For applicants, it is difficult to see which documents have been uploaded, reviewed or validated by the Product Certification Manager or EASA panel experts. Sepiac is a good idea but needs improvements
Sharepoint offers the “Alerting systems” where every user can set-up notifications on files or libraries. In addition, the status metadata provide an indication of the review status and the new Project dashboard introduced with Release 2 allows users to see the global status panel by panel. Future releases will introduce Workflows which would allow a more punctual review/approval status for documents.
Who is responsible for closing the project in SEPIAC?
The EASA PCM makes the decision to close the project. The technical closure is performed after communication with the PCM by the SEPIAC team
Please can you advise where and when DOA training on SEPIAC will be held?
Currently we have no regular training sessions scheduled, nevertheless any Applicant can request via their PCM or functional mailbox (sepiac-support [at] ) a dedicated training (stating that SEPIAC does not cover specific Design Organisation Approval processes). We can then schedule it onsite, at EASA or by Webex according to the Applicant needs. If we start to receive many request we could think for the future to schedule some regular sessions.
Sepiac is not used or misused by a lot of EASA PCM and experts. Today we have to use both Sepiac and e-mail. It is really inefficient and time consuming!
We can work to improve the platform, provide support and information to all the users… but unfortunately not make it mandatory for people to use the tool in a certain way.
What is the intention of EASA regarding the communication channel to be used in the framework of certification projects? Shall all the communication be done via Sepiac? Or will Sepiac and e-mail be there?
When a project is managed in SEPIAC, all the related communications that are worthy of being recorded should be managed in SEPIAC. This does not prohibit to use email for all other kind of communications such as organization and planning of meetings.