M.B.605 Findings

Regulation (EU) 2019/1383

(a) When during audits or by other means evidence is found showing non-compliance with a requirement laid down in this Annex or Annex Vb (Part-ML), the competent authority shall take the following actions:

1. For level 1 findings, immediate action shall be taken by the competent authority to revoke, limit or suspend in whole or in part, depending upon the extent of the level 1 finding, the maintenance organisation approval, until successful corrective action has been taken by the organisation.

2. For level 2 findings, the competent authority shall grant a corrective action period appropriate to the nature of the finding that shall not be more than three months. In certain circumstances, at the end of this first period and subject to the nature of the finding, the competent authority can extend the three month period subject to a satisfactory corrective action plan.

(b) Action shall be taken by the competent authority to suspend in whole or part the approval in case of failure to comply within the timescale granted by the competent authority.