CS AWO.B.SACATI.113 Flight path and speed control

ED Decision 2022/007/R

(a) Flight path and speed control shall comply with the specifications of CS AWO.B.CATII.113 down to 45 m (150 ft).

(b) The demonstration of performance shall include performance at the lateral and vertical limits for the type of intended approach that certification is being sought.

(c) The maximum allowable final approach course offset shall be established.

[Issue: CS-AWO/2]

AMC AWO.B.SACATI.113 Flight demonstration

ED Decision 2022/007/R

Refer to AMC AWO.B.CATII.113 for the AMC for performance demonstration of SA CAT I.

In addition to AMC AWO.B.CATII.113, for novel or new combinations of navigation means (facilities external to the aircraft) and visual displays/cues, it should be demonstated that it is possible to successfully and safely land the aircraft after the DA/H using the selected navigation means and visual displays/cues. This could be achieved by a proof of concept demonstration in representative weather and visual conditions in at least a simulated environment.

[Issue: CS-AWO/2]

CS AWO.B.SACATI.114 Decision height (DH)

ED Decision 2022/007/R

The DH shall not be less than 1.25 times the minimum permissible height for the use of the approach system. (See AMC 25.1329)

[Issue: CS-AWO/2]

CS AWO.B.SACATI.115 Excess-deviation alerts

ED Decision 2022/007/R

(a) Excess-deviation alerts shall operate when the deviation from the intended flight path exceeds a value from which a safe landing can be performed from offset positions equivalent to the excess-deviation alert, without exceptional piloting skill and with the visual references available in these conditions.

(See AMC AWO.B.CATII.115(a))

(b) Excess-deviation alerts shall be set to operate with a delay of not more than 1 second from the time that the values determined in point (a) are exceeded.

(c) Excess-deviation alerts shall be active at least from 90 m (300 ft) to the DH, but the vertical path alert should not provide nuisance alert below 45 m (150 ft).

[Issue: CS-AWO/2]

CS AWO.B.SACATI.116 Go-around climb gradient

ED Decision 2022/007/R

The AFM shall contain either a weight, altitude, temperature (WAT) limit corresponding to a gross climb gradient of 2.5 %, with the critical engine failed and with the speed and configuration used for go-around, or the information necessary to construct a go-around gross flight path with an engine failure at the start of the go-around from the DH.

[Issue: CS-AWO/2]