the web design team and web team in general is :

1) make the site accessible for every day Joe .
2) make it more snappy, it's not responsive (understandable because it's written in PHP)
3) Don't show me proposals, amendments, revisions, history unless I ask for it.
4) Cover regulation or definitions, unless I ask for it, or shows it as a search result but not relevant.
5) Lastly, the webdevelopers should try the site for themselve instead of pushing new features out. Pretent you are a pilot or other persons and you need to look for something. Or better, do a test with somebody new to the site and ask them to search for documents so the web developers can see what is happening.

I am just a PPL(A) pilot so I don't come here often, but when I want to know something it's for me near impossible to find the right document.

Just my 3 cents :)
have safe landings!

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